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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:07 pm


Enter Aina's Post

When winter gripped the lands, it brought with it a lifestyle change. You slowed down, took time to spend with others, and spent more time indoors as the darkness and dead of winter brought silence and quiet to the world. And it is for this reason that the likes of Aina found herself spending her time making food indoors. The scent of meat, vegetables, and other tender aromas filled the open fields of snowy grass around her home. This sense of comfort in the cold made the woman happy as she hummed a happy tune while cooking her stew.

And why shouldn't she be busy? She has company coming over. The wonders of technology made communication effortless in this day and age. So, with this downtime, she wanted to spend more time with the people in her life and called up the likes of Cala to have dinner with her. It didn't matter which version of the hollow showed up at her doorstep; she would welcome either side of him with open arms as she genuinely enjoyed spending time with the male.

Plus, this allowed Aina to perfect her cooking skills by cooking for someone else and hopefully not disappointing her guest. So, she could not help but be giddy as she twirled her hips and kept working over the hot oven, getting plates, dishes, and drinks ready for the two of them as she took glances outdoors to admire the snowy scenery outdoors.

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:12 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Cala stood before the doorway to Aina's home they were..... rather unstable compared to their normal demeanor. They felt... out of place in this form. This seemed something entirely more suited for their other self but.... the two of them had become intensely aware as of late that their interests... conflicted where Aina and Saiko were concerned. Enough to make this side of them insist on another rather intimate social situation, even changing their clothing to a rather nice, dark suit with a mistletoe pin someone had helped them afix. That had also been an awkward conversation, as to why their face bore a skull, but thankfully they were able to dismiss it as a family tradition around the Holidays and leave it at that.

Regardless, now being suit-clad with their normally wild black hair styled professionally, and an uncharacteristic bit of anxiousness worming it's way through their gut in a manner much more familiar to their more social self.... Cala inhaled sharply, as if preparing for a hunt, and knocked promptly on the door. Not too harshly, but also firmly enough Aina would be sure to hear them, before they stepped away and looked down at themselves. Their clawed, ashen hands pushed into their pockets, the dark, obsidian fabric of the suit hugging them rather nicely, contrasted by the stark white cream of the shirt underneath..... did they look nice? They could not tell, they were not the side of themselves interested in aesthetics.... usually.

Though, in retrospect, Aina had also changed that about themselves as well.... and they almost disliked it. Though every single time their reluctance at her having this... influence over them reared it's head something even more monstrous, more intrinsic to their being, crushed it down...... which then only further confused them and aggravated them at it and.... while having their internal monologue Cala was so caught up in those contradictory thoughts that they were genuinely surprised when the door opened. That surprise, mixed with a sudden.... deer-in-the-headlights feeling from seeing Aina again... made them pause. Their mouth opened, fangs showing, before it closed and they turned their head to the side, both internally reprimanding themselves and thinking of something to say before settling on something simple.... and perhaps a bit too blunt.

"Aina.... you've healed. I'm... glad. Thank you for inviting me."

And for the first time in their existence this side of Cala felt like facepalming as yet again each encounter with Aina seemed to bring about new, and odd, feelings to them.

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Head Admin
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:56 pm


Enter Aina's Post

"Come in, Cala!"

Ah~! That must've been Cala coming in to see her.

Aina was pleased to sense him because she had managed to finish all of her beef stew. While humming to herself, she couldn't help but feel excited to have some company. It made pouring their bowls out all the more fun as she took delight in the sight below her: succulent chunks of beef and tasty veggies drenched in a thick pool of sweet, savory soup. This dish would surely knock his tastebuds out of the park and invigorate the soul!

So, by the time the hollow came in, she had already sorted out two cups of wine for them, a large bowl of her beef stew, some rolls, and napkins to keep their good clothes from being stained by all the delicious food. Now motioning for him to sit, Aina looked at the sharply dressed Cala and looked back at her simple white gown. Indeed, she looked more like a barefoot housewife, and it caused her to chuckle.

"Well, you certainly look more dressed up to me. I like it! It shows you take pride in your appearance in public, and it's great!"

Patting his chest, Aina let out a slight squealing noise as she hugged him tightly before sitting down.

