Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Pink (Koga/Moe)

Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:06 am
Pink (Koga/Moe) WduRcDa


Boom! Pow! Kachow!

All around, people are busying themselves with one another, getting to know each other through the shared necessity of training. It's easy to pick up a stranger and start hashing it out for no other reason but to become better at your craft. Though, many are here for multiple things. Some want to get stronger, some want to socialize, and some just need the inspiration to create a new technique. As for a certain short pinked haired Shinigami, she's come for all the above. If someone wants to fight, she's down for a fight. If someone wants to socialize, she's down to socialize. If someone's looking for advice on how to improve a technique or make it efficient, her bovine ears are ready to listen, ponder, and direct. Sometimes you'll find yourself doing all the above at the same time, but Ojo doesn't mind. She's an eager gal with overachieving tendencies.

As of now, she's just resting on a bench watching a few from the Fourth Division throw their weight around. Those guys are always out and about looking to help anyone. She wonders if it's thanks to their new captain for all this vigor they've been throwing around lately. It wasn't too long ago that a member even came to her Division looking to provide assistance. Unfortunately, the Fourth's not known for their *ahem* tactics.

Beautiful | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Mon May 22, 2023 2:32 pm
Pink (Koga/Moe) 4lLEUeU
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe was used to being the only short pink-haired Shinigami in the yard. It wasn't exactly like that was a popular thing to find anywhere in Soul Society, but the barracks of the combat division were her domain. So when the news got around that there was a new face on the block, she simply had to go see it with her own eyes. Standing tall using every single one of her four feet and eight inches, her chest puffed out like she was a miniature peacock, she rounded on this Ojo person and gave her a look up and down.

"I'm Machihara Moe, nice to meetcha. Ya here to train with the Fourth Division or just looking to keep the benches warm for us?"

She didn't have a good sense of how strong someone was until they showed her what they were capable of, so she would throw her weight around like she was the boss of this gym until someone put her in her place. That was how the hierarchy of the Fourth Division should work, and it was why she was sure that she would make officer in record time. They'd all be kissing her boots when she was through with them.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Mon May 29, 2023 11:07 am
Pink (Koga/Moe) WduRcDa


Snapping her head to the side, Ojo's gaze met Moe. Dumbfounded, Ojo took a second or two to connect the fact that someone's addressing her with such an uppity attitude. Normally, Ojo would have been offended by being called a benchwarmer, but her mind jumped from irritation to astonishment just like that.

"Oh my God. You're adorable!" She squealed, finding the pink hair cute, and the stern face to match was just, OMG! It's like one of them action figure dolls Kazuya kept on a shelf but in real life. Already, her heads full of all the outfits she could dress this cutie up in for maximum adorable overload.

Beautiful | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:03 pm
Pink (Koga/Moe) 4lLEUeU
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Adorable I may be, but I'll still put you in the dirt real fast if you don't take me seriously."

Moe pouted, a little of her initial thunder stolen by the backhanded compliment that she had received. There was the implication that her cuteness made her weak and she did not like that one bit, so if this bimbo wanted to tussle then she would get down in the mud just like everyone else. It was not like the woman could seriously think such a thing unless she was patronising her, and the delivery had certainly backed that up.

"So what's it gonna be? Fighting or fleeing?"

Arching her back even more, she was trying every possible tool at her disposal to seem intimidating but it was hard for a woman of her stature. Not to mention the other things that she was lacking compared to this newcomer, but that would only make her more angry if she focused on them too much.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:47 pm
Pink (Koga/Moe) WduRcDa


"Eh? Eh?"

Fighting of fleeing. Well, someone's a bit pouty, but Ojo always took everything at face value. It's clear as day that her comment earlier had pushed the woman into a bit, but the angry ones proved the most worthwhile. She's played the role of spectator for long enough. Action's calling.

"Careful, hun. Bulls are known for tilling soil. Poke them hard enough, and you'll be buried."

Calling out her new opponent, Ojo hopped from her bench and stretched, her demeanor lacking any hostility. However, that all changed as she walked away, her hand on the handle of her Zanpakuto. Suddenly, the atmosphere around her thickened as her flowery personality wilted, her smile fading as she found a suitable area and turned towards her fellow pink haired friend.

"Make me eat dirt."

Beautiful | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:28 pm
Pink (Koga/Moe) 4lLEUeU
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

"Buried huh? If that's the worst you've got then I'll just get a shovel and dig my way out."

Moe was not exactly the snappiest with the retorts, especially when she was facing down someone as disarmingly flowery as Ojo. Not that the other woman had given her a name yet, she was just another obstacle in her path to the top, as far as Moe was concerned, and sure it was a large block but she could get over anything. So soon enough she was staring the other woman down, Zanpakuto in hand, as all pretence of sincerity fell away and the expectation of battle took over.

"Ya ready?"

