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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:06 pm


Enter Cala's Post

Posting Music: Tranquil Suffering

On what could be generously described as a high vantage point among all the suffering taking place in Africa Cala knelt perilously close to the edge of the disjointed, jagged spire of a rock that now arced into the sky. Their breathe was slow, but also felt rushed to their over-stimulated lungs, their Pesquisa flaring like a comparatively tiny beacon as they 'observed the combat and destruction below'. A profound sense of wonder and tranquility overtaking the Arrancar as death flared up all around them, a small prick of sadness buried deep in their psyche hardly bothering them as those unheard screams their aspect made them sensitive to echoed out like that of a single droplet of water into an infinitely empty cave. A noise so lonely, so profound, yet so haunting if one focused on it.... it felt like they were helpless but to be transfixed by it.

Ashen skin tingled, goosebumps flared, and were Cala's eyes still visible their pupils would surely be dilated as their energy quivered in anticipation and an odd, passive emotion somewhere between enjoyment and disgust of what was happening here. Like they were both being presented with, and intent on eating, an endless buffet of supremely unhealthy food. Perhaps, then, the disgust was internal? That seemed correct their very fuzzy and not-quite-clear thoughts as they idly licked their lips, fangs dragging along their taste buds as they then grit their teeth.

They had come here, returned to a place that realistically should have held little to no interest, to see if they could be of some assistance, any assistance, to those trying to "deal with" the gaping maw before them but now that they were in the presence of this destruction they were floored by the enormity of the situation. What had seemed, prior, a very placid containment effort had erupted into something that reminded them of their first time meeting Solomon. Perhaps more enrapturing, perhaps less, they could not think clearly enough to judge for themselves what the true extent of the damage was.

Cala was only brought out of their stupor when their Pesquisa detected two approaching entities, their potent sensory capabilities pinging their mind with a warm, electrical spark of warning as they tilted their head. They did not turn to face the approaching energies, not yet, nor did they draw Ceniza from it's sheathe, as they vaguely recognized one of the signatures, and a small frown graced their lips. They had not come to hurt anyone trying to contain the hole, quite the opposite, as this venture was only an arms-reach interest of Cala's for the sole purpose of gauging how much it could threaten their Aina.

Gently rising from their crouched position Cala's form moved with very slow, not quite steady movements for a moment as they adjusted their footing. Their head tilting as they swallowed down their enraptured trance at the Loss around them and turned, sightless, masked visage peering blindly toward the approaching energies as they inhaled gently. Their voice coming out in a low, grey murmur of true emotional neutrality, and yet carried quite well over the raised plateau.

"It is.... Hono correct? With another we do not recognize."

If Hono even bothered to remember Cala's other self from their one meeting the entity before her would feel altogether similar, but very very different, like a muted grey polaroid of the same entity, and distorted by grey film that made them almost their own unique being. Regardless Cala would inhale sharply now, steeling their mind to something not at all closer to true clarity, baring their fangs in the process, as Fade coiled and flared from within their robes like rose vines, sharp and writhing, drinking in any ambient or excess energy the Shinigami may have exerted.

"We do not wish to be harmed. Though we fear we will be of little use as a combatant to the other beings here. Are we truly such a threat to warrant two Shinigami to preside over us?"

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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:55 am
.Hayden Cemplus

When Hayden and Hono had first arrived to the scene, the shinigami could not help but feel the crushing weight of the scenario. When things had first erupted, he was unable to assist. Between the weight of relative failure on his last operation, and the mentally debilitating speeches of his zanpakuto, he was in no condition to enter combat then. Instead, the situation was explained to him through word of mouth and what reading material he could get his hands on. It seemed to be a hopeless situation. A physical hole swallowing a city. He could only imagine the absolute shit-show it was, for lack of a better descriptor.

