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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Left_bar_bleue16000/1The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:04 am
The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] 5LaeAub

Things were moving. Whether good or bad, that was something Ichigo didn't much care to think about. He'd begun to walk with purpose, to look forward knowing fully what he wanted. Did that mean he was at peace with himself? No, certainly not. Every day was still a struggle, but he'd committed to this path. And now, today, he was here to speak with the woman who'd given him the first push down this path.

It seemed she'd been busy. Her focus on Hueco Mundo and its people was something Ichigo knew he should have appreciated, but it meant fairly little to him now. After all, he only had one thing in mind, and while he'd have liked to speak to Orihime, he'd long since accepted that the two of them wouldn't be speaking any time soon.

So be it. He was here to speak with Tier, nothing more and nothing less.

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:04 am
(‘The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

It took her barely a second to arrive near the man. She'd waste no time when dealing with anything pertaining to him. That's simply how their relationship is. His presence usually pertains to something important anyhow.

"What brings you here, Kurosaki Ichigo?"

Always the orderly type when it comes to business, Tier spared the man no little of proper naming as he arrived in her domain. To say she's happy to see him would be a lie. His presence, even if non-hostile, causes grief to the other residents of the area. His actions on Earth is a threat to her plans, and many would rather he stop visiting the area in hopes that it keeps the Gotei or Vandenreich from suspecting Tier and her plans. Tier, on the other hand, doesn't care about her own safety. All the truly matters it that she keeps those who follow her safe.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:20 am
The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] 5LaeAub

"I came to see how things are."

With the situation on Earth right now, there was far more attention than usual. Ichigo could certainly have run rampant across the planet if he wanted to, but that wasn't his intention in this search. He had to act quickly and surely, strike when he was sure there was something to be found, or at least something worth looking into. After the City of Lights, cutting a violent path through everything had proven inefficient.

"I won't stay long, but I'll be in Hueco Mundo for at least a little while. I thought I should stop by, considering what you've done for me."

There was confidence in Ichigo's presence that had once been lacking, even in their last meeting. After all, he'd grown resolved in his aims, and Tier herself had been no small part of that. He didn't really expect her to give him the warmest welcome, but few did these days.

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:27 am
(‘The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"You know the Hollow are wary of you, but I know you don't care."

She laid it out clear that this area is not the best place for them to converse. He knows that already, but in his bravado, Tier wouldn't fault him for forgetting himself at times. A man always driven by his what he wants, Ichigo's the type to forgo anyone else's feelings if he meant getting one step closer to his goal. In a sense, he's always had a bit of Hollow in him since the beginning, even as a human.

"I would accompany you anywhere on these sands if asked, but you should learn to send word first."

A bit stern now, she sighed and shook her head, obviously losing that same sternness the second she was done with her bit. Even then, Ichigo would see the lack of tightness in the way Tier carried herself, an air of cool stoicism there in its place. Though, Tier hopes Ichigo picks up on the innuendo she left in her chastising.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:56 am
The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] 5LaeAub

"Everyone's wary of me."

Ichigo knew who and what he was. Regardless of what had been in the past, he was a Hollow, and ultimately, Hueco Mundo was the realm of Hollows. He didn't really expect himself to suddenly start spending his time on Earth, even if everything blew over out of nowhere.

"I'll send ahead next time, then. It'd be good to have a way to keep in touch."

He'd have liked that, at least, but it was what it was. He gestured off away from Tier's settlement with a tilt of his head, and began to walk, assuming she'd follow given the obvious sense that he ought to stay further from that place.

"Didn't answer me, though. Things going well here?"

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:41 am
(‘The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"No. The human realm is in jeopardy, and it is only time until its protectors come to question why. Even without my involvement, they will eventually question the security risk of allowing Arrancar in their realm. I found their leniency charming at first, but it is that very leniency that has allowed the worst of our kind to sink their fangs deep into their necks."

Tier has been lost in thought for a while now. Pertaining to everything, she is sure her stance on the matter will come up eventually. Her connection with Ichigo is a threat to her plans, but it is not something she wishes to let go of easily. The same could be said for others as well, but her other friends have been silent for a while now.

"We that stand on the top have a lot of responsibility, whether we want it or not. I can only hope I make the best ones when I must."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Location : The beach :)

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Left_bar_bleue16000/1The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:34 am
The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] 5LaeAub

"Things have changed. I would've said Arrancar being allowed to live so peacefully with people was a good thing back then. We all would've. But I guess back then, I didn't really understand what Arrancar were."

He'd been young then. Naive, headstrong, optimistic. In all of that, he'd seen the best in the people around him, even knowing well what kind of people they were. The Gotei had taken advantage of him, and the Arrancar had been fully prepared to kill him. But despite that, Ichigo had been willing to give them some chance to be more than just his enemy.

That had been then, though. Becoming Hollow wasn't like growing up. It was more than that. Worse.

"You're a better leader than the rest who've tried. At least you actually want to help. That goes a long way."

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:30 am
(‘The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"A Hollow isn't pretty. We are what become of humanity when it is unrightfully lost," She muttered, staring out at the sands of their supposed prison. Forced to eat one another to become any semblance of sane, this life is one of only carnage. However, are the two of them not examples of the complications of life. How even a sinful creature can find some semblance of peace?

"As with any creature, one mostly desires a reason to exist. The wonders of a Hollow or Arrancar that has a cause, as you've seen, is enough to hold some semblance of order. We all want a home that is free of danger. It was only a matter of time, I suppose, until I made my attempt at peace."

She stopped and looked at Ichigo, knowing full well that the path he walks leads only to strife for everyone involved. She understands that impartiality will only take her so far when meddling in his affairs, but it is impossible to ignore them. So many factors in the way of what she wants, peace is fool's dream. However, leave it to these fools to turn her into one.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
God of Love
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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:32 am
The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] 5LaeAub

"Guess you're right about that, yeah."

Ichigo wasn't going to argue with Tier about the nature of hollows. She knew more than he did on the topic, and besides, it wasn't like he really had it in him to argue on much of anything these days. All his mental fortitude was directed toward a single aim, and the rest of the world around him could do as it pleased. Maybe that would change one day, but not right now.

"I don't want to get in your way. You've done a lot to help. If they come to try and cause problems with you, I'll be here."

He paused, then, and glanced over at her for a moment. There was still that faint glint of confidence that he'd regained in the past weeks, something resembling the young man he'd once been. But it was clouded deep in the regrets of being hollow.

"If you want."

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The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] Empty Re: The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:54 am
(‘The Evergreen Birdcage [Ichigo, Tier] UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

She looked at him, listening to his words. She can see his confidence has grown exponentially, but, still, something lied there, deep in his missing heart. Why, him asking her whether he could help or not simply brought forth a carefree chuckle from her. In the end, he is just a kid after all.

"Have you ever ask if you could save your friends, Ichigo?"

Even if he is someone she must distance from to keep her own peace, she never imagined he'd ever hesitate to come to her rescue if need be. It is rather endearing he'd question whether he could or not, as if her opinion on the matter should stop him from doing what his soul pulls him to do.

"How many times will you question yourself before you realize that you're still the same man that came to save Inoue so long ago?"

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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