"I'm so happy you came! Let's eat and catch up, shall we?"

And with that, Aina smiled warmly as she grabbed her spoon and nodded.

"OH! And please tell me how the food is~."

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:24 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Despite what Aina may have thought of her own appearance by comparison even if Cala did not 'see' in the traditional sense as this self they could easily detect the absolute warmth, joy and beauty in Aina's every motion. She may have focused on the aesthetics of her gown compared to their suit, something Cala had only considered due to realizing that others saw through such means unlike themselves, but the truth that Cala did not say was that what took their breathe away for a brief moment was not Aina's figure in even a simple gown such as what she wore now, but the sheer joy, purpose and grace that her spirit moved with. It was a far, far cry from how she had been during their first meeting.

As Cala approached and Aina appreciated their appearance Cala felt a.... sense of pride? A warmth in their face? A tender, very soft, flush of pink highlighting their ashen cheeks for but a moment before they nodded their head appreciatively. Only to be caught off guard by a happy squeal and a... hug? Given how tenuously they parted last time Cala had not expected so much.... warmth from her. Yet it was a hug they returned before their mind fully had time to appreciate the situation. Their own hug was much more gentle, much more obvious in how they contrasted her joy and excitement with still considering her something precious. As Aina commented that they should sit, wanting to know so much what they thought of her cooking, Cala nodded and obeyed before really.... considering saying anything else.

It was only once Cala was seated, so intimately close with Aina and her cooking, that they took up their spoon and paused. Once again they had found themselves nearly swept up in her.... self and really the only thing that could have broken her direction and infectious joy was.... herself. Perhaps timed a bit poorly Cala spoke as Aina took her first taste with a gentle, but very sincere, murmur.

"You do not need to be.... dressed up. Your soul is beautiful today."

Cala then took their own spoonful of stew, putting it to their lips, before swallowing it down gently. In truth the cooking was wonderful, making Cala appreciate it al the more in comparison to the flesh of other Hollows, it was.... incomparable. As Cala took up another spoonful and devoured it they said nothing, however, because something seemed rather obvious to them about the taste of the food. It WAS delicious but.... truthfully.... the food in comparison to Aina herself, and their remembered feeding off of her in their first meeting.... they had not realized just how those two compared. With that draining of energy and Loss on their mind Cala would hum, stare their hollow eyes down at the bowl, before lifting their head to regard Aina and state placidly.

"The stew is delicious but..... to tell the truth.... we did not realize it until tasting actual food again. It does not taste nearly as wonderful as you....."

Indeed even as they took another calm spoonful of the stew Cala was almost more lost in remembering the taste of Aina's spiritual energy and the joy with which it radiated now than even the wonderful food before them.

"..... your energy... your spirit was... is.... quite amazing."

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Head Admin
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:51 am


Enter Aina's Post

It was nice to be able to serve and make people happy. Aina was content to cook, support, and be there for people in this form she found herself in. It was a far cry from the former incarnation of herself that was Algos. For the briefest moments, the woman's mind drifted to that grim notion before it tilted back to Cala in the form of a smile.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. This isn't even my Sunday best, but thank you for complimenting me."

After a light laugh, she took another spoonful of her stew and relished the moment. Well, at least before she took another chug of her wine and felt the warmth and relaxation of the alcohol hit her veins. It was always a social lubricant and got the words flowing easier. So, when Cala stated that Aina was more delicious than the food, a snicker left her mouth as she spoke.

"Oh? Is that so? Do you intend to forever feast upon my soul to feed yourself? Addict."

Playfully teasing him, Aina gently tapped his shoulder before moving her hand up and down his arm before thinking.

"Not that I care, however."

After snorting, she would pause, reflect and then ask a more profound question.

"But tell me: what about my soul makes it so amazing? Paint a picture for me, Cala."

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:06 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala took the gentle saying of flattery getting them everywhere perhaps a bit too literally, noting that Aina liked flattering words about herself at least, before tilting their head at the concept of the 'Sunday best'. They had all but no time to consider it though as Aina's soft laugh drew their attention more-so than their own curiosity. The quiet, tinkling timbre of her voice making them pause, almost smile, but instead take another spoonful of stew and give an appreciative sigh at it's warmth and flavor. Cala was not one for alcohol, but they did not mind Aina drinking, though her next question, though teasing, struck them as distinctly... worrying. That their precious statement had given her the wrong sentiment.