But of course, seeing it in person was much, much worse. No image could properly convey the terror of seeing just... a void. The earth along the edges crumpled and caving, giving way to a dark nothingness. It was as if some cosmic force struck the planet, paying no heed to the natural order of anything. It was a horror, seemingly bottomless from where he stood. He couldn't remember the thickness of the crust, but was certain that with a hole this large, it definitely shouldn't appear so.. bottomless. Though maybe the mind was playing its tricks. The almost miasma he felt from the pressure of the hollows nearby, at any moment able to emerge from the pit, didn't help in the slightest. The two of them were very much in danger. Though, weaker shinigami such as themselves were not likely to be interesting prey, or at least that was his hope. The allure of those much more powerful would hopefully draw anything they couldn't handle away. Or, again, so he hoped. If anything powerful enough decided to confront them, they would have to rely on the power of friendship and comradery.

Granted, not even 24 hours ago, the two shinigami were hardly, if at all, aware of the other's existence, so that wouldn't play out very well. Whoops.

Regardless, they did not have the time to pay said danger much heed. There was still work to be done. At the very least, the two of them could call out any threats, maybe find any survivors. There was still things they could do to assist-

His thoughts were interrupted by the voice. A split second moment of thankfulness over how that was how this encounter would start washed over him, but was soon replace by the little protocol he followed. He didn't gauge the threat of the hollow - no, the arrancar - first, but instead placed himself between them and Hono. His back was straight, his eyes trained still, his feet apart, and his left hand was opened, positioned ahead of his thigh, and with the palm inwards. At first, his right hand was reaching for his blade, positioned on his back. Not immediately drawn, as the spirit which possessed it would then begin its rambling, but ready to do so nonetheless.

Another wave of relief washed over him as the next statement left their mouth, though he didn't betray his stands at all. To seem a bit less threatening, he lowered his right hand, letting it almost rest at his side. Though like his left, it held firm enough so as to be capable of as immediate reaction as he could manage.

"We just happened to be in the neighborhood," he replied, his face not quite expressionless, but leaning into stoicism. "Though if you don't wish to be harmed, I guess we already have that much in common."


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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Left_bar_bleue0/0In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:41 pm

In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:233

Hono wasn't exactly sure what to expect, I mean this whole thing was hard to grasp for her. Her first real mission on a scale like this so she really needed to bust her ass to be useful! Hono was with Hayden whom she hadn't met before, but regardless that wasn't gonna hold Hono back. The woman had just gotten her Shikai, so at least she had gotten far stronger from when she first joined the Gotei.

Hono honestly, knew Cala, they had spent time on the beach, and Hono hadn't taken her as the evil type, so she was surprised to see her like this. Regardless that didn't matter much for Hono, she was going to give it her all with this mission. For Elyss, and for everyone else. The pink-haired woman held her Zanpakuto, grasping it as she was ready for a fight. Looking at Hayden as he put himself in front of her. Hono was hoping Hayden was competent, after all the risk of death was a thing, though she didn't want to think about the negatives.

Hono would look at Cala and speak up. "That's right. I'm Hono..." She shook her head. "Do we really need to fight?" She would ask, though a bit of a generic question, and she knew the answer but alas, she wasn't sure what to say in response. She looked at Hayden. "What next...?"

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:58 pm


Enter Cala's Post

Posting Music:

Cala would incline their head, slowly, to the two Shinigami as they gave their assorted answers. Hayden's one of stoic focus, a protective instinct for Hono even now Cala could sympathize with. While Hono affirmed their identity and asked if they truly needed to fight, to which Cala shook their head slowly to the negative, though their Fade did continue to writhe in the air before them. Their voice was level, unnaturally so, as they murmured.

"We do not. Though if you are under orders to eliminate any Hollows you find here, we understand if you must uphold your duties as Shinigami, from what Saiko has told us it is an unfortunate truth of both Hollow and Shinigami that we receive very little chances for peace in our lives."

Cala's head twitched softly, as if to look away, as a bright flare of powerful energy on the horizon lit up the sky, Loss flooding over their senses in a way that made them flex their clawed hands and hiss softly between fanged teeth. A sharp, frustrated noise as they worked to keep control of their sense of self, their head twitching back to stare past the two Shinigami as they raised a hand to stare at their clawed fingers, their ashen palm, and grimaced gently.

"From what we can sense, none of us here would do much more than become casualties below, and we are not fond of the idea of dying tonight."

Cala would narrow their Pesquisa onto Hayden, though whether the Shinigami could detect the narrowed application of spiritual pressure they were not aware, and they spoke in a slower, more certain tone. Stressing their words in a fashion that added just a small tinge of an edge to their voice.

