Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:31 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

Rio chuckled softly at Igen's comment regarding nobles. It was indeed a difficult world to understand, operating within it only leading to exhaustion trying to maintain status in a world of the haves versus the have nots. Up until now, most of her memories had only ever ended in regret for pursuing that worldview as stringently she did. It always reminded her of the the memories she missed out on with her peers, the array of opportunities to enjoy those halcyon days to their fullest. Perhaps that is why she gravitated toward Igen as much as she did.

An example of what she wants to make up for in lost time. She marinates on the thought, listening to him speak at length to answer her questions about the matters in his own life. The division answer wasn't particularly surprising, truth be told, and Rio expected that it was more or less amount to what he spoke of before in relation to Africa.

At the very least, a warm smile of contentment lined her lips to know he wasn't undergoing any stress. Now, after a pause, she found herself listening intently to the information pertaining to Ko, her appearance the true crux of Rio's curiosity more than anything else. She was once a large tiger. Now her form is that of a humanoid woman with the ears of a tiger. From Rio's perspective, it appeared that he really wasn't sure how Ko transformed either. She was already anomalous to Rio simply on account of her being a wandering constant release companion, but now she would likely continue to be a significant source of this woman's curiosity.

"I'd like to think that's the case, too. Which means you've been getting stronger. Speaking of strength..."

Another question seems to float in, and Rio points her finger forward.

"You've changed in appearance, but I'd love to know more about who've you fought against. The people you've trained with. Since your outfit has changed and the intent is to pursue Shunko, have you visited any masters of the art recently?"

Rio believed she happened to be aware of one of them, although the memory of that woman left her rolling her eyes with a competitive glare. It was months ago, sure, but that battle left her feeling like a novice. If she was the robust and almighty shield, that woman had made her feel as if she were little more than a piece of tofu. Which meant... perhaps she still had more to learn herself.

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:15 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 HEADER__astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ikemeru19__acbc7691eb0423fbf222558e5d7b829a

Igen chuckled softly and gave a sheepish smile. "Maybe, I certainly HOPE I have. But I never really can tell. So far as training uhhh. Well. I've been doing a lot of self study. I ..... COULD say that I trained a little with Miss Feng. But I'll admit, she ....admittedly didn't really teach me anything about Shunko. I've kinda just my best." He murmured, looking off to the side as he thought it over. Pausing now and then to tend to the food he was cooking.

"I sortof don't know if I've been doing it correctly. I only really know how to cast spells. But well, when I try to emulate shunko, I sortof just try to a particular spell through my body. But I don't think that's how shunko is supposed to work. Also it kinda has been messing up my body... eheh.. if it wans't for my Skill in Kaido I might have permanently hurt myself." He admitted quietly, shaking his head for a moment before relaxing his shoulders. Truly had he just ... missed any progress by doing things incorrectly? He had called it shunko, but what if he'd just been wrong? Did that mean all his work had been a waste? Would he have to start all over again when he actually got to trying to perform real shunko? IT wasn't a very comforting thought. But well.... he was just trying his best.

He set aside their plates and started loading the food onto them, portioning for the both of them before setting them on the table. "But hey. I'll figure it out eventually. Right?"
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:24 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

As expected, Shaoling was one of the masters he had been in contact with, perhaps the only one given the current absence of her aunt. According to Igen though, she hadn't taught him anything at all about Shunko. Truth be told, that didn't strike her as entirely surprising either. Rio always viewed her as the type of warrior who wouldn't share knowledge without someone proving themselves capable of being taught, leading her to wonder how much Igen truly understood about the nature of Shunko. Had he been improvising this entire time? From the sound of it, that certainly appeared to be the case. Nodding at her head at the conclusion of his explanation, Rio gazed down at the the combination of stir fry and rice Igen had portioned across her plate.