Aina's snicker and caressing of their arm made Cala tense softly. The soft, continual caressing being something Cala was all too conscious of and even though Aina stated she didn't care if they fed upon her forever that was not currently bothered Cala. Like a burning ember on their tongue there was something that needed to be said, so much so that when Aina asked them to paint her a picture they were all too happy to speak. Though her rather adorable snort made them fail to speak upon first opening their mouth after they set their spoon down they were able to at least begin forming a sentence.

"Your soul......

Their voice dying into a fading murmur Cala's arm that Aina continued to rub would move to her own exposed bicep. His claws gently tickling the skin, his ashen flesh caressing over the gentle swell of her bicep before moving down to the crook of her inner elbow. His claws almost tickling that area as they brushed over it, before following the softness of her tendons and veins out toward her caressing hand. Though they did not allow themselves to take her hand Cala would instead softly drift his hand back down her forearm, up her bicep, to her shoulder and ever onward.

Cala's touch would pause under Aina's chin, gently holding it, a thumb gently tracing along her jaw even as their sightless mask stayed centered on the middle of her chest. Wherein it was said the Soul resided. Only then did they speak again.

"...... is the only one which feels as if it has Lost as much as our own. But..... we were wrong... if we seemed only interested in feeding upon you."

They would shake their head, slowly, voice lowering to a murmur as their hand fanned out to cup her cheek, claws softly gliding over a smooth cheek.

"That is not the reason we would stay with you forever, no."

Cala said nothing else, made no other motions, and simply let what they said sit in the air between them.

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Head Admin
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:14 pm


Enter Aina's Post

A woman loved to hear how she was valued by those she invested her feeling and emotions toward. So it was no wonder why a gentle smile came across the face of Aina as she overheard the words of attraction flowing forth from Cala's mouth.

While her soul was rich in flavor, becoming attached to someone steadily draws you into their world, and you begin to uncover more about one's self in the process. The experience of bonding is potent between spirits, and it was apparent enough to Aina that he was discovering new feelings, thoughts, and emotions through being enchanted by her aura.

So as he started to move his claws across her body, the woman let him do as he pleased as she touched his mask even as the male cusp her chin. At that moment, she'd lock eyes with him and nod as he clarified there was still something more to him wanting to linger around than just her soul.

After remaining quiet for a moment, Aina proceeded.

"Life is ever-changing, Cala. Even if you make a goal, the process of reaching that goal changes you. So even if you initially were attracted to my soul because of the allure of loss, it's possible to grow, evolve, and become something even more."

Now giggling, she would embrace him warmly and tickle his chin.

"And I want to hear your more, Cala. In turn, I can give you mine in return as an equal exchange. How about that?"

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:15 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala's gentle touch to Aina would pause only when she placed a hand gently upon their mask, their emotions and focus so narrowly focused upon her soul that even that gentle touch, that small movement of her hand, surprised them. They flinched, softly, not enough to truly pull their head away from her but only enough to show their surprise that she would touch the physical manifestation of their identity as a monster. They could not feel the touch, at least not nearly as well as they could upon their skin, but even the gentle pressure of Aina's hand made them anxious, unbalanced, enough so that when she spoke they simply listened.

What Aina said was true, an explanation and understanding of what their feelings regarding her had become, and their own hand remained stone still upon her cheek as she embraced them. At least at first. Though as the embrace continued Cala's arms slowly encircled her as well, some odd mixture of apprehension and fear seizing their heart as they tried to think of words to explain, words to confirm what she had said, but as she gently tickled their chin and promised a simple exchange, to pursue more in equal measure, Cala had only one real choice before them.

Of the two of themselves they had always been the one of analysis, action and reaction. Physicality mixed with enough ruminative intelligence to do well in combat, never had they been one for words, socializing, parties or poetry. In essence, their being was action over words, and for her sake and the improvement both sides of themselves had pursued as of late, they had tried to work on explaining themselves, to lay out what they were before someone so similar so that she understood what it was they offered as a benefit, what they offered as a person, and what they offered as a danger. But, ultimately, they were a being of action, so action is what they resorted to by way of answer.

