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Kanji Man
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:42 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Heartless

If one were to ask Shura what her current mental state was like, the most apt response would likely be that it was empty. Not empty of thought, but empty of emotions and sound. Where once she detested and hated that her Zanpakuto was always so silent, now she rather quite preferred it. It was comforting as it reminded her of the days before she joined the Gotei, of the days when she ruled by sheer might and stood equal to none.

While she was usually rather quiet outside of combat, as of late she was even moreso to the point she rarely spoke to those even within the Fourth. She'd kept almost exclusively to herself with the only recent exception being the fight against Shishiyuki. Several things exposed about her that she would have rather kept silent. Truth be told however it wasn't what others might think about her that she cared about anymore, rather she cared about her weakness that had been shown to her.

However while she'd of ignored most correspondences even from her own Vice Captain, Rio, when her Captain sent her summons it was possibly one of the few she would respond too, and so while it took her several minutes before she would stand from the corner she'd exiled herself too within the barracks, she did eventually stand and make her way to the training grounds Zanpakuto in hand.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:45 pm
My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] DcMYTVP


With plans as ambitious as hers, Kanae could not be bothered by the every day goings-on of her squad. They were adults, somewhat pathetic but still trained in an academy and military organization. She shouldn't have to watch over them like some concerned parent. Evidently, however, this was proving a mistaken assumption on her part. Tento's behavior on the battlefield was abhorrent and childish, to the point of having to be forced into retreating by another, less idiotic cohort. And then there was Shura.

Shura Kurata, sister of that fruity Hitoshi, had gotten herself involved in a mess with the Seventh Squad. Apparently, by all accounts, she had spoken to the Seventh's Captain antagonistically and made strange claims about Bankai, among other things. In addition, she nearly killed an unseated member of the Second Division. Neither of these were particularly surprising stories to hear about such an arrogant, hotheaded Shinigami like Shura, and while her retreat from the bout with the Seventh's Vice Captain was uncharacteristic, the biggest issue was one not yet named: She had left out information on her report any recruit fresh from the Academy would have included.

For all of these reasons, Kanae had sent a missive through a member of her squad to Shura as summons. Within the missive was directions to report immediately to the Fourth Division training grounds, where Captain Kanae was overseeing the day's basic training of unseated members. Her violet gaze remained steady, hiding the hatred for the people she was supervising. But it wasn't just them she felt contempt for; no soul in the Gotei was spared her vitriol. And now, this bubbling wrath would be turned upon Shura.

Kanji Man
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:37 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Heartless

As she made her way through the barracks she kept her eyes closed, Zanpakuto positioned gently within her obi. As she entered the training grounds her head tilted upwards slightly and her eyes opened, making her way calmly and slowly towards Kanae while keeping her gaze pointed straight ahead and never seeming to turn it even to look out at those currently training, such matters no longer crossed her radar.

As she arrived next to Kanae she would speak in an uncharacteristically neutral tone "You called for me?" She could speculate about what the actual reason for her summons, but in truth it didn't matter at the end of the day and she was sure that her Captain would soon reveal the reasons for calling her out here. However she suspected it wasn't just for another bout of training.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:03 pm
My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] DcMYTVP


The moment her squad's Third Seat stepped foot on the training grounds, Kanae sensed her presence. She didn't bother looking over in her direction, though. She simply waited the extra few seconds for the woman to cross the well-kept training area and reach her, whereupon Shura unemotionally called to the Captain. Kanae considered the lack of respect her subordinate was showing. No referring to her by her title, no bow, nothing. Just walked up and spoke to her casually, as if she were being called drink tea.

With her gaze still set on the unseated members training nearby, Kanae spoke to her underling, a subtle hint of venom in her words as she did "Shura Kurata, Third Seat of the Fourth Division. You have been causing quite the stir in Soul Society recently." Now, finally, she turned her violet eyes to the other woman. "Shall we go through the list? Spouting off nonsense to the Seventh's Captain. Nearly killing an unseated member of the Second. That novice move you pulled with the Eighth's Third Seat. Inaccurate battle reports. in a time where information is the most vital tool available to the Gotei."

A few seconds passed after Kanae finished speaking, her words hanging in the air like daggers ready to skewer Shura. It was with great effort Kanae remained calm enough, at least on the surface, to not teach this girl the kind of lesson she would have doled out a thousand years ago had one of her squad members been this insubordinate. Even as silence pervaded the distance between them, Kanae's glare and Reiatsu made it clear she wasn't waiting for a response from Shura.

"Do you believe yourself above your position? Your Division? The Gotei itself? You act recklessly, and like a child. You go around flaunting your Bankai, which you are clearly undeserving of, calling those without it unworthy while being defeated by these neophytes from other squads. I don't care about what those fools think, either. I care when your actions bring me trouble." By this point, those training nearby had turned to look at Kanae's scolding of their Third Seat, unaware of the context but frightened of the malicious spiritual pressure coming from their Captain.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Shura Kurata?"

