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Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:57 pm
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Maybe I am stuck in times far gone," Tier muttered, staring at the hand before her. Sighing, a defeated breath, she reached and took it. However, instead of rising, she held onto it, seemingly studying the interaction in general. The idea of trying something like asking Shinigami or humans for help feels foreign, almost heretical. The last human to help her was Orihime.

"I am being too cautious. Moving forward without knowing what's before me is difficult, but I'll be stuck standing still for the rest of eternity if I don't take those steps into the unknown. I've lived my whole life always cautious..."

There's nothing else to say. Actions speak louder than words at this point, so she took hold of that hand and used it to rise from her seat. Hesitation plagued her still. Her thoughts were nothing but worry; worry for her friends, for the Hollow under her, and for the future of Hueco Mundo. However, wouldn't they all fall into ruin whether she acted or not? Then, would it be best to act and hope? For the first time, her eyes faltered, those beautiful emeralds clouded by fear of losing everything again.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:08 pm
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) - Page 2 HEADER_36-16

Verdada raised her brows when she felt the woman keep a hold of that hand of hers. Curiosity flashing across her face as she wondered just what Tier was up to. Certainly Verdada was plenty strong enough to support the woman's weight, but all the same, it was intruiging as Tier admitted her own stuck ways. And as the Shark pulled herself to her feet, Verdada noticed the slight change in demeanor, and a cheeky little smirk played along the woman's features, her head canting a bit to the side as she gave a soft little laugh. "Is that a glimmer of hope I see in those pretty eyes? Well, I'm certainly glad to have helped " She noted softly, pausing to glance down below, wondering how many of those reiatsu signatures were hollows that depended on this woman.

"Well. I admittedly have my own Kid to look after. So I can't say I can really lend a frequent and consistent hand in your little operation. But you can certainly call on me if you need anything. And well. You KNOW Santa will always be around to help too." She added, her expression briefly going a bit sly. She knew that Fear had somewhat ....changed Santa's feelings. But even with that, she knew Santa would never turn down an opportunity to help Tier if it were for a cause like this. "Speaking of help. Any way I can help you kick things off? Any information you want gathered or people you'd like m to reach out to for ya?" She ventured. If nothing else, it seemed she'd made a bit of headway, at least insofar as getting Tier to realize she needed to be a bit more active. Only seemed fair she extend an olive branch for taking that first step. Would be an awful dick move for her to prod the woman into action only to ditch with nothing but a smile and a wish for good luck. Tier deserved at least a little help getting the ball rolling.

Besides. IF this thing DID get some traction. It might be a place she herself might be interested in visiting now and then. Aina's own ideals, for better or worse, did somewhat allign. And well....if ...anything happened to Aina. HAvng a place to have some ...quiet time. Might not be so bad.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:44 pm
(‘What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) - Page 2 UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Hope? Is that the correct word? Maybe Tier shouldn't look at the thoughts in her head as fear. Maybe if she looked at them in that strange optimism that every facet of Ajora, Santa, and whoever this woman is has always let her see...

"First, I must speak with a few individuals. In the meantime, if you wouldn't mind collecting books on architecture and steal some Quincy information on Reishi structures, that would be appreciative. Santa probably has some human contacts. I'll have to speak with her. The Menos Forest would probably prove best to begin testing out this stuff, so I'll need to begin renovations..."

She knew she was about to begin rambling to herself about this and that, so she forced herself to stop and focus on the immediate situation. Whatever was said before the gears had begun turning in her head felt more like background noise. Strangely enough, Tier would have preferred to keep this woman by her side, but that would be greedy of her. She'll not keep... Well, that's one thing she should try and keep, however.

"We've yet to share the basic commodities of humanity: names. I've come to learn that Santa and her duplications are always different from one another in some shape or form. It would be wrong to not know what you call yourself."

But of course, Tier doesn't need to introduce herself.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier)

Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:55 pm
What Lies Beneath the Sea (Verdada/Tier) - Page 2 HEADER_36-16

Verdada SNORTED softly and shook her head. "Steal? you act like Quincy guard their secrets. Sure, I probably won't be able to get my hands on anything fancy. But I can probably just find some rando rogue quincy and ask them for information. Though unless you go recruit some ACTUAL quincy I dunno how much help it will be. You can't exactly manipulate large chunks of Reishi unless you are one. I'll keep my eye out for any. The only ones with books on that shit are probably the Vandenreich. And I don't feel like getting shot. The rest I can handle though." She noted with a thumbs up to the woman.

She was about to turn, the air peeling open with a soft growl, a garganta meant to take her back to the world of the living. After all, it seemed Tier was ready to get things rolling. Though when the woman offered that question, she paused. Ah yea, she supposed Tier wouldn't know. Hm. Some small part of her assumed Santa would have just told her. But thinking about it now ...... no... Santa probably didn't enjoy that particular subject these days. "The name's Verdada, cheesy as that is. But well, Ajora named me so waddaya gonna do, right? But hey, if you want a nickname, you can always just call me 'Sexy'." She offered, giving Tier a roguish wink before that dark maw closed around her, swallowing her up and promptly punctuating Verdada's departure.
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