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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:51 am


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko would gently tap the head of Ari with a soft, playful chop that wasn't painful in the slightest but to get her to hush up.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's not torment Henrex like that. You aren't that far off, missy."

Sticking up for Hennie, Saiko nodded and stood next to him as she took his hand without much care in the world.

"But yes, I would like to see the penguins. The birds look so cute to me that I could probably go up and pet them, and no one would notice with my speed."

There was almost a devious look on her face as a quiet laugh came from the woman's mouth.

However, after her little moment, Saiko nodded and kept following Henrex as she looked around, observed the fishes, and concluded: the water was pretty terrifying. So, after this realization passed, the woman turned to Henrex and spoke.

"Does it not scare you what lays under the sea? I know a lot about the spiritual world, but who knows hellish things can be lurking in the seas."

Now looking back at Ari, she continued.

"I don't even think you demons can handle what is there. Maybe Cthulu or some ancient alien exists."

She would shudder jokingly before Saiko rested her head on Henrex's shoulder.

"Hmmmmmmmm, but no, I'm not really hungry at the moment. I just want to see the penguins with you all."

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:16 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

A soft, but still rather pointed, chop to the demon's head caused Arianda to squeak a tiny bit before she gave Saiko a sheepish grin; carefully rubbing the top of her head even if the chop didn't hurt whatsoever.

"Maybe both of us should get canes and act like old geezers then~?"

Arianda gave Saiko a playful grin before taking the hint and nodding in assent that she would cool it down with teasing Henrex. Indeed, she wasn't so far off... being over three hundred years old herself. However, the demon gave a small shrug of defeat before she watched Henrex and Saiko rather closely; especially after Saiko took Henrex's hand. In a way, it was hard for Arianda not to feel a slight stab of envy. Not in a bad way, not even in the way that she wanted to be dating either Henrex or Saiko herself... No. It was because Arianda had no one to herself to be with, no one to date, no one to share her time with aside from those she interacted with on a semi-regular basis. It was... honestly depressing. However, she was Arianda Vael, a Fallen "Angel" and an ex member of Shadow Fall; a very high ranking one at that. She had a reputation, and her dating literally anyone would too color them with her reputation. To put it simply, she was slightly jealous of their capability to be together. However, she couldn't help but smile in such an understanding way when she saw how happy Henrex looked. After turning away to wipe a silent tear off her face, the demon turned towards the group and chuckled softly.

"I'll gladly help you pet the Penguins, Saiko; sounds like a lot of fun~"

Arianda giggled softly and followed the two, now feeling a tiny bit more like a third wheel the more Saiko and Henrex got close to each other. However, she did not intrude, did not push her way in, and kept her emotions undetectable quite on purpose; humming and smiling pleasantly as she enjoyed their time together. She did not want to spoil their time with her issues... those were HER issues. And right now, they were here to have fun, not worry about Ari's shitty love life. Eventually, however, Arianda gave Saiko a big grin.

"Nahhh, I would imagine that those aquariums are far more wild. Controlling them probably wasn't the purpose... I'm sure there were some tame ones at least. The oceans of demon world weren't what one would call 'friendly' after all. But, I think I could care less about what's in the sea... unless Godzilla is real. Then I might be a little concerned."

A playful chuckle exited the demon's mouth as she pulled out her map and considered it for a bit. She decided that the best way to do this was to let the lovebirds go on being lovebirds, and she would take charge of the direction of their trip. After all, with her hands unburdened, she was perfect for the task of navigation! With a small grin, and a gesture, the demon began to lead them off to the penguins, using the map to guide them as she led her darling friends off towards the black and white flightless birds.

