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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Sun May 21, 2023 2:38 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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After having trained with their Aina, and enjoyed a lovely bath afterwards, Cala was feeling very, very good. Brimming with energy and quiet determination toward their newfound goal of strengthening themselves Cala had decided to use their spare time to passively train. Seeing how they could exert their energy, expand it's reach and influence, flaring it brightly against the otherwise dull backdrop of the environment around them.

Cala then took to practicing their precision and skill with Ceniza, using their own Fade as a series of makeshift enemies and sparing themselves no leeway with the encroaching cuts, stabs and attacks they delivered at themselves. They had only gotten to the point they had worked up a good amount of exertion when they paused, tilted their head, and hummed quizzically as they felt the presence of another being approaching. Were they attracted by Cala's exertions? Sent to them specifically?

From what Cala could sense the entity was not notably different than themselves in strength, though that did not eliminate the possibility of deception on the other entity's part. Were they the slippery, gliding breeze they appeared to Cala's senses? Moving with just enough oddity in their limbs that made Cala suspicious of their true intent? Regardless of the truth Cala drew their Fade back into their cloak and turned to face the direction the entity was approaching from, their masked face impassively staring roughly into the middle distance.

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Mon May 22, 2023 10:51 pm


She'd spent enough time moping around truthfully, the better part of the last month that was all she did. It had been rather difficult for her to find the motivation to do anything else, however it was beyond time to get her mind focused again. It just so happened that, intentionally or not, she had someone else available for doing such a thing, training had always been the one thing that she could rely on to focus her mind.

So it was that she was told by Ari to seek out a certain individual, to begin anew and start properly training herself rather than simply performing her duties as a Shinigami. She wasn't entirely sure why she had to go all the way to Europe for such a thing, but she wasn't about to question the why's at the present moment. She was informed only vaguely what she was searching for, likely intentional as part of her training, given just enough information to be able to know she found what she was looking for when she actually found it and naught much else.

However, while she did almost immediately did know she'd found what she'd been looking for... the thought did was not one that she exactly liked the thought of. However, she knew that Ari would have a rather big fit if she went back on her word now, so against her better judgement she chose to accept who her training partner was, and instead gave them a silent nod of her head. "Hello, I take it you are the one that Arianda mentioned? My name is Wakaba Fuurinji."

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Sun May 28, 2023 11:47 am


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala inclined their head, masked visage staring past Fuurinji with a studious passivity, and though they were still a bit wary of Shinigami they weren't quite so skittish anymore. Out of the Shinigami they had actively encountered, of both their selves, only Saiko had truly overwhelmed them in strength to the point of possibly being scared.... were it not for their other half's affection for her over-riding that sense of potential fear. No this Shinigami felt far from their equal and, to make things better, the first thing they did was mention the name of someone they trusted. Not to mention their greeting seemed, at the very least, polite. Cala would nod their head, slowly, as Ari had not told them anything about this individual but.... well.... Cala's mask would turn to point roughly at Fuurinji's stomach.

"Arianda? If you know our sister then you are welcome to join us."

Cala's Pesquisa would flare gently over Fuurinji, studying her, scrutinizing her limited spiritual energy, Cala would stab Ceniza into the ground beside them and straighten their head, asking curiously.

"Though we are curious; If our sister has spoke of us then what did she say? If.... we were to make a guess it would be for training and strengthening yourself. We speak from experience when we say, with no insult intended, you would not fair well at training with her."

Cala was being earnest in their assessment of Fuurinji, as even they were far, far from capable of matching their dear sister. If this Shinigami was truly half the strength of Cala themselves then they briefly wondered if it would even be possible for Arianda to restrain herself enough to actually train with Fuurinji. However, Cala did realize after a moment they were being a bit rude, as they had not introduced themselves yet.

"Apologies. Our name is Cala and you are welcome to whatever our sister has sent you to us for, if there is something we can give."

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Sun May 28, 2023 9:39 pm


Fuurinji would have to admit, had it not been for the Arrancarr mask she might've been concerned about the validity of who this person was, however not only did it make them stand out quite a bit but to further add credence their response was something she would've expected. To ensure there was no miscommunication, it was always best to ensure the other was aware of the others allegiance. It was curious, though, that she called her as 'sister', though she wasn't going to question it... at least not right now.

