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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:58 am
The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) HEADER_sample-f01c9f80a839a93a9db71488695e1ab4

How long had it been since Santa had been among these sands?
Stepping out into the sand, she couldn't help but feel a slow, sweeping melancholy fall over her shoulders. She'd spent so much time in the word of the living. In the Valley of Screams. That the plain blaring sands seemed so very alien. And yet still so familiar.

Those eternal, unfeeling sands, and that apathetic moon. They were exactly as she remembered them.
Even having lost all the people she'd lost.
Having suffered as much as she had.
Hueco Mundo was still just the same.
It was the same feeling that the rest of the world seemed to have. But somehow, this was a kinder landscape. The sands didn't remember anything, and so the man who had sacrificed himself did not feel so out of place in her mind here. Here, she could clear her mind.

Here she could figure out.
Just what was she supposed to do from here?

She wasn't sure.
So for now, she simply began to walk.
And Think.
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:52 am
(‘The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco


Accusatory: that is the only way that such a word could be spoken. Emotionless emerald eyes stared from across the desert, focusing on the familiar figure. It has been some time, and one could only ponder what could bring an individual who had chosen their path back to old trodden lands. Ichigo, and now this? It seems Tier has a knack for running into a person once they've reached a low point. Maybe her own path as a mediator has shifted the worlds for this particular reason.

"A look like that, even it could make it rain in this forsaken world."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:53 am
The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) HEADER_sample-f01c9f80a839a93a9db71488695e1ab4

That familiar voice. A voice that had, at one point, inspired .... a good many things in her. Affection. Fear. Admiration .But now, Santa just gave a tired glance in the shark's direction as they spoke out to her. And for a moment, she was confused as to what she meant about how she looked, before she realized how ..... zoned out she probably seemed. She felt worse than she probably looked. And Santa stared off into space as the thought crossed her mind.

And she felt guilty. After all of that bravado. How ashamed Mazda would be if he could see her now. She took a slow breath and straightened herself a little. But she didn't try to fake a smile.
"I'm not lost. I'm just walking." She responded softly. Closing her eyes for a moment before looking back to Tier. "I don't want to cause any trouble."
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:18 pm
(‘The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"You've changed," Tier responded, feeling a difference between the Arrancar from then to now. The very fact that Santa responded in such a sly manner already cemented the power that time has, the shift in both of their personalities. Eyes slightly narrowing, Tier turned, the cape behind her fluttering in the windless air.

"Come. This is still Hueco Mundo, a barren wasteland that doesn't care for taking lives. You will find it easier to walk without the constant weight of death on your shoulders."

That's probably the best you'll get out of Tier when it comes to inviting someone for small talk.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:27 pm
The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) HEADER_sample-f01c9f80a839a93a9db71488695e1ab4

Santa smiled tiredly as she glanced at Tier up and down. "I guess. But you seem to be a little different too. And not just your outfit.I like it. Even if it does hide your mask." She smiled, a shadow of the warmth it used to hold, but still, it wasn't as cold as someone else. Even as she was, Santa would never be without that glimmer of warmth to her. She looked around and chuckled softly. The idea of being in danger in Hueco Mundo still was a little funny to her. But she understood that Tier was being nice. And so she nodded and moved closer, so that they could walk together.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." She noted softly. Frankly , Tier was probably the greatest danger to her well being. But ...she was just too tired to care about that. She'd sent Ajora away. Verdada had chosen her own path. And ....well. She didn't quite feel like she belonged with the Vandenreich. As much..... as that would have been a continuation of Mazda's wishes. She just didn't have it in her. So, Tier making her offer, she simply accepted it without question. Though, as they started to walk, she couldn't help but giggle a little to herself.

"So, why the change in outfit?"
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Left_bar_bleue0/0The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:15 pm
(‘The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"As time changes, so do we. It's best to let go of the past at some point."

Her past is the Espada and her outfit was a major part of those times. It was only natural that it would change as she did. Now, with her new role as a sort of Queenly figure, something regal proved appropriate. Though, it is Santa. As professional as Tier becomes, she would not deny that this woman is someone she could at least lessen her strictness with.

