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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:29 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala's face lit up in a small, somewhat meek, smile as Hana began to regale Hiroe with what a smoothie was. Something that even Cala had begun to become accustomed to from lingering the living world so much, it was refreshing for Cala to see someone else get excited and anxious to try something, though hearing Hana describe how her parents restricted her food was particularly distasteful for Cala on an instinctual level. Even now, as a disguised Arrancar, they loved to eat even if they were an abyssmal cook themselves. But with Ari's help they were quickly getting be-....

Cala almost jumped out of their skin in surprise as Hana let out a squeal and hugged them, not that they were against the hug at all, Hana was soft and smelled very nice. Cala gingerly returned the hug, blushing softly, only to hear Hiroe report she had never had a smoothie either! But when Hiroe mentioned wanting to experience all they could Cala nodded in understanding, just beginning to release the hug with Hana, when Hiroe embraced the two of them and drew the three of them into a hug. This made Cala blink, feeling strangely warm, cuddly and safe in a way really only Ari or Saiko had made them feel before. Was this.... what friends were like?

Cala paused for only a moment before hugging the two of them back a bit more firmly, their throat struggling to work for a moment or two, before they pressed their cheek to Hana's shoulder in what they hoped seemed a friend gesture, their smiling having widened to a genuine, happy smile for the first time in..... what felt like forever. When Cala spoke their voice was light, happy and Cala took both one of Hana's hands and one of Hiroe's hands as they nodded their head, removing it from Hana's shoulder.

"Well Hiroe-chan w-we can make sure to show you all the things you wanna see! Hana-chan is really good at video games too s-so if they have any games at the festival I'm sure she will be amazing at them! I hear they give out prizes if you do well too!"

Cala was, honest to goodness, excited. Not in a way that made them feel vaguely sick, not in a way that made them scared for their life, but in a warm, pleasant way that suddenly made a lonely, scared Hollow very appreciative of two Shinigami. Two people that would normally be hunting them and trying to kill them now, in this moment, made Cala's heart swell with nothing but happiness.

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Last edited by Cala Paracer on Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:11 pm
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader6
Enter: Hana Aoyama

As Hiroe came in for the hug, Hana opened an arm and happily pulled her in. Hana's smile was beaming the entire time, not a moment did it even partially fade. After a tight hug, she hopped back and released them both. "Now, the festival is tomorrow, so we'll have to fill our day with something first," Hana said and then thought a moment. "We could purchase smoothies and go to the arcade for games, but it might be pretty crowded. You two have any thoughts Something you wish to do?"

As they talked or thought about their answered, Hana sat down on the couch and began going through her cell phone, looking up different places near that might match something the girls' said. There was an amusement park, a museum, the movies, the beach, a few arcades, two aquarium, and a ridiculous number of restaurants and clothing stores, all down the lists she was finding. Hopefully, they'd mention something like this because the next list was filled with things like sky diving and snorkeling and mountain hiking. She didn't have the shoes for that.

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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:53 am
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Jgp3077


When Hana asked about how they might want to spend their day, Hiroe immediately thought of shopping. She had always made her own clothing as a seamstress running her parent's business, but that only featured materials from the Soul Society. She imagined how much she could gain from studying - and buying, of course! - various sets of clothes in the human world. HIroe sat down on the couch beside Hana, stroking her chin as she gazed at Cala. She didn't know what type of activities this lady enjoyed engaging in, but certainly, she too, would love to enjoy a good shopping session, no? That'd be fun! Hiroe clasped her hands together, grinning from ear to ear, hoping this suggestion would land.

"The arcade and smoothies sound awesome, but if it's not too much to ask, what would you two think of shopping, too? Any takers?"

She wanted to say please, but then it wouldn't feel like a suggestion.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:45 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala listened to the other two talk about what the three of them would do to fill their first day, obviously smoothies would HAVE to happen at some point, and the arcade was always fun...... but it was actually Hiroe's suggestion of shopping that made Cala's eyes widen and light up a little bit. An idea struck them, a wonderful idea, at least by their own opinion. Looking down quickly at the ground, not exactly feeling comfortable making such a.... personal suggestion, indeed being much like Hiroe in that Cala did not want to bulldoze their own idea over top of the entire vacation but..... well.... they were trying their best to be better and braver. They had promised after all, right?

