Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:42 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 TPy8WTV


Hearing her comment about his rather...unimpressive fashion sense quickly made him quiet down, staring to the side awkwardly. Usually, people didn't really bring up his raggedy appearance. He rubbed his arm, turning back to her with another irritated glance, relaxing soon after. If she really was someone who had only recently arrived, then, maybe he shouldn't be too harsh with her. It's not like he was any sort of authority, either.

"...I just don't have a lot of clothes to pick from. Aside from this, the only other thing I really have is my uniform."

Hearing her apologize made him feel a little better about the rather unprompted remark on her part, and he took a half-step back as she came closer, seeing her canting her head curiously at him. What would they do if they were friends?

"Well, probably just spend time together somewhere. Dorms, home, training, library, there's a lot of places you could hang out with a friend. We could spar against one another, talk about our day, about the future, things like that."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:39 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 HEADER_ExqPQoQVEAQNynL

Ajora smirked just a little. Even though she apologized, she had to admit she DID enjoy seeing him squirm just a little. Still, the man seemed....awkward enough. She could see why Hiroe had decided to hang out with the young man, folding her arms thoughtfully and seeming to consider. He seemed harmless enough. Not like those nosy, reverent idiots that filled some of her classes. Though then again, Hiroe had somewhat seemed to put her on a pedestal as of late in some small way. Hm.

She regarded him a few seconds before she waved a hand. "Very well then. Let's spar." She hummed with a calm smile, looking around. "Perhaps here isn't the best of places..... Hm." She held a hand out in offering to Kaito. smiling vasually as she waited for him to take it before promptly the air would crackle around them. Sweeping him away back toward Gotei territory with Shunpo. The trip would be fairly quick, given Ajora's fairly decent skill in Hoho, and she'd promptly release the man's hand once they arrived. Giving him a moment to catch his bearings as she'd tap her chin. "So. Any rules you would like to impose on this little match?"
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:53 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 TPy8WTV


Well, she at least seemed to be considering what he had offered as potential ways to spend the day. He wasn't too sure how to feel about her, given the rather unprompted commentary that she had about him. But, it wasn't like he could police how she spoke or what she thought about him. As she offered her hand and a spar, Kaito quietly took it, his head jerking to look around them as he heard the air crackle.

In a moment, they had been taken back toward the Gotei. She was someone who had come here recently, yet was this proficient in Hoho? He had only heard of these kinds of prodigies in the Noble Houses, people who apparently were raised to serve the Gotei and to succeed in practically everything. It was a little unnerving, to see this kind of skill from someone outside of that bracket.

But, he quickly adjusted, getting his bearings and pushing the thoughts out of his head.

"Well, the only one that I would say is of any importance is not using Asauchi to avoid either of us getting injured severely. Do you have a training sword? If not, we can just fight with our Asauchi still sheathed. We'd just need to tie the tsuba so that the scabbards don't come loose."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:50 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

Ajora smiled justa bit wider as Kaito seemed to be a bit jarred by the skills she was showing off. Certainly a little entertained by his reaction, but more than that her smile widened just a little as he put out his rules on how it was that they would proceed with the spar. Though, she DID raise her brows a little when he mentioned having to cover their zanpaku'to? She stared at him for several long moments before chuckling. "You ARE aware that you can dull your Zanpaku'to yes? Hm, I suppose I have been reading ahead a little in class." She chimed before reaching to her hip and peeling her blade free. Making her way over to one of the training dummies and gently resting the edge against it's shoulder. A little slide and it cut into the material.

"You're aware that you need to focus, in order to use your Zanpaku'to yes? I'm sure your instructors have covered the subject. If you find yourself unable to cut a hollow, by focusing your spiritual pressure and sharpening your focus, you can find the strength to cut them. This is because of the configuration of spiritual energy. Reiatsu is produced by the concentrated flow of spiritual energy. By adjusting that flow, you can sharpen your spiritual pressure. However, this also applies to affecting others. More energy, more kick to whatever it is you're doing. The Zanpaku'to is no different. By focusing that energy, you can cut things you would not normally be able to cut. But by inverse." She chimed, reciting casually as she then turned to him, and held her blade out for him to touch. And well, if he were so bold, he'd find the edge was suddenly quite dull.