With energy given by anxiety and fear, with a non-existent heart still somehow hammering in their chest, Cala's answer would come by way of the hand on Aina's cheek slowly moving to the back of her head, their legs extending to bring them to a standing position with enough force to slightly upset the table and send the chair behind them tumbling over itself, and their free hand would move down the arm of hers that tickled their chin, sliding along her with focused determination as it gripped her hip. Claws cascading gently over her skin, arm enveloping her, legs carrying him around the table for easier access to her, would Cala pull her close and deliver their answer by way of a single, inexperienced, heated, kiss. A single, slow-yet-insistent touch of the lips that would give the softest, most gentle warning of the fangs carried within against Aina's own.

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:45 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Something got into Cala. The sudden movement of his hand behind her hand, the standing of his legs, and the desire to move Aina's chin caused the woman to be taken by surprise as she wasn't expecting all of this. But, of course, her body didn't tense up since she was tipsy and a wee bit drunk. Instead, her plum eyes just lingered on him before blinking and feeling the warmth of his lips pressing up against her own.


Was this reality?

It took a few moments for her to register everything that happened as Aina thought she had too many drinks. However, she eventually relented and let him get a small taste of her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Then, while rubbing the back of his head and giving him her warm embrace, she pressed back and leaned forward, taking in his coldness, sense of loss, and fear and trying to replace it with acceptance, affection, and belonging.

Of course, after this tender moment, the woman snapped back to reality, gently and slowly pulled back, and remained staring at Cala for a few seconds as her face turned into a blush.

"W-well, what brought that on?"

Flustered since it was the first time she had kissed someone in this form, Aina coughed.

"That not it wasn't bad, but I can see I've had an influence on you."

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:59 pm


Enter Cala's Post

Posting Music:

It nearly goes without saying that, in this moment, Cala was driven almost exclusively by a sense of urgency and passion, and was far from a skilled kisser in any regard. It was their first kiss among either form, after all, so there was perhaps the gentlest knock of fangs to teeth, the kiss sinking deeper drastically as Aina pressed closer, her arms circling their neck, only to relent just as quickly as they adjusted for the unfamiliar motion. Cala's body... warmed... exquisitely unique with a mixture of almost tingling cool beneath their skin, like a flame comprised of ice as her touch.

As Aina's arms fully circled his neck for a short moment Cala's grasp on her cheek and chin slid down to join their other hand on her opposite hip, only for their hands to then gently slide around her waist to hug around her waist with a gentle, yet slightly firm, embrace. Hands softly squeezing and pressing into the small of her back as they meshed into one another perfectly. But as Aina gently pulled away they did not try to stop her or keep her close, her staring for those few silent moments was answered by one hand slowly raising from her back to brush the hair that had come loose to hang in front of her face. Tucking it behind her ear with surprising tenderness.

Aina's questions.... snapped Cala bit back to themselves, that frantic energy still humming under the skin with one hand loosely around her waist, the other hovering beside her cheek for a brief moment. Respecting Aina's desires for a bit of distance Cala would step back as well, hands moving to run down her arms, grip her hand for a brief moment, before moving those away as well. Their voice was low, slow, as if they were speaking at the moment they came to their own conclusions.

"You... have, yes. Quite a strong influence. As for what it brought it on..... You."

Perhaps they could have said more, elaborated, but nothing else they could have added would have made it more clear. Though one thing they could sense from Aina did make them grimace softly, their head turning slightly, staring at nothing, before they murmured.

"But perhaps now is not the best time. W-We.... I do not want you feeling this way simply because of some wine. If these are emotions we wish to explore together, it should be willing."

Cala had no real perception of alcohol or it's effects on people, outside of the vague knowledge they had garnered that it's use inebriated and clouded judgement. Tipsy, drunk, smashed, the various degrees were not known to them but the thought of their emotions only being returned because Aina was not in her right mind very much so antagonized them from inside their own mind.

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