She barely waited for an answer before bouncing forwards, grabbing her weapon with both hands as she twisted her body to bring it over her head and down in a cutting swing that might just put this fruit cup a few feet in the ground if she decided to just stand there and take it. Moe wasn't exactly pulling her punches, after all, as she was plenty pissed off already. There wasn't anything elegant about it, that wasn't her style, just power and punchiness.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:20 am
Pink (Koga/Moe) WduRcDa



The bravado is cute, but Ojo has no time for boisterous clowns when it comes to combat. Someone could write poetry with their words, but if their skills are suitable only for trashcans, they have no right to ever approach her. It's a shame that her opponent may be something similar.

With one deft action, Ojo moved forward, her body locomotive as her Zanpakuto slid free from its scabbard. Already within Moe's circle of influence, it was nothing but the difference between their skill that made Moe's attack useless. Ojo held back her strength, but the blunt edge of her Zanpakuto was aimed directly into Moe's stomach to knock the female's brazen attempt away.

One should always watch before they act recklessly. Maybe Moe would have noticed that Ojo's Zanpakuto is longer than most, allowing her to easily reach Moe before the woman could ever reach her, or maybe she'd have been ready for the feeling of a bat into her gut.

Beautiful | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:15 am
Pink (Koga/Moe) 4lLEUeU
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Moe had grown quite well used to facing opponents stronger than her just as she was used to beating down those below her. A skill that was fortunate now, as she saw the speed at which this mysterious stranger moved and immediately realised that she would end up on her ass. Her own weapon was hardly what one would consider short, stretching for a considerable distance before her when she swing it, and yet this woman had once again decided to upstage her by wielding such a gargantuan blade. Fitting for an ogre like her, after all, Moe silently concluded.

She had hoped that a rush would allow her to get inside the guard of such a challenging and obtuse weapon, but it was just her luck that her speed was lacking. Attempting to dart in had only brought her into the most opportune striking range, and before her blade had even crashed down she was reeling from a blow to her stomach that would have bowled her over if she had not had the slightest of times to react and tense up her body. Hardly a perfect defence, knocking her back a few more paces, but she was not going down for the count after one halfhearted strike.

"Hmph. Alright, so that's how it's gonna be huh."

Already on the backfoot, the only slight advantage that Moe had was that her opponent was not taking her seriously. Which was hardly an advantage if she was just going to get beat down and again without this girl even needing to break a sweat. Huffing with contempt, she hung back for a moment more more darting in again. Getting inside her opponents range was the key, so she held back from doing an opening strike so that she could defend herself and then try to slip past that guard and return the favour with a leaping kick into her midriff. Of course, there was plenty of padding there that she was trying to avoid, but it was still a hard place to get hit if she could connect.

Something to Prove | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:53 am
Pink (Koga/Moe) WduRcDa


Assessment done? Ojo thought the next move was going to end up hers to make, but her opponent fancied big windups. The lack of finesse showed Moe's infancy with combat, but most people are far from Ojo's martial skill. It'd be unfair to call Moe a noob based on what Ojo knows. That doesn't change what happens when someone haphazardly continues throw around their weight without any pressure behind it.

With all the time in the world, Ojo moved herself in rhythm with Moe, stepping back as the woman stepped in. Even with her opponent this close, Ojo did not lack a means of countering, the scabbard at her side unlatched. A foot in her gut, Ojo braced herself for the acute discomfort, launching her Zanpakuto's sheath right into Moe's chin. The likelihood of it missing isn't high, but it exists.

Still, Ojo found her body sliding back from Moe's kick, stopping her retreat with a defiant stamp of her right foot. If Moe's any bit disoriented, she'd probably not notice Ojo charge immediately, but the shorter of the two wasted no time launching herself back into the fray. Instead of voices her disdain, she's coming to enact payback, catching her scabbard if it had bounced off Moe's chin, spinning it before harshly driving it into Moe's gut.

Beautiful | END POST
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Pink (Koga/Moe) Empty Re: Pink (Koga/Moe)

Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:11 pm
Pink (Koga/Moe) 4lLEUeU
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Using the scabbard to defend was creative of her opponent and deftly dismantled Moe's offensive strategy as soon as she put it into place. Her kick connected, though a little further away from her point of impact than she had intended, and then the lip of that sheath was colliding neatly with Moe's chin. A more gifted martial artist might have been able to roll out of it or do something amazing to counter the counter, but Moe was simply not that person. Not yet. Her skull rang from the impact, which bounced her backwards and sent her bouncing off the ground before rolling back to her feet.

She swayed from left to right, her bearings still recalibrating, as suddenly the horned fury was on top of her. Hands suddenly finding purchase on her blade again, she swung it around hastily to try and ward the woman away, but it was simply too little too late. Moe had just enough time to find her feet again before the point of the sheath was driven into her gut, and the bubblegum girl was launched backwards again. There was a crack as the blow connected, and then a sucking sound as the air was quite literally driven back out of her mouth, then Moe landed in a heap and this time did not stir with as much of that previous fervour.

"Grr, alright." Pushing herself up, Moe grumbled as she propped herself up with her weapon. There was ample time for Ojo to step in and attempt to put her down again, she hardly seemed in a position to properly defend herself either, but she was trying her best to stand back up regardless. If she made it that far then Moe would sink into a ready position once more, clearly unwilling to just let this one go, but that was a pretty big 'if'.

Something to Prove | END POST
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