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Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:09 am
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Earth has become rather hostile lately. Though, it is no small part the Hollow race's fault. Reports from her scouts brought back nothing but misfortune for the human realm: Earth. One of their major cities was devoured by an underground lair full of monstrous kaiju Hollow. The devastation was immense, and the loss of countless lives have left Hueco Mundo in a state of unrest. The amount of new Hollow emerging, and the lustful hunger of others, has created a strange melancholy landscape. Now, with word that neighboring group of Hollow have begun whatever mayhem on Earth, Tier has found herself in a strange position, finding her hopes of creating a lasting peace in Hueco Mundo all the more difficult.

She has only been capable of allowing any Hollow who comes her way to find solace within her makeshift kingdom. Any further move will only bring unwanted attention to her, and with the way things are, any concentrated attack would leave everything in shambles. There's also keeping Ichigo from stirring the already unsettled pot. The more she tries to steer things from becoming another dictatorship, like Barragan or Aizen, the more it seems that something of the sort is all that'll work. Their nature as monsters is just too hard to overcome without something scarier keeping them at bay. The ones who follow her had even constructed a small throne for her to sit on, and even as she rested upon it, she found it unappealing. At least she has given word that she'd wish to avoid any conversation for a while, unless deemed important. Being alone with her thoughts is all she asks for now.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:38 am
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) HEADER_1_89-07

Well that was just too goddamn bad now wasn't it?
It didn't take long for Verdada to sense a familiar soul. One VERY deeply ingrained in the memories left over from Santa, and truth be told, as a former piece of Santa, Verdada couldn't deny some semblance of ...emotional reaction when she sensed the woman. Familiarity that she'd inherited. Under normal circumstances, she would have just minded her own business. But well, Tier had been a busy girl now hadn't she? Verdada had heard plenty about the former Tres taking a few actions to try and establish things as of late, and she had to admit, it certainly sounded a lot more active than the Tier she remembered. Was it the attack on the Vandenreich pushing this? Or was something else going on that Verdada didn't know about? Either way, Verdada decided to take a little pre-emptive step and decided to invite herself into the woman's domain.

No doubt Tier would get a heads up from the hollows that had chosen to side with her. Verdada was hardly trying to hide as she approached. Either way, she had every intent of speaking with Tier, so unless something got in her way, she would stride straight to the woman herself, a calm, tired smile playing across her face, an unlit cigarette resting in her lips as she closed in.

"Tier Harribel. Didn't quite expect the new duds. How ya been?" She ventured, her tone calm and familiar.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:11 am
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Her eyes opened; emerald orbs barely concealed behind narrowed eyelids. Her initial thought when she felt the presence near was to prepare for any antics Santa may have brought, but she did not find the familiar blonde before her. Another segment of the woman, perhaps, but nonetheless, Tier was unsure if she should expect a personality as far apart from the original. Though, that in of itself would be an incorrect assessment. Ajora was the original, not Santa, but that's hardly important to the current situation. They all are keen on having their own views, beliefs, and whatnot.

"What brings you here?"

Her words, empty, showed nothing of her current mood. Despite wanting to be alone, she did not dare show any animosity towards the other Arrancar. Santa is a particular individual that Tier did not mind having around, mostly due to the blonde's ability to easily relieve her of stress. It would be against her nature to shoo away anything to do with her friend without listening to the issue at hand first. Whether she has the capacity to handle it as she is will be something to decide on afterwards.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:23 am
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) HEADER_1_89-07

That smile widened just a little. Right to the point. That was about right she supposed. She continued making her way closer to Tier. Her spiritual pressure was pretty weak, but it was still left on low, no threats or anything. Rather, the woman stopped a very short distance from Tier, and, assuming she hadn't been stopped, would take a moment to admire the woman's face. Inspecting it.

"Hm. Still hiding the mask... that's a shame. We always thought it looked so nice on you. But I guess you have your reasons." She noted lightly, shrugging her shoulders before reaching up and plucking the cigarette from between her lips so she could speak a bit more clearly. "I actually had a pretty similar question. I hard that you popped down to Earth for a little while. Made a bit of a big show of things from how things went. But now you're hanging out here." She glanced around them, as if to see what it was that was keeping Tier in such a place.

