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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:07 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

Rio grinned the moment Igen mentioned Moe's name. Come to think of it, she hadn't told him about that particular meeting. It was a random encounter. They bumped into one another, Rio underestimated how strong her physical frame truly was, Moe was injured for a bit, and she ended up treating the diminutive soul reaper to a meal. To cap it all off, they ended up sparring together. After that, the rest was history. Well, not entirely. She'd made a little bet to treat her to a month's worth of food on her bill.

She didn't particularly mind it. She found the pink-haired woman to be quite amusing. She hadn't gotten grouchy or huffy from their first meeting, but perhaps she'd reacted differently because she was a Shihoin? Perhaps. At the moment, Rio listened to Igen and his explanation behind the new outfit. Truth be told, it'd made a lot of sense. The last time they'd fought, his outfit did end up torn by the end of their battle. It was sort of one of the ways she had definitely confirmed that he was a man. His musculature and lack of any discernable bust were dead giveaways. She wasn't particularly surprised to hear that people thought he was a woman as a result of wearing it. A few other things caught her ears during his explanation. Mainly, what happened in Africa. She wasn't aware of the entire phenomenon going down there, but she knew the bare minimum at least.

"I think it's a nice look. At the very least, it's comfortable. Oh, and you'll actually be surprised to know that I've already met Moe. She wasn't grouchy with me, though. We sort of bumped into one another at random. She took the worst of the bump though. I felt a little guilty as a result and treated her to a meal. After she healed up, we had a little spar. I can't wait to start training with her."

Slicing and cutting through a nice portion of steak, Rio would bring the seasoned meat towards her mouth as she pointed her fork towards Igen, another curiosity rooting it's way into her head.

"Speaking of Africa... how was it? How did your mission go? I only know the base information, but if I end up being sent there on a mission, it'd be nice to know what I'm getting into at least."

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:45 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen snorted and gave a slight chuckle as Rio explained the series of events that had her meeting up with Moe. "That sounds like her alright. But hey I'm glad! I figured you two would get along. She's one of my closer friends actually." He pointed out with a bright smile, leaning back and humming as he cut himself a bit of the food. Pausing to eye Ko who was slinkking over and stealing a few of the cuts, which he hardly minded in the slightest. Though as Rio shifted the conversation onto the Africa fiasco, he did ... pause to consider.

"It was pretty rough. It was a hard time taking out all the hollows that were spewing out. But even more than that, the problem is that it isn't stopping. More hollows keep showing up at various times. I'm not actually on the team planning how the operation is going forward, but well. It might be a rather lengthy process to figure out what happened and how to deal with it going forward." He murmured softly, itching the back of his head sheepishly before looking back up to Rio.

"Still, you'll probably get a chance to see for yourself. You're pretty strong after all, you may be asked to help with some of the operations." He pointed out. A dependable woman like her? He had no doubt that she'd be a solid addition to any strike or recon team.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:23 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

"Is that so? I can't say I'm all that surprised. You two definitely share a similar tenacity for combat. Much like you, she wanted me to come at her with everything I got, and I likewise challenged her to do the same. I can't wait to see how we mesh now that we share a division," she commented, biting into the remaining remnants of the steak that occupied her plate. During that time, she listened to the answer Igen had provided regarding his experience in Africa.

Naturally, she was happy he survived the ordeal and lived to see another day. With a mission of that magnitude, she could only imagine how much danger he might have faced. Rio was certainly confident she could handle herself, but for as resilient as Igen was, he was still developing. Perhaps, Rio mused, she was overthinking things; allowing those sisterly remnants of worry to trickle in unfettered. Igen was plenty capable in her eyes. There was nothing to worry about. Following a firm nod, Rio chuckled softly, flexing her arm.

"Yep, and I'll be plenty prepared. Those hollows won't know what hit em' once I arrive," she humored, swinging her fist forward in a mock attack towards the air. "Anyway... I'm glad you made it back in one piece. I can only imagine how daunting it must have been to see so many hollows at once."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Feb 16, 2023 4:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:39 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen chuckled softly and watched, more than amused as Rio mentioned her encounter with Moe. That DEFINITELY sounded like both of them. Rio certainly was ... newer to the more rough and tumble side of things, but she seemed to have taken to it like a duck. "Well I'm glad to hear that! I think you two will get along great." He noted with a firm nod, not even a shred of doubt in his mind. Frankly he was glad, he had on some level hoped Rio would find a squad with someone who could bounce off her. A .... good number of his friends did scatter a little. Heck he was a little worried about Kyo making his way to the Eight Division. Sure Kasha was about, but well...he wasn't entirely sure what it was Kyo had been looking for in transferring. HE could only hoped the man found .....whatever it was he was looking for.

