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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:27 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Thus far Hyosuke felt he could earnestly say the day had been.... interesting. Hana was a good student, immature and with obvious weaknesses she did her best to hide but he could tell her heart was in the right place. As he finished putting away the weighted training gear Hyosuke once again picked up his tea cup, the Jasmine now much closer to room temperature, and took a sip before sighing softly. Not in real enjoyment of the tea but more in an attempt to unwind after his first time teaching in so long. Even cold tea could be a comfort in times that, genuinely, had him both excited and somewhat curious as to how much he had degraded since his days as a Captain.

Setting down the cold tea Hyosuke would turn and draw in a fortifying breathe, hands laced behind his back before he sensed someone approaching his dojo again. This.... was strangely reassuring. He had assumed at least one student would arrive, if for no other reason than the prospect of personal training under an ex-captain being an opportunity they did not wish to pass up. But not only did he receive a dedicated, if grumpy, student in Hana but a second so soon after the first was genuinely reassuring. Picking up Benicho Kogo and unfurling the umbrella behind him.

When Kaito entered Hyosuke would give a friendly enough smile, though his eyebrows would lift momentarily, as it seems the universe was playing a bit of a prank on him with his student. Hana Aoyama, a noble girl of refined frailty and frustration, and this young man, Kaito Tomoyuki. Who some would call a street urchin, much how Hyosuke had been a lifetime ago, and only knew whom Kaito was due to wanting to keep some knowledge about, and remembrance of, his origins. if Hyosuke had lived two lives thus far then it seems his two students, thus far, each reflected his past and present respectfully.

Whatever Kaito may have thought of it Hyosuke's first interaction with him would be to give a genuine chuckle and smile. His voice just, perhaps, a tad bit warm with familiarity due to his own thoughts on his students.

"Well, The Ghost of the Rukongai...... this is unexpected but far from unwelcome. Please, come in. Make yourself comfortable."

Hyosuke would turn and go to retrieve a fresh pot of tea from the back and would pour two cups of it, offering one to Kaito.

"Tea? It helps one relax and limber up before training."

Whether Kaito took the cup or not Hyosuke would be sure to set his cup on a warmer this time before twirling Benicho Kogo idly, letting it lean back against his shoulder as the crimson fabric fluttered in the air due to the rotations.

"Well, if you are here to train and considering the student who just completed her lesson, tell me.... shall it be Ghost? Well.... anyways.... if I am to properly instruct you I would like your honest interpretation of your own skills. Do not downplay yourself, do not try to brag, either action will cause issues and if you start on the wrong foot unlearning bad habits can be harder than learning good ones."

Hyosuke brought Benicho Kogo's twirling to a halt and the fabric seemed to shift... oddly when it should have stopped simply. Only for a brief moment did it sag as if some force pushed down upon it before the fabric fluttered placidly in the air.

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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:48 pm
A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] TPy8WTV


Applying himself was the name of the game -- something that he had been telling himself for the last couple months, basically. Applying for training with Yuri, shadowing under Hono in the Sixth Division, practice and sparring with Kimitsuki, he didn't want to stop. However, something he hadn't been expecting was a flyer for a dojo back home.

Returning to the Rukongai after his date with Hiroe and after spending so long in the academy, coming into his third year, felt strange. But, the thought of being able to train under an ex-Captain of the Gotei was far too tempting to ignore. He quietly made his way to the dojo, entering with little fanfare, only to be greeted by that title those in his home knew.

He visibly cringed and shuddered at hearing that title come from the lips of one who used to be a Captain. He still didn't like that name, however much those who knew his identity propagated it to such lofty and noteworthy renown. Nevertheless, he did as requested of him, sitting down near where Hyosuke had sat. He nodded softly, taking the offered tea and taking a quiet sip.

"...Thank you, sir."

As Hyosuke next spoke, however, Kaito felt a wave of uncertainty wash over him. How would he interpret his own skills? He didn't really think he was all that special. He didn't have much knowledge or skill in most of the Zankensoki curriculum. All he really had right now was some rudimentary swordsmanship. His gaze turned from mild, awkward embarrassment, to a gentle, humble look.

