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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:36 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 HEADER_82-16

She cracked a little half smile, chuckling a bit to herself as she waved dismissively. "It's not that simple. Cmon. I told you before right? I came out here looking for a bathhouse. You'll be coming with me, and I'll show you my technique." She stated simply, flashing a smirk over her shoulder as she reached out and curled a finger, beckoning Amaranta to follow as she herself started down the street, already she had a feeling that this was going to be fun.

So long as Amaranta followed along, it wouldn't be long until they arrived at their destination. It wasn't a huge fancy place. But it was nice enough, not to be disgusting and all that. It was a nice big place. Spacious too, if not exactly fancy. The place had natural hot springs, and so the bath itself looked rather nice. A soothing outdoor area surrounded by walls. The bath itself, or rather the repurposed hotpsrings, was a nice quiet area, steam occluding much of the space, but one could see smooth stonework carved out to make a comfortable bathing area. Naturally of course, they'd have to strip down to just towels after rinsing off. But Verdada was fine walking Amaranta through the process if she needed it.
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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:17 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Displaying what could only be described as a perplexed grin, Amaranta shrugged her shoulders. There wasn't much fuss since she agreed, but she certainly expected her to hit her with something philosophical. Or maybe even a fight. What the hell was a bathhouse supposed to achieve? Following the woman to their destination, Amaranta paused momentarily to soak in their surroundings. Come to think of it... this was likely her first time setting foot in a place like this. It looked familiar in appearance only. The type of stuff she saw on television. Naturally, as one out of her goddamned element here, she struggled to pick up on the way the whole process went, but after a walkthrough, she was quickly able to pick up on how things worked. Glancing at her every now and then, Amaranta tilted her head as she grabbed a towel big enough to wrap around her tall frame.

"Before you say anything, this is my first time bein' in a place like this. I've been to a beach or two, but a hotspring is foreign territory. Uh.... what do we do next?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:34 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 HEADER_82-16

Verdada chuckled softly and gave a lopsided little smile as she watched Amaranta Awkwardly making her way about. Certainly seeing the woman rinsing off was amusing, and she couldn't help, or rather had no intention of helping the smug smile playing across her lips as the arrancar finally emerged. The both of them naked save for a towel now, and seeing how awkwardly Amaranta moved about, Verdada gave a slight snicker. "Look at you, being all awkward~ It's kinda aodrable. But don't you worry. Cmon, we're going over here to the steps." She directed, promptly turning and curling a finger to beckon Amaranta to follow. It wouldn't be hard for her to find a nice suitable spot where Amaranta and her could settle into the water. A sort of shallow area with a set of steps going into the water, right next to a spot where it was simply the edge.

Leading Amaranta in, she promptly stepped down into the water, the temperature certainly might be a strange transition, perhaps Ama might even like it with her affinity for heat. But all the same, Verdada would reach out and promptly place a hand at Amaranta's lower back, guiding her in and to the edge of the bath.

"Now, you're going to need to have to have a little patience here. I'm gonna need you to wade over to the edge here and rest your upper body on the edge so that I have full acces sto your back." She instructed with a smile, gesturing for Amaranta to settle as instructed. If she dis so, she'd be waist deep in the water with her upper body resting on the stone facedown, with her back all out in the open air.

"I'll be using a little something called acupuncture. " She explained, flicking her wrist as a slim blade shimmered in her hand. Or rather, something bladelike. A rather large feather, with a sharp point and a long blade of feathering along it's length.

"You need to be nice and relaxed, and so I'll be inserting a few of these into your back. Of course it can be a little rough. So if you don't think you're strong enough to endure it, I understand." She advised.
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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:55 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Glasses."

Amaranta rolled her eyes in minor annoyance, ensuring that her towel was wrapped correctly around her frame. Following her to the next part of her so-called surefire technique, Amaranta curiously peered back at the woman as she was guided into heated waters. Compared to a cold sea of water, these heated depths were far more comfortable. Possessing a natural affinity for fire, the hotspring fit almost like a glove. Maintaining her curious expression, the leonine woman followed her instruction with growing curiosity, aligning herself with the heated sea so that her body was positioned precisely as Verdada instructed.

Laying against the edge with her arms propping her head up, Amaranta once again traced her gaze back to Verdada with observational eyes. On one hand, she was a relative stranger, and the thought of them trying anything made her hesitate for a moment. On another, she figured nothing was gained from a half-assed venture. With the latter winning out, Amaranta sighed softly as she offered an affirmative nod with a shrug of the shoulders. What was the worse that could happen? She was strong enough if things went south...

