Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:50 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Blood dripped, a pool of red beneath their feet. Haggard breathes, musk coating the air, heavy scents weighing great on weary souls. Reflection of worn eyes in steel, worn knuckles white with tension. Clad in black, the many found themselves but ants before the pesticide, a woman with crimson hair, cascading like evening waterfalls. It is but another day, the lonesome sun shining down on the wet brow of desperate soldiers. It is not every day they are allowed an audience with their captain in such manner, but the pained arena around them is proof of their efforts.

"Is that all? I expected more."

Though, taunted by harsh words, wounded men cower like lame puppies, too cumbersome to continue their futile assault. All in all, despite their inability to wound her, it was a good day, hours of productivity. It is fine for the Shinigami before her to lose the bravado they bolstered when training was first suggested. It is rare for the redheaded Captain to attend to her men. Such things were usually left for her Vice, attempts at being the mediator between Earth and Soul Society keeping the Captain nothing less than busy. Falsely believing oneself worth their salt is but a predictable mistake.

Elyss has come to terms with much lately though, and with this exercise, she has learned much of who she is. Years of denial, all a matter of the past in but a single bout. She should honestly thank the former Captain, but that is a thought for another time. Her Zanpakuto has spilled enough blood from these men. It is time for the next batch to test their mettle against her.

"Patch yourselves up. You've earned the rest of the day off. Who's next."


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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:06 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

IT wasn't very often they got to see the Captain. Truth be told. Lerna really didn't see much of any of the officers in her division. She supposed it came with being a student and an unseated. She was strong, she supposed. But still learning and a bit inexperienced when it all came down to it. But she never allowed that to really bother her when it came to getting things done. And so as the Captain was gracing the squad with her presence, Lerna couldn't help but ....wonder a little as she watched the previous batch of squad members shuffle off to the side.

Was this really fitting for the Seventh division?
Lerna honestly wasn't sure if her sentiments were shared with the other squadmates. But seeing the woman basically just tearing through squad members made her miss Murasaki. What was this accomplishing? No adjustments. No advice. The Captain was just kinda sacking them. All with that cold, menacing expression.
Why HADN'T Elyss just become the Captain of the Fourth Division? This sort of show seemed much more fitting for that squad. But Lerna supposed there was probably a reason for all this.

She walked forward with the next group and cast a sympathetic glance toward the other squad members moving in beside her. They were just down to the unseated now. All the seated officers had mostly taken their turn, and so now, it fell to Lerna and her nervous associates to face off. And well, she already could feel a few sets of eyes shifting to her. She was well aware that she'd be taking point. So she reached for the gourd at her hip and peeled her zanpaku;'to from the neck of the container, the blade itself shining wet with liquor as she moved to the head of the group and put on a calm smile. "Pleasure to meet you Cap. Let's have fun, yea?" She offered, her voice relaxed despite the intensity of the situation.
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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:08 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


Elyss flicked her Zanpakuto, the blood on its edge coating the ground. Sheathing her weapon, she rolled her right shoulder, annoyed with the minor popping it did. Swordplay's foreign to her, so it only made sense her body wasn't used to the sweeping motions involved. She doubts she'll even need her Zanpakuto for this, but that also meant she's a tad more comfortable.

"Come at me at your own leisure. Whoever lands the first blow wins a free week vacation to Earth, Captain's treat."

Step one: give an incentive for them to be against one another complete. Looking at the three with a bemused glint in her dark eyes, Elyss rolled her fingers into fists and took an open stance against the few before her. Now, it's about seeing how her Division handles this situation.


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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:47 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Uhuh... Lerna raised a brow slightly as the Captain flicked her blade and sheathed it. Taking i easy on the unseateds huh? The other two beside her adjusted their stances slightly as they circled the woman, Lerna moving in front and Center as the other two circled to flank the woman. Though, that prompt offer of a reward did cause the trio to pause. Lerna herself making a bit of a face. Didn't most members of Squad Seven practically live in the world of the living if they were on deployment? Or was she suggesting some kinda vacation trip? Hm. She cast a brief glance toward the other two unseateds.

"Uhhhh.....alright?" Lerna murmured as she promptly sheathed her own zanpaku'to. No point in going all out if Elyss wasn't going to use her own blade. The other two seeming a bit uncertain, but similarly sheathing their blades in solidarity. Almost immediately after, the Unseated member on Elyss's left promptly surged in, closing the distance between himself and the Captain before executing a sharp jab aimed at Elyss's cheek. A mere moment later, the other unseated on her left started to close in. Taking his time, but still drawing a bit of attention to himself. But before he could completely close in. Lerna promptly shot in like a phantom, using a sudden burst of speed, a blur of blonde hair closed in on Elyss. It was only natural that Elyss probably was going to dodge, or counter the attack. The sort of Aura Elyss was giving off didn't exactly scream 'I'm gonna dodge around'. Especially having seen her deal with the seated officers.

