Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:53 am
Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] TPy8WTV


Kaito's game plan through the academy was to apply himself as best he could. He wasn't some prodigy of Kido or anything like that, but, he had the willingness to learn. Despite this, it was still surprising to see a name that he didn't recognize. Hono Kaen, someone from the Sixth Division, the Realm Enforcement Bureau. The number and name caught his attention. He had heard about the Sixth Division and the Rukongai's Police Force, the Sakutaiso.

Beyond everything else, those were his goals -- and to see an opportunity to learn about the division right in front of him was a chance that he wasn't going to ignore. He had put in a request to meet with her, and now, Kaito quickly made his way to one of the practice areas. Without even thinking, he grabbed his training sword and Asauchi and rushed to the grounds. As expected of rushing out the door, he arrived a bit early, and he sat down to catch his breath and wait for her.

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:40 pm

Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 123

Man, it's crazy, it wasn't everyday you got requested specifically for training. Though, Hono couldn't say no! It seems like her skills were finally being recognized~ What skill? Well we weren't exactly sure. She would make her ways towards their meeting spot. Kaito, couldn't say she knew the boy. Though she was expecting big things! After all, the academy was suppose to produce the best of the best Shinigami's right?

As she arrived, she would find the boy sitting down, with a training sword in hand. Oh? He was wanting to fight huh? Hono would quickly speak out. "Oi? You're Kaito right?" She would ask curiously. Analyzing the boy's appearance, trying to learn as much as she could before they even started talking.

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:09 pm
Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] TPy8WTV


Finally catching his breath as someone walked in, Kaito stood up, leaving his training sword on the ground next to him as he offered a light wave, smiling.

"Yeah, that's me. Kaito Tomoyuki. I'm guessing you're Hono Kaen?"

He picked his training sword off the ground, neatly tucking away in the side of his uniform. Easy to put away, easy to take out. He straightened out his uniform, before looking over her -- they were both analyzing one another by this point. She seemed to be relatively ordinary -- not that it was a bad thing -- and Kaito soon took to responding.

"Sorry if it was a bit out of the blue to request you, I noticed that you were part of the Realm Enforcement Division and I wanted to see what you were all about. I'm trying to learn about the Gotei's divisions and members, figuring out where I might work the best. Realm Enforcement's currently the go-to choice."

A division where he could reasonable focus his time and resources on the Soul Society itself, in addition to learning of the Sakutaiso. It was looking more and more to be what his choice would be when he graduated, and well, if he was going to pick that out, learning of the members and getting a feel for them, socially and combatively, was the most obvious decision to him.

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:37 am

Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 130/b]

Well, the first thing Hono would do, nods her head in response. Hearing her full name was usually not a good thing, but thankfully it wasn't her captain saying it. So it took a weight off her shoulder, no pressure Hono.

"Yep! Pleasure to meet yah~!" Her hands were placed on her hips and she would bow her head towards him.

Though Hono was still unsure why she was requested out of all the six divison members. Guess that was something she was going to need to ask right now she just wanted to figure out what Kaito was asking for.

"Oh? Why'd you pick little ol me?" She would ask. "You just wanna shadow me? I can give you a little rundown of what we do." Hono would clarify.

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:55 am
Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] TPy8WTV


It was a bit strange for someone officially indicted into the Gotei to be bowing her head toward him. He blinked a few times, before managing to get something out.

"O-Oh, you don't need to do that for me. I'm just an academy student, I should be the one bowing to you."

But, she wasn't one to dance around the questions she had, it seemed. Wondering why he had picked her above everyone else in the division. Well, it wouldn't really be proper of a student to go asking the Captain, Vice Captain, or Seated Members for something like this, now would it? From what the talk around the academy was, there were rumors about some big incident happening in the World of the Living.

"Well, yes, that was something I wanted to do. I just didn't want to bother the higher ups when they're...probably busy and have more important things to handle that letting some random student shadow them. If you could give me a rundown of it, that would be fantastic. All I really know is some basic information and the fact that your division works with the...Sakutaiso, I think? The Rukon Police Force?"

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:28 am

Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 181

"Yep. This kid is a weirdo" Hono thought to herself, but hey, weird was better than being boring.

"Please, I'm not a seated officer or anything" The girl would let out a rather soft chuckle, showing she wasn't some sticker for being formal. "Bowing to me? Not into that kind of thing, plus women are more my type~" She would add winking, hopefully, this would let Kaito know he could be casual around her.