"We came here to safeguard this world, if we could, and the one we love within it. We trust you can understand the protective instinct....."

Pausing for only a moment Cala would turn away from the two Shinigami bodily, staring out over the battlefield with a long, contemplative expression, and taking their focused Pesquisa along with their attention turning to survey the battlefield. Cala's Aumentar would then flood their body with energy, causing their spiritual energy to skyrocket, at least in relation to their present company, to twice that of what it was before. The natural, innate boost of power all Arrancar could carry causing small crackles of black/white energy to spark between their fingertips as they raised their voice to address the other two.

"Should you choose to fulfill your duties, we won't be holding back......"

The statement was neutral, though mistakable as a threat, and a small pause followed the sentence before a small tinge of sadness edged into Cala's tone as they sighed.

"Or, should you choose peace, and to dwell with us a while, we will safeguard the two of you as well.... if we can."

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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:08 am
.Hayden Cemplus

As she asked her question, Hayden looked back to Hono. He saw her holding the blade she possessed, and, in response to the difference in their approaches, he stretched his right arm out, spreading his fingers to signal "hold on" or something of the sort. If they were acquaintances, perhaps there was some way he could leverage that tidbit to ensure the two of them returned safely. Maybe even with some better answers than what little he could find in the news and the reports. Surely his superiors would understand the lack of... well, trying to do what shinigami usually do with hollows, if it meant that they had insight.

Granted, his priority was more so making sure they came home alive, but intelligence is a vital part of war. So that would be his excuse.

"I'm making this up as I go, if I'm being honest with you," the man breathed out, audible enough for Hono. He didn't know if Cala could hear him with the distance between them, but didn't care all that much either.

However, when Cala spoke their finishing sentence, Hayden couldn't help but let out a more noticeable exhale. the most visible sign of relief to that point. He wasn't going to let his guard down, not entirely. The increase in pressure definitely didn't help to convince him combat was entirely off the table, but he knew the definition of "intimidation," and was hoping that was their intent.

"I'm sure you understand, we certainly can't just 'let you walk away,' and risk the possibility of you causing any casualties," he responded, being very clear with them, hopefully. "I'm not that bad at my job. However, I get you want to protect this world, and I can, quite frankly, agree. But I don't think this..."

He used both his hands, spreading them out to highlight the destruction around the trio.

And then he began to point his fingers to any visible battles around them, unaware if Cala could sense his motion or not. "Or our comrades causing such a mess is necessarily the best way to do so. How about the three of us small fish just sit tight, and talk. Discuss what is going on around us. Maybe you can help us understand why this is happening. How does that sound?"

He turned his head to Hono, hoping she was in agreement with him. His heart was pounding in his chest, staying in place through sheer willpower, despite choosing an approach fairly out of his element.

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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Left_bar_bleue0/0In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Sat Jun 10, 2023 11:35 pm

In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:147

Hono would pretty much tune out Cala. Honestly, Hono would make sure to watch Hayden following his lead. Hono, he was gonna wing it? Well, Hono wasn't gonna interrupt his plan, she didn't have a better plan apart from, hitting the bad guy really hard. While Hayden spoke, Hono would rub her Zanpakuto against the ground, as her blade appeared to break apart, leaving behind a small black cleaver. "Break through, Kazagumowari!" Hono released her Shikai, though while she didn't wanna fight. It was likely something that was going to happen...

Hono then, found herself joining in. Pointing the cleaver towards Cala. "My job? I got people I wanna protect!" Hono was a bit of a hothead, so Hayden would need to calm her so as to not have her lash out and attack. "You sure as hell aren't gonna stop me from doing that!"

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:45 am


Enter Cala's Post

Posting Music:
Tranquil Suffering

Cala inclined their head respectfully towards Hayden, appreciating the male Shinigami's candor and level-headed demeanor. Cala could, in fact, make out the motion Hayden made with his fingers but they did not turn their masked visage to watch the motion. Their Pesquisa could pick up the motion, and what it indicated, clearly enough. The young Shinigami's venture that the actions of the other Hollows was unfounded earning a nod from Cala, one of understanding, and agreement. There answer would come in that same neutral tone, with another slow, neutral incline of their head.