"You can find that you can keep yourself from cutting anything~ Why not try it yourself?" She ventured calmly. Certainly she was a little surprised he hadn't been taught this, but she wasn't going to really hold it against him. After all, she had no real indication of how long he'd been in the Shino academy. And it wouldn't be fair to make assumptions now would it?
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:09 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 TPy8WTV


You could...dull your Zanpakuto? He had been aware that, in a way, you could use your spiritual power -- what little he had -- to make a sort of defense against other's spiritual pressure if you were stronger than them. He didn't know that you could do the inverse of that and make the blade of your Zanpakuto dull. At first, he doubted it -- but, with her showcasing proficiency in Shunpo, she may have known things that he didn't.

As she drew her sword and held it out toward him, Kaito cautiously slid a finger across the sharp end of the blade. Not even so much as a scratch. Rubbing his finger with his thumb, he soon unsheathed his own sword, holding it in front of him with both hands. He had to concentrate, focus his spiritual pressure and adjust the flow of his spiritual energy. He found himself staring at the thin back of the blade, zoning out as he focused.

Turning to one of the training dummies, he lifted his sword over his head, and cut down with force...only for the weapon to leave nothing more than a loud clunk as it bashed against it. Not even a scratch, just like when he ran his finger across her sword. A smile began to form on his face as he looked at it, taking the sword off the training dummy and letting it go back to his side.

"I...didn't know we could do that, or, at least not like this."

He turned to face her, holding his sword at his side, the tip of the sword facing the ground.

"Well, with this, we don't have to worry about that anymore, at least. If you're ready, we can start."

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 2:55 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

Ajora smirked, very much entertained by the look on Kaito's face as he came to realize something that he himself was so easily able to do. It was a little adorable, to say the least. All the same, she gave a dismissive wave of her hand. "It's something easy to miss. And as you can tell, it's not even hard. When you swing your sword, you subconsciously sharpen your spiritual pressure with the intention to cut. But even just a bit of effort to consciously dull your energy makes it quite simple to do. I suppose it simply isn't something that naturally occurs to everyone." She hummed. Well for the most part. IT was also a matter of making sure you didn't lose your focus in a fight. Getting too into things, and if those instincts to cut kicked in, you could indeed accidentally cut someone. But he hardly seemed like he would have that sort of trouble.

"Besides. We're supposed to be using out Zanpaku'to as much as possible to form a connection. Aren't we?" She pointed out, before promptly eyeing her zanpaku'to and sighing. Truth be told, she wasn't exactly a whiz at using her zanpaku'to. She was actually quite adept at fighting, and she could use swords well enough. But she was all but completely inept when it came to ...communicating with her zanpaku'to. At least so far. But well, she supposed that would take time. According to the literature, she'd likely get no response from it for a while. Hell, she had only just got it, there probably wasn't even a fully developed spirit IN herasauchi yet. So there probably wasn't really anything to really connect WITh just yet. But she'd worry about that in time.

For now, she raised her weapon, taking up something almost akin to a fencer's stance, waiting for Kaito to make the first move.
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 3:51 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 TPy8WTV


It felt strange to be using their swords in a sparring match, but, with that additional little bit of information, he had faith that he wouldn't hurt her. Vice versa, however, he...couldn't deny that he harbored a little bit of doubt. But, nevertheless, he gave her an affirming nod in response as she waved her hand dismissively at his lack of knowledge on the subject.

As Ajora brought up their Zanpakutos, he found himself looking at his.They were supposed to be using their Zanpakuto as often as possible, yes, but, Kaito felt...well, he wasn't quite sure what he felt. How long were they supposed to wait? How long did they have to meditate, to use their Zanpakuto, before they finally at the very least began learning its name? Apparently, the spirits also often could be fickle, choosing whether or not their wielder was worthy enough.