"I can handle it. If I pulled out now, my mind probably wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Let's get this show on the road, Verd."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:33 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 HEADER_82-16

Verdada snorted softly as she watched the woman slip into the water, that lopsided smile of hers growing all the more as she made note of their settling. Though as Amaranta's head popped up, she reached in and gently pressed. "Ah ah ah. I need your muscles in your back completely relaxed. Head down please." She pointed out, easing Amaranta's head down and then gently sliding over infront of them, lightly setting her knees on either side of Amaranta's head and smiling as she gently shifted the woman's hair a bit to the side, baring the complete expanse of their back and neck as she reached up.

A soft whisper as the air peeled open, and she reached in, peeling back a small book and setting it to the side. An old notebook.

"You know, I had to admit, I was a little worried. I'm glad you're just as relaxed as you seemed. Maybe you're just that strong. But I almost wondered if I was gonna have my head blown off or something. You never know with Arrancar." She chuckled lightly, Popping open a cap and pouring oil onto her hands. Humming to herself as she'd promptly begin to lightly grasp the back of the woman's neck, and smooth along the dark skin with her thumbs. Starting at the very base of the skull and slowly working her way down the spinal column.

"Before we can get to work. We'll just need to loosen you up a bit. We can't have your muscles all bunches up, or things might not be in the right place when I get to work. So take a moment, take some nice breaths, and relax. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?" She ventured. It was hardly very professional grade. She'd seen it done a few times online, but it wasn't really anything surgical. Just getting those tensed up muscles to ease up.
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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:26 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6



Foreign territory. That was the only way she could describe the current sequence of events. When she heard surefire technique, part of her definitely assumed the woman was going to throw some philosophical words out and impress her with some interesting language. Considering the overall lack of energy and fighting intent, she definitely didn't humor the idea of combat. Impatience should have likely been the initial reaction, but part of her was curious. Genuinely, without any pretense that she was treating this carelessly. It was less than anything she was used to, but she was here now, and following through seemed like the more reasonable option.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't approach me with an intent to kill, and I don't really get off on attacking every stranger I see unless they rub me the wrong way. Seeing as you've done neither, I didn't really feel a need to be violent... even if this feels new. I guess I can say I'm getting a nice massage and a hot spring visit out of all this if things go south..."

As she laid her upper body against the edge, slowly exhaled and inhaled, the soft touch of digits working to ease her tension as she rested her head against the edge. For a random lady, she had a few minutes ago, she was pretty good with her hands. Is this how it is to get a massage? Interesting.

"Something about myself? Okay, I'll bite. What is it you want to know in specific? My origins? What I think of myself? Who I am?"

There were so many ways she could answer that, it was simply a matter of pinpointing what Verdada was curious about most.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:42 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 HEADER_82-16

She couldn't help but smile a little to herself as she could all but feel it. The contemplation in the lioness, not just her words and the look on that pretty face. Especially not the second, after all she was nice and facedown on the edge of the water. Her lower body enveloped in soothing hot water, and her upper body resting against cool stone as Verdada worked her back muscles.

No she could feel it in her body~ Each and every through, the tensions, the twitches in muscles as the lioness went through her own inner thoughts. It wasn't exactly a readable language, but the general vibe was palpable as Verdada smiled and continued working. After all, she WAS curious. How often was it that she had to fucking FIGHT with Aina? That she struggled with handling that girl? And now, she had to wonder, if something happened to Aina. And to be honest. something was GOING to happen to Aina. What would she have left? She certainly had a lot of ...litature on the subject. But there was only so much you could glean without firsthand experience~

"Heh, I'm mostly just wanting you to think. But well, if you want some direct prompting..." She hummed, closing her eyes as she let her hands slid down to Amaranta's lower back. The fingers gently plying into the erector muscles in her lower back. A core muscle group for maintaining the upright posture and stabilization, a fairly worn out muscle group. And she gently pressed and smoothed down either side. Not just the muscle, but the connective tissue between.

"Why the strongest? I've certainly heard it often enough. Either claims to be the strongest, or desires to become the strongest. Understandable in the dog eat dog of Hueco Mundo. But is there anything special to that desire?" She ventured idly, hands smoothing down to the side, pressing gently over the ribs and the muscles circling up to the shoulder blades. She turned her head, and picked up one of her feathers, sticking it in her teeth as she glanced toward the notebook. Eyeing Amaranta's frame, waiting for it to soothe and settle, before gently sticking in the point of the first feather.
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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:42 am
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Thoroughly relaxed by now, Amaranta took a moment to reflect on the weight of her question. It was a simple one in nature, yet it meant so much more than anyone could imagine. Each movement of the hand that wandered, dancing against her body to ease her spirits, drew out a longer contemplation than she was accustomed to.

The Strongest...

Ever since her time here in the realm of the living, Amaranta wondered about that herself. In Hueco Mundