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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:45 am
It took a bit longer than perhaps she expected. She knew that this wasn't really Tier's ..... thing. This affection. But even knowing that, she was happy that the woman she was. And thinking back, there was quite a bit that the woman had tolerated. And after several long moments, Santa peeled away from the woman and looked to her apologetically. "I'm sorry. I forget you're not really a touchy person. But thank you for letting that." She noted softly, in no real hurry to keep walking again. It wasn't as if they had a destination to get to. Walking. Standing around. It was all the same in these sands. None of it really mattered.
"So. I know my little...adventure didn't really go much of anywhere..." A soft pain from the lie she had to tell. "..What about you? What have you been doing since I last saw you?"
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:50 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
"I have been busy searching for the world you shared with me," Tier answered, truthful in every aspect.
The world around them isn't the same as it was before. Despite Tier warning Santa of dangers lurking, there proved none. Every passing hour, another Hollow comes to understand that life can be more than just endless violence and a sea of death. The journey is long and hard, but it is one that Tier undertakes, a hope that her world could be just as beautiful as the one the other retreated to. Then, maybe, the two worlds could come to understand one another, find a peace that none thought possible.
"I am sorry, Santa, that things were left the way they were."
There is no point in living in the past, for the future will not slow down to let one ruminate. Tier knows what she did, what she's done. She cannot take it back, but she can do better and hope it is enough to rebuild broken bonds. What she no longer has should not stop her from gaining more, and it should not stop her from becoming more. Unironically, she has Santa's whimsicality to thank for helping her become more than just a relic. However, Tier can see that her friend has lost the very thing that left the Arrancar impressed.
"I am not here to pry or to force you into anything, but it is impossible."
Tier's hand moved, her arm raising as she placed her fingers gently on Santa's shoulder. Her stoic gaze faltered, and for a second, everything Tier wished to know flooded out through her gaze alone. All the questions asking if Santa's okay, what is wrong, who harmed her, and what could be done about it became as clear as a Hueco Mundo's sky.
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:30 am
Santa's eyes widened slightly, surprise written across her face at Tier's reply. The world she .... Her mind raced back, and for just a moment, she was reminded of that trip they had taken. Of the things she'd.....tried to share with Tier. Tere had been other occassions. Other little visits to the world of the living, attempts at bringing things to Tier. Santa had made quite the concerted effort to pull Tier up from her despair. But it had always felt like she never made any ground. The pain of loss had always seemed to get in the way.
And then Tier spoke of how things had been left off. And that was far fresher in Santa's mind. She certainly recalled the weapon drawn on her. The warning given by the Espada. And she couldn't help but give a nervous smile. "I understood why you did it," She trailed quietly., but really it was the contact that caught her off guard next. They had made contact before. Always at Santa's behest. Hugs. Gentle touches. All manner of things that always left Santa feeling....guilty. Because each and every time, Tier shrank or tensed from it. This, was the first time that she could remember Tier reaching for her. And for a moment.... she was very still. As if afraid of scaring that hand away.
She was quiet for several long seconds, catching Tier's gaze and realizing that the woman wanted to know what had happened. And ....... Santa didn't know what to say. What COULD she say? She closed her eyes, and the soft gleam of tears gently ran down her cheek. As she ....thought back.
To the friends she made.
The friends she'd clung to in times of sorrow.
And ...
How each and every one of them.... was gone now.
A soft tremor of pain ran across her expression. The words were there. ON the tip of her tongue. And yet it hurt to .... think of them. The act of trying to speak them.... made the pain somehow more fresh. "I made friends..... n...not.....not all of them good. People that .... were bad. Had done terrible things. But they were kind to me...that's all I ever really knew of them. But .... then .... all of them died. Some ..vanished..." She thought back to Calypso's Cabin. How she ....waited there. Waited for so long. For someone who would never come back. "Some...... are dead.... because of me..." Her shoulders hunched, thinking to Algos. For all of the evil she'd learned of her, even so... the memories from Verdada poisoned her thoughts. Of what Ajora had done to her. Had hidden from Santa. "And.....some..... died trying to make the world better." Her beloved Mazda. A man she had found in the throes of mourning for Calypso and Algos. Men.... and Women.... that by investigation... she'd found were perhaps.... not people she SHOULD have befriended.
But she couldn't help it.
No matter what they had done.
She still missed them.
They still left holes in her heart.
"I've lost everyone." She sniffled quietly, "I .... want to be strong. I still want to make the world better. A world where maybe they wouldn't have had to go away. But I don't know what to do anymore."
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:37 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
"You still have me," Tier assured, her grip tightening.
Tier isn't able to bring back the dead. Santa, Nelliel, Ichigo, And Lilynette: they have all taught her the truth of losing your friends, family, and loved ones. Nothing exists that will ever be capable of closing the holes that litter your body. You may become something disfigured, unrecognizable to everyone. You'll be consumed by dread, hatred, and defeat.
However, in that sea of despair, these few have also shown her that there is a way out. You can form new bonds, grow, and construct yourself anew. That pain will always be there, but with the help of others, one is capable of making it hurt a little less until it's just a small thorn in the back of your heart surrounding by beautiful roses. That is why Tier is able to say what she said.