She turned back to Tier and tilted her head a bit to the side. "I'm not gonna beat around the Bush. What are you doing, Tier? You show up on earth, drawing attention. And then, with what happened in the city of Lights, and in Africa. Now you're hiding out here? I'm sure Santa probably hasn't asked you about it, but I'm sure the same thing's been on her mind. She's been wondering what it is you actually want for a real long time now. So, figured I'd ask myself." She shrugged her shoulders and stuck the cigarette behind her ear, those tired eyes held all the patience in the world as she looked to Tier, that lopsided smile wasn't ....quite the warm glow that Santa had. But there was still a friendliness about Verdada that still set her apart from many other hollows, even most arrancar.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:54 am
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

As if anyone could simply threaten Tier. If an attempt was made, there proved no greater defense than herself, but that's not why these two women are sharing a room. If it was anyone else, Tier would have definitely requested they go away. Her thoughts are already puzzled on how to handle the situation, and she's not been keen on divulging her worries with others. Santa hasn't come to ask her personally about how she feels about everything, so the woman has simply kept them to herself until she's come up with something more concrete to share. It seems that she's now forced to consider everything, but it will take a while for her to actually speak, emerald eyes closing as the weight of every action in and out of her control took its course through her mind.

"...Quiet," Tier answered, after what felt like eons in her head, but only seconds in real time. The wonders of the mind allowed her to come to that conclusion. She barely understood what her own answer meant at first as it slipped free from her lips, but her reasoning became like clear water flowing downhill. Her eyes opened, and she let the familiar stranger see a bit more of her thoughts, understand her more than most.

"Quiet: someone one could find by simply getting lost in Hueco Mundo, but I've experienced that silence before, and I've come to understand that it is an unsavory way to live. I'd rather spend eternity with all my friends than alone, but this world is in complete disarray. There are threats in every corner, and I'll be damned if I let any one of them harm any of you guys. That is why I am letting anyone who wishes for the same quiet to come and make their home here. Many have come on their own, some I've requested, so that they may escape persecution, Jefferson City for example. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where no one is trying to kill one another, no one is betraying one another, and everything is quiet besides our jovial laughter?"

Going on a bit of a tangent, Tier found herself opening up more than she had first wished, even going as far as to relate her worries about her friends and other Hollow. She is unsure if this is what others refer to as emotional growth, but she is sure that the old her would have detested being this open. It made her lean to the side in seat, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as her elbow found purchase on the top of her armrest. One thing hasn't changed though, and that's the solemn look her eyes always held, even as they now bore down on the piece of Santa she has yet to even learn the name of.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:18 pm
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) HEADER_36-16

Quiet? She tilted her head slightly as Tier began to ...relay the sentiment behind what it was that she was doing. Certainly that was an ....interesting cause to put into her head. But.... Looking around at these massive sands. She couldn't help but feel a bit of an immediate flaw to the notion Tier had in hr head. But all the same she listened closely. Looking back to Tier herself as she finished her explanation. Huh, maybe Santa had rubbed off on the woman more than she thought. But she knew more than that. She still remembered the conversation that had happened in regards to those Tier had lost. And a little sigh escaped Verdada as ... a question came to her mind. But one that had a bit of an obvious answer. But ... all the same.

"Not exactly a bad idea to be sure. But... that still doesn't quite feel satisfactory. Why are you doing this Here of all places?" She ventured with a tilt of her head as she gestured around them. "I feel like 'Safety' is the most obvious answer. But let's be honest. Are all of the peaceful hollows hanging around in Hueco Mundo? Sure, you have a nice little corner cut out for yourselves. But what are you onestly doing here? Sitting in the sand? Sand that will forever reek with the smell of dead hollow?" She ventured with a shake of her head.