Frustrating. But, he needed to remain focused. He was starting into his third year out of six, he shouldn't have been expecting to know it's name by now. He looked up at her, seeing her taking a stance. Kaito hardly adjusted his, keeping his Asauchi low to the ground along with his body, crouched slightly. She was waiting for him to make the first move -- well, he'd have to give that to her, then.

Adjusting his foot slightly, he carefully took a step forward, raising his sword slightly, before suddenly turning and cutting downward, diagonally, toward the wrist of her sword arm. He remembered to keep his focus up, making sure that his sword was dull if it did hit.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:56 pm
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

She smiled all the wider as she watched him take everything in. Instincts slowly boiling to the surface as she didn't even take a moment to think. Her body moved all on it's own, as if it had been ingrained in her. As he slashed down on her wrist she TORE her own blade upward with her own sheer strength, parrying his strike aggressively and starting to walk calmly toward him. Her own blade clicking, twisting, and swerving to find his own at every turn. She could have simply overpowered him, but what would she need to do that for? Especially when she could simply bully his blade about. Interrupting his moves and making the slightest little stabs toward him, not making contact, but keeping him on his toes as she advanced, aiming to slowly back him across the courtyard.

After all, this was just a friendly little spar. And she was curious to see what would come from him. He seemed confident enough, and he was a senior to her. What would he do in such a situation? Where he could so obviously not rely on his sword? After all, Shinigami had plenty of other tools to utilize, but it would be a matter of whether he would think to use them. She didn't let him just sit there and ponder. Her blade would flick and poke, reatening his body, his hands, even feinting little flick of the blade toward his face to instill a sense of danger within him. Even occassionally allowing her blade to connect with his wrist or arms. Naturally he woulnd't be cut. But the contact would still be forceful, enough to ....dissuade any notions that she wouldn't strike if he kept himself too obviously open.
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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:43 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 TPy8WTV


As Ajora ripped her sword upward to parry his strike with the utmost aggression, Kaito instinctively backed up, pulling his sword close to him again. He switched his footwork, keeping his body stationed and rigid. He tried to fend off the quick, brief attacks she made, whatever he didn't manage to parry stinging as they hit him, even if the blade was dulled.

As she backed him across the courtyard, Kaito tried to back up more and make space, lowering the tip of his sword to the ground, before quickly digging it in and pulling out a clump of dust and dirt on his sword, tossing it at her eye. He moved to the side with her free arm, quickly darting in and slamming his fist and sword's handle into her stomach. He backed off again, bringing his sword back up to defend himself, should he need to.

Part of him doubted that he was going to win this little bout, but, he still could at least try.

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Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:39 am
Nowhere, Middleof [Kaito, Ajora] - Page 2 HEADER5_FXhhVhrakAAi6cL

Oh? That downward flick of his blade digging into the dirt caught her attention, but she didn't bother looking down, instead looking pointedly at him as he launched that clump of dirt up at her face. Her eyes closing reflexively. Though as he rushed in with that sharp punch, his knuckles would suddenly find a hand catching his attempted strike, having tracked him through her Reikaku despite her eyes being closed, and promptly clenching around his knuckles and sword. That sudden powerful vicelike grip set as she spun, aiming to swing him clean off his feet and then throw him bodily into one of the nearby benches with enough force to knock the wind out of him. Nothing too vicious, but enough to maybe stun him for just a moment.

In the very next moment, she pointed a finger in his direction. "Shakkaho." She recited, burning kido energy swirling at her fingertip. But rather than firing as a aball of flames, instead that kido surged in a sudden beam of flames flashing in his direction! Not enough to do any serious damage, but definitely enough to leave him with stinging light burns if it hit him head on.

Though she'd take a minute to wipe her face after firing that spell. A little intrigued as she opened her eyes again. He certainly wasn't afraid of underhanded tactics, it was quite a lot like fighting urchins in the rukongai. But well, he certainly looked the part for that. An interesting mannerism for a Shinigami... did he plan on joining the Fifth Division? Or perhaps Fourth? Questions for later, but in the meantime, she'd gently crick her neck. "Having fun? I hope I'm not too boring to fight. As much as I'd like to show you a Shikai I'm afraid that I really haven't made much progress with my Zanpaku'to." She admitted idly.
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