Despite everything, as long as she is able, Tier will always have Santa's back. Things will get complicated, but if they have true faith in one another, then they should be able to get through anything, just like now. Santa won't get over any of this just like that, just with a few kind words, but they have a long time for the Arrancar's heart to eventually grow stronger.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:59 am
Santa couldn't help but blush a little as Tier spoke those words. She knew what Tier was trying to convey. Even though the woman actually didn't EXPRESS any of those sentiments. She could feel it in her voice. And see it in her eyes. And in those eyes, she felt some small measure of comfort. She wiped away the tears, and smiled as she looked to the woman, feeling that grip tighten. She wanted to pull Tier into another hug. But ...well...she knew that would possibly just make the situation awkward. She knew that the feelings she had, old as they were, were just her own.
But all the same. Those words were still a comfort. And Santa chuckled softly, still sniffling just a bit. "That's gay, Tier." She chuckled, before turning her head and gently reaching up to rest her hand on Tier's. A soft, warm smile on her face. "Thank you." She noted softly. Unsure, but happy to accept the comfort. She still didn't know what to do. Her heart had been filled and then torn back apart so many times. She felt ruined...... that once happy idiot was now .... still probably an idiot. Just.... not so happy and innocent. She was a shell of her former self... but maybe that didn't matter. They had plenty of time to figure things out.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:17 pm
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
"You're probably the one thinking of holding me again. I don't know why you continue to hold back."
Was that a bit of taunting? Tier's not normally the one for idle chitchat, and it's definitely not the norm for her to share banter. However, she felt the need to question the woman's hesitancy on doing what she wants. If Tier hadn't stopped Santa before, then the Arrancar has no plans of stopping her anytime soon. Just to prove a point, Tier even took her hand away, her brow rising as she turned and stood there, practically defenseless and begging for something to happen.
There's just a weird desire to help Santa feel better, and Tier knows the woman's probably antsy about physical contact. It's surprising how their roles have flipped, but that's just life.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:32 pm
The surprise on Santa's face was .... obvious. And for a moment, she was actually stunned, and seeing Tier remove her hand and then turning, as if in invitation? Santa couldn't help but break out into a soft, warm smile.
Why DID she hold herself back?
And in that moment, a face entered her mind. One that technically no longer existed. And she ..... still ... stood there. Even now, unsure. For so many different reasons. But she remembered a promise she'd made. A promise made in a quiet, dark place. She needed.....something. Someone. This emptiness.... it was eating away at her. She didn't know if she'd ever be ....fixed, from everything she'd lost. But it was a start. That smile softened, a gentle glowing warmth on her lips. She stepped forward, and gently slipped her arms around the woman, holding her close before promptly straightening her back, lifting Tier clean off of the ground and tightening her hold. Santa had grown considerably stronger, at least physically, and she lifted the once-espada as if she didn't weigh a thing. A soft, slow sigh escaping her, as if a great weight had left her shoulders, gently resting her cheek against Tier's as she ......enjoyed the embrace.
"I missed you." She admitted quietly.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:03 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
Tier expected a hug. She did not expect to be lifted off the ground. Her eyes widened, which wasn't by much, and she found her arms actually flail just a bit. She's in no danger. She knows that much, but the unexpected is still the unexpected. However, it was only momentary shock, and Tier soon found herself simply content with the situation. In this dreary world, even a bit of sunshine proved enough to brighten one's day. Everyday has been something tenuous. Being foolish for a change wouldn't hurt.
Tier put her hand over the ones that held her up, tilting her head ever so slightly just so her emerald eyes could peer at the woman rubbing against her. It's hard to tell what's going through the Arrancar's head. Maybe she's reliving everything that brought her here. Maybe she's thinking about what comes after this. Maybe she's not thinking at all. Either way, she took the time to appreciate what she has, all of them.
"I know, Santa. I've missed you too."
And, just for a second, she imagined herself saying the same thing to her Fraccion, but this, for right now, is simply enough.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:17 am
She expected a bit of flailing, but she smiled as Tier slowly settled into it, and Santa relaxed her grip just a little. One arm settling about the woman's waist, the other up and over her chest as she held Tier close. Something to cling to... something to hold close and cherish. However briefly. And yet, as Tier gently seemed to relax, that soft murmur from the arrancar ...... stirred something within her. IN truth, she never knew how Tier.... truly felt about her. She knew that she cared, somewhat? IN the abstract sense that she said things that implied as much. She comforted her. She allowed these moments of contact. But there was still some dissonance between them.
And so, hearing that soft murmur. Her smile deepened. And gently, she lowered Tier back to the ground, circled around her, and then promptly pulled her back into her arms, now fully face to face so that she could hug the woman properly. "You don't have to miss me anymore. " Se gently pulled back and smiled. "I want to help you. If you'll have me."
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: The Lonliest Number (Tier, Santa)
Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:38 am
Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco
Maybe the contact is a bit too much at times. Tier isn't sure if she's the type to jump from one point of contact to another and to another in such quick fashion. In all honesty, she wondered if she even proved adequate at this. Nelliel makes it seem so simple. Everyone makes it seem so simple to express emotion. All she seems capable of is accepting another's feelings and understanding if she reciprocates them in any fashion. Though, maybe that is enough for her to understand that she does feel, that she is more than just an empty husk of a dead human.
It's enough. What a simple thought, but what power it holds.
"Then, let us be on our way. I will have you by my side."
She's unsure if whatever she feels is more than surface level. She's happy. That is enough. If it is as nurtured as Nelliel and Alex's love, if it is something that will eventually move her like Ichigo, if it will even break and shatter her, she'll never know, but as she told Santa. They have time.
END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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