"If you're really looking to make a haven. I'd have thought there'd be more ....I dunno. Building going on? Guess sand doesn't make great foundation. If you wanna make a little haven. Why not put it somewhere down on earth? This is .... something. I guess. But I think we both know that Santa would never leave earth to sit around in this wasteland. And I think you'll find other arrancar and hollows hesitant as well. Earth had distractions, places you canb build. This place has nothing but bad memories for the hollows that wind up here. Not to mention like you say, the constant threat of powerful malevolent hollows. It's not exactly safe here." She pointed out, idly folding her arms across her chest as she watched the woman closely.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:42 pm
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Of course, something of Santa would bring up interesting points of conflict with Tier's goals. That is to be expected, but, for even this, Tier has an answer. However, she couldn't help but look at the other Arrancar first. She investigated the physical differences between this one and the other two. They are all so varied, but they usually end up asking her the same thing no matter what. Guess that's one way to identify them.

"I once spoke with another Hollow who asked why I did not rule even though I could. At the time, I found the idea preposterous. Now, I think the only way to reach a fine conclusion is to push my weight around. Why Hueco Mundo? Well, Earth wasn't built without humans shedding blood, killing one another for their own goals and ideas. I will admit I am no good at infrastructure, and this all is just a starting point, but, one day, I would wish to be able to compare the two worlds. One day, could Hueco Mundo be as colorful as Earth? I found myself asking that question every time I visited the human realm. Santa's view of a perfect world was always idealistic to me, but now I think I've become something worst."

Smiling beneath her mask, Tier silently chuckled at the idea of being the one bothering Santa with ideas of a world where everyone got along. She's not looking for something like that right now but turning Hueco Mundo into something that's not an empty wasteland might just be the harder task. They're creatures of nigh infinite lifespans though. They have as long as it'll take to try and succeed, or to try and fail, but Tier's done of doing nothing at all.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:40 pm
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) HEADER_36-16

Well, that certainly was .... a surprise. And she wasn't sure if it was a particularly good one. A sigh slowly escaped her as she considered the rammifications of .... such intent. Trying to make Hueco Mundo like the world of the living? That was something ..... big? No collosal. Truth be told, she didn't know. Was there a portion of Hueco Mundo that WASN'T desert? She looked off into the distance and found herself wondering. She fell quiet for a moment, before looking back to Tier.

"Well. That's certainly a nice thought and all. But how exactly do you plan on accomplishing this?Even working little by little, that's quite the task. But I mean... even given what you have to work with. It doesn't seem like you're doing anything." She pointed out before walking a bit to the side and surveying the area around them. "I mean look. You're just sitting out here on the sand. Even with all Hueco Mundo has to offer this is kindof a poor shake. If it were me. I'd probably not even be up here. The Canpoy is too open. The Menos Forest is a much better place to start. Heck you could even carve temporary abodes into the trees down there, or find caves." She glanced back to Tier and tilted her head to the side.

"And sure. You aren't any good with architecture. Is that part of the plan? It's all well and good to say you have an infinite lifespan to solve these problems. But that's only worth anything if you're actively doing something. HAve you tried searching for someone who IS good with architecture? Do you have plans? People you wanna enlist? Objectives? I mean sure. You may have to show your teeth a little as things go forward. But I mean. This whole new getup. This whole new 'queen of heuco mundo' vibe you have going. And you're still just chilling out here in the desert. You can't just rule things all on your own. Even That fuckface Aizen knew that. He appointed the Espada and had his henchmen with him. What about you Tier? Do YOU have anyone else to help you do all this?"

Honestly, it was a little too familiar. Even if she tried not to be ....smothering. This felt a lot like when she dealt with Aina. The girl had good intentions, but no real idea of how to execute them. And in similar Fashion, Tier certainly had a good idea. But well, what was she doing about it? Maybe she was speaking out of turn. Maybe her expectations were a little high. Tier was old, and used to letting things happen over time. But well, verdada couldn't help herself. She was MADE to look after others after all. She sighed.

