Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:27 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] TPy8WTV


There wasn't much that Kaito didn't know about his own district in the Rukongai. He had explored some of the other districts when he was younger, something that had gotten him into no shortage of trouble, but he didn't really explore into the furthest reaches. He had always been told that the furthest districts were somewhere that he should never tread, and for so long, he had listened.

But, after Hiroe had mentioned Ajora and briefly talked about her on their date, as well as some small mentions here and there, Kaito wanted to meet her for himself. He needed to meet more people and explore more of the Rukongai anyways -- he wanted to protect his home, after all. He wanted to make sure he knew every inch of the place, to ensure that he could always try and make his way there. To know the places to hide and attack from the shadows.

So, dressed in his regular clothes -- hardly more than rags, compared to his uniform for the academy -- as well as having the haori made by Hiroe adorning his back, Kaito quietly walked through the district. He had covered the character of "ghost" in the center of the garb. He loved the piece of clothing with all his heart -- it was a gift that meant everything to him -- but, the moniker of "ghost" stayed in the shadows. It was not a name that he could wear proudly, not yet.

For now, he just looked for anyone who matched the description Hiroe gave.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:39 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

Despite the ...perceptions of her classmates. Ajora was more than vulnerable to wearing herself out. She started to notice it with her disguise. The dark, marred flesh was a bit more tedious to hide beneath that thin veil of Kido. And so, she decided to drop the disguise on her day off. There were no classes for the day, and so Ajora decided to head out into the Rukongai.

It wasn't an uncommon thing. Many of the rukongai citizens went out to visit family or friends outside of the academy itself. And well, some small part of her still was a bit fascinated with the space. True, she didn't really have the days at a time needed to make it all the way to the outter districts. But she still could head out and visit the inner and mid districts. A bit further if she wanted to use shunpo. Today was not one of those days. She took her time walking, in no particular hurry.

She wouldn't be terribly hard to find on his way out. After all, she stuck out with her eyepatch and the bandages on one arm, hiding that warped left arm. She was in otherwise normal clothes. A hakama and kosode, with a slightly longer sleeve on the left side to conceal a bit more of her left arm. She hardly was so stupid as to go traipsing around the rukongai with a student's uniform on. Well...not outside the inner districts at least.
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:51 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] TPy8WTV


Seeing the state of the furthest districts hurt. Seeing people even worse off than he was, or worse, seeing even more sketchy and suspicious figures throughout. He had seen some people falling victim to them, and yet, he held his tongue, keeping himself from trying to help them. He wasn't ready yet. He was used to fighting small-time bullies and thugs that were still roughly around his size.

He couldn't afford to pick a fight, not when he didn't know the layout, and certainly not in the daytime. Right now, he was just another wanderer.

It wasn't hard to notice people that stood out in these parts. Seeing someone with a wrapped arm in the corner of his eye, he turned to look over at them. It wasn't much, but it was at least somewhat noticeable. He was pretty sure Hiroe had mentioned something like that when she talked about Ajora. He quietly followed behind her, reaching out to gently tap her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, sorry, but, is your name Ajora?"

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:37 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

Hm. Company? She picked him up with her Raikaku as he approached her, and as he reached up to grasp her by the shoulder, her form blurred, shifting ever so slightly to the side. A subtle shunpo before her hand clicked up to snatch his hand and promptly turn, twisting in the same motion as she aimed to force the man down by locking the joints in his wrists, a hand shifting to her waist before a pause. Brows raising before she promptly released his wrist and canted her head to the side.

"You're not a thug. You're from the shino Academy I presume?" She ventured. She had at no point given her proper name to a non-shinigami after all. She furrowed her brows. He didn't seem like a student, but well, better safe than sorry. She gave a very small little frown. "You shoudl be a little more careful, touching women on the shoulder in shady areas like this. Can I help you with something?"
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:53 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] TPy8WTV


If there was one thing he wasn't expecting from her, it was to get side-stepped and forced to the ground. Before he had a chance to react, Ajora had moved behind him, grabbing and twisting his wrist. Wincing at first, as she twisted even more, locking his wrist and forcing him down, he grunted, groaned, and cried out in pain as he tried to turn his head to face her.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow!"

But, thankfully, she released his wrist, and he wasted no time in cradling it to his chest, rubbing it lightly as he got back up. Shaking his wrist to try and get the last bits of stinging and pain out of it, he turned to look at her, feeling a little sheepish as she frowned.