Though it was Igen's turn to chuckle again when Rio started shadow boxing at the mention of the incident in Africa. "I certainly imagine so. Hey, maybe we'll wind up on an operation together! I've actually been really involved with the Africa operation. So maybe We'll wind up being deployed around the same time." He pointed out, certainly there had been a lot of cleanup sweeps. Though admittedly it was a bit of a task to make it something frequent enough that things just didn't keep getting nasty. He vaguely wondered if Third Division would get more involved at some point to try and more firmly secure the area. Though with those occasional massive hollow he wasn't sure if it would ever be fully secure.

Though after thinking about it, he found himself looking to Rio and ....smiling. He remembered the last time they had sparred and he couldn't help but feel a bit more, knowing that she'd be down there with him. "Sadly I can't really say I can get wasted with ya like we did all that long ago. But hey, I still think we should celebrate you getting hooked up with your squad. Why don't we have a spar?" He ventured, that smile of his widening a bit as he gave a tilt of his head. Certainly it wasn't quite as much a blast as getting drunk. But he wanted to see how sh was doing. After all, she had been strong, but seemed....rusty the last time they fought. Now that she'd been fighting more frequently, he wanted to see what she could REALLY do.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:00 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

"It'd certainly be nice to fight alongside you. We've sparred together, but we haven't fought as teammates. I'd certainly like to see how well we could play off of one another."

Rio resisted the urge to say it would be an honor, a way of distinguishing herself from that noble image around a peer she viewed in a fond light. She was genuinely interested in the prospecting of fighting alongside him if the opportunity ever presented itself. Considering the way he spoke on the current subject, perhaps the likelihood was higher than she imagined. After finishing the meal, Rio leaned in the chair as she observed the young man with a curious gaze, listening to him speak about celebrating her joining a new division. She still fondly remembered that day they both got intoxicated, and how she ended up passing out on her own courtyard in front of the Shihoin estate.

After getting past the obvious embarrassment she felt at her servants and relatives seeing her in such a compromising state, Rio looked back on the memory quite fondly. As dramatic as the notion may have seemed, it served as a catalyst for pulling her away from that listless way of life she had been a slave to, maintaining noble etiquette and an image that no longer held as much meaning now as it did back then. She never expressed how much that meant to her, how much Igen meant to her, but perhaps he understood.

Rio didn't fancy herself bold enough to pour her heart out like that. The brief reflection concluded, Rio grinned toward Igen. A spar was a great way to celebrate. The shield of the shihoin was eager to see how much he had improved, and if Ko's altered appearance was anything to go by, she predicted a fine battle in the present time.

"Of course. I'd love to spar with you. I'd like to see how much you've improved since the last time we fought. You kept challenging me to go all out, and I kept holding back out of worry... but not this time. I'm going to go at it with everything I've got."

Everything was perhaps a stretch, of course, as her bankai was ill-suited for a spar, but she could certainly throw her hakuda repetoire and shikai at him, pushing him to a limit he hadn't experienced before. She knew he'd demand something more out of her anyway. This declaration was simply her getting ahead of the curve.

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:13 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 HEADER__astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ikemeru19__acbc7691eb0423fbf222558e5d7b829a

Igen couldn't help but enjoy Rio's enthusiasm. It was.... interesting to say the least. That he had met her at such a pivot point in her life. Lookingat Rio, he always loved how full of energy she was ans willing to jump into things. Entirely unaware that up until recently that wasn't even how she was most of the time. Of course she'd SAID as much. But he really had never SEEN her in such a situation where she acted that way. Would he think of her differently? It was hard to say. But all the same, he felt his own brand of welling excitement at the notion of sparring with her again.

"Awesome! Well in that case let's have at it!" He grinned, promptly turning to pick up his things when Ko cleared her throat off to the side. The Tigress having been spectating the whole conversation promptly decided to interject. "As fun as I'm sure that'd be. If you two really plan on going all out. Don't you think you should maybe get a bit of food first? Not to mention you may want to find somewhere a bit more out there if you want to go having a full on spar. I think the both of you may wreck one of the training courtyards if you get carried away." She noted simply enough, raking another sip of her drink afterward.

