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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:02 am
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] D8DTm9n


The sun shone bright overhead as Henrex stepped out of a Senkaimon in Toba with Saiko likely close behind. It was nice to be back in his hometown again. In the wake of chaos that Ichigo had wrought in the World of the Living, the three of them hadn't really been able to set aside immediate time for their little outing. But, now, thankfully, they had the opportunity, and nothing was going to call them away.

He took a moment to look around the countryside of Japan, a nice break from the bustling, brightly-lit cities of Tokyo and other more in-land places. He could smell the distant sea breeze, giving him a deep, wistful nostalgia as he turned to look for Arianda. He had asked her to meet them here -- he knew that it was quite far from the Sierra Nevada where she lived, but, he felt a calling to return home, to spend the day with the two of them. It was with this thought that he turned to face Saiko, a sheepish smile on his face.

"I hope another visit to Japan for an outing isn't unwelcome."

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:52 pm


Enter Saiko's Post


Yep. One giant yawn was all that could be heard behind Henrex as the likes of The Mistress Of Glum stepped out of the portal and into the warmth of Japan's lovely sun. But, of course, she wasn't being rude or anything. The week had just been exhausting, and she was glad to finally have a place to kick back for a bit since the Gotei life was busy. Henrex, of all people, should know that fact, given his Captain status.

Regardless, Saiko was seen stretching out her arms as she looked around and took in pristine blue skies, the birds in the clouds, the warmth of the atmosphere, and everything that was peace from these conditions. It was all so lovely and brought her warmth. So, the hybrid closed her eyes for a few moments before re-opening them with a smile and nod.

"Don't overthink it, Henrex. Some people live their entire lives in the same city. So location doesn't matter to me; it's how you spend the time in that location that is important."

Now patting his head, Saiko giggled and looked around.

"But, uh, where's Ari?"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:47 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

To say that Arianda was excited for this little meet-up between herself and her two friends, one who was basically her brother, was an extreme understatement. Frankly speaking, it was far better to say that Arianda was over the moon; and she was honestly tempted to do just that if not for the trouble she could get into for going anywhere near the moon... again. Regardless, her previous exploits of trying to route the remaining vestiges of Shadowfall on Earth had been put on hold for this day; merely because she was more than excited to see Henrex and Saiko again. After all, with so little chances for Henrex to visit thanks to a lunatic ex-substitute Shinigami going rampant she had seen him very little; and Saiko herself had been just as busy. With just a few meetups here and there to report on Ari's doings, they had seen little of each other otherwise. However, in true Ari fashion... she woke up late on the day they were supposed to meet up.

Suffice to say, Arianda was scrambling after she finally rolled out of bed and remembered what she was doing later that day; all way taking care of her morning ablutions, which turned into a panic-fueled rush thanks to how positively swiftly Arianda tried to ready herself; instead of her normal sluggish pace that she kept upon waking up in the morning.

Which was precisely why Arianda was ready at top speed, her home locked, and took off; flying to the west with utmost speed. So much so that Arianda arrived only a few minutes late for her meeting with Henrex and Saiko. Even if the demon's hair looked a bit ruffled from what was obviously great speeds, she had arrived with only being a tiny bit late. Albeit, her landing was clumsy from her rush, causing her to stumble a bit before she had slowed down enough only to trap Saiko and Henrex in a rather tight hug; her chest heaving a bit from the effort.

"I'm sorrryyyyy... I went to sleep early last night and everything but I slept in late! But I'm here...! And winded! Just need a few, and I'll get off ya both...."

Arianda positively sagged against the two as she caught her breath, her grown wings and tail sagging limply as she hung upon the two. Albeit, given how light she was, it wouldn't be a problem as far as weight was concerned. And it was a convenient excuse to give them both a real tight hug. Luckily, aside from her windswept hair, Arianda actually looked very well kept; and certainly was a lot healthier than when Saiko saw her right after Ari took on a dracolich-like beastie. In all honesty, she was doing great; and she was looking forward to an amazing day with her two friends.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:15 pm
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] D8DTm9n


He turned to look at Saiko, smiling softly as she stepped out into Toba with him. He couldn't blame her for being tired, it was exhausting to have to deal with everything that had happened lately. He knew better than anyone -- especially as a Captain -- there was no end to the stress. But, he somehow managed. Now, he could relax with his companions, take a day to no longer be the Captain of the Stealth Force and just be himself.

As Saiko pat him on the head, he chuckled softly, before his expression shifted to one of mild concern. He wasn't surprised that Ari wasn't here before them, only to suddenly hear, sense, and eventually see a red-clad demoness sprinting toward them, tackling them both in a hug. He could feel her slumping against them, hearing her ragged breathing.

