Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:38 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 TPy8WTV


He wasn't expecting her to focus on sensing him, rather than clearing her eyes. So, he winced and panicked as she suddenly grabbed his arm with a vice grip, throwing him across the training area. He crashed into one of the benches, destroying it as he crumpled and collapsed to the ground, trying to get air back into him after it was so violently ripped away.

In a split second decision, he dived to the left on instinct, narrowly avoiding the burning scarlet beam that pierced and gave off a light explosion from where he was. He readjusted his grip on the handle of his sword, staggering a little as he got back to his feet. Kaito slipped a hand to his side, keeping a hand on his sheath as he held his sword ready as he began to inch forward.

She was hardly boring to fight -- hell, it was a shock to see someone able to use Shakkaho in a unique format while they were still an academy student, recently deceased as well. It was inspiring, amazing, and terrifying at the same time. Letting out a shaky breath, his fingers tightened around sword and sheath as he thought of an answer.

"Hardly boring, but I'm sure I'd be in danger if you suddenly whipped out a Shikai. I can't do something like you did with Shakkaho, even though I'm now a third-year."

Even with relentless training, practice, and studying, he was still making his way up the mountain -- one that sometimes felt impossible, especially with the innate talents that Ajora was presenting.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:51 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

My my, spry wasn't he? She smiled just a bit wider as the man seemed to awe at the things she was accomplishing. A sigh escaping her as she lightly flexed her fingers. "Oh I've seen that look before. You're selling yourself short. I suppose I can't lie. I've always been able to do things like this." She hummed, a dull static crackle sounding as she was suddenly beside him. Her spiritual pressure and presence seeming to vanish entirely, as if merely materializing beside him before she reached in and grabbed his wrist, intent on keeping him close as she smiled in his face.

"But aren't you selling yourself a little short? Can't you feel it? Your soul stirring in response to danger?" She asked as that smile widened, and she PRESSED down on him with her spiritual pressure. A sudden spike of spiritual energy. It was nothing close to say, a third seat or something. But the spiritual pressure she WAS able to exert was certainly something beyond even some unseated officers. Reaching up, and pointing at the center of his chin, as spiritual energy suddenly crackled at her fingertip. The electric hum of a byakurai as she stared him in the eyes.

"I don't need a friend who will just gawp at me in awe. I expect you to keep up." She chimed, as that crackling grew louder, and she fired. Of course, she had toned it down. Even if he just stood there and took it, it would be like getting shot with a stun gun. A sudden shock of electricity, but nothing more than just a light singe to his jaw and the smell of ozone. But well, hopefully the threat of danger would stir something inside him~
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:08 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 TPy8WTV


As Ajora vanished, Kaito gripped his sword and sheath tighter, trying to figure out where she would appear from, only for her to suddenly manifest beside him, grabbing his sword arm. He tried to lean away as much as he was able as she leaned in. He knew that he couldn't do what she did -- at least, not nearly as easily or without practicing relentlessly. He winced and grunted softly as she suddenly released a wave of spiritual power, trying to worm his wrist free of her hand.

Maybe he was selling himself short -- he could feel his body responding to the danger, even if it was in a training environment. He wanted to wait, to try and see if there was a better opportunity coming. But, as she pointed to his chin and began charging a Byakurai on her fingertip. Even if it wouldn't be too damaging, ludicrously far from fatal, he couldn't waste any more time.

Before she could even get the Byakurai off, Kaito thrust his arm out with the hand that held his sheath, aiming to hit her in the stomach, immediately following up with ripping his arm up to strike her from below with an uppercut from his sheath. If she continued to hold onto him as she had been, he would just keep taking advantage of the close proximity.

He'd do his best to keep up, but it was not something he could promise.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:47 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 HEADER_E0ZLticUYAAVgNs

Alright. She expected a lot of responses. But the sudden slam of a fist up and into her stomach wasn't one of them. Her eyes widening slightly as the breath was driven out of her, and in that instant, her hand CLAMPED down, potentially cracking the man's wrist as she was struck! She had a lot of talents, but being hit wasn't actually one of them. And in that instant, a look of absolute shock and pain wracked across her face, as she doubled over! Only for that sheath to strike up toward her face.


"GAH!" She hissed as she was promptly knocked onto her back, clutching at her face as she promptly landed on her back, a grown rolling out from her throat as she writhed! Certainly it would appear that his little underhanded tactic had paid off!
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:13 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 TPy8WTV


He probably should have accounted for the vice grip on his wrist and the response to suddenly being socked in the gut. Wincing as she suddenly clamped down onto his arm, bones cracking and shattering, Kaito cried out in pain, but still followed through. As she fell onto her back, Kaito swapped his sword to his good arm, dropping his sheath and trying to take as best advantage as he could.

He quickly moved forward, pointing the tip of his sword at her neck, ready to pin her arms down if she tried to move. He kept his broken wrist close to his chest, trying to keep movement of it to a minimum, continuously wincing as brief stints of pain shot through his wrist and arm, his fingers twitching in response. He didn't say anything yet, he kept his focus on Ajora, ready to act if she tried to retaliate.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:29 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 HEADER_E9uU7neVUAo8QPu

Oh it had hurt. But perhaps not as much as she let on. Nor was she really all that bothered. The air had been driven clean out of her chest. And when he had struck at her face. She'd managed to block the hit with her palm, but had feigned being struck. He had actually surprised her. But Ajora's sheer will and focus had been plenty to simply power through the hit. Rarely did anyone ever land a hit on her, so Kaito certainly got props for that. But as KAito leapt in to try and point his sword at her throat. That meant leaning over her. And as a result, Ajora's foot rocketed up at top speed to collide between Kaito's legs.