And so, Lerna rushed in and aimed to interrupt the woman. Intent on connect with a straight full-bodied punch to the woman's chest with enough force to rip clean through one of the barracks building in a sudden and vicious application of speed and strength. A two pronged attack between herself and the first Unseated. Standard hollow-fighting strategy.
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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:10 am
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

They've sheathed their Zanpakuto. Has she been that absent that they've forgotten that her main form of combat is hand to hand? If anything, she had gone easy on the others by even utilizing a weapon. However, it seemed like her words had left them confused. With all the work that the seventh had been through lately, she would have expected a better reaction from being told you could have a week all to yourself. She'll have to reprimand herself for being so absentminded. That'll be at a later date, though.

For right now, it's time to relish in the abilities of her Division. With both of her hands, she simply caught both attacks aimed at her. She didn't even bother giving any attention to the one who had stayed back, her mind already processing the multitude of ways he could take advantage of both her hands being occupied with defending herself. However, her fingers closed, her grip around Lerna's fist tight, almost like a snake bite. With the other unseated member, she quickly moved her hand around their wrist, twisting her arm and lifted the man from his feet with ease before throwing him at the other unseated in the distance.

"Now, tell me what you three did wrong, Lerna?" She asked, probably surprising the woman by knowing her name. With how rare they've even seen one another, it's a bit of a wonder that Elyss would call her out personally. It wouldn't surprise the redhead if the blonde thought that she'd be treated as a nameless soldier, an afterthought in a way.


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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:24 am
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna perked up as the woman snared her fist despite the force she'd put into the swing! Just as Elyss had clamped down on Lerna's wrist, the blonde leered up at the woman, a slight smirk on her lips as the other unseated was promptly thrown over the Captain's shoulder a loud YELP escaping the man as well as a crackle as he attempted to form a reishi platform to stop just behind the woman. But while the man DID have some good reflexes, the force behind the throw simply snapped the platform and he continued to tumble through the air, falling short of the other unseated member.

That question however, DID catch Lerna a bit by surprise. Oh she had no doubt that Elyss knew her name, she was just a bit intrigued that the woman was aslking her such a question. But it was one she wasn't going to answer. Well, not immediately. Rather than a verbal response, Lerna simply locked onto the Captain's wrist with her free hand before letting out a SPRAY right into the woman's face. Having produced some of her Yowaseruhime liquor in her mouth, the Captain would promptly find herself hit full force by a cloud of intoxicating liquor, the fumes alone of which were generally enough to start eroding the focus and sensibilities of those effected. Already the other two unseated had scrambled to their feet and were promptly darting back. And no doubt many of the SQUAD were starting to back off and give the pair more space.

Most in Squad seven were familiar with Lerna's zanpaku'to. Or at least, the version that she showed others. VEry few were actually aware she could make other types of liquor, but this one was more than well known. A Spray that filled the air with intoxicating fumes. Generally with very unpredictable results. And well, they all had enough sense to start making some space now that the potential for Drunk Elyss was in the air.
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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:55 am
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

She was expecting words, not a face full of spit. Elyss' reaction should have been to toss the blonde to the side, but she found herself unable to focus for some odd reason. Her face is stinging, nostrils flaring, eyes watering. Her throat tightened, the vile taste in her mouth. Then, she found the world spinning, her mind suddenly clouded with surreal thoughts and ideas she'd never entertain. It doesn't take a genius to realize they've been drugged, but it does take something more than knowing to counter the effects of said drugging. Elyss, for all she's worth, isn't exactly capable of that kind of stuff.

"Great," She grumbled though, letting go of Lerna. Not entirely unfamiliar with being drunk, Elyss found herself taking steps back. A hand now on her face, there was nothing else to make of the situation but an unfortunate oopsie, and that thought made Elyss chuckle into her palm. This is her fault for not recognizing the danger of keeping an unknown opponent close. Maybe if she did more research, she would have been prepared for Lerna to pull a stunt like this. Anyway, getting worked up about it isn't going to help anything. For now, it feels as if she has some cognitive capabilities left, and that's all that matters.

"I've never fought high before, but..."

Dropping her hand, she smiled wickedly, seemingly excited by the process of being imbalanced. There's a sudden new edge about her, energy brimming underneath and right outside her skin, her body shimmering as if affected by a heatwave. Her gaze, lingering on Lerna, lacked its stoic edge in favor of something childishly violent.