"Y-Yes, I'm an academy student. Sorry, I recognized you from the description my friend gave, and I wanted to know if you were her. I wasn't expecting to end up nursing my wrist, though. Are you her, though? If not, sorry, my mistake. I didn't meant to startle you."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:05 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

Ajora quirked a brow ever so slightly. "You certainly don't look like you're from the Academy. Why don't you tell me the name of this .... friend of yours?" She asked calmly, that one amber eye staring calmly down into Kaito's. He dressed like a vagabond, not to mention him going right up to her. But there was no aggression in the stare she gave him, but rather simple curiosity. She took a step back and paused, interrupting his attempt to answer.

"No. More important than that. Why are you asking? Most of my classmates give me a pretty wide berth. Do you need something from me?" She ventured with a tilt of her head. Certainly she didn't exactly cultivate a welcoming aura. And so indeed, why WAS he seeking her out?
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:30 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] TPy8WTV


He felt a little awkward as she stared at him, but he could tell that she wasn't entirely aggressive with how she was looking at him. He could tell, however, that she didn't exactly want companions. He rubbed the back of his neck, readjusting his haori slightly.

"Hiroe Miyashiro. We, um...went on a date together, we're classmates, and she talked about you a bit."

She seemed even more antisocial than he was. Classmates, as far as he knew, didn't go out of their way to avoid him, but he wasn't exactly a social butterfly. It didn't help that there were a good amount of students in his classes were from the districts closer to the Soul Society, making it awkward for him to start up any kind of conversation or even approach them.

"Well, I just...wanted to meet you for myself. I wanted to meet some of the people that Hiroe knew. See what interested her, stuff like that."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 2:28 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

Pause was given as Ajora slowly narrowed her good eye at the man. A date? She furrowed her brows and wasn't sure what to make of that. She did't know Hiroe was dating. And some small part of her was immediately disliking this man. She'd associated herself with Hiroe because the girl was just a simple addition to her life, uncomplicated. But it seemed that life was just trying to complicate itself. Hm.

Even so, the man seemed.... unassuming enough. If a little ratty. She let her attention shift scrutinizingly to the man's outfit. Hm. And for just one moment. She felt a sliver of curiosity. Wondering. What was inside of this fellow? So many questions she had about shinigami, and she wondered just what she'd find if she peeled him apart. His muscle. His Bones.

And just as quickly, the thoughts were pushed to the side, she reached up and gently rubbed at her eyelids.

" I see. So you're ...stalking her and her friends?" She ventured casually enough.
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:56 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] TPy8WTV


He had never really been sure of what to expect from Ajora, only the very brief comments that Hiroe had made when the topic came up. But, with the first impression they were putting on one another, this...wasn't feeling very comforting. Kaito felt uneasy as she narrowed her eye at him -- a disapproving glare.

Her eye went to his outfit, and he found himself rubbing his arm awkwardly. But, as she threw out the casual accusation, he suddenly stopped turning to look at her with an irritated glare. How in the hell did she come to that kind of conclusion?

"I'm not stalking her! We're classmates and friends! I just wanted to meet some of the people she met, like you. Expand my friend group a bit, or just learn more about the people around the academy and in the Rukongai."

It felt bizarre how she came to such a conclusion after such limited information. He was just wanting to meet people from Hiroe's friend group, maybe expand his own, and look more into beyond his limited scope of the Rukongai.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:12 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

A brief little smile flitted across her face in response to his sudden and rather loud reaction to her question. Suppressing the urge to chuckle as he took a moment to survey himself before refuting her claim, further expressing that his interest seemed so much more....mundane. He just wanted to see about making more friends? That sounded like a hassle. But she was aware of how things hapened socially around here. No doubt she was going to probably become friends with this man by association to Hiroe. Or at least acquaintences. Especially if they were out going on DATES. Ugh.

"Is that so? I see. Hm, I suppose you're not really the type to dress for an occassion. Or are these your good rags?" She ventured casually before folding her hands behind her back and just above her rear. "I suppose you probably think that's a little rude of me. And for that I apologize, but I'm not exactly used to manners. I was only recently killed and brought here. I've not been dead for very long and I don't remember much from when I was alive. So I appreciate you bearing with me. SO...with that in mind.... let us say that hypothetically... you and I were to become friends." She noted, taking a step closer and then canting her head to the side.

"What would we as friends, do? How do you generally spend time with friends?" She inquired. May as well ask him just what it was he expected out of all this.
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