Fuurinji had taken note of where the sword was placed, and assumed it was meant to show there was no aggression meant between them in the moment. Their assessment of Fuurinji's strength was rather accurate... at least for the moment, and for which Fuurinji gave a nod. "Indeed, it is for the purpose of training that she sent me to find you." She said calmly, giving one more nod as they introduced themselves as 'Cala', though their way of introduction was a bit curious. They had spoke as if it was more than one mind, a curious coincidence she thought.

"I see, well... I shall ensure you understand the training that I desire, before we begin." As she spoke Fuurinji lifted her right arm, pulling the sleeve of her Shihakasho back to reveal a black armband which she began to slowly pull from her wrist. "Though I warn you, your Pesquisa may not be able to get an accurate reading." As the wristband came off, Fuurinji's reiatsu began to flare wildly, coming out as uncontrollable jet streams.

She tossed the wristband to the ground before grasping both of her Zanpakuto's, raising the left above her head and the right down so its tip touched the ground. A moment later she spoke "Whirl and Howl" and made a vertical slice with each, bringing them to the position the other had just been in "Muraki Kitakaze!"

As a whirlwind whipped up around Fuurinji, her voice once more spoke up "To ensure there is no question about what this training is intended for, I request you release your Zanpakuto as well and hold nothing back." When she was finished, a three-taloned gauntlet ripped through the whirlwind and clawed it away to reveal Fuurinji now standing with a set of the gauntlets, one on each hand.

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Tue May 30, 2023 7:46 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala inclined their head in a simple, single nod as Fuurinji verified their suspected reason for being there. Taking the fact with the simple stoicism this form rarely ever left. Though as Fuurinji indicated she would make her intent with their training known Cala did tilt their head ever so slightly to the side, watching the Shinigami woman with a quizzical expression, before once more giving a nod of understanding as Fuurinji dropped their limited to the ground. Now Arianda sending this woman to train with them made sense, now they were of a parity, but this lasted for only a moment as Fuurinji seemed utterly intent on displaying her power.

As Fuurinji released her Shikai Cala straightened their gaze and if their eyes could see, or were visible themselves, they would have blinked in a slow, somewhat contemplative fashion. Noting the way in which Fuurinji's weapon changed shape Cala did hum, once, and gently pull Ceniza from the ground. It's chipped, gray appearance almost ashen in it's complexion as Cala nodded to Fuurinji. In truth, they were ready to begin but as Fuurinji demanded to see Cala's own release they paused. A new question forming in Cala's mind as they ever so subtly grimaced. Had Arianda chosen this woman on purpose? To make some sort of point to them? It seemed.... far and away convenient for one of their last discussions with Ari being about achieving their own release, only for her to send someone to fight Cala who demanded they display it for her.

Cala's brief glimmer of a grimace would vanish as they relaxed their shoulders, settling into a two-handed grip on Ceniza as they stated flatly.

"We do apologize, but we have not yet achieved our release, though... you will not find us wanting."

Perhaps a unique experience for Fuurinji and Cala both it would come to pass that as Cala summoned forth their Fade from within their robes in small tendrils of the ashen substance wherever it roamed in the whipping wind would be drained of Fuurinji's energy and, subsequently, make it all but a blind spot for the Shinigami as the energy would never return to Fuurinji's "sight". Cala, likewise, had never pulled energy from the environment before, even indirectly like this, and hummed idly to themselves as they narrowed their own perception onto Fuurinji.

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:35 pm


Kaze Rogoku: 4 Posts Remaining.

Fuurinji's brows furrowed as she heard the response given by her would-be opponent. Never had she heard of such a thing, much like Shinigami, an Arrancarr must have a Zanpakuto for which its hollow powers were sealed within. To not have said release, would mean one could not have been a hollow. Yet to be an Arrancarr, one must have gone through being a hollow and all hollows had abilities and powers uniquely their own. Yet here she was, face to face with one claiming to have no such ability. Was this meant to waste her time? Or was this Arrancarr lying in the poorest and most obvious way imaginable?