Drawing in a slow, shaky inhale Cala would take an awkward side-step toward Hiroe without looking up, and look up at Hiroe, nod, and shuffle their feet as they glanced to Hana. Though now suddenly feeling on the spot Cala would fiddle with their purse and scrunch in their shoulders awkardly.

"U-Umm.... I would... like to shopping too. A-Actually...."

Swallowing HARD Cala was about to make a big, big ask of their new friends. Their voice squeaking as they hugged their purse to their chest and stared at the ground near Hana's feet before, finally, speaking in a tiny voice.

".....I-I was going to do it by myself b-but.... I actually h-have... have a.... Va-.... Val.... Valentine..... and they really like food and I have been practicing my cooking s-so I was going to get some supplies and make them a bento box myself b-but I'm not sure I can do it myself so having some friends there w-would really help a-and.... and umm.... I was wondering maybe.... i-if you two would maybe help me practice making the food a-and get stuff f-for the box? I dunno what w-would look nice. Sh-She is also a Shinigami and I want to make it nice for her."

Cala spoke in a quick, anxious squeak, all but rocking on their feet in anxiety as their hair fell down over their eyes and they could FEEL the sensation of their heart trying to leap up into their throat. Goosebumps peppering their pale arms as they pursed their lips so tightly they were a thin, small line. For Cala this had taken a mountain of bravery and they felt like they were currently exposed in the middle of a blizzard because of it. Their teeth nearly chattering out of worry and fear.

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:58 am
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader6
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Shopping was a fine idea. Hana began searching for the nearest mall when Cala brought up something extremely important. Firstly, Cala had a valentine. Secondly, she knew another shinigami? Huh. Hana took a mental note of that while listening to the rest of Cala's request. As Cala continued, Hana stopped looking through her phone and looked at Cala, realizing something else. She then looked to Hiroe, then Cala, then Hiroe again with the biggest knowing smile. She hoped that Hiroe caught onto it too. Did Cala... possibly have a crush on someone? That's so cute!

"Okay, okay! This is great! So, I'm sure you were meaning clothes shopping, right?" Hana said to Hiroe and then kept looking back between the girls. "So, how about we head out to the smoothie place; there is a mall down the street. We buy a few outfits, and then before dinner time gets too close, say around like five o'clock, we make our way to a grocery store and buy whatever we need." She let that sink in for a moment before another thought came to her head. "Only problem is..." Hana said, grimacing, "I've... never cooked before. Hiroe, please tell me you have?"

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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:14 am
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Jgp3077


Ah, to be young and in love. Or however old Cala may have been. Hiroe hadn't really developed an estimate of the woman's age, or even a guestimate for that matter. Hiroe looked back at Hana, grinning from ear to ear as she clapped her hands together. Fortunately, one of the advantages of being born in the lower class was learning how to prepare meals for one's survival. Since she'd had low spiritual energy in the past, she had always developed something of a big appetite and spent a lot of her time observing her mother prepare meals.

She'd travel out and observe how others did it too, and then take what she learned to apply it herself. Truth be told, the first few results were kind of terrible, but she'd learned to cook good enough that her mother would let her to take the reigns every now and then. Since Hana was treating her to clothes shopping and a delicious smoothie, why not help Cala out and produce a good Bento box? Turning towards them, Hiroe would strike a flamboyant pose with a peace sign toward the two ladies.

"Well well, you two are in luck. I'm not some five star chef, but I know my way around a kitchen enough to help out. Cooking isn't really all that complicated once you get the hang of it. It's just all about knowing what tastes right. Seasoning. How different textures work, and ingredients... all of these play an intricate part in preparing a meal that won't have people giving you the side eye... or voicing how terrible your food tastes."


Last edited by Iori on Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:03 am; edited 5 times in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Mon Feb 20, 2023 5:47 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala, after asking for something so personal, was more than happy to let Hana do the planning and take the reigns of the conversation. Cala nodded along with Hana's plans, genuinely enjoying them but also thankful for the attention to be on someone else for a bit, though when Hana mentioned never having cooked before Cala grimaced and looked at Hiroe hopefully. Thankfully for Cala and Hana their friend pulled through! Though Cala was very confused at Hiroe pulling a peace-sign and the dramatics, noentheless, Hiroe's antics brought a giggle out of Cala who would raise a hand to their mouth as they did so.

Now smiling due to their new friend's antics Cala would draw their hands to their chest and swallow softly, their voice catching in their throat briefly, before they stuttered out a very soft, very sincere.