Kanji Man
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:31 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Heartless

Truth be told Kanae didn't need to speak for Shura to feel the venom that radiated from her Captain towards her, but the words she spoke only ensured that she knew that venom wasn't a false sensation she was feeling. As she spoke Shura made no specific motion or movement towards any of them save the mention of the Unseated member of the Second, to that she did visibly wince. It was only in retrospect that she had realized her mistake, and she definitely regretted her actions, yet in truth she didn't want to dwell on it simply because she couldn't change what she had done.

She might've considered speaking when Kanae gave the moments of pause, however the glare and Reiatsu she felt made it abundantly clear it would be far wiser to remain silent in this moment. However her next statement did illicit another response in the gritting of her teeth and scrunching of her eyebrows, though this wasn't aimed directly at Kanae they were none-the-less a result of Kanae's words. When she finally did give Shura the chance to respond... respond she did.

First, Shura collected herself and let out a soft sigh "I will start with the worst of my actions, however do not take this for an attempt to defend it. My actions within the Second against the Unseated Member was, simply put, irresponsible and reckless. The action that was taken was done so in a moment of pride, little better than a mindless hollow." Shura spoke no lies here, she fully regretted what she did and in truth when looking back, they were the actions a mindless hollow would take. "As for my words to the Seventh's Captain, Elyss Kishimoto, I spoke to her only the truth of my mind. She did not ask for undeniable facts, she only asked for my opinion and my opinion I gave nothing more. If anyone thinks the words I spoke were anything but an opinion, they're simply put wrong in every conceivable way."

Once again her words were naught but the truth, and she held eye contact with Kanae despite the trembling her insides felt. "For my battle against Noharu I make no excuses, it was a novice move made in an attempt to test her to try and find a weakness, an attempt that I should have planned for better. As for inaccurate battle reports, I omitted my use of Kido yes, however nothing else within my report was falsified. It thwarted all attacks and attempts at restraining it with its sheer strength which includes high level Kido. I made the presumption that those with more battle experience than I have would've been able to understand that stating it thwarted everything with sheer strength meant everything."

It was now however, towards the end of that sentence, that her voice began to raise just a bit with anger, and her next statement showed the anger that was growing. "As for what I think of myself, please remember that I never once asked for the 3rd seat of the Fourth Division. I spent my entire time through the Eleventh without ever taking a seat, without ever trying to attain one, for a seat does nothing to display ones worth or strength. If you were to ask me, I would tell you that my current strength would be nowhere near a proper '3rd seat' of this Gotei. Perhaps the old Gotei, but not this one. Comparatively speaking, Rio Shihoin is significantly more powerful than I am even at my best, and that is something I can say with extreme confidence having not only directly fought her, but having lost to her. Do I think myself above my seat, Division, or this organization? Hardly. I joined the Gotei to get away from my abusive Father who saw me as nothing but a worthless daughter, being in the Gotei is the only thing keeping him away from me, though thankfully it seems he will soon be gone and I won't have to worry about.... him at least."

There was an obvious pause towards the end of her words, however it wasn't the end of her speech. "My words and challenge towards the other divisions that I've sent out were simply so I could see how they performed, If someone led you to believe anything else then you should take it up with them. I have never attempted to assert any kind of authority over any other Division, nor would I seek to do such a thing."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:22 pm
My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] DcMYTVP


Honesty is good, sure. Kanae didn't want her subordinates to lie to her. Not killing them would be much more difficult if they did. Shura seemed to be confusing honesty with speaking mindlessly. Even as the woman seemed more restrained and humble than usual, she placed the blame on others. Her statement about her inaccurate report was especially annoying to Kanae, who hadn't called her out here to make excuses or divert blame.

What angered Kanae more than anything else, more than the reports of Shura's behavior or the woman's other answers to the accusations, was how she was speaking of her position. She hadn't given this reckless child a promotion just because. She had promoted Shura because in the Combat Division, power has the final say. And now she was bringing private family matters in this? Kanae glowered at her subordinate as she continued rambling on about things the Captain no longer cared about.

Kanae turned her body to face Shura directly and took a step forward so that only a small gap separated the two. In a flash her right hand shot out and grasped the Third Seat's face with a vice grip. Her purple eyes bore into Shura's soul as she spoke once again, wrath clear in her voice "The patience to get through a thousand years imprisonment pales in comparison to what's necessary to deal with the likes of you."

Kanae shoved the Kurata girl with enough force to potentially send her stumbling to the ground a handful of feet away. "Do you think I care whether you want to be Third Seat? Do you think I care what you think at all? Your personal quarrels with your father mean nothing. Your thoughts on other Divisions mean nothing. I did not bring you here to spout off about your irrelevant opinions, you were brought here to listen. Now, you were promoted because you were the third strongest member of the Fourth. You talk about rank not representing power, but in my Division it does. If you are happy being unseated, I will happily lop off an arm or two to make you worthy of that rank!"