"Though, I found the white appealing enough, so it stayed."

That's all Santa will get. Tier won't go into how she thinks the covering on her face made her feel dignified and cooler. The way it exemplified her stoic personality proved a beneficial bonus. However, this would all prove unbeneficial for them both if they dallied too long without diving into more serious conversation. Tier would begin them on that path, as one would expect.

"I take it your time with the Quincy has been enlightening."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:28 pm
The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) HEADER_sample-f01c9f80a839a93a9db71488695e1ab4

Santa nodded lightly and giggled once again as Tier gave her explanation of why the white stayed. But she was ....happy. Sortof.... She WAS happy for Tier for moving forward. even if she felt as if she herself were stuck. If nothing else, she was happy for the woman. "the white does look good on you." she affirmed. And almost stopped in her tracks as Tier mentioned the Quincy.

And ....

What was there to say?
Her involvement with the quincy had revolved around a man whom no longer existed. And Likely, tier would not even recognize if she were to explain it. There was.... really nothing she could say about the man she'd fallen for and lost. She would sound crazy to say the least. And so she ...hesitated. "I .... learned a lot. It wasn't what I expected. But .....I didn't belong there. I thought about joining them. But .... it didn't work out. They want the same thing I do. Even if it's not for the same reasons. ..." She stared off into the distance. "For all the talk I had. I've wound up with nothing to show for it." She noted softly, a small rueful smile on her face as she looked to Tier.

"I didn't get stronger. I didn't get closer to any of my goals. I didn't ....accomplish much of anything."
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Left_bar_bleue0/0The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:42 pm
(‘The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Then that means there is much left to do," Tier responded, stopping in her tracks. "We are beings unchained by age. We have eternity to figure it out."

Static in the back of her head, Tier couldn't help but feel like she is missing something, as if key information in her head had been meddled with. Maybe it is her connection to powers beyond her understanding or just her general strength, but she had always felt that something had happened around her. She's unsure of what, but with Santa here, she could feel a strong restlessness as she tried to recall the times she spent with the blonde Arrancar. One moment in particular felt out of place and distorted; something relating to a new look that Santa once sported that feels more like something from a dream than reality.

"I am here for you, however. It is the least I can do, for you."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:58 pm
The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) HEADER_sample-f01c9f80a839a93a9db71488695e1ab4

Santa couldn't help but smile fondly at that. She looked down at Tier and couldn't help but be a bit enamored. For all of the ....strangeness about the woman. Santa had always felt that tier was trying to help. Even when it had come down to threats.... she had still understood that in some way, Tier was trying to look out for her. That, frankly..had been what had hurt the most. But everything hurt. So it was easier to look back on. As the two of them came to a stop, Santa .....stared at Tier for a moment. As if truly looking at her.

"You mean that...." She murmured softly. As if only just now realizing it. She wasn't sure how to feel about it. But ......well. What did she have to lose in trusting Tier now? A faint smile crossed her lips and Santa sighed, taking a few steps toward the other woman, and if allowed, gently wrapping her arms around the other woman. Her eyes closing as she, for just a moment, tried to just....forget. As if this woman could be some shelter in the storm of her life. However small. However brief.

At least.... it was something.

"Thank you, Tier." She murmured softly, doing her best not to smother the smaller woman with her chest by accident as she took a moment of comfort.
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The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) Empty Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)

Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:31 am
(‘The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

This is familiar. Tier's been in this situation before. It's one of those moments where she remembers that she's shorter than Santa. For some reason, she always found herself forgetting that detail until it's literally in her face, but, like the other times, Tier simply let Santa do as she please. Not even being as she is now seemed enough to stop her from denying Santa the amount of intimacy the blonde always forced. If anything, after so long of working hard on her goals, a bit of sudden comforting respite wasn't too bad.

"You are welcome, Santa."

With all the time in the world, Tier did not attempt to hurry Santa along, allowing the woman to take as much as necessary to feel better.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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