"I don't know how to answer that to your satisfaction. I'm not someone special. I'm not a prodigy from a noble house or some miracle child from the Rukongai that can blaze through their classes as if it were nothing. I'm Kaito Tomoyuki, someone who's trying his best to learn what I can. I've been getting better with my swordsmanship, I'm kind of understanding Kido, Hoho, and Hakuda. But, in the end, all I can say is that I think I'm wholly average."

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:57 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke noticed the cringe from Kaito and chuckled, supposing that the title the young man carried might have been more of a crowd-pleaser than something he chose to adopt. Amusing, but Hyosuke had unbalanced his new student enough that when the young man sat down and sipped his tea, Jasmine if he liked it, and Hyosuke nodded with satisfaction as the young man described himself as average. Kaito no doubt held a great deal of humility, it was all over his body language. Hyosuke could respect a humble origin, either in life or in learning, and took a sip of his own tea before folding Benicho Kogo in.

"Well, Kaito-san, average or no in the ways you have identified....."

Hyosuke trailed off as he brought the Wagasa down to use as a makeshift cane, planting his hands on it's handle as the tip stayed on the floor. The subtle tap emphasizing his words.

"To come from where you have been to where you are now shows a great deal of promise. You seem, especially, inclined toward what I would call the greatest gift one can have on the battlefield given your nature."

Hyosuke would walk to a small storage closet and remove a standing wooden dummy from within. Four rings of wood concentrically circling an inner mechanism and with a small THUD Hyosuke would set it before Kaito. Each of the four rings, tiered up the dummy's surface, possessed protrusions with false hands upon them. Hyosuke would take the time to sift through the closet and remove two blunted blades from within and place them in two of the hands on different, joined levels. Not to close or too many, giving Kaito time to react but Hyosuke did wordlessly demonstrate that as the circle on one level moved it rotated another set circle.

Simply put, each strike and parry of the one practicing would further fuel the dummy in engaging in combat from a different angle.

"This, will help me discern whether that is the case. Do not be embarrassed or hesitant, this is to get an honest measure of you, average or no and...."

Hyosuke made a point to raise a finger in emphasis with his free hand.

".... one strike does not mean you have to stop. I trust you've enough measure of yourself that you will know when you have reached your limit. Without hurting yourself, of course."

Hyosuke would walk away, off to the side, and return Benicho Kogo to it's faux cane stance before clearing his throat.

"Be sure to focus and, to keep you on your toes, once you do disengage from your opponent I am going to ask you a question. Answer it truthfully, perhaps correctly, if you can."

One may wonder why Hyosuke would have his student focus on the physical aspects of combat, those reactions and adrenaline-fueled flurries that took no thought, only to then warn his student he would then engage his mind directly after. It was a crude, watered down but simply way for Hyosuke to emphasize the changing conditions of a battlefield or, in Kaito's case, how he would need to adapt to survive the dangers of the Rukongai should he continue this 'Ghost' business. Once one opponent was beaten one could not rest on their laurels, they needed to be able to bring themselves out of the trance of fight and into a state of mind to survey and strategize over their next move, their next foe to face or ability to use. With how unforgiving and manic the violence of the Rukongai could, unfortunately, get this was also true when it came to encounters in the poorer districts. In short, he was indirectly aiming to help Kaito improve his ability to think on his feet.

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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:31 pm
A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] TPy8WTV


He didn't recognize the flavor of the tea, but, it was good. Then again, he wasn't really picky. Nevertheless, a smile came to his face, becoming a little greedy as he quickly drank the rest of it, setting the cup down next to him as he listened to Hyosuke. It gave him...mixed feelings. The feeling of being praised by a former Captain, saying that he showed promised, was something that roused emotion in him.

He was always just holistically average, and to hear that someone as ordinary as him held promise was something he took pride in. Yet, he didn't understand what he meant next. How was he inclined toward a gift of any sorts? He canted his head slightly, a confused expression shifting to replace the appreciative smile.

"I...I don't understand, sir. How is someone ordinary like me inclined toward any kind of gift?"

As he watched him take a wooden training dummy out of a closet, he got to his feet quickly after he set it in front of him, taking a few steps back. He watched Hyosuke take two dull swords out and place them in the faux-hands of the dummy. Reaching for his Asauchi, he drew the sword in a surprisingly clean movement, holding it out in front of him in a basic stance.

