Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:27 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu snorted softly at that and grinned. "Oh hell no, I'm pretty okay with a lot of different things. But I wouldn't say I'm talented in all areas shinigami." She snickered dismissively, sighing and laying her head back as she thought for a few moments. "I'm best at Hoho, a close second with my Zanjutsu. But when it comes to Hakusa and Kido, certainly I'm well above most shinigami, but I'm not on the level of some of the teachers in those subjects. I raught general classes in a lot of areas, introductory courses and such for the first years. But I only really taught advanced classes for Hoho." She pointed out, closing her eyes as she felt her wounds closing up and being healed,

"So yea, Hoho is probably my first and foremost specialty. I couldn't really handle some of the top tier Kido and martial stuff that some other shinigami do. But I know my lane well enough." She reasoned, glancing toward the healer themselves. "What about yourself? Is Kido your main specialty? Or do you have some other areas of expertise as well?" MAy as well return the question after all.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:21 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

“My other teachers got annoyed with me because I spent too much time on Kido and little else.” Erica answered with a laugh. “I was so invested in learning how to heal that everything else kind of fell to the wayside a bit. As far as spell slinging goes, I’m pretty advanced in the field and I can manage a Hadō 88 if I focus properly. It’s just that I’ve always struggled with the idea of violence, you see. I joined the Gotei to heal rather than harm, if you get my meaning. My Hoho is pretty good and I can move around without any issues but my Hakuda and Zanjutsu are passable at best. I could never get into those arts because of the thought of who I might be using them against. My pacifism holds me back when it comes to those arts.”

She fell silent for a bit, her expression clouding a little as she kept working, thinking about her previous words. Erica knew that she should make an effort to try to get to grips with the other arts and there was a part of her which wanted to ask around for help. She’d recently talked to Hannah, another Teacher at the Academy, who’d helped her in trying to overcome her fear of causing harm and while the pink haired woman had definitely benefited from the talk, it was just difficult to suddenly start enjoying something that she’d despised for so long.


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:03 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu raised a brow slightly as she was given a rather interesting exposition. Her head canting a bit to the side before she chuckled softly. "Well I admit, That's on the rarer side of things. But I don't think that should be an issue. As a matter of fact I think you'll be just fine. I've had a couple students like yourself over the decades. But it's really not an issue. There are defensive and nonlethal applications in many arts. Hakuda and Zanjutsu for certain. And as for Hoho, that's always easy to train since it's primarily a means of getting around, not necessarily attack outside of some advanced moves. It'll be awkward at first. But all you really need is a solid teacher, I imagine." She stated calmly enough as she let her eyes drift to a close.

After all, the girl still sought to help out in the gotei. And back in the Gotei Thirteen days, there were a number of fourth division members who simply weren't suited for combat. They had a place all the same, and she doubted that it would be an issue. So long as the woman met those bare requirements, they'd be alright.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:08 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

“I promised myself that I would try and develop my other skills. It’s just taking that first step, you know? A part of me is worried that I’ll walk up to someone who I’d like to train me, explain my situation and they’ll just laugh and belittle me rather than try to understand. I don’t think disliking combat is a bad thing per se, as it means I’m more open to finding other solutions to a problem but not everyone sees it that way. I imagine that the woman who attacked you would just call me weak.” Erica answered, her tone rather neutral, compared to her usual cheerful tone. “I admit that the thought of learning how to defeat someone without killing them is appealing to me though, even if it is with Hakuda or Zanjutsu.”

After a second or two, she chuckled and added with a touch of self awareness. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be boring you with my problems.”

Her smile returning, the Kaido user would nod with appreciation as Noharu’s wound started to fade away, returning to its normal state as the seconds went by. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” She commented brightly.


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:22 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Brows raised just a little, turning to glance at the healer and chuckling softly, certainly uh...entertained by just how stressed the girl seemed about this. Seriously? Man talk about a gal with a lot of worries. "Ahah, you don't need to apologize. Trust me, there's a lot of people I've met like you, a shame you weren't one of my students or I'd have been able to help you out myself. That said, I'm sure your Superiors and your Peers would be happy to help you with what you're looking for. And if you're having difficulty, you can always swing by Eighth division in your free time. We're always up for people to join in on training." She pointed out calmly enough.