"To the penguins it is~! I have ample snacks on me if we get snacky. Otherwise, meals can wait, but flightless birds that are in need of pets cannot~ C'mon, you two, let's go~"

With that, Arianda led on, humming warmly as she used local signs, considered the map, and performed various other tasks of navigation to keep their trip going smoothly. And despite her own Envy of not being with someone, she was already having a good time on one pure aspect alone; she was with her friends.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:13 am
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


For the most part, he just smiled and let the girls interact in response to the comment. He wasn't nearly as old as some other people, but some days, he felt far older than he was. As Saiko took his hand and rested her head on his shoulder, he smiled sheepishly. He turned his attention back to Arianda, keeping an ear focused on their talking.

"Let's not and say we did. Even with our speed, you'd still have to stop to pet them, and I'd prefer us not getting in trouble. Remember, we're still in Gigais, me and Saiko. There's a walrus-touching time set aside too, so there will still be some time to pet the sea life."

His expression shifted, however, seeing Arianda turn. He could sense what she felt, and it wasn't something he relished in seeing. But, she switched topics easily, turning to the oceans. It was an interesting, yet morbid thought. Humanity had explored less of the oceans than they had of space, yet it wasn't as if it weren't for good reason. The oceans were arguably more complicated to traverse than space, and there was one thing that made them different: there were things in the ocean.

"It depends on where you are and how far you're able to go down. Humanity hasn't been able to travel too deep into the ocean with how bad the pressure gets down there. What little we know of down there is a miracle in it of itself."

Nevertheless, he was surprised to see her taking charge and trying to lead them off toward the penguin walk. At first, he was going to object, already having a plan sorted out for today, but seeing how much Saiko wanted to see them was enough to sway him. He smiled, following Arianda with Saiko in tow as he checked the schedule. A small diversion, but one that he could still work with.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:16 pm


Enter Saiko's Post


That was a firm response to Arianda's reaction to them needing canes. Of course, Saiko was joking and soon snorted after her serious reaction. But the woman did not want to rush into looking wrinkly, old, and decayed. To her? This was the start of a new life, and there was no point in her becoming a bitter old crow just yet.

"This is a new life for me. So I'm a new woman and can't be an old lady yet."

Nodding to affirm her stance, Saiko smiled before looking back at Arianda weirdly as she seemed to be hiding something. What on earth was the demon thinking of at the moment? It caused the hybrid to tilt her head before she started speaking sense about the oceans of the demon world.

"Yeah. Demon world wasn't the best place to get lost or explore. They probably still have some nightmares you could find in their oceans."

After patting Arianda's back, Saiko turned her gaze at Henrex and figured not attracting too much attention was for the best. Although she felt like she was joking, they still had reputations to uphold, and she would have to keep that in mind when in the living world.

"Mmmmmm, Henrex is right. Let's keep a low profile. We already got a demon here and two hybrids, no need to make enemies, heehe."

Snickering, Saiko grabbed both Arianda's hand and Henrex's and continued.

"Perhaps one day we can all see what is in the ocean's depths together since we are all pretty strong, but for now, let's just go see those penguins!"

Taking charge, Saiko seemed to have stars in her eyes as she saw all the cute birds waddling about. Something about these furry creatures made her happy, and she eventually let go as she leaned over the railing to wave at them and motioned for the two to follow her.

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:23 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda simply could only chuckle as Saiko seriously refused and proceeded to snort as a result of her attempt to be so super serious. Arianda smiled warmly before she nodded in agreement with Saiko. Indeed, they were all far too young-looking, and had new lives that beside, to just be pressing the 'senior' button and grabbing a cane. Albeit, Arianda wasn't opposed to messing around a tiny bit. However, the demon simply accepted what Saiko had said. Not to mention, Arianda also agreed with her that the demon world ocean was most certainly not something to just go... anywhere near. Untamed and vicious, and it made the human Ocean look quite like a joke. However, given how much the demon world ocean had been explored compared to the human one at least made them quite even in exploration alone.