He looked over at Hyosuke for a moment, before inching toward the dummy, raising his sword, before cutting down, hitting the top segment with a decently loud clunk. Immediately, the middle segment began turning in response. He quickly adjusted his sword to block and push it away, seeing the other segments begin moving as a result.

A constantly flow between the upper, middle, and lower sections of the training dummy forced Kaito to stay on his guard, having little time for rest as he continued to parry and strike. Eventually, he made his way into a rhythm. All the while though, he couldn't help but wonder what question Hyosuke could have to ask of him, especially after practicing against a dummy like this.

It was something he'd soon find out, as, several minutes later, Kaito's rhythm was begining to slow. He had started working up a sweat, and his arms and neck were sore of constantly moving, analyzing, parrying, and riposting. With one final deflect, he stepped back -- or, rather, stumbled back, and sat down, collapsing as his Asauchi clattered to the floor in front of him. He wondered what the question was, but, part of him hoped that he wouldn't ask.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:06 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

As Kaito asked his question Hyosuke merely gave the young man a look that said 'I won't answer that now but maybe in time'. Once Kaito was presented with the dummy Hyosuke observed his movements closely, appreciating the classical, if simple, stance before letting his own thoughts fall into rhythm with Kaito's movements. Noting how the young man parried, transitioned between his movements and gauging how effective Kaito was Hyosuke did note that he seemed to struggle with his motions conserving energy. Kaito was one who put his all into everything he did, to a fault even, and if Hyosuke had to guess he would tire himself out at this rate.

Sure enough after a few minutes Kaito was sweating, another and his movements slowed, a couple more and the young Shinigami came tumbling away from the training dummy as if thrown back in defeat. As Kaito fell onto his rear Hyosuke walked forward between Kaito and the dummy, stuck Benicho Kogo out, and stopped the dummy's rotations before picking up Kaito's blade for him and offering it, handle first, and when Hysouke spoke his voice was serious in comparison to his earlier demeanor. Even this change in attitude being a bit of a test to throw Kaito off as he stated and asked.

"Kaito Tomoyuki. You claim to be an average man of no talent, no gifts, yet you and the opponent who has bested you, thrown you to the ground, share the exact same gift, the exact same advantage. Tell me, what is that advantage? The very same advantage this opponent...."

Hyosuke tapped the head of the dummy with the Wagasa for emphasis before pointing the surprisingly deadly sharp tip of the umbrella at Kaito's chest for further emphasis.

".... used to defeat you."

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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:44 pm
A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] TPy8WTV


As Kaito tried to let his arms rest, he saw Hyosuke offering his sword to him, and he took it, bashfully sliding it back into the sheath. He couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed at how short his time lasted against the faux-opponent. As Hyosuke asked of him of what advantage he apparently shared with the dummy. The sudden change in attitude hardly phased him, it was the question he didn't understand.

He didn't believe to have any gifts, any advantage that he shared with the dummy. He leaned back slightly as Hyosuke pointed the tip of the umbrella at his chest, looking at him, then the dummy. There was only one answer that he could think of, and it wasn't even really one that he was fully confident in. Canting his head to the side, he thought for a moment, before turning to look back at Hyosuke.

"I...don't know. Normality?"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:51 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke's brow raised a bit in surprise, and his serious expression melted into one that was... pleased. An easy, charming smile that turned up one corner of his mouth answering Kaito's answer and the Ex-Captain chuckled. Giving his head an almost lazy tilt as he asked back.

"Normality? Mmmmm.... not as foolish an answer as you think, young Tomoyuki. It is an answer along the right path, at least."

Tapping the side of his head with a finger on the hand that was not currently pointing Benicho Kogo at Kaito Hyosuke would ask with a level voice, ever so slightly emphasizing his next word.

"Think. Let your mind move from that point, and onward, if something possesses, as you call it, normality then where does that lead? Hmm?"

Hyosuke would not give Kaito the answer, not directly, but instead he would let Kaito think on it for a moment before offering the young man a hand to help him up, continuing to another topic.

"As far as your technique, it is fair. Though you wear all your soul on your sleeve, a blessing and a curse, as you put your all into everything you do."

