Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:55 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

The encounter with the Fourth Division had been.... annoying to say the least. It was outright infuriating that that stupid CUNT had pulled something like that. And after ALL she'd done to try and help her! Noharu sighed and winced as she sat on the cot and waited for the healer to arrive. She was pretty badly burned.

Even having mitigated lethal damage with Shikai, she still wasn't faring very well now that the adrenaline had worn out. She had severe burns and considerable bleeding. One of her swuad members had managed to staunch teh bleeding with some rudimentary kaido, but now here she was in Second Division, waiting to be patched up. Incredibly annoyed.

Well hopefully she got someone nice. Maybe get a bit of venting out if they were chatty. Fingers crossed, right?
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:14 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] VTEZeJL

It wasn’t long before a humming sound could be heard from down the corridor, a cheerful and bright sound that could only mean one thing. A particularly chirpy healer was on duty today and with a clipboard in her hands, a pink haired woman would enter the room, a smile on her face that could light up almost anywhere or anyone, at least she hoped so. The notes given to her were vague, seemingly written in quite the hurry by whoever had written them and the reason why would become quite apparent when she looked upon her patient.

The blonde haired woman had taken a nasty beating, by the looks of it, with a large area of her body and limbs covered with burns. If that wasn’t bad enough, there were clear signs of bleeding as well, which caused the healer to feel a few moments of concern. Erica couldn’t help but muse briefly to herself about just what the cause of her fellow Shinigami’s wounds was although considering the damage, she suspected it was done by another Shinigami. Another spar that had gotten out of hand perhaps? It happened so often and Erica had become somewhat hardened to it but still, she couldn’t help but sigh.

Still, she didn’t let her thoughts stop her from her work and with the smile still on her face, Erica would approach the side of the bed and put her notes on the bedside table, before addressing her patient. “Hey there, I’m Erica and I’ll be taking care of you today. Don’t you worry, I’ll have you patched up in no time.”

Not wanting to leave the woman in pain for any longer than she had to, Erica would take a breath and tap into her kaido powers, before placing her hands a few inches about the core of her patient's wounds and starting her work, her hands turning blue as she began to channel her energy. She had no intention of working in silence and after only twenty seconds or so, she asked. “So, what happened?”


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:34 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu perked up when she spotted the girl making her way into her room. A lopsided smile flashing across her features. Well well, look at that upbeat face. Almost instantly she could tell the woman was probably popular with patients, and as they settled beside her and got ready, she gave a weak smile. "Hah, thank you very much. I'm in your care." She affirmed, a soft sigh escaping her as the woman started. That slow flow of energy immediately allowing some of the tension to leave her body. After all, the first part of Kaido treatment was to restore some of the target's spirit energy, that way the body could start the work of remaining stable and healing itself alongside the one treating them. After that bout, Noharu hadn't really used a ton of energy, but she'd still used a fair ammount, and trying to heal herself also took up a fair bit of juice.

Once she felt nice and comfortable, she closed her eyes and relaxed, the pain easing slightly. Though when that question propped up, she blinked, glancing up to that kind face and chuckling softly. "Member of ...well I guess that actually doesn't matter. I had someone I wasn't really familiar with challenge my squad. And so I rolled in. We had ourselves a fight. And uh, when the fight was over, and I offered to help her up, she took my hand, and blasted me with a point blank Kido spell." She noted with a sigh of annoyance, eyes closing.

"Honestly It was a big shock. I'm no clean and straightforward fighter myself. But whew, that got me steamed. She's probably in surgery right now. But hey, I managed to protect myself at the last minute, so at least I'm not dead." She chuckled.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:05 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] VTEZeJL

Erica listened politely to the story, her hands moving slightly from time to time as she went about her work. The tale was one that she'd heard before. A challenge that had gotten completely out of hand. It was an all too common occurrence in the pink haired woman’s opinion and she wished that there was a little more restraint among the Divisions sometimes but she supposed that it was bound to happen. There were some aggressive Shinigami among the troops, who seemed to live their lives through combat and little else. A lifestyle that Erica didn’t get but who was she to judge? She’d heal anyone who came to her, regardless of the why’s and how’s behind them needing her services.