"Th-Thank you Hiroe. That is very sweet of you.~"

It felt.... indescribably nice to have new friends who were willing to help them. A warm, gentle feeling suffused Cala's chest as they glanced back and forth between Hana and Hiroe for a moment. Cala would then happily go to the nearest mirror and begin to check and refine their appearance, wanting to make sure they still looked.... well..... at least somewhat as nice as their friends. It was an odd feeling they had never really considered before but, suddenly, they cared a good deal about not standing out like a sore thumb in their little group. Pursing their lips, a bit dissatisfied, Cala would sheepishly shuffle back to the two and idly play with their hair out of nervous habit. Admittedly, the combination of suddenly caring about their appearance almost like they had during their date but being among friends had Cala very off-balance.

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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:41 pm
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader6
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The hope both Cala and Hana looked to Hiroe for was completely worth it! Thank whatever god was out there because Hiroe could cook! Hana smiled wide and mimicked the two finger victory sign as well. Today was going to be amazing!

Alarm set: 4:30pm

The smoothie place was packed, but that gave Cala and Hiroe time to decide exactly what they wanted. Hana chose a kiwi, strawberry, banana, watermelon smoothie. It was definitely custom and in their largest size. It was like she put all of her favorite things in it. The first sip was probably not something many other people liked, but Hana loved it. So many fruity flavors swirled into a delicious ice juice! And thanks to Cala, they didn't pay anything. That only meant more money flor clothes!

After they each had their smoothies, they took a leisurely walk down the street to the mall. From the entrance of the smoothie place, they could see the mall parking lot, so it wasn't far at all. Just like the smoothie place, the mall was packed, swarming with people with bags hanging from their arms, everyone dressed for a nice day out. Hana pointed out a higher-end woman's clothing store and dragged them along. It took some getting used to, but the three ended up in a clothing montage, giving thumbs up or down for outfits each of them tried on. Hana, of course, was throwing dresses and kimonos at Hiroe and Cala, reassuring them that all of this was on her, so their mission was to find something they liked!

At the mall, there was no way Hana could only let them clothes shop. That was her thing, so she made sure they picked a couple of things to do too. If either Hiroe or Cala did not choose these, Hana would bring up taking pictures in one of their new outfits, checking out the mall pet store, and maybe a round of karaoke. However, seeing the list of songs for the karaoke place would deter Hana. She knew none of them and wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to go in, especially at 4:08.

The alarm went off and Hana reminded everyone that they needed to get to the grocery store soon, so they could get back to the hotel and cook some time around five. As they were walking out, Hana randomly ran inside a store and quickly bought something that caught her eye. She came back out and handed a pretty Valentines decorated bento box to Cala. "And now we have something to put it in!" At the grocery store, Hana asked Cala what exactly she would like to put in the bento box.

It was a nice walk back to the hotel with bags and bags and bags in all of their hands. As far as Hana was concerned, everyone looked amazing! They returned to the hotel room and Hana set her bags down in her own bedroom, trying not to get things mixed up. "Alright, we've been on our feet for a while, so take a few minutes to relax and then we can complete Mission: Cala's Valentine!" Hana giggled, giving the goal a title, and then taking a seat back on one of the couches in the living area. "Today was the best day I've had in years, or ever, and we're not even done."

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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:07 pm
Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Jgp3077


The excitement and happiness in Cala and Hana's expressions brought Hiroe a great deal of joy, especially for something as simple as her cooking expertise. With that matter addressed, the HHC galpal group could begin their joyous vacation in style! Yeah... that name was a work in progress, but she didn't care! They were all friends now, and once she made her way in a division, she'd find a way to make sure she shared plenty of days like this with them as well.

Their first trip to the smoothie bar was wonderful. It was Hiroe's first time trying a smoothie out---on earth at least, and she ordered what Hana ordered. Hana had been here several times over, after all. HIroe wanted her first smoothie to taste good, and after following in the woman's footsteps, she found that playing copycat had been a great decision, after all. The fruitful combination chilled her throat and pleased her tastebuds. She enjoyed it so much that she ended up with with brain freeze, holding her head for a moment before playing it off with a chuckle. Man, these were delicious. She'd definitely try and replicate something like this when she returned home.