Once Kaito was on his feet Hyosuke would turned back, pick up the dummy with one hand, and move it aside as he continued to speak.

"We will either need to improve your stamina enough to keep up with your expenditure, or go against your earnest nature and attempt to train you in more subtle arts."

Hyosuke would come to stand a few feet from Kaito now, idly spinning Benicho Kogo against his shoulder as he nodded to Kaito.

"What do you prefer, Kaito-san? Your training shall be your choice as much as mine, as you seem to have the heart to put into it, and an honest one at that."

Hyosuke himself was also being honest, returning the demeanor of his student in full, as he would not have the manner of training be anything else. If his students, this one in particular, were going to forge their own paths into becoming more than what they were, they needed to first be able to be honest with what they wished to achieve. Kaito, distinctly, was one Hyosuke did not worry about having that capacity.

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Last edited by Cala Paracer on Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:53 pm
A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] TPy8WTV


Well, he at least had something of a hint, normality was somewhere in the ball park. It didn't help a lot, but it was something. Where did normality lead? It didn't really seem to lead anywhere -- the average was idle, stagnant, hardly anything that showed anything more than what it already was. As he pondered it, he listened to Hyosuke's assessment.

It wasn't really anything that he hadn't heard before from his teachers and peers. He was someone who put everything into what he did, so, he didn't really have a very impressed reaction to that as he got to his feet. He was more focused on trying to figure out what he was meaning in his question, his head only lifting to look at him as he asked what his preference on training was.

"Both. I don't care which one is first, but I need to learn as much as I can and use everything that I have to protect my home."

Taking another bit of time to think about it, he figured to give it another attempt before they started another round of training.

"Is it...the lack of anything special about it? It has the same gift and advantage, but, I don't have any. Is that the advantage?"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:21 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke would take up a spot a few feet away from Katio, Benicho Kogo leaning against his shoulder and splayed out behind him, nearly always idly twirling it as Kaito stated he wished to do both. Hyosuke smiled, nodded, and found the answer entirely unsurprising. It would not at all be a stretch to say Hyosuke was taking a liking to Kaito, as opposed to what had felt like centuries dealing with the politics of nobility, the young man's honesty and direct nature were distinctly refreshing. In this case Hyosuke was more than happy to oblige.

"Very well, once you are ready we will continue."

As Kaito gave another guess Hyosuke chuckled and his smirk genuinely reached his eye at this, his crimson eye all but glowing with amusement and mirth, and he would simply respond.

"Like water circling a drain, almost Kaito-san, though you are still on the path. Not at the finish line. Now come. I would experience this earnest style of yours first-hand, that way I may better gauge how committed, or rather how over-committed, you are to each strike."

Hyosuke would snap Benicho Kogo shut above his head, idly let it drop into his left hand, and hold the Wagasa in a low guard. Pointing at a spot a scant few feet in front of Hyosuke on the floor, his right side angling back to present almost a side profile to Kaito, angling his body to give the young Shinigami less to aim at. His head tilting forward slightly Hyosuke nodded coolly to Kaito and instructed.

"Whenever you are prepared we begin with your first strike."

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A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] Empty Re: A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:55 pm
A Meeting of Urchins [Kaito/Hyosuke] TPy8WTV


Almost, he said. Again, not giving him any real hint, making trying to figure out the answer he wanted all the more frustrating. He wasn't really sure what else there was he could guess that would be anywhere close to a right answer. It wasn't the lack of an advantage, it wasn't the normality that he and object exuded, what in the hell was it then? A sharp, annoyed sigh came from him as he got to his feet, his arms still a little sore.

He brought his sword back out of its sheath, though he kept a hand on his sheath this time, rather than grip the sword with both hands. Fighting a training dummy was going to be considerably different than fighting an actual person, an ex-Captain at that. There were tricks that he actually could use against someone like that, rather than just continue the monotony of fighting what was tantamount to an inanimate object.

Focusing to ensure that he dulled his sword enough, just on the miraculous off-chance that he actually managed to land a hit on Hyosuke, Kaito quickly took a step forward. Drawing his sword to the opposing shoulder, Kaito went for a simple, but quick and hopefully clean horizontal cut just below his shoulders. It wasn't flashy or particularly stylish, but the simplicity and efficiency more than made up for it.

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