"Ah! yeah, I don't think you'd like Makoto... She's abrasive..." coming to a regular member did make a whole lot of sense. "Well, you pretty much got it on the nose. Sixth Divison doesn't really leave Soul Society much, we keep the peace inside Soul Society" She tapped her chin, thinking of the correct words to use. "Patrols, Prison. If there's an issue we're on it!" She called back to what Kaito said just a few moments ago. "Why's this your first choice? No offense but, we're not the most... exciting division..." Hono loved her division but from an outsider, it was a division without much flair.

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:16 am
Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] TPy8WTV


Oh, she was...oh. That...well, he wasn't really sure how to respond to that, if he should even respond at all. He respected her interests, if nothing else. A quick wink from her only earned a quiet nod of his head as she continued to speak. Being unable to leave the Soul Society much didn't really bother him -- most of his concerns lay within anyhow.

"Well, I'm not really interested in flair or dramatics. The Sixth Division fits my own goals better than any other. Staying in the Soul Society isn't really too big of a downside if I can use what I have to better the Rukongai and give back to the people in my life."

He gave a bashful smile, rubbing the back of his neck. No matter how many times he said it, it was always a little awkward to realize how simple his goals were, but still had the drive to find and use everything that he could in order to do that.

"And, I wanted to see what all I would be getting myself into with this division. Meet the people who might be my future coworkers, that kind of thing."

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:43 pm

Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 140

"That's a pretty acceptable reason. I get to visit my family pretty often. I get a lot of time to just improve myself..." Hono tapped her chin. "I'm usually almost always training, so you really have the freedom to do whatever you want, though we do handle some pretty deep shit, murder cases are NOT fun..." She warned Kaito of some of the bad things in her job.

She would sigh a little bit, looking at Kaito. "Well, I'm Hono~ I'm not a seated officer or anything, but I'm shooting for the stars~ I wanna be a captain one day~" Hono was curious about Kaito, "Say, you got any family? I assume you're from the Rukongai. What are your folks like?" Hono would quickly ask, that might be a bit of a personal question, but Hono was always pretty direct.

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Last edited by Waffles on Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:52 pm
Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] TPy8WTV


The prospect of Hono being able to visit her family gave a light tinge of hope. He hadn't been able to visit too frequently as of late, with everything going on with classes, with Hiroe -- it had all slipped his mind and kept him busy. Perhaps, when he finally graduated, he would be able to visit them more. They would certainly be wanting to hear of what stories he had and seeing him come home a full-fledged Shinigami.

The prospect of the more...undesirable aspects in the division did make him a little uneasy, but, he figured he would get used to it in time. Hearing Hono's desire to reach for the stars, however, put a smile on his face. It reminded him somewhat of Hiroe -- wanting to reach the top, to take that coveted position. But, as she asked about his family, Kaito's expression shifted, looking more awkward and embarrassed.

"I'm from the...further districts. We're, um...o-ordinary folk. Just people trying to live out there, staying out of trouble and such."

It was embarrassing that the first thing that came to his mind about his family was their financial status. But, he hoped to change that in the future.

"What about you? What's your family like?"

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Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] Empty Re: Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito]

Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:29 pm

Job Shadowing [Hono, Kaito] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 222

"But hey, what job doesn't have its sour moments?" She would try and reassure Kaito, that it was a rather uncommon occurrence. Though it was still pretty stomach-turning regardless. Oh, Kaito was from further out? So he must be pretty tough, Hono found the further people lived the tougher they were. After just a bit, she would speak up. "That makes sense, but hey, you made it to the academy, so I'm sure you got some special skills" She would chuckle complimenting him.

Kaito was about to open a side of Hono not a lot saw, she was about to gush about her family. "Oh! Well, my dad was a sword instructor before he died, so he trained me on how to use a blade, my mom is pretty traditional, and I got two siblings! Mizu is my little brother, he's a big dork, if I'm honest, he likes to read and write." She tapped her chin, though if Kaito looked closely he'd see a small smile on Hono's face, not a fake one, a real genuine one. "My sister Farah is the cutest thing, she loves dolls, hell she ever made straw ones that look like me and my brother" She chuckled, the doll in question had a bright pink strand of hair and even had a small handmade doll sized Zanpakuto.

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