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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:04 pm
Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa perked up, tilting her head slightly as she noticed that V was seeming to be a bit hesitant? "Not a fan?" She asked, that enthusiasm curbing just a little as she noticed V seemed to be ...hiding? Hmmm. As she made note of the reaction, Santa thankfully, was one helluva distraction. Towering over most people, and with those very clear pale horns atop her head, she thankfully drew a lot of attention.

Once prompted to order her food, without even hesitating, she promptly ordered herself her menagerie of burgers , no less than eight peoples worth of food, bouncing happily on the balls of her feet, pausing as she noticed V was hesitating to order anything substantial. She wondered why that was. Hmmm. She would keep her thoughts to herself, at LEAST until they made their way to a table, no doubt finding some spot away from peering eyes, it would be then that Santa would speak up.

"Is everything okay? Do you not like this place?" She asked with a tilt of her head, genuine curiosity in her eyes as she observed the woman.
The Cat
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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:23 am

All That and More

V was very lucky that Santa was a total weirdo. In this case, it meant that her new arrancar acquaintance took the brunt of the attention for her. That left V with the ability to relax, even breathing a soft sigh as most eyes were drawn to Santa instead of the rabbit. "It's... You don't keep a figure like this eating junk food all the time, so not particularly." She sighed, waiting for Santa to start choosing, and jesus christ V couldn't believe her fluffy fuckin' ears.

These burgers were hardly enough for a single person, most people just getting two or so as well as some fries, some dessert if they were truly willing or just outright didn't care. And Santa ordered enough to make V balk right next to her. "You're gonna... Are you gonna take this home with you??" She had to wonder to the woman totally incredulous at the way Santa took the kindness and slapped V in the face with it. But still, she really should have expected it. V should have expected a lot of things at this point, and so when finally Santa was done, the bunny reluctantly tacked on a few extra burgers for herself, and a shake on top of that because she needed something to drown the pain.

"It's... I mean it's junk food. I was thinking a proper restaurant, but we're already here, and..." V trailing off as she swiped a rather shiny credit card, and all of the food was immediately paid for. They were given an order number and told to sit down because no doubt it would take a minute for all of that to get whipped up. "No, no, it's fine. If this is what you actually want, then go for it." V said, regaining at least some of her confidence as she led Santa to a booth somewhere away from prying eyes. "I'll have to take you to a real restaurant some time. Show you what you're actually missing out on."

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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:40 am
Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa paused for a moment at that and looked over V's figure, and then glanced down at her own. A pause as she DID consider the comparison. After all, she herself was... quite a bit taller, and had a fair bit more curve to her. Wider hips, bigger thighs, and not just because of proportions, her chest was a fair size as well. But then again, that was simply how she'd built herself over the past few centuries.

"I guess it's different for hollows. Before I broke my mask I'd usually eat hollows that were a lot bigger than me, but I never really changed how I looked. But I guess we also use a lot of energy." She paused and patted her own navel, as if to wonder how she'd look if she were a more sedentary individual. If she DIDN'T have that cloudy aura about her. That she ALWAYS had to keep in check. But she didn't go bringing that up. Instead, she perked up a bit as V ordered a bit more for herself, and a warm smile formed on her lips.

Once the two of them found a seat, she couldn't help but giggle happily to herself, humming and swaying from side to side as she began to eat. It wasn't as if she ate like some sort of monster. But there was just.... no stop. She took normal bites, and kept a nromal pace. But where a normal person would pause, talk, or get full. Santa just...didn't. Chowing down, within a few moments the first burger was gone, and then she started on the second one. All as she listened to V speak, her brows perking in intrigue.

"Proper? Do those kinds of places allow Arrancar? A lot of places don't really like me being there. But well...I guess The City is a lot better than most other places. It's still a bit rough though." She sighed. The Stacht was a pretty tolerant place, and certainly, she was met with a lot more welcome than other places. But even so, not even a year ago, an arrancar HAD attacked the place. And so some individuals, especially some who had lost someone during that attack, met her with less than friendliness.

She glanced back toward V and gave a sheepish little smile. "Sorry if I'm making more trouble for you. If you want I could help you exercise! Use up some of the energy." She reasoned, after all, if she was going to make more work for V, she may as well offer to assist in handling it, right?
The Cat
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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:56 am

All That and More

Their food was delivered to their table if only because the order was so fucking big, otherwise that wasn't something that happened at fast food restaurants. They weren't really 'restaurants' even, V just didn't know what else to call them. Garbage factories? Shit-feaster's paradise? The bunny wouldn't say that out loud because of Santa, but deep down she knew that was how it was.

By the time V even opened her first burger, she swore Santa was already at her second one. "Damn girl, where the fuck do you put all that?" The rabbit couldn't help but wonder in astonishment. In a way she supposed it made sense with her being an Arrancar, something with an endless hunger or whatever, so she heard from her late parents. Still, it was unnerving to watch. Even worse, it was starting to make V lose her appetite. The bunny dug into her first burger and nearly threw up on the spot, but she managed to suppress her visual gagging enough that Santa hopefully wouldn't notice.