"No it is not, we agree."

Cala would begin to relax and continue to speak, lowering their Fade as they began.

"As for why this is happening, we are unsu-....."

It was at this time Hono scraped the ground with Kazagumowari and called it's release phrase, causing a large spike in the female Shinigami's power, even more than the other Shinigami who already overpowered Cala in raw might. This troubled the Arrancar, not just because they were not even more completely overwhelmed in raw spiritual energy, but because it betrayed the intention expressed by Hayden entirely. A short-sighted, despicable action Cala would surely have narrowed their eyes at if their eyes were visible, and Cala would answer by drawing Ceniza in a smooth motion, their Fade once more emerging but now in a larger amount. Enough of the black, ashen substance spilling from the Arrancar's robes to coat the ground around them and flick the air menacingly like the lashing tendrils of a some malevolent plant. A simple, yet somewhat harder mutter of words leaving the Arrancar as Hono stated Cala would not be stopping her in protecting who she wished to protect.

Cala would tense for a moment, hissing a mist of breathe between their fangs, as they murmured a silent hope to Aina that they were not foolishly throwing their life away in this moment. A stoic, low and silent plea to be able to see her again as they adjusted their stance to one prepared for battle as they extended their free hand toward Hono, their Fade coalescing in their palm before they murmured in stark, deadpan contrast to the zealous Shinigami.


With that said Cala would let loose a large volley of odd Bala at Hono. These Bala seemed to be comprised of the ashen Fade Cala wielded and felt like no spiritual pressure at all was carried within them. Almost more a void of energy than a true attack as the barrage of small ashen orbs sprayed out viciously towards Hono. Cala had only just finished loosing the final Bala when their head snapped with unnatural quickness towards Hayden, their expression neutral, quizzical perhaps to a minor extent, and though Cala possessed no eyes their Pesquisa narrowed onto him as if meeting his eyes, pointedly judging his expression, before electing not to attack him and using that same outstretched to form a coating of Fade about their arm in preparation got Hono's response, their head snapping back in Hono's general direction as Cala did not yet consider Hayden a combatant.

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:45 am


Enter Cala's Post

Posting Music:
Tranquil Suffering

Cala inclined their head respectfully towards Hayden, appreciating the male Shinigami's candor and level-headed demeanor. Cala could, in fact, make out the motion Hayden made with his fingers but they did not turn their masked visage to watch the motion. Their Pesquisa could pick up the motion, and what it indicated, clearly enough. The young Shinigami's venture that the actions of the other Hollows was unfounded earning a nod from Cala, one of understanding, and agreement. There answer would come in that same neutral tone, with another slow, neutral incline of their head.

"No it is not, we agree."

Cala would begin to relax and continue to speak, lowering their Fade as they began.

"As for why this is happening, we are unsu-....."

It was at this time Hono scraped the ground with Kazagumowari and called it's release phrase, causing a large spike in the female Shinigami's power, even more than the other Shinigami who already overpowered Cala in raw might. This troubled the Arrancar, not just because they were not even more completely overwhelmed in raw spiritual energy, but because it betrayed the intention expressed by Hayden entirely. A short-sighted, despicable action Cala would surely have narrowed their eyes at if their eyes were visible, and Cala would answer by drawing Ceniza in a smooth motion, their Fade once more emerging but now in a larger amount. Enough of the black, ashen substance spilling from the Arrancar's robes to coat the ground around them and flick the air menacingly like the lashing tendrils of a some malevolent plant. A simple, yet somewhat harder mutter of words leaving the Arrancar as Hono stated Cala would not be stopping her in protecting who she wished to protect.

Cala would tense for a moment, hissing a mist of breathe between their fangs, as they murmured a silent hope to Aina that they were not foolishly throwing their life away in this moment. A stoic, low and silent plea to be able to see her again as they adjusted their stance to one prepared for battle as they extended their free hand toward Hono, their Fade coalescing in their palm before they murmured in stark, deadpan contrast to the zealous Shinigami.


