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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:05 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

Quite simply, Rio was over the moon. Finally having applied for a division, she bides her time waiting for the moment when they'll tell her she's been accepted. To be certain, it was a tough decision. Part of her genuinely wanted to join Mizu in eighth since she'd presented such a fine case the last time they met, and then there was a young man who had sort of broken her out of that noble shell in Igen.

A bright spirit. All in all, a good guy. He was in the first, but after contemplating it, she hadn't found that to be a division suited to her particular set of strengths. She wanted to be genuine, to pursue this not out of a desire to hang around peers(though that was part of it) but to be of service to the Gotei as a whole. Combat division suited her just fine, and reading through the list of members, she'd be hanging around Moe!

That would be fun. For the moment, Rio contents herself with walking through the first division barracks in search of her best bud. She had good news, and she'd wanted to check up on him after the last time. Had he gotten any stronger? How was he handling things with Ko, his constant release state Zanpakuto? So many questions. Hopefully, he wasn't too busy to hang out for a bit.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:18 pm
Whewwwwwww how long had it been since Igen had met with the Shihoin? Quite a while. He had been pretty busy after all! And boy was he enjoying a little time off after his .... fiasco at the Africa hunt. That big hollow had taken it out of him, and he'd taken just a day or two to try and recoup. Or well, he was SUPPOSED to be recouping. But truth be told, he was planning on getting back into training. Humming to himself as he started fixing up his things. After all, he wanted to get in a good sweat and on what he'd been working on for quite sometime: More Shunko training.

As Rio made her way over to Igen's place, the door would suddenly swing open as she was about to knock. And certainly she'd get something of a surprise. A short little gal quirking a brow up at him as she did, and a set of bright orange eyes peering up at the Shihoin before narrowing ever so slightly.

Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  HEADA_Screen_Shot_2019-07-23_at_9.58.46_PM

"Ahhhh, well if it isn't you again. Rio wasn't it? Here for Igen are you?" The short woman ventured with a tilt of her head and an incredulous look at the noble. Of course, if Rio paid enough attention, she might recognize the spirit energy. As well as those tiger ears perched atop the woman's head. It was really hit or miss if people recognized Ko's human form or not.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:37 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

The moment Rio attempts a knock at the door, a sudden swing follows and it's open. Amber eyes see an unfamiliar woman who seems very familiar with her. Rio takes a moment to assess the blonde woman with tigerlike ears. Does she remember her? For a moment, she lets her thoughts swirl, drumming up past memories. With enough focus, she recognizes the spiritual pressure at least, and the tiger ears seem to make more sense now. Wait... was this.. Ko? Rio canted her head to the side as she stroked her chin. Had she learned to adopt a new form? It looked pretty cute, all things considered. In response to her inquiry, Rio posed a light venture herself.

"Ah... yes. I am here to see Igen again. Is... that... you, Ko? You... look different."

It was a rather awkward reply, but she certainly didn't expect to see her in this form.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:40 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

"eh? RIO! Hey!" Ko had been about to reply when Igen promptly popped up over the woman's shoulder, waving to Rio as Ko rolled her eyes in mild annoyance. "I guess it's normal that Your ... friend wouldn't recognize me." She noted with a roll of her eyes. Glancing at Rio's chest before shaking her head and turning to slip back inside. Meanwhile Igen swiveled around the Zanpaku'to spirit to give Rio a prompt hug in greeting!

"Heheh, sorry about her. she's a little grumpy at the moment. That's Ko, bye the way. But HEY! I haven't seen you in ages! How you been Rio?" Igen asked excitedly, his eyes all but sparkling as he moved to the side so that his friend could come in. Certainly it had been a bit since the two had met up, but Igen hardly was one to outright forget about his friend! He would never forget someone who was so fun to drink with but also such a great sparring partner.

Inside, Ko was sitting off to the side, lounging across Igen's couch and idly playing around on his Phone. She certainly seemed to have made herself comfortable around his place. Igen in the meantime quickly made his way into a little section which had a little hot plate he was cooking steak in, and the smell of cooked and seasoned meat would promptly reach Rio's nose as he seemed to fiddle with things. [color=salmon["I just need a minute here to finish cooking these. You want some? I made a whole bunch for the week, but there's plenty if you're hungry!"[/color] He offered.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:35 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

The awkward air is thankfully sliced through by the person she truly desires to see as her ears register that familiar voice. A little bit of guilt sets in at her inability to recognize Ko, but even that is short-lived the moment Igen gives her a hug. A sheepish chuckle followed.

"I can tell. She was a tiger the last time we'd met. I had no idea she could shift forms. As for how I've been? Great. I've met some new people, and I have some good news to share."

Entering his abode, Rio notes the couch among most things. She catches another glimpse of the tiger girl as she rubs the back of her head, avoiding her gaze to focus on Igen as the scent of sizzling steak reaches her nostrils. There is one thing she hasn't bothered to notice yet, but he's making something right now, which makes it a little hard to tell. Was Igen sporting a new outfit?


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:32 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen perked up and tilted his head just a little as Rio mentioned some of her own experiences. "Oh? Like who? I remember you talked about wanting to maybe Rejoin the Gotei and I did say you should go for it. Did you find a squad to join?" He asked with an enthusiastic smile. Taking the moment to finish up a few light touches to the steaks. Setting them on the table before canting his head curiously at the woman.