"Of course you will, Igen. When has a difficult task ever stopped you before? If I knew Shunko, I would've chosen to be your teacher months ago. Alas, It was never something I placed in any focus in since it required a fusion of high-level proficiency in Kido and Hakuda. For a long time, my focus remained squarely on the study of Hakuda. We should find someone who can help teach you how to hurt your body less, though. I can certainly confirm that using your body as a conduit for a spell isn't the ideal way. Unfortunately, I don't know the ideal way, either..."

Bringing a spoonful to her mouth, blowing on it softly before consumption, Rio gazed at him with an inquisitive glint in her golden eyes. It dawned on her that she hadn't really known him much outside of their combat sessions and the occasional bar visits whenever time permitted. His division members spoke well about him, and he was a class act in terms of upholding his duties according to them. But... why was he so fixated on learning Shunko compared to everything else? With training, she could easily envision him surviving on Hakuda as a skill alone, to say nothing of his enigmatic Zanpakuto Spirit - Ko. What made Shunko so appealing to the aspiring Shinigami?

"If you don't mind my asking, where did your desire for Shunko originate from? Fighting Shaoling? Me? Or has that always been something you've desired to pick up?"

Consuming the spoonful, she'd tilt her head, awaiting an answer as she observed him with a curious gaze.

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Fri May 12, 2023 9:07 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 HEADER__astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ikemeru19__acbc7691eb0423fbf222558e5d7b829a

Igen chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his head as he paused. Taking a little break from eating to ...consider what it was she'd said. Not just the priase, but the notion of when anything had actually stopped him. He sortof did just not let himself halt. Sure a number of things had slowed him, but he always sor tof found a way to make things work out. It was a little interesting to say the least. Though when Rio brought up the question he gave .... a sheepish answer. A slight pink crossing his features.

"Ah uh....well..I was a little inspired. I met Shaoling down on earth and she beat the heck out of me. But I was kinda distracted by what she was doing. I didn't realize what it was at first. But she was using some sort of shunko to beat me down. It wasn't full force. But it was definitely still potent. She looked terrifying. But also really cool. And uh....stuff." He trailed off. He really hadn't put a lot of thought about what exactly about seeing the woman attacking him with such potency had affected him so. And perhaps it was better that was left undiscovered. But even so, he was....aware that something about the encounter was a bit So he didn't like to linger on the subject.

"What about yourself? Now that you're going to be joining a squad again. What kind of goals do you have in mind?" He asked, quickly changing the subject. Surely she wouldn't rest on the laurels of being a member of the gotei again. What else did she want to do?
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November COTM 2011 :
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Fri May 12, 2023 9:54 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 3 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

"Heh... that makes two of us then, hm? I recall meeting up with her again by chance in the wastelands. It was a somewhat foolish whim on my part, of course, to venture out so far. Before I knew it, I saw her. We hosted some degree of a conversation, and I eventually challenged her to see where I stood compared to someone of her level. Needless to say, I handily learned that I'm not as close as I thought," she humored, sighing softly as she leaned against the chair.

Rio couldn't particularly attach the word "cool" to Shaoling, but she could imagine how Igen might find her martial prowess and her total control over Shunko admirable to a degree. Even though they hardly shared much of a relationship at all, Rio certainly acknowledged the history she left behind in the Gotei, to say nothing of her talents as a fighter.

One of these days, she wouldn't mind revisiting the subject of battle with her again. Of course, that would come after improvement. Something she planned on pursuing well into the future. For now, she contented herself with answering Igen's question, this one concerning her plans for the future now that she occupied a seat in the combat division. Stroking her chin thoughtfully, she'd answer promptly.

"Good question. For one, I certainly look forward to getting to know my division members. Beyond that? I just want to be the best member in my division, make a mark in history beyond something other than my family. Fight strong members of my division, train alongside them, grow alongside them... there isn't really some ideal endgame I'm looking for, but... above all, I think... I just want to keep doing what you instilled in my spirit when we first met. I want to keep... having fun, you know?"

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