She paused, glancing at her injury, her spirit energy was finally mostly restored, and now the girl seemed to br working on healing her in earnest, the burned flesh slowly mending as she watched the careful work. Certainly it was always interesting to watch it work. No doubt she'd still need to be a little careful. And well...if they needed her on earth or soemthing, she was sure she'd probably get one of the Kido chads to do more intensive patching.
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:06 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

“I appreciate that. I’ll make sure to visit the Eighth then when I have a day off and get in a workout with you guys.” Erica replied with a grin, feeling a little more like her usual chirpy self. She was a little annoyed that she’d allowed her own issues to pop up like that, thinking that it may have been a tad unprofessional on her part but she didn’t let it bother her for long. Noharu didn’t seem to be upset or bothered so maybe she shouldn’t be either? The pink haired woman had to admit that she liked the blonde’s rather laid back approach to things and she was definitely easy to talk to. Erica hoped that she was the same, as she always strived to be.

Now that Noharu’s spiritual energy was at full strength, it was much easier for Erica to heal the wound and the difference would become more and more noticeable. The pink haired girl was confident that her patient would end up without a scar and would soon be as good as new. She believed in her Kido talents and that was where her pride truly lay.

“Speaking of your Squad, I was healing a member of your Squad the other day. His name was Ranma and he came here after having a bit of an accident while training. Have you met him before?” She asked curiously, wondering how her friend was getting along. They’d hit it off quite well.


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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:06 pm
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu smiled at that and gave a lopsided grin. "Sounds like a plan. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you. But even if I'm not around, don't worry too much. We're a friendly bunch so I'm sure there'll be someone around to help you out." She chuckled, relaxing now as her wound slowly mended, the burnt flesh fading in spots to give way to soft pale skin. Though when the woman mentioned Ranma she paused and glanced towards them, with a bit of an uncertain expression. Huh, Ranma? She had to admit, not a name she expected to just pop up casually.

"I'm familiar with the kid. Matter of fact he was throwing down with Miss Crazy Locks before I did. Good kid. A little....carried away at times." She noted calmly as she let her mind wander to the young lad. But she wasn't going to give anything more than that. After all, she didn't know him THAT well, and she was hardly one to go rattling off about someone she hardly knew. Especially around someone from another squad.

" You must run into a lot of patients around here, so Ranma must have made an impression huh?"
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No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:12 am
No Good Deeds [Noharu, Erica] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

It was nice to have somewhere else to train and Erica would definitely take up the offer when she had the time. There were gaps in her skill set and she knew that well enough but they’d always been more of a choice than anything else. She’d known what she’d wanted to train in from the start and had kind of neglected the other arts. Yet, now that she’d actually spoken to a few of her fellow Shinigami, Erica had come to realise that perhaps she’d been a little narrow minded and that she should open up a little more about such things. She’d do her best anyway and see if she could get to grips with the arts that she’d been a little timid to try.

Erica cringed when Noharu spoke about the circumstances regarding her meeting Ranma and a sigh escaped her lips. She knew that he had a habit of getting into trouble and the pink haired woman wasn’t surprised to hear that he’d been involved in the blonde’s confrontation with the Squad 4 brute.

“I warned him about getting into trouble and to focus on getting better.”
The healer replied with a wry smile. “He seems to be a bit of a magnet when it comes to getting himself into tough spots though, so I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked. I hope that he got himself healed after the fight, as the last thing he needs is to be taking any more beatings.”

She chuckled then as Noharu mentioned whether Ranma was special and she willingly added. “He asked me out and I said yes. I’m not sure what it is about him but we hit it off straight away. He can be quite the charmer when he wants to be.”

All the while, Noharu’s wound would continue to improve in colour and texture, the injury fading away by the moment. Erica was most certainly pleased with how things were going and she had no doubt that soon enough, her patient would be fit and healthy again.


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