He hugged her in return, gently patting her head as he let her lean against him.

"Maybe we should have stopped by the Sierra Nevada before we came..."

Gently guiding Ari to the wall of a nearby building to let her get more stable and solid support, Henrex took a brief look behind him. He turned back to look at the other two with a smile, though he had a more gentle look in his eye when gazing at Saiko, even if briefly. He had made sure that they came out close to here so that they wouldn't have to walk far or waste time by taking the train, even if it was fast.

"Well, you're not too late, at least. I wanted to take a little bit of time to look around the Toba Aquarium. There's also a bench to sit down at and a vending machine to get drinks from near the entrance. That acceptable for this little outing?"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:45 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

It wasn't hard to keep up with Arianda's movements. So, when the demon came crashing in, Saiko let her go as she pleased at that moment and gave the woman a soft pat on the head. If nothing else, it seems like she went through a great deal of struggle to get here, and that in itself was worth a reward.

"It's fine. I'm not concerned as I have all day to do as I please. Being a little late isn't going to harm me~."

Spoken in a reassuring matter, Saiko smiled and nodded as she noticed Henrex's parting glance at her. It registered for a moment, and she winked back.

"But, maybe Henrex is right. Next time we'll drop by your place so you don't die of a heart attack sprinting here. If demons can even do that."

As they made their way down to the building, Saiko nodded along with what Henrex spoke of. Sounded like a pleasant day regardless of how things went down. Friends, fish, food; what could go wrong with that? So, to ensure that Henrex was correct in his guidance, she spoke up again.

"I'm not a complicated girl. I just want to go out, relax, catch up with friends and see some new things. So I'm happy to see you both today and spend some time with you all~."

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:56 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Her heavy breathing was mostly from Arianda using her wings to fly here, which were sagging against her back and tail; both of which faded in to her body; because they had been grown since Arianda was not in her true form. She appreciated the headpat from Saiko, but pouted openly at Henrex when he essentially insisted she lean against the wall instead of him. His bird boi bones weren't that weak that he'd snap just from holding up a super light demon! She shot Henrex a slightly pouty look before she saw how he was looking at Saiko... and how she winked at him... And Ari couldn't help but sneer a bit at Henrex as she swiftly recovered and gave Saiko a big hug, more of an honest greeting now instead of slumping against them.

"If ya guys really want to! It'll certainly hurt less if I don't have to fly and then run all the way here... And I don't think that can unless my heart explodes...? Even then, not sure~!"

She gave Saiko a big smile and a small chuckle before she positively bodied Henrex with a hug, lifting the Shinigami off his feet slightly... but being quite careful not to embarrass him too much in front of Saiko; who Arianda had a great feeling Henrex was crushing on, something she conveyed to him with a sneering grin as she hugged him. Then again, she would probably embarrass Henrex on accident... still! She was going to try not to anyways. However, she soon let go of Henrex and hummed happily, clearly more than over her brief exhaustion and quite excited for the day to come. The entire time, she lingered between Saiko and Henrex, knowing that Saiko wasn't too keen on Arianda's hugs and Henrex, who she was determined not to maul considering who they were with. Ohhh Henrex was lucky Saiko was right there... Otherwise Arianda would tease Henrex until nightfall.

"Sounds good to me~! I don't think I've been to an aquarium before... I don't remember if there was one in Minatumi. And there definitely were never any in Demon world... Well, at least I never saw any. Lead on, Henny~ I'm sure you know the way~"

Arianda was far more than accepting to this plan for the start of their day, and she was especially looking forward to spending time with the two... and quietly planning to play the third wheel and organizing things quite specifically so the two would have a nice time together as well. After all, if Arianda was right, and she had guessed their lingering gazes and emotions correctly, she had a very good idea of the state of these two; and she was more than happy to play a wingman of sorts to both the hybrids.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:41 pm
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] D8DTm9n


Henrex just went through the motions, listening to their responses, only for Ari to suddenly hug him tightly and pick him up. At first, he was startled, his legs kicking for a moment, before settling down and accepting the embrace as Arianda set him down. He took a moment to take a breather from the sudden Ari attack, and then turned around, pointing to a nearby building.

"In that case, we're just down the street from it."

Guiding the two down the street and into the open entrance, he gestured to a small corner near the entrance, next to a set of stairs and an escalator. Two benches, and two vending machines not even a foot away from them. Letting them walk over, he went up to the reception desk, paying for three adult tickets before walking back over with the wristbands, handing one to each of them.

"There's a sea lion show in a bit, there's a living fossil exhibit on the second floor, and we can get a map from the information desk up there too."