Were he not one of Hiroe's friends, she'd have simply cracked his pelvis with the sheer force of the kick. But he was, and so she held back for the sake of her friend. But all the same, she delivered a swift and hefty kick to the man's groin the instant he was close enough. her own sword flashing to knock his blade to the side. Leap to her feet. And then aim another spin kick to the man's head all in quick, rabid succession. Of course her whole body burned. She'd done all of this while still sucking air back into her chest. But it would still send a message. One she intended to verbalize as soon as she could suck enough air back into her lungs to form a sentence.
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:31 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 TPy8WTV


It felt too easy -- something felt wrong. Instinctively jumping off as she went to kick between his legs, Kaito narrowly saved himself some deeply unwanted pain in the nethers. But, he let up -- something that Ajora wasted no time in punishing, smacking his sword to the side. Immediately after, she quickly got to her feet, spinning and kicking him in the head, sending him backwards, stumbling to the ground.

His vision blurred for a moment, colors blasting into view from the blunt trauma as he held his head, trying to keep the world from spinning, his ears from ringing, and for his head to stop feeling like a bell tower. He took in deep breaths, trying to stabilize himself. He wasn't exactly used to being kicked in the head, especially not by someone with her strength. He was thankful that he hadn't been hit any harder -- maybe something would have been broken then.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:52 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 HEADER_E9uU7neVUAo8QPu

Once he was on the ground, she held a hand out over his downed form. "Shitotsu Sansen." She hissed, Flicking her wrist A bright triangle forming in the air before three fangs SANK down aiming to pin him to the ground by his shoulders and navel suddenly and rapidly. Certainly not the exaggerated gestures the spell had used in the days of old. these days thanks to it being a fairly low level kido, it was something Ajora had learned to execute much more quickly.

All the same, she finally sucked in a breath of air after croaking out the spell, and would slowly crick her neck as she straightened herself up. Whew.... ow. "Well well. Not usually the kind of tactics I see in a sparring ring. A little below the belt for use on comrades don't you think?" She chided him, narrowing her good eye for a moment before she smiled and gave a little shrug. "But I certainly admire your moxie. Just know that if I ever catch you pulling a move like that when training with Hiroe, I'll make sure to excise a suitable punishment for such insolence." She threatened him casually. But not with any sincere aggression.

He'd done well, truth be told. And if nothing else, he showed the capacity to adapt. "Were I you, I'd adopt a few low level spells. Perhaps Sho or something. Or some of the newer ones. I might even design a spell for you if you like. But you really should learn to use more than just your little...sword tricks. Don't you think?" She advised causally enough.
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:37 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 TPy8WTV


Before he could fully recover from that Ajora suddenly released another Kido spell, one he didn't pay attention to the name of before three fangs suddenly dug into his shoulders and naval, forcing him to the ground. He tried to angle his neck so he could face her as she talked, unable to really do much when he was, well, pinned to the ground.

"Coming from the one who nearly kicked me between the legs, that's a bit hypocritical, isn't it?"

It wasn't as if he intended to hurt her severely or anything. He figured she would be able to take it -- and, she had considerably more options than he did at the moment. Currently, any Kido he tried ton use just blew up in his face, even Sho barely worked half the time. More often than not, it just knocked him to the ground and send out a wild concussive blast everywhere.

"I'm working on that, but right now, all the spells I use blow up in my face. I...wouldn't mind a spell being designed for me, if you're willing. But, I want to make sure that I use everything I can to win a fight. Anything can happen in a battle. If my Kido was sealed, or I wasn't able to release my Zanpakuto -- if I had it, at least -- I can't let myself be caught without an option."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:30 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 3 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

Ajora smirked just a little at his comeback. "Turn-about is fair play. You earned that shot with your little stomach punch." She stated simply enough. Certainly not at all concerned with her own dirty shots. All the same. She did peer a little at him. What? "Aren't you a senior student? You have to at least be ...what....a year or two ahead of me and Hiroe? " She murmured with sheer incredulity. Not only that but she'd noticed how abyssmal the man's shunpo had been. And she peered for a moment.

No, no that wouldn't do in the slightest. "Well it's your lucky day." She hummed, turning her back on the man and sheathing her zanpaku'to. Rolling her shoulders before curling a finger toward him without even turning around. "Come on, we're going back to the academy. And then I'm going to drag you to the firing range and make you cast Kido until something half decent comes out. We'll even pick up some food on the way so you won't run out of energy." She stated with a little hum. Certainly the way she phrased it, she was more informing him than asking. If there was nothing else, she had a PASSION for Kido. She was a sheer and simple natural when it came to Hoho. And sure, she was good at using her reiryoku in general. But it was more her DESIRE and fascination with Kido that made her get as good as she was with the demon arts. And well, hearing Kaito's explanation of his own competence was simply something she found unacceptable, and had every intention of remedying.
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