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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:14 am
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  HEADER_67533998_p0

If this had been a real fight, Lerna would have promptly whip kicked Elyss across the face as soon as she was disoriented. But instead she smiled and backed up as the woman let go of her, taking a few steps back. Giving the booze a bit of time to do it's work before that smile of hers widened when she saw the look crossing over Elyss's face. PERFECT.

"Told you, Cap. I'm just here to have a little fun. I'm not really all that up for vacations or extra pay. I'm here to test my new Captain." She pointed out with a flash of a smile before promptly she charged toward Elyss, her body blurring as she used a sudden series of rapid shunpo. Zig zagging from left to right. After all, this was her Zanpaku'to. She knew exactly how to move to make her assault as disorienting as possible for whenever she was fighting. And just as she closed in with her arm cocked back, she feinted, suddenly ducking down and aiming to promptly plunge her fist upward and into the woman's chest. Only instead of a fist, it was an open palm.

Elyss had already taken a full force punch without even a twitch of her wrist. The woman was sturdy. Which is why instead of a punch, she aimed to grab Elyss by the front of her uniform and promptly THROW her over her shoulder to slam her onto her back. No doubt adding to the woman's disorientation once the world went spinning around her. Well, IF Lerna actually managed to lift the woman off the ground and didn't get swatted on the way in. But Lerna was fine with that. Victory wasn't the goal. She just wanted to get to know this new Captain. And well...

Lerna had to admit, she really liked the look on Elyss' face so far. Much better than that stern, serious thing she'd been doing before.
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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:49 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

If this was a serious fight, Elyss would have... probably fallen for the same move. However, her reaction would have proven somewhat severe compared to now. That doesn't mean she's going to let this slide. Her senses are out of whack, but she's still an elite fighter who can handle a bit of disorientation. This situation just calls for her to think of this battle a bit differently than others, if she can keep her mind focused that well.


Maybe she is more out of it than she had initially thought. When did Lerna get so close? Was her mind that boggled that she didn't even notice the woman closing in on her. No. She had to have noticed. There was just a lack of reaction from her part. Her perception is sluggish. Getting lost in her thoughts is only going to get her ass handed to her. The only thing that she's really able to feel is the hand pressing against her chest, a force about it before it closed and pulled her forward.

Not one for being handled, Elyss was quick to adjust herself as she was moved. Despite her world spinning, all it took was for her to close her eyes and stop relying on her altered senses to get herself stable. Able to tell her position from the ground from when she was lifted, it wasn't impossible for her to force her own body to move as it was flipped, spinning in Lerna's group as her clothing went loose. Though, as she slipped free, she found her chest barren besides the wrapped around it, and her feet found purchasing on the ground difficult enough to force her to back off.

Still, her eyes remained closed, her movements relying on her ability to feel the world around her and sense people by their Reiatsu. What an exotic fight on her hands. Her moment of focus is already fading with excitement, her lips spreading again in anticipation of having to fight this way.


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Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  Empty Re: Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:08 pm
Two Serpents (Elyss/Lerna)  HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna had to admit, she was a little impressed to see Elyss's body twist in her grip as she threw the woman to the ground as Elyss promptly shed her Haori and kosode in one fell swoop, leaving Lerna raising her brows as she eyed the clothes now in her grasp for a split second before smirking as she vaguely thought about the guys back down on earth. They woulda loved seeing a fight like this. "You move pretty good when you're smashed, Cap. Been in a lot of bar fights?" She ventured, before darting in, this time not bothering to use Shunpo, instead jumping straight toward the woman and aiming a strong center-mass punch aimed to the woman's chest, though a bit higher than normal. intent on more knocking Elyss down by exploiting her deteriorated sense of balance than actually trying to put a dent in the woman.

A Punch immediately followed by Lerna's left leg swinging up completely vertical, a sudden feat of flexibility as she'd then drop her heel and execute a sharp Axe kick. Dropping her heel on the woman's shoulder to try and further capitalize on any damage to the woman's stance, if not pummeling her into the ground if the Mod Soul had actually managed to stagger the woman. After all, as much as she was enjoying herself. This was still an official spar, with a lot of spectators. And so Lerna was being a bit more reserved. Refraining from commenting on the Captains' wrap, nor her interesting demeanor when drunk. Nah, she'd save that for when they didn't have an audience. For now, she just focused on trying to knock the woman to the ground. Shifting from that dodgy,feinting tactic to a sudden and direct assault. She needed to get in as much as she could before the alcohol wore off, after all.
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