With that said Cala would let loose a large volley of odd Bala at Hono. These Bala seemed to be comprised of the ashen Fade Cala wielded and felt like no spiritual pressure at all was carried within them. Almost more a void of energy than a true attack as the barrage of small ashen orbs sprayed out viciously towards Hono. Cala had only just finished loosing the final Bala when their head snapped with unnatural quickness towards Hayden, their expression neutral, quizzical perhaps to a minor extent, and though Cala possessed no eyes their Pesquisa narrowed onto him as if meeting his eyes, pointedly judging his expression, before electing not to attack him and using that same outstretched to form a coating of Fade about their arm in preparation got Hono's response, their head snapping back in Hono's general direction as Cala did not yet consider Hayden a combatant.

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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:31 am
.Hayden Cemplus

He felt the sting of spiritual energy spiking when Hono released her shikai, cursing the situation. Hayden couldn't entirely blame her, seeing as how Cala was a kind of hollow, and they were only in this situation as a response to a hollow offensive. But he still felt that, due to their words, a sort of peace was achievable with the one before them. They would probably need all the allies they could muster, and what better ally than a Hollow who could give them some possible insider information. And, he promised himself the two shinigami would return home safely. If a fight could be prevented, that would be the easiest way to achieve his goal.

However, it wasn't looking the easiest now. Hono had taken the initiative against his plan, and now Cala was following suit. Hayden needed to do something to put the skirmish down as soon as possible.

He couldn't just attack Cala, but he also can't actually attack Hono. As he saw the Fade, albiet not knowing what it was, move around Cala, he knew he needed to act quickly. And the moment that he saw an odd Bala begin, he sprung into what action he could, reaching over and drawing his sword with his left hand. It was an awkward draw inherently, but he managed to end with the sword held backwards

Hayden wasn't naturally faster Hono. Nor could he physically outrun a Bala. So he would rely on a Shunpo. The shorter distance between Hono and himself, compared to her and Cala, was enough to at the very least shove her out of the way. He didn't stop his momentum at the end of the technique, not that he could do so very well if he wanted to, but instead let it carry him as he attempted to tackle his ally to the ground at the slightest sign on a danger.

Not without consequence. He had felt something connect to his back in his attempt to protect Hono. He would live, probably. He didn't even focus on the sensation from the contact, only on standing back up. He knew Bala were weaker than Cero, however. Hopefully it was just going to sting once the spike of Adrenaline wore down. However, the difference in the nature of Cala's attacks were still fairly obvious. His response had been a visual one rather than sensing it, so who knows what else it was going to do to the man.

"How about we all put the weapons away, and talk," the shinigami recommended. Though the tone in his voice was a bit less neutral than before, instead a lot more commanding. And rather than looking back to Cala immediately, he had first glared down at Hono. "Let's let everyone else focus on killing each other."


Last edited by Arxfiend on Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] Empty Re: In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II]

Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:41 pm

In the Shadow of Titans [Africatastrophe Part II] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:274

Hono would find herself watching the conversation play out. She had no faith in talking, as that never really seemed to work. Hono watched Fade, unsure of what it was, but it didn't look good so Hono would need to stay alert. It seemed like Cala and Hono were more similar than she initially thought. Hono remained unshaken. She wasn't going to just throw it all away. Hono was tired of getting beaten, she was going to win this one. She was tired of losing!

Hono then twirled around the tiny cleaver. Hono hadn't actually encountered Bala's before, so she didn't wanna figure out what kind of damage these things could cause, knowing the Arrancar they were probably something nasty. Hono was naturally quite fast, even more so with the general increase in power her Shikai gave her. That being said as she weaved through the volley she was able to dodge a couple of the blasts, she was struck by one, hitting her arm. Hono had managed to only take some medium damage, nothing that would put her out of the fight, but nothing that wasn't gonna sting in the morning.

Hono would look at Hayden, hearing that voice caused her to shout back, her voice a slightly aggressive tone. "Ah yes, Lemme hear what the person shooting energy at me has to say..." Hono grumbled looking at Cala, pointing her cleaver at the person she spent a day at the beach with. "You're lucky, I don't cleave right through you..." It seemed Hayden was... a bit successful, Hono didn't blitz forward and try to cut Cala in half, it was a start.

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