Igen stared for a few moments before giving a little nervous chuckle. Realizing that he WAS letting himself get swept up a little into things. "I didn't even think to ask about that ahah. Uhhhh Rio have you had anything to eat today? I can whip something up before we head out." He offered, gesturing to the hot plates. e had prepared a little small something for himself and Ko, but certainly making something a little more hearty could be in order to get them all prepped for a proper tussle with eachother.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:59 am
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

Ko's words cut right through their conversation. Rio was prepared to head outside with Igen, but her interjecting caused her to pause as she remained in her chair. Ah, that's right. Ko was still here. It still took Rio a moment to acknowledge the woman was no longer a tiger, but a vocal zanpakuto spirit with the form of a woman with tiger ears. It was going to take some time getting used to that. She did make a good point. If they were going all out, a courtyard truly wouldn't do them any good. The likelihood of leaving the courtyard in ruin was high. And food was a necessary component. There was no use in fighting on an empty stomach. For the sake of ensuring their battle would be an ideal fight, Rio nodded assent in response to the desire to consume a meal.

"No, I didn't eat anything before I got here. If you wish, we can certainly enjoy a meal before I pummel you into the ground," she spoke with an air of competitive confidence in her voice.

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:15 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 HEADER__astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ikemeru19__acbc7691eb0423fbf222558e5d7b829a

IGen couldn't help but chuckle just a little at Rio's combative response, promptly firing up the hot plate and getting a small skillet out. Getting ready to make some nice quick stirfry. After all, Ko had kinda polished off most of the steak. "Understood. So uh, if you don't mind me asking. Since we're going to be here for a bit more. How has your family been? I mean, you said you used to behave a lot ....differently? How has your family adjusted since then?" He ventured.

Certainly he wasn't the prying type. But Rio HAD expressed that her Family had been a big part of her life. Almost ALL of it up until very recently. So certainly, whiule she seemed happy in general, he did find himself .... curious. After all, he couldn't imagine what would happen if Rio suddenly just was barely around anymore. Was that what it was like for her family?

While Igen questioned Rio, Ko promptly made her way into the other side of the room and began to look through a few things. One ear swiveled in their direction, but otherwise seeming to occupy herself with something else as the two of them chatted while Igen cooked.
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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:00 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Shihoin Pride

Family, huh? Rio paused for a moment at that question. In truth, she didn't have an immediate answer. Most of the family she was particularly fond of had moved on while her sister was busy with raising children and overlooking duties as head of the Shihoin. As Igen prepared the meal, Rio leaned against the chair, stroking her chin until an answer finally arrived. Yugiri hadn't really seen this version of her, Kokoro was busy with Kuchiki affairs, and Chidori was... eh, whatever she was. She had long since learned not expect much from her, and she probably wouldn't have any strong feelings about the new change anyways, assumedly at least.

"I'd like to say I hope they adjusted pretty well. I still interact and speak with them, but I've been somewhat vocal about my desires in life, and they respect it. Actually, most of my servants actually joked about me needing to move on anyway since everyone else did."

Chuckling softly, Rio crossed her legs as she decided to shift a question in Igen's direction. She was curious to know how life had been on Igen's end. She knew why he had that new outfit, and even the Africa stuff, but how had his day-to-day been since then?

"So, question for you. I know how things have been when you went to earth, but how has division life been? More than that... it's been on my mind since I got here, but what's the deal with Ko? She was a tiger the last time I saw her, and now she looks like... that."

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Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]

Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:22 pm
Everything is Brand New[Igen, Rio]  - Page 2 HEADER__astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ikemeru19__acbc7691eb0423fbf222558e5d7b829a

Igen tilted his head, a look of intrigue about his face as he listened to Rio's explanation. Huh it almost sounded like the Shihoin family just wasn't really all that .... close? Thinking about his own hypothetical family, he couldn't imagine not keeping up to date with them, at least on something as big as this. But well, he didn't know much about nobles. Especially given the timeframes they operated under. Maybe it was just too soon?

"Huh, I suppose. I admit I still don't really get Nobles. But still, so long as things are going well I guess that's what matters." He noted, putting on a big smile before glancing over his shoulder as Rio asked a question of her own. Ko glanced over her shoulder and gave Rio a raised brow. Making it very clear that she could hear the woman, before she went back to rummaging through her things. Not seeming abundantly interested in the subject.

"Divison stuff is about the same. Things have been ....uh well...rough as a result of the whole Africa thing. But at this point, most of the set up has been done, now it's mostly just containment. But well, Seventh Division is the one mostly in charge of the operation. It's been busy, but well. We were already kinda on high end mode because of the addition of Eighth Division. So uh, we're kinda takings things as they come. A bit less free time compared to the norm. But it's not too bad." He tackled that and paused, tapping his chin.

"I don't really know. It's a little...... strange. But before Ko really didn't .... FEEL Like Ko. She was so moody and ...different. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it felt like it was Ko...... like...telephoned through someone else. But like this, she's a lot more expressive and involved in my life. I don't really know what it means. But I like to think it just means our bond has gotten stronger. At least I hope." He noted with a sheepish chuckle. Setting aside the stirfry and checking on the rice.
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