Sadly, however, in the end, Henrex did have a point about not causing trouble... even if Arianda was still quietly planning to try and pet one someway, some how... However, she decided to acquiesce and not cause any trouble; even if it can be her specialty at times. She was given little time to consider such things after the demon felt her hand taken by Saiko's; which Arianda compulsively held onto tightly as she pulled them forward, Arianda's intent to take the lead temporarily stymied by Saiko. Arianda didn't really mind... it felt wonderful to be fully included like this; even if Saiko holding her hand likely had different meaning in comparison to Henrex. Regardless, the demon gave the two a big grin before they were dragged off to the penguins in full.

Truly, they were quite adorable... and quite goofy looking at times. Arianda trailed a tiny bit behind Saiko, admiring the exhibit first of all before she stood at Saiko's right side; resting her arms upon the guard rail as she looked at the penguins. Well... maybe adorable was an understatement. However, the demon simply gave a small smile as she watched the little flightless birds. However, Arianda didn't wish to spoil Saiko's fun. Not to mention, Arianda really could look at these little puffballs for quite a long time; still resisting the desperate urge to go and pet one. Hell, even Amphy was finding it difficult not to pop out and go pet one. However, the demon and her mental companion simply enjoyed the sight visually... deciding it was best they did not cause any troubles for the Aquarium. Frankly speaking, Arianda was quite glad she wasn't at a Zoo... if there were any tigers, she would have been desperate to pet them. Their day may have just started, but Arianda knew that this was going to be one of the best days of her life... after all, how often did one get the chance to spend such time with their best friends at such a nice place like this~?

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:45 pm
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


Seeing the girls talking and interacting was fun to watch. He offered little resistance as they pulled him along, chuckling lightly as he took Saiko's hand in his. He hadn't been in Demon World often, but he certainly was glad that he never was curious enough to investigate their oceans. With the beings that had come from merely birth of various forms in that place, he didn't want to imagine what nightmares lay in the imitation ocean.

But, he quickly put the thoughts behind him as the girls pulled him along, navigating through the aquarium with surprising accuracy. By the time they made their way to the Aqua Promenade, the show was just about to start. Gently leaning against the railing next to Saiko and Arianda, he took occasional glances at them while watching the penguins walk. In such simplicity, there was joy to be found, and he found no greater joy than in seeing the people he cared for and swore to protect enjoying the time.

Perhaps, when the day came when he drifted into the shadows and let the newer generation take the stage, this world would be safe in their hands. Perhaps they, his friends and loved ones, would be safe. Ah, now wasn't the time to succumb to the doom and gloom of the uncertain future. He took a deep breath, resting a hand over his chest for a moment to calm himself. For now, he just watched the little flightless birds waddle across the Promenade.

For now, he simply needed to enjoy his life. Whatever would happen, he would be ready.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it. After this, we'll go watch the sea otters be fed. How about we close the day with the sea lion show? Otter feeding time, pet the walruses, and let the curtain call be the performance?"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:44 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

There was a great sense of relaxation flowing through the body of Saiko when she observed the penguins playing, the happiness of the audience, and letting the cool air of the fall day hit her body. All of it was what they wanted to fight for when it came to keeping the balance and peace within the world. So, how could Saiko not be happy on this day?

With a cherry hum, Saiko turned her head back as Arianda had been quiet throughout the exhibition. So, to prod her a bit, the hybrid asked some questions.

"So, Ari, did they have penguins like this in the demon world? I never really bothered to explore, but I recall there being many bird-like and animal demons roaming about."

After airing out that question, Saiko's eyes shifted to Henrex as he started to speak, and she seemed to have her gaze linger. Part of him did seem lost in thought rather than in the moment. But, given how sentimental he was, it was only natural since there was an endless amount of thought that could be going through his head as a captain of the Gotei. So, after nodding, she patted his head.

"I certainly am enjoying it, and that's a great plan of action! I just hope you have time to slow down yourself, have fun and remember these are the days we fight for when we are doing our jobs in the Gotei."