And then came the best part; Shopping for clothing! Hiroe had admittedly been looking forward to this more than anything else during the day. As a tailoress who crafted and weaved together her own clothing, it was arguably the most engaging experience she had ever felt in years! Her eyes observed every article of clothing, surveying the fabric, running her hands through materials she could use in her own work! Her eyes lit up with every kimono and dress she received, her expression comparable to a kid unwrapping the presents they desired the most under a Christmas tree. Each would be a great addition to her self-made collection. Of course, looking over Cala, she didn't want to leave her included and decided to wrap her into trying some intriguing outfits she looked good on her along with Hana, too. Now that she thought about it, she'd have to make these two ladies a pair of outfits to commemorate their friendship.

"You're spoiling me rotten, Hana. Careful now, or else you'll find me wanting to stay here forever!"

After that jest, Hiroe enjoyed every moment of shopping for clothes. It would be the one memory she would keep for her for months, years even! And then, after standing beside and watching Hana contemplate Karaoke and watching her decide to go against the idea, the alarm rang, and they all made their way toward the grocery store. Since Hiroe was familiar with the way seasoning worked, she decided to pick out a few that would help bring out the best flavor possible on Hana's budget. Oh, and then there was actually picking out the groceries. A nice quality of chicken and beef, good quality vegetables, and rice to help bring this box together in style. With the finishing touch being a decorated bento box, Hiroe gave Hana a thumbs up as they made their return to the hotel. Once they returned, Hiroe sighed happily as she landed on the couch beside Hana, nudging the woman's shoulder with a grin.

"I'm so use to seein' ya acting all noble and graceful, normally, but I like this Hana. I feel the same way, though. I'm really glad you took me out Hana, and I'm especially happy to have met you, Cala. We're about to make sure your valentine has the best Bento in the city, courtesy of Hiroe Miyashiro~!"


Last edited by Iori on Sat Feb 25, 2023 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Girls' Week Out [Hiroe, Cala, Hana]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:56 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Like a moth to a flame Cala took to the attentions and affections of their new friends, forgetting rather quickly their sheepishness about their appearance, and joined Hana and Hiroe in making their way downtown, walking fast and smoothie bound. Granted Cala had a bit more experience than their two friends when it came to food in the living realm so Cala got a smoothie with just strawberry and banana in it. As the three sat and enjoyed their drinks Cala knew to go relatively slow and, when Hiroe inevitably gave herself brain freeze, Cala laughed nervously and pat her back softly to be reassuring. Cala was beyond happy as Hiroe seemed to enjoy herself and Cala found themselves smiling more than they had in a long time!

In comparison to the smoothie trip, however, the roles were reversed and now it was Hiroe's turn to shine! Cala was simply, completely and absolutely stumped when it came to clothing. Having even asked their big sister to help them pick out an outfit for this visit Cala simply followed Hana and Hiroe, their eyes glazed and unfocused, as clothes continued to pile up in their arms as Hiroe made the place her wonderland. Granted it was enjoyable for Cala to see their friend so happy, to be touching and exploring all the fabrics so diligently, and they could at least appreciate the commitment and attention Hiroe payed to all the materials around them. Seeing a specialist in their elements was almost always some form of mesmerizing after all.

Finally, as the three went grocery shopping Cala was once again waylaid with just complicated cooking seemed to them. Given their laughably limited experience with making rice in a rice cooker and the like Cala could only follow their friends and pretend to nod along like they knew what Hiroe was picking out. Though the choice of the box for their bento made Cala smile a soft, fond smile and as the three returned to the hotel Cala was so lost in their reverie about what to do with the box that they did not notice a trio of men make various..... nods, smiles and waves at them? Cala simply blinked and half-hid behind Hana, quickening their pace to return to the hotel room.

Once back in the room Cala helped set things away but rather noticeably cradled the bento box and sat down with it. They would proceed to dig, of all things, some art supplies from their purse and quietly open the lid of the box. Beginning to draw, shade and otherwise work on the inside of the lid in gentle, focused motions. They were no famous artist, no person of great skill, but it was evident Cala was focused, so much so that when Hiroe said their name they jumped in their seat and blinked. Their features flushing as they smiled sheepishly, nodding back at her, and unable to help the burning, happy rush to their face at the encouragement Hiroe gave.

"Th-Thank you Hiroe.... Hana.... you're both wonderful friends.~"

Cala would smile and, glancing back at the picture they had begun to form on the inside of the lid, they would get up and go to help the other two finish putting things away. Not at all sure what to do next.....

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