"Honestly I'd even suggest asking Ajora if she was even around. She was a crafty mean bitch, but she certainly knew a thing or two about this kinda shit." She murmured, admittedly more to herself than Tier. Either way, she did seem to be wracking her brain on WHO would be capable of even helping Tier with this.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:05 pm
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"There was a reason I sit here alone,' Tier began, sighing. Her own mind has been hitting her with those same questions and thoughts ever since she committed to this idea. Haggard from the other's pondering words, she began to sink in her seat, letting her tiredness actually win over for now. She may be immortal, but her body and mind are still that of flesh. Weariness is unavoidable at this point, but she did not let her stoic gaze falter and kept her focus on the subject at hand.

"I am thinking of solutions, even small temporary goals to accomplish, but there is much to consider. We are not alone, and I have already met some who are against my ideas, or rather, against me. I have already sent some down into the forests for now. Only the few who wish to stay by my side remain aboveground. The people I would like to help me..., I am unsure if it would be wise to involve them just yet, especially with what they've done on Earth."

Her thoughts move to Ichigo and his gang. She even pondered on asking Nelliel, but Tier already knows that asking for Nelliel's help would have the woman questioning her about Ichigo, and after his siege on the Vandenreich, no good will come from giving up the man's location. That also leaves her unable to involve them, for they are public enemies of every faction that protects Earth, and if the Gotei or Vandenreich decided to go on a hunt, it would harm her efforts if she harbored their enemies. It is best to keep those few away, for now.

"Right now, I would rather understand the threats that threaten those who follow me than to act too hasty and have them actually attack. I have no idea what they have under their sleeves, but maybe my age has caught up to me. I understand the concept of waiting, but maybe I am being too cautious. I honestly have no idea how to run a kingdom, and this kingdom will be full of monsters of varying types and form. Who to trust? Who to keep close or far? Maybe that is one aspect of Aizen I can at least respect. Even if we were simply tools, he understood how to keep us all together long enough to almost accomplish his dream."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:18 pm
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) HEADER_36-16

"Well that's stupid." She noted with a shake of her head, putting a hand on her hip sas she waved a hand and sighed. Certainly she could see where Tier was coming from, but this whole hesitance just sounded like a whole lot of nonsense. Some small part of her did make a connection. So Tier DID know about Kurosaki? Or maybe the ones that attacked up north? Made sense. It kinda was ... not even a surprise in the slightest that Tier would be aware of all the powerful Arrancar.

"IF you were trying to build down on earth, sure. I could see that being an issue. But you're here in Hueco Mundo. What are humans gonna roll up in here? I sincerely doubt it. And you need to get rid of that fear of attack right off the bat. You're gathering hollows. Each and every one you pull in is a risk of attack. Some smartass who wants to pretend to be nice and quiet for the promise of an easy meal. So any caution from that is just gonna paralyze you. But sure, lets' say you can't trust your current group of friends. Then how about you ask others? Obviously I guess Shinigami wouldn't be the way to go about it. But you gotta start somewhere." She waved a hand and made her way over to Tier as the woman sank into her little chair. Leaning in and promptly holding a hand out, intent on pulling the woman back upright.

"And if worst comes to worst. Why not go to the humans? Now I don't mean bringing any of them HERE of course. But you said yourself you aren't any good with architecture. Why not learn? Surely you got a few other arrancar here with you. LEarn. Finda library. Hell, try and ask the Shinigami for help if you're really hard up. I hear that new Captain Commander of theirs even have an arrancar they hired. There was a news story about it when they showed up in that Arena they have run by the Vandenreich. IF you don't know anyone who can help, then you're gonna have to help yourself. Right?"

She wasn't sure why she was pushing Tier like this. Maybe it was the Santa in her. Maybe it was because she KNEW Santa herself wasn't quite bossy enough to do the job. But something about ..... seeing Tier like this. Slumped in her chair. Paralyzed by fear and indecision. She couldn't stand it. And she sure as hell wasn't gonna have it. She remembered Ajora's warning to Santa all too well. That Tier's paranoia and fear would destroy her. And the last thing she wanted was for that bitch to be proven right.
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