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:58 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, Arianda had been a little trapped in a reprieve of her own, thinking of the flightless birds below them, of what might happen with her two friends, of everything that could occur in the future... of the loneliness that still gnawed at her soul. However, it was all pushed aside in an instant by Saiko's voice, jolting Ari out of her reprieve as she looked towards the hybrid, considering what she had said and asked.

"I... I think there were penguins on Demon world? I'm not too sure, honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if they were, demon penguins that are deceptively cute, perhaps~ I can only really remember these ones so well because, well... I was born on Earth, not demon world."

Arianda gave a small shrug before she had a small fantasy about demon penguins, likely able to fly unlike their Earthen brethren; but also quite terrifying in a manner all their own. After all, they were creatures from demon world. While Arianda was sure they were still prey to many creatures, it was hard for the demon not to think that demon penguins would've been quite fierce bastards. However, the demon soon chuckled and smiled at the two, her two dearest friends.

"It's what we all fight for, Saiko... just to have the chance to relax with those we love, even if those days of relaxation are like a fantasy compared to the brutality of life and reality. But we have to enjoy them as best and as slowly as we can... life is always numbered, and we should treasure every precious few moments we have~"

Arianda was smiling gently despite the fact that her words weren't exactly the happiest... but they were well meaning, well wishing; honest to what the future would always hold. Honest trial and tribulation would lead them to their goals, each and every one; even if the roads they had to walk were hard and full of sorrow. However, the demon wished to do her best for the two next to her... so that their lives would be happy ones. Eventually, however, she leaned forward a bit to look at Henrex, grinning at him teasingly; but still quite kind despite how she was soon about to tease him somewhat.

"That sounds good, Henny. Since you have the full plan, would you like to take the lead again, O Captain~?"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:31 am
A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


Brought back to his senses at hearing Saiko speak, pat his head, and eventually respond to him, he offered a warm smile and a returning pat on the head for both her and Arianda. He was glad that they were enjoying it. But, admittedly, he too was curious about the animals in the Demon World. He hadn't really explored Demon World often after getting a handle on his demon half, but he couldn't help but be curious as to what demon penguins would look like.

But, Saiko and Ari were right. This was what they fought for -- to fight for a chance to spend a day like this. The calm and still were what everyone strived for. He felt Ari leaning toward him, and he looked at her teasing grin. He shook his head lightly, gently flicking her forehead as he turned back to watch the end of the Promenade show, then turning and taking a quick look at the map.

"Yes, I think it would be best if I took the lead again, you little thief."

He hoped that he'd be able to keep them on schedule, to make sure they were able to see the main exhibits that he had planned today. But, he sighed softly, thinking of what Saiko said. He needed to make sure he slowed down, to have fun. This was what they fought for, but part of him couldn't help but think of what the future held for him.

For now, at least, he didn't need to think of it. He quietly began making his way toward where the sea otters were set to be fed, taking them through a small connector with a see-through window, right on time as the otters started to swim up to get fed.

"Here. We can get a good view from this connector."

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 1:12 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Huh. That was a curious fact. Part of her wishes she kind of explored the demon world more to find other cute creatures. But, at the same time, she is glad to be freed from that hell.

"What an interesting fact to know, Arianda~! No, really, I kind of wish I went out of my way to find more animal life there as animals are so relaxed and cute. But I don't really miss demon world either."

Saiko felt she kind of sounded sarcastic at the beginning, so she promptly fixed her tone and expressed her earnest desires with a smile. Afterward, she just listened in to the demon agreeing with what was previously said about these peaceful days being the ones they fought to have. So, again, she rubbed the hair of Arianda and gave a gentle hug in return.

"You are so right."

Now flicking her nose, she had a cheesy grin on her face.

"But let's have Henrex guide us, hm?"

Giggling, she turned around and started following him as she had some of her aqua energy form a small hand that poked his cheek as he took them to the otters.

"Hennie, what do you think of the sea otters below? Is there a type of animal you like the most or are fond of?"

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A Day to Remember [Henrex, Arianda, Saiko] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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