“Some folks are just too stubborn to accept that they’ve been beaten.” She replied with a soft chuckle, doing her best to keep the atmosphere light as usual. “I’m certainly glad that I’m healing you and not her as I bet she’d be a real pain in the backside of a patient. The angry ones always are.”

That being said, the blonde woman’s wounds were certainly nothing to laugh at and the healer soon spoke again. “Your quick thinking sure served you well although I’d advise you not to spar for a while after your healing is finished. Take it easy for a bit. Doctor’s orders.”

The problem was that even when she was trying to give medical advice, Erica still looked so happy and cheerful that it didn’t make any real difference to her manner. Oh well.


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:50 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu put on something of a proud smile in response to the woman's response. But she did have to wonder what the heck had been going on in that woamn's mind. A pause as she let her eyes shift to where the woman's hands where hovering over her damaged chest. She was always fascinated with Kaido. Sure the novices just kinda sat there and pumped you full of energy and healing rizz, but seeing the more experienced ones carefully and purposefully working. She had never been a kido expert, but seeing how they could do careful and detailed work inside the body with just their hands hovering over a person was a little amazing.

"Oh trust me, I won't be doing any of that till I'm all healed. Believe you me! Hah. Trust me, when I was younger I had quite a few incidents where I didn't listen to medical advice and you aughta seen some of the stuff that happened during the old war when that shit happened. Wasn't pretty." She smiled, sighing as she laid her head back and closed her eyes, relaxing a bit as Erica worked.

"So, you a member of Squad Two? Or you a volunteer helping with the overflow?" She ventured. After all, While Squad Eight had been deployed to assist, a number of shinigami in other squads with particular kido skills had moved in to help, especially with the large numbers of injured resulting in the africa operation in progress.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:57 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] VTEZeJL

From the sounds of it, Noharu had been a bit of a hellion in her younger days and Erica found herself smiling at the thought. The blonde woman didn’t seem like one from the impression that the healer was forming of her but everyone was a little wild as a youngster, no? As for the healer herself, she knew that she was a little naive when it came to certain parts of a Shinigami’s life and sooner or later, she’d have to deal with that but for the time being, Erica couldn’t have been happier, doing exactly what she was now. It was a pleasure to make sure that her fellow Shinigami were fighting fit and she thoroughly enjoyed every day.

“Oh no, I’m a full blooded member of Squad 2.”
She replied with a grin, a touch of pride in her voice. “I haven’t been here for too long but I spend pretty much every day here, patching up whoever needs it. This is where I always wanted to be, from the moment I learned that I was a Shinigami. When I got into the academy, I spent most of my time studying Kido rather than the other arts and I guess my other grades suffered a bit for that. I have no regrets though, I know that Kido is where I shine.”

Noharu’s wound was being a little stubborn and for a second, Erica could almost feel the Reiryoku of the attacker from it, which was not the most pleasant of sensations. Still, Erica was unwilling to let that get to her and simply moved her hands so that they were a little closer, doing her utmost to repair the damage done and restore Noharu’s body to its beautiful best.

“I read from your notes that you’re in Squad 8, Noharu.”
The pink haired woman then asked, a curious tone to her voice. “What’s it like over there? I heard that you guys do a bit of everything when it comes to work.”


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:17 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

It wasn't too surprising. It wasn't as if this had been some normal attack. She'd been surprised and taken a powerful spell straight to the chest, there was no doubt a fair ammount of spiritual energy from Shura in there. Thankfully, Noharu wasn't having to worry about that. She focused and forced herself to relax as she felt Erica's hands settle closer to her body to focus on repairing the damage and clearing out the mess the other shinigami had left.