Oh yes, he had his new uniform. Initially he had attempted to be a little more...macho about it. Just peel off his kosode and have it hang about his waist whenever he used his little move. But uh... he ...wasn't quite that smooth. Usually he didn't have TIME to do that in the middle of a fight, as the fight in Africa had proven. But also despite trying to practice, given how tall and slim he was his elbows usually got stuck. So ultimately he'd switched to the backless shoulderless uniforms not quite typically seen in first division.
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Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:11 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

"Well, there was this woman I'd met at the Academy before I resigned from teaching. She teaches at the academy from time to time. And she's a seated member of the realm enforcement division. Then there's Mizu! A very respectful woman, albeit overly apologetic at times. And... Moe. We fought and had a meal together. Now..."

Now that Rio can see him in full view, she finally has a more discernable glimpse of the new uniform. A curious smile lines her lips. It's interesting. She was actually curious to know what had led to the change in gear, but first - the good news! As he set the food down, on the table, Rio would look up at him with a playful pause. Normally, had this been her in the past, she would've simply come straight out with it. Now, she quite enjoyed playing the role of mischief. One. Two. Three. A deep breath, and she's pointing towards herself to make it look cool, even if it's little more than a simple piece of information, it means something to her. She'll be fighting among men and women from now on. It's a little momentous, no?

"You're looking at the future third seat of the Combat Division. Rio Shihoin!"

Flashing a flamboyant pose, Rio chuckles softly, hoping the little act might earn her a laugh from her companion, outside of excitement. She'd ran it through in her head, and everything just circles back to combat division suiting her the most, fighting style and leadership. She'll hold her division members accountable, and whip them all into shape, Moe included.

"Someone had presented a compelling case for the eighth, but I decided that this was more or less the best choice for me, you know?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:46 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen perked up and smiled intently as he waited for her to explain. Noting her little buildup and taking the time to set out a plate for the three of them. Though Ko's plate only had meat and no real vegetables. Still, he perked up and beamed when she finally made her announcement. "Oh wow! That's awesome! I figured you'd be a great member of the Fourth Division, but still, it's great that you're going for an officer's position. I certainly hope you get it!" He pointed out. Certainly aware that the process was very tenuous. Even if she'd put in for the position, or been advised she was being considered for it, there was always the chance that it wouldn't actually go through. After all, HE had certainly been hoping for a position as Tenth seat when he first joined, but after the ....well..talents of others in his class had been considered, he'd wound up much lower.

Even so, he promptly set down her plate. "So you gave up teaching and you're going to be in a division. Guess that means I'll be seeing more of you around? Especially with a seated officer position. A bit more paperwork. But well. It being Foruth Division maybe not so much!" He chuckled and flashed a smile, giving her a playful little nudge with his wrist.

"Unfortunately I can't celebrate with a drink. I got a lot of stuff I need to do tomorrow. But we should have ourselves a little round! I've improved a lot since we last fought eachother. And well, with you going to be the third of the Combat Division, I should make sure you aren't rusty!" HE pointed out. Certainly Rio had faced him before, but that was a very different stage in his development. Not only would this be a test of Rio's own resolve, but it would also be a test of Igen's own growth as a person.

Plus thinking back.... he ...DID remember Rio seemed to sortof hold back quite a bit. And he was a little worried that tendency might reflect badly once she was in the fourth. It might be .....appropriate to have to force the woman to try a bit harder than she was used to. The last thing he wanted was for Rio to struggle in her new division.
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Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:33 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

"I hope so, too. It hasn't gotten through yet, but I'm fairly confident I'll be picked. And yeah, you'll be seeing my face a lot, and so will another lady I met recently. As far as paperwork goes, I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. I think it'll at least be a lot easier than teaching students."

Igen's reaction was exactly what she was looking for. It was always nice to share good news with peers who genuinely cared for her wellbeing. Rio sat at the table, gazing down at the steak and she samples the seasoned meat, impressed with it's flavor. It was interesting. She was accustomed to fighting him or drinking with him, which made the sight of seeing him prepare a meal all the more curious. Then again, she's probably overthinking things. As she enjoys the meal, Rio curiously tilts her head, interested by his proposal. If nothing else, it would be a good opportunity to see how much he'd improved since the last time they'd fought. If Ko had adopted a different form, had Igen cultivated his abilities as well? It was worth the indulgence in curiosity, but first...

"Fine by me. I'd been meaning to see how much you've improved since the last time we met. Although, I'm curious. I notice you have a new outfit. I don't usually see first division officers wearing this. Was it just something done on a whim or was there something else in mind?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:39 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen perked up and tilted his head a little as Rio explained as much. Nodding along and humming as he imagined such a thing. He did know a few people in that division. He was sure they'd all have a good time of it! "Awesome! I actually have a friend in Fourth Division. Moe Machihara. You should definitely give her a hello sometime. She may be a little huffy and grouchy at times. but she's a good friend and a great fighter too! I think she'd be a great matchup for your Zanpaku'to too." He pointed out with a smile. Certainly he could imagine Moe's big metal bat being a nice foil for Rio once she got a bit stronger.

That said, he blinked when Rio changed the subject. "OH! Ahah, well uh actually as of late I started getting more serious about my training. I've been working really hard to learn Shunko! And uh....well... Things do get a bit dicey out in the field. You know that whole shindig happening in Africa? Well, it kinda .... made me aware that I really couldn't mess around. Sure I thought I could know, shrug my kosode off. But in actual combat it was never really that easy. And I wound up destroying a lot of my uniforms. Soooo I asked around and got these! And well...they HAVe kinda caused an ... increase in people thinking I'm a woman. But it beats having to get a new kosode whenever I try to use Shunko. I feel like I'm getting really close. I don't even burn myself when I try anymore!" He chimed excitedly! That had been.... a very unfortunate side effect of his past attempts. One that he thankfully had made his way past!
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