If deception was the intent, such a thing would be difficult around Fuurinji's Shikai lest it not interact with the air that surrounded them. Yet all things, physical or spiritual, interacted with the air, there was naught she could not detect. However it mattered little, for the Arrancarr sought to 'blind' her in other ways. Yet while this made it more difficult, it did not affect her entirely nor was she unprepared for being unable to perceive less than what the wind touched. No if anything it merely gave her a bigger target and made it easier for Fuurinji to single out where her opponent moved too and intended to be.

It was easy enough to tell the ability centered against the mass of the Arrancarr, aside from that it wasn't like they were nullifying the wind itself and even if the images she got were brief it was more than enough. "I see..." Were the only words she spoke back before both arms raised to her sides, mere moments before the two gauntlets were slammed together. If Cala had assumed her Reiatsu connected to the wind before, they would only now realize how little of that was accurate.

For now the wind was suffused with her Reiatsu, so much so that the world around them began to twist and distort, the ground below now warped to their sides and above, clouds stretched to surround them and trees seemingly broke themselves apart and cascaded all around them. "Even should you stop the winds itself, you cannot hide from its imprisoning gale." Her voice was not coming from any one particular direction, rather its volume changed in direction at a seemingly constant rate. One syllable would sound like it was coming from the left, and the next from behind.

"Either Arianda sent me here to waste my time, or she has something else in mind. Either way matters not to me, only the test matters."

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 11:05 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Whether or not Fuurinji believed them Cala did not mind either way, their focus was solely on the training to be had, and while it was true their Aumentar granted them twice the strength of someone of their level normally it was hardly anything like the spectacle of the Shinigami's Shikai or a true release. Indeed the closest thing Cala possessed to such a thing was their ability to change forms but that hardly impacted their power when performed. As Fuurinji spoke and channeled more energy into the wind around them Cala tilted their head, wondering if perhaps the Shinigami was trying to assist them by funneling more energy into Cala's Fade for the Arrancar to utilize. Cala had not meant to even come close to clouding themselves in a faded area, devoid of the energy of others, but was instead passively displaying what their ability was much like Fuurinji. They had, it seemed, mistaken Fuurinji brazen application as a polite courtesy.

Taking the time to study Fuurinji with their Pesquisa Cala could now get a good estimation that Fuurinji possessed, roughly, half of their strength over again when it came to raw spiritual might with her Shikai released. A fact Cala took idle note of with a solemn, studious nod, their Fade glutting itself on the energy Fuurinji emitted and Cala was all too willing to drink it from the air itself. Sadly for Fuurinji this would not only make trying to maintain her Kaze Rōgoku like dumping water down a drain to try and fill a sink, but Cala's own sensory abilities were sharp enough to cut through what tenuous grasp the ability was able to gain before being drained away. Humming idly at Fuurinji's declaration of this possibly being a waste of time Cala would nod.

"Then let us waste no more time."

Idly opening their mouth Cala would quickly gather a Cero and fire the quickly-charged beam at Fuurinji, a coiling mass of black-shrouded-in-what like the depths of a black hole emitting light upon it's event horizon would arc toward Fuurinji with intense quickness, but this was only the opening move for Cala to judge how their opponent would react.

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala] Empty Re: Blind-Sided [FuurinjiVSCala]

Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:10 pm


Kaze Rogoku: 3 Posts Remaining.

It didn't go without notice what Cala's ability was doing, the longer it went on the more obvious it became what it was. Now it was crystal clear what it was doing, but for Fuurinji such an act wasn't something she wasn't used too. She never had full control over her own Reiatsu when it came to how it escaped her, so she was used to the ebb and flow, one could even say she'd become accustomed to adapting to that waning and waxing. It did, however, mean that Cala had a more keen awareness than most would have inside of her technique, something afforded to very few people who didn't have a substantial amount of reserves above her own. Indeed the keen pesquisa of an Arrancarr helped additionally as well within it, as it had no effect on spiritual senses themselves only the physical ones.

However even so his movements were not unheard, and even should the Arrancarr mask most of his minor movements within his Fade he did not seem to be able to hide the noise either they or his charging cero made. While impressively fast with its charging, Fuurinji was able to use her Shunpo to move sideways and avoid it, after which she used another to close the distance, bringing her right hand forward in a fast and powerful Tesshō. Rather than expend energy on things not her Kaze Rogoku, she aimed to deliver a strike that had naught but the full strength she had.

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