"They'll allow anyone with a wallet big enough to walk in. Not the fancy shmancy shitholes, mind you. You know, the ones with the portions sized in centimeters? Fuckin' trash heaps is what I call those." The walking piece of violence and fashion explained with her mouth full. She swallowed, took another bite of her burger, and continued. "An actual steakhouse has hella good steak in pretty good sizes. All sorts of different cuts, lots of different steak sauces you can try, I figured you'd have liked that instead.

But at the idea of being trouble, V just shook her head. "It's not a problem, really. I'll work it all off even outside of my workout. It's not a big deal." Swallowing her burger again and finishing off the last piece before sighing and leaning over to start working on her shake. "No offense but I don't wanna know how you work off calories like this. If you even do." Chuckling to herself with a dismayed shake of her head.

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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:03 am
Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa seemed hardly to slow down as she chowed down, a pause given after her fourth burger when V offered such a question to her and she gave a sheepish smile. "My chest mostly! Sometimes my muscle." She responded without a second thought. To say nothing of the fact that she in any way EXPECTED V to be aware that she had such control of her anatomy due to her unique method of regeneration. After all, food turned to energy, and a fair ammount of her energy expenditure went to when she had to regenerate. A glance cast down to her own bust. Certainly over the last year or so she had become a bit more chesty. Perhaps it was because of Tier and Nel? After all, they were probably some of the more attractive women she knew, and over the centuries she'd noticed that she wound up taking on characteristics of those she was very fond of. A brief moment of pause as she thought back, how much she'd changed over the years.

"ooh, I like steak! I've seen some of those places with tiny food on television, I didn't really understand why they did that though. They eat trash?" She ventured, attempting to parse the lingo and the actual explanation from V as she listened intently. The woman was so nice, but also very interesting! She wasn't really like any of the other women she knew. She wasn't placid like Tier or Nel. But she also wasn't as.....intense as Algos had been. Nor as carefree as Calypso. And well, Mazda was a uniqueness all his own. She liked it, and she found herself smiling warmly as she listened to the woman, a chuckle escaping her.

"Mostly when I have to fight. That takes a lot of energy." She admitted with a sheepish smile. Certainly her garden took a fair amount of that energy. Though she supposed with how little she fought these days, most ofr her energy was just spent on restraining her garden. To think that she didn't even have that ability not that long ago. But she'd acclimated so much that now she almost didn't even notice when she was doing it.
The Cat
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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:21 am

All That and More

V's gaze followed Santa's down to the woman's chest. Surely that wasn't what she meant by it all went to her chest. Her tits? V would be jealous if she wasn't already aptly endowed herself. Those things didn't just grow randomly. They stayed the same pretty much forever. And this chick was just... growing her tits out? V shook her head with a dismissive chuckle. Ain't no fuckin' way.

"It's not trash but it sure as hell is pretentious with how small it is. A real steakhouse has properly sized steaks for, you know, normal people?" V being obviously sarcastic with her tone to the point even a blissfully stupid woman like Santa could understand it. "Those things you see on TV are real but that's not all there is. Real fine dining is still pretty expensive but there's a difference between pretentious small portion places and an appropriately priced steakhouse, usually ones that are local and not chain places, and ones that don't look like they're trying to be for rich people. If it looks like it's catered to people who wear suits and sniff their own asses, then it's not a good place to eat unless you're prepared to buy hella meals."

Her ears naturally perked up when Santa mentioned fighting though. "You fight?" The bunny sounded like she couldn't believe it. "Maybe I can kinda see it, there's lots of weirdos who don't look like shit but still got hands." The bunny said, only to pause and rethink her statement because she knew Santa would say some dumb shit. "I mean like, they don't look like fighters but they're still strong, y'know?"
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Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moondown Joys [V, Santa]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:47 am
Moondown Joys [V, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa hardly seemed to mind the shift of V's attention to her chest. After all, she enjoyed attention in most of it's nonaggressive forms. She always enjoyed being around humans and non-hollows. Not having to have that underlying sense of caution and guard, as if a pair of teeth might snap out at any time. No less, V seemed quite nice!

"I see. So that small food is for .... clout?" She ventured, she wasn't quite as stupid as she once was. Mainly unfamiliar with a lot of slang with humans, or talk involving parts of their culture she'd never really interacted with much. A small, fond little smile forming on her features as she watched the woman's reaction. "Is steak one of your favorites?" She ventured with a tilt of her head. After all, surely all expensive cuisine wasn't of that category, but it certainly seemed to be V's focus. She'd have to see if she could find a way to surprise the woman with a meal of Steak sometime. She bet V would like that.

That said, she paused, a brief look of surprise on her features at V's incredulity before giving a sheepish smile. "Of course! I guess I haven't really been fighting as much as I used to since I started hanging around the city of lights so often. I kinda miss getting to let loose more often, but I've been trying to change that. I've been trying to train more recently." She noted with a warm smile, something of a wistful look crossing her features as she thought about her current aims. It was difficult, mainly because she didn't know if she really had a true and concrete goal just yet. But hopefully, that would change.
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