Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:38 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Playing with her hair, stroking her arm, it seemed as if Cala was indeed entranced in the allure of the softness of Aina's body. And when in the company of someone you care for, how could a soul not lose themselves in it? Regardless of whether they were hollow or not. For this reason is why the plum eyes of Aina lingered, observed, and took in the sight of her lovely guest as she pondered what was going on in that head of his.

Of course, Cala soon spoke power to life as he expressed the sentiment that Aina indeed did have a strong influence over him. Yet, soon after, he mentioned his concerns about wanting her to come to this embrace of her own will. With a blink, she understood that the male was afraid of this all just being some drunk, spur-of-the-moment deal.

So, after having time to think, Aina smiled, glanced at the window behind them, and chucked the wine bottle straight into the trash bin outside with a resonating glass shuttering smash.

"Don't get lost in that, Cala. It's wine, not hard liquor. I feel tipsy and loose, but I can see the man you are in front of me."

And with that soft coo, she would return his affections and give him a gentle kiss, savoring his lips before gently pulling away and rubbing his neck to speak.

"You just surprised me, is all. I wasn't expecting to be kissed like that, so can you blame a girl for being swept off her feet?"

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:59 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala could never put into words exactly how much they resonated with Aina's decision in that moment. Just as they had displayed themselves as a being of action by kissing her so too did she show the same value by, instead of leading with words and promises, throwing the bottle out the window into the trash. Discarding it entirely over their one expressed concern. Only then did her words come, a promise backed by action and decisiveness, despite her own description of herself as tipsy or loose, and Cala inclined their head forward in understanding.

Though what came next.... that cooing voice and the returned kiss.... perhaps it should not have surprised them, seeing as how she had just shown herself to be a woman of action, but despite being the more analytical of their two halves Cala was still wholly inexperienced when it came to this sort of thing. Their earlier kiss having been a spur of the moment decision and now as she made her own similar decision Cala returned it, savoring her in return and as her hand went to their neck their own hands circled her waist. Something unspoken drawing them closer to her and though they did not see as she did they did meet her eyes with their blind, masked face.

As Aina admitted she too had been surprised and, subsequently, quite swept up in their emotions Cala had to admit to themselves that they now had something closer to an understanding of why their other half struggled so intensely with sorting them out. It was exhilarating, it was terrifying, it was wonderful and it was... overwhelming. They were, perhaps, still the colder of the two as their attention narrowed in on how Aina had phrased her words, but now? Now they would be quite a bit more inclined to argue that their other self was the smarter of the two. If this is how they always felt, emotions rushing all over and mind struggling to keep up, they must be. But, putting all that aside, Cala moved closer to Aina out of instinct, hands resting on the small of her back and chest gently pressing against her own as they leaned in, kissed her cheek, and murmured quietly.

"You did not expect to be kissed like that? When you are so.... wonderful?"

Pulling their head back Cala would keep their head close enough for their breathe to mingle together, nearly for their masked forehead to touch Aina's own, as their low, conflicted tone spoke to her just above a whisper.

"Then what did you expect to be kissed like?"

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 6:43 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Someone was hungry~ Aina gushed a bit as she felt him pressing against her chest, holding her back and partaking in kissing her rosy cheeks. Combined with telling her she was wonderful, the woman giggled playfully and gently tapped his chin in an affectionate matter before speaking.

"What? Is your goal to make me gush to death? You are wonderful too, geez."

Deciding to return the gestures, Aina let her arms rest on his waist as she looked up at Cala and pondered what was going on in that skull of his. It was nice to feel his heated breaths, heartbeat, and body. Even if he was a bit cold, the warmth from her body could more than fill that empty void that comes with being a hollow. That is what she believed, anyway.

"I didn't expect it to be so sudden, but it wasn't bad. I was caught off guard. I never expected my first kiss to be so abrupt and filled with care and passion~ I'm not the most experienced with this thing, unfortunately."

Puffing her cheeks playfully, she continued.

"Have you....ever had experience with this thing? I can't say I can even imagine what my kiss would have been like. As you can tell, I'm still figuring things out and having fun with you, Cala!"

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:18 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala tilted their head as she question them, about making her gush to death, her own timidity and concern over this so very obvious. At being called wonderful themselves they exhaled softly through their nose, not quite a laugh, but closer to one than this side of them had ever done before. They were curious, however, in what ways they were wonderful as she so insisted. They did not see it, not only for being half a being, but in what they WERE beyond that. In the grand scheme of things they had hardly been sentient for very long and had evolved from nothing short of a true, mindless monster. What, they wondered, could be so wonderful about them?

As Aina explained her inexperience, how the kiss had surprised her, and that is was her first kiss Cala nodded along with her. Agreeing, word for word, with everything she said as it was as true for them as it was for her. Even if they had been the one to initiate the kiss they had hardly planned it, in fact, thinking back they had never even considered romance a possibility. That distinctly dour fact was cast aside, however, as Aina puffed out her cheeks in a manner both amusing and adorable. An act that brought a tiny smile to their lips, fangs glinting softly from behind ever so slightly parted lips, and they would hum a soft, contemplative noise. Slowly shaking their head.

"We have not. This is just as many Firsts for us as it is for you and we are similar in that we both have been, or could be, someone else. "

Staying quiet for a brief moment Cala would not truly know what to do next. A deeply-rooted, gnawing part of them told them to kiss her again, to pull her closer and hold her too tightly to ever let go of, but a distinctly louder voice, not of their other self but of their own conscious, told them to be gentle and savor her and yet that ancient part.... that primal part.... suggested another option. To truly, utterly, make her a part of them, so that her spirit would never, could never, be separate. That thought, which they normally at least considered, revolted them immensely. Their face contorting in... well... disgust for a brief moment before they shook their head again and drew her closer. Not pressing their bodies together firmly, intimately, and they would exhale a heavy, excited breathe.

Cala's demeanor... changed subtly... their grip on her became more firm, claws softly digging into her back, not enough to hurt, but to press the skin. Their breathe was heavier, more labored, and they simply.... stared at her. Wordless. Focused. Only for them to lean in and kiss her again, this time now just as eager as the first, but more purposeful, more hungry, those claws gently roaming her back in small, teasing scrapes that just barely nicked the skin. They had only just begun to truly sink into the kiss, for that bubbling desire to well up enough within them that even their clothing felt too much a restriction when... they froze. That primality, that insatiable need to devour, surged forward and they... pulled away. Detaching from her entirely and stepping back.

Cala seemed.... surprised or perhaps it was more accurate to say subtly frightened. Though they were incredibly neutral in expression their energy turned sharp and severe, their head jerking to the side to 'look' away from her even as their other self's attention was roused from the depths of their consciousness in concern. Their breathing still labored, their claws still tingling with the sensation of holding Aina, they would murmur softly in between two heady pants. Their voice dripping with a low chastisement not of Aina, but themselves.

"How..... unexpected...."

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:48 pm


Enter Aina's Post

As Cala spoke about his experiences, Aina snickered playfully as it seemed they both had stolen the other first kiss. She expected him to be a bit older and more experienced, but that didn't bother her. It put things on an even playing field as the two of them could grow and figure this out as they went along, as she previously said.

"Aw, we stole each other's first kisses. Isn't that romantic?"

With a snort and joking tone, Aina continued.

"We are in it together~."

Jovial as ever, the woman seemed to enjoy herself as she hummed along until she noticed Cala digging his claws into her back. Something was up, but it wasn't anything painful to her. He seemed tense, wanting to draw closer and becoming more labored in his breath. Did he desire her that much?

Oh well~

Aina indulged Cala as she started to rub the back of the hollow and eventually gave way to one of his kisses, giggling in between as she most certainly felt his passion flowing into her. To be desired and lusted after certainly did cause a warmth to start to flow within herself. Where it was coming from? Well, that was hard for her to figure out. But she let out small squees of joy at the interaction as she showed her consent and interest.

However, as soon as this interaction began, it swiftly ceased. Cala seemed to pull back and was certainly not used to this type of thing. So, rather than getting emotional or upset, Aina just pulled his head down into her chest and stroked his neck as she cooed and spoke:

"Hmmmmmm, you don't have to be afraid. This is weird for both of us. Go at your own pace, Cala."

Speaking in a ginger tone, Aina would kiss his forehead if he allowed and just let him rest against her, showing that she lacked any fear since they were far past that point to begin with.

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:32 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala would not know if them having the other's first kiss was romantic or not, they were still entirely new to this concept as things stood, but they did feel a certain amount of... gravity in the fact that Aina was their first kiss. A gravity only reinforced by Aina stating they were in whatever came next together. Was this romance? If so it gave them a lot to think about moving forward or, at least, it would have was their rational mind not entirely on vacation as they swept her up in another series of heated, exploratory kisses. An act that ended as quickly as it began as they felt a new kind of hunger threaten to engulf them, a hunger directed solely at Aina, and one they were not at all accustomed to processing.

Whether she knew it or not the moment Aina pulled Cala's face into her bosom, regardless of her words of taking their own pace, the pace was hardly their own to pick anymore. That heavenly, gentle softness pressing in from al sides upon their face, their mask, their head, it did not blind them like it would others but it did make the soft kiss to the forehead of their Hollow mask seem a much more symbolic gesture. A gesture that, as Cala's self control crumbled, they appreciated with their last few coherent thoughts before their hands slid down Aina's back in soft, gentle motions before gripping her backside in two, if slightly confused, rather eager handfuls.

Any space between the two remaining would vanish as Cala bodily pulled Aina's form the distance between them, pressing into her, pulling her close, their lips trailing over the valley of her chest before Cala's arms encircled Aina like two serpents, holding her tight before lifting her and all but mumbling into her chest.

"My pace....... not anymore. Now...."

Beginning to walk before even finishing speaking Cala husked the one word they knew at least could vaguely convey their intentions.


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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 Empty Re: Winter's Bounty [Aina/Cala]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:56 pm


Enter Aina's Post

Aina let her legs brush against Cala as they were pushed into another heated, passionate kiss. She wasn't sure what was going on with herself, but the woman felt as if she were melting into him, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. After all, the hollow seemed lost in her touch, scent, and lips, so she giggled and continued to press into him until he pulled away and spoke.

With a few blinks of her eye, Aina seemed to turn red as she chuckled softly. Was....this what she thought it was? Yeah, it probably was. Hell, she knew what she wanted herself. Both of them did, really.

So, rather than beating around the bush and hiding their intentions, Aina nodded, decided to follow her feeling, and held his hand as they entered the bedroom.

"Bedroom it is~."

And with that, she would laugh softly before closing it shut and letting whatever happens -- happen.

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Winter's Bounty  [Aina/Cala] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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