Kanji Man
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:41 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Heartless

It was... strange to say the least, feeling her face grabbed so rapidly. However it wasn't surprising to Shura, nor was the shove afterwards which did indeed send Shura stumbling backwards, though she managed to keep herself from falling by grabbing onto the wall. The words that Kanae spoke next however, were somewhat surprising. If she wasn't meant to speak up for herself then why was she questioned? That's what Shura wanted to say anyway, though thought better considering what Kanae had just said.

What was most surprising however wasn't the threat of chopping off an limb or anything like that, rather it was how Kanae viewed each seat and who occupied them and the statement caught her off guard so much so that her eyes widened. Admittedly Shura hadn't ever heard or thought of the seated positions as anything more than representations of ignorance and ego-bolstering, truthfully it hadn't ever occurred to her that they could mean something else. Sure, Shura knew that few within the division could match her in combat, but to think that her position was given to her because of that self-same strength?

It was... refreshing, to hear that spoken aloud, and it was a statement that rung through her head over and over again. However outside of the widened eyes she made no visible display, instead letting those words linger in her ears. It was admittedly yet more for her to think on in addition to everything else she'd been pondering over, but in truth it only made that pondering that much more challenging. She'd been so hard stuck on the idea she needed to prove her worth... that she'd never stopped to actually consider what her worth was, or why she was even trying to prove it in the first place. She had, after all, just said she joined the Gotei to get away from her Father.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Shura spoke only two words as her response. "I... understand."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:35 pm
My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] DcMYTVP


The number of freaks climbing the ranks of the Fourth Division was growing, but Kanae didn't typically pay it any mind so long as it meant her squad was strong. The first trio she tested, Rio, Tento, and Moe, were all comparatively normal, and didn't cause her much headache. Shura was a different animal altogether, however. She was a nonstop nuisance. Kanae looked down at the woman with disgust, though the onlookers from the squad just saw it as a bit of Combat Division tough love from their typically-stoic Captain.

Kanae didn't accept Shura's response, and sneered at her claim "You "understand"? I don't think you do, Shura Kurata." With a wave of her hand Kanae called upon a nearby unseated Shinigami to approach. When he neared, she tossed her Captain's haori and Zanpakuto to the man who was in a bit of a state of shock but bowed and stepped back nonetheless. "Your apparent contempt for rules and regulations reflects poorly not just on yourself, but on me as well, and indeed the Fourth as a whole. This must be rectified."

As she spoke Kanae turned on a heel and walked a handful of steps away from Shura before returning to face her. The rest of the squad immediately understood what was meant to happen and quickly moved an appropriate distance away, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of their superior officers. For Kanae's part, she allowed them ample opportunity to escape the range of her power and Reiatsu before making her intentions abundantly clear to Shura. "You believe in the power of Bankai? Go ahead and use it. I will show you what power is, my brash Third Seat."

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:28 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Heartless

Her eyes opened when Kanae retorted that she didn't believe Shura did, in fact, understand. When she tossed aside both Zanpakuto and Haori, Shura understood what was being placed on display. As she moved out and made her order clear, Shura couldn't help but close her eyes and let out a soft sigh. Shura knew that arguing against Kanae would be fruitless, even if Kanae didn't remember their fight... Shura did. She still had the scar from her Shikai. "Despite having felt your strength before and the waste of time and pointlessness of such a 'lesson', arguing is even more pointless. You've taught me that much through this conversation." In truth, Shura had no desire to fight Kanae, let alone release her Bankai.

My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] 7mqjC7B

She had no grandiose flare this time as she released her Bankai, her Zanpakuto swiftly transitioned to the two-chained axe with little dramatics behind them. "Even if you haven't noticed, my actions are the entire reason I haven't left the barracks, but let us proceed with this 'lesson' you're so intent on teaching me."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:10 pm
My Own Demise [Shura/Kanae] DcMYTVP


Anger welled up within Kanae, who even under relaxing circumstances was barely held at bay by the thin metaphorical mask she hid behind. "Does your insolence truly know no bounds? You speak with such disrespect. A thousand years ago you would be struck down on the spot. It is only the passage of time that saves you now." Her narrowed eyes remained trained on her subordinate as she released her Bankai. It wasn't quite the same as when they last fought; Shura's Reiatsu now lacked the...ferocity it once had. Though the gap between them was continental, at least before Kanae could detect a semblance of power from her disappointing Third Seat.

"I've seen enough. Seal your Zanpakuto. Dismantling such a Bankai would hardly be worth my time, even as a deserving punishment for an insolent Third Seat." The harshness in Kanae's words were deliberate. She hated this woman. She wasn't fond of her brother, either; though that was a separate matter. "From what I understand your Bankai would have done you no favors against that Squad Seven Vice Captain anyway. What did it accomplish against that Hollow on Earth? You have accumulated loss after loss with that Bankai, and yet you believe so sternly in its superiority. Why is that, Shura Kurata? Should I destroy your Bankai, irreparably, to force you to find some other way to fight? Or will you continue to be so reliant on it you stagnate?"


Last edited by Paradigm on Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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