He quickly got a drink from the vending machines, wrapping his wristband around him before opening and taking a sip. He was happy to spend some time with friends in a place so close to his heart. While he wasn't alive to witness it when the aquarium opened, the fact that it was in his home of Toba was enough for him to feel excitement. And, again, he had two close friends with him, only making the day better.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:51 am


Enter Saiko's Post

As usual, Arianda was very touchy-feely with a lot of people. So, since it wasn't overtly over the top, she indulged the demon for now and gave her a warm, gentle hug back as she patted the woman's head. If nothing else, given how much effort she put into being here, perhaps she deserved that.

"It's not a big deal, Arianda. We wouldn't want you to be sweating, panting, and looking like the grim reaper to spend time with us. You look more like a shinigami than a demon right now."

Saiko would snort a bit and pat her back as she continued.

"But yeah, Demon World had them, Arianda. I never wanted to go to them as I felt safer in my mountains and had all the wildlife I needed. Fuck being around those savages."

Now, Saiko wasn't one to often swear excessively, but she had pretty strong feelings about demon world, shadow fall, and Mana as a whole. That was not a period in her life that was particularly fun. Though, the hybrid would leave it alone for now as she gave a shrug and followed them both around until they reached the point where Henrex had purchased their tickets and offered the two women wristbands to wear.

After a few blinks, Saiko spoke:

"Since we are all living fossils already, let's just explore while we wait for the lion show and maybe get a map!"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] WVMWLOu
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:05 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Oh? Well... figures. I feel like they would be just as you described... aaand kinda boring in the end. The fish of Earth are so much more interesting~ Like the angler~!"

Clearly, Arianda had her own fair share of documentaries from her time being bored at home with nothing to do and nothing but WiFi, TV shows, and a myriad of other things to occupy herself with. Regardless, the demon was clearly excited as she helped herself to a drink of her own, along with producing a bar of chocolate from within her cloak. A happy purr emanated from Ari's throat as she snacked briefly before Henrex returned. Taking her wriststrap from Henny with a warm smile as thanks, the demon put it upon her wrist and playfully bumped into Saiko with her hip.

"Cmon Saiko, we're not that old! At least we look younger than the actual fossils~! At the very least Henny is the living fossil! We need to get the old man his cane~!"

A wide grin before she poked Henrex's sides in a playful manner before she decided it was time to take things a tiny bit more seriously and agree on their path forward for their little friendly outing. The demon tilted her head some before she shrugged and smiled.

"Ah, I'm just messing around~ That all sounds good to me, Henrex, Saiko; definitely a much better plan than I woulda worked up. Especially because they don't need to have three one hundred plus year olds on display too. Where should we go first then, do you guys think? And we definitely need that map... I don't want to fly for a little bit and I'd prefer we not get lost during our first visit."

After speaking, Arianda carefully looked towards Henrex and remembered a slight detail about where they were... Toba... Henrex's ancestral home. She carefully studied the Shinigami before her, likely giving Henrex a rather uncomfortable moment of unhinged scrutiny before she smiled at him carefully. Dammit... if she was still going out with Kita, this woulda been a great place to take her too... Se la vi, as they say. Besides, Arianda was glad to see that, despite any possible trauma that may linger, Henrex looked to be thoroughly enjoying himself. She gave him a warm smile and grabbed both Henrex and Saiko's arms and pulled them both forward towards the entrance of the Aquarium; her honest lack of restraint likely showing just how excited she truly was.

"Cmon then! The Aquarium isn't gonna move itself for us! First stop, a map!"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:37 am
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] D8DTm9n


He found himself chuckling lightly at Saiko's comment. While he didn't think they were older than the fossils here, he shrugged, wanting to respect their wishes. Without much further prompting, Henrex downed the rest of his drink, tossing the bottle into the recycling bin next to the vending machine, then nodded. Even without the fossils, there were plenty of things that he could show them. He had done, frankly, a rather embarrassing amount of planning and research into the place before they arrived.

"There's some other things that are happening today, too. There's a penguin walk show, some time set aside visitors to watch sea otters, seals, and sea lions be fed, and a walrus performance too."

As Ari grabbed him and pulled the two of them toward the stairs, he gently ruffled Arianda's hair, leading the two up the stairs and toward an information booth. He got a map for each of them, before walking with them down the hallway into one of the many rooms. The translucent aqua blue of the water and the lights within the tanks lit up the room. A smile lit up his face as he looked around, seeing the fish swim, some large, some small.

"Oh! I almost forgot, if you two ever get tired or hungry, there's two restaurants in the building, the Hana Sango and Bayside Restaurants. The dishes at the Hana Sango are made with local ingredients and Bayside centers around light food, and is self-serving. It even has a view of the Toba Ocean!"

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