"Heh, is that so? I envy you just a little. I was a Teacher at the Academy, I decided to rejoin the Gotei thanks to recent events. But well, I didn't have much of an idea of where to go. Eigth Division was a perfect fit after all." She noted calmly enough, laying her head back a bit. "Naturally, there's shinigami who specialize in an area. But when things are rough, sometimes they can't take on all the work. Or they have to be pulled away from their normal duties to handle a crisis. That's where Eigth Division comes in. We offer support, jacks of all trades who can assist the specialists. Because of that, we have a lot of different talents and we tend to have individuals who are either well rounded or willing to learn. At least that's the ideal we strive for." She explained calmly, enjoying the distraction from her injuries.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:28 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] VTEZeJL

“It must be exciting to wake up each morning and not always know what you’re going to be doing that day.” Erica cheerfully responded, her voice rather soothing in order to help the blonde haired woman relax. “I confess that I’m a little envious of you too due to that. It must be eye opening to one day be helping one Squad and the next another. You must have a lot of great stories to tell.”

The delicate hands of the healer wouldn’t stop for a moment, constantly releasing the gentle healing energy that would hopefully do what was needed. All the while, Erica’s own spiritual energy would almost be wrapping around Noharu’s own, supporting and restoring it, while fighting off the residual energy that the attacker had left behind. The pink haired woman wouldn’t go as far as to say that she thought healing another was an intimate affair but she liked to think that it helped to create a bond between healer and patient, one based on trust.

Thinking over Noharu’s words, she’d then ask another question, encouraging the blonde woman to open up to her, in order to keep her from dwelling on the pain. “You mentioned that you were a Teacher at the Academy for a while. What was that like? Must have been fun trying to fill the heads of the more rowdy students.”


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:16 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu chuckled softly at that and gave a sly smirk at that. "Ahhh, you're starting to see the appeal of the Eigth division. It's not quite THAT varied. Usually you get assigned to a place for a few weeks, maybe a month in some cases as a sort of skill building. But SOMETIMES things can change within just a day. But yea, it's pretty nice getting to be in so many places and learn new stuff." She chuckled, sighing softly.

She certainly didn't really put too much thought into healing. She could do it a little, but not more than just surface wounds or stabilization usually. But there certainly was a level of intimacy of putting your spirit energy into someone else, putting them back together using your own soul and bolstering theirs. But she usually didn't think that hard about it.

"A bit like being a seated officer. Some people handle orders better than others. Just like some students handle lessons better than others. You certainly see a lot. You do your best to help the ones going down a rough path, and you do your best. You have to really know your stuff as it were. Or at least be confident in your ability to talk about stuff. I was a teacher for a very long time though, so I had a lot of practice, I wasn't always so good at it. Still not the best at some things." She chuckled.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:46 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] VTEZeJL

Listening keenly as Noharu spoke, Erica couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the blonde woman’s previous occupation and her current one. Both seemed to involved being skilled in a variety of the Shinigami arts rather than specialising and the pink haired healer couldn’t help but feel that the eighth was definitely the perfect Squad for her patient. Erica could only dream that she had the same amount of flexibility when it came to her own abilities but honestly, she wasn’t upset. She’d chosen to specialise in the area she had and that was good enough for her.

“Sounds like you must be pretty good at everything though if you were able to teach the whole curriculum and be in Squad 8. I wouldn’t want to mess with you.” The healer said brightly, complimenting her patient with a smile, before asking. “If you had to pick one of the Shinigami arts though, which would you say that you were best at?” She was genuinely curious and interested to hear the answer. One thing was for sure, she certainly had a killer reaction time, given how she’d defended herself from the 4th Squad brute’s last attack.

The healing was starting to progress at that point and with any luck, the effects would soon enough be noticed. With her own and Noharu’s ever increasing energy working in harmony, the wound was starting to lose some of the ugliness, with the burns and bloodiest spots finally starting to repair properly. Kaido was never a swift process but with patience and care, Erica would chip away at the damage, which would hopefully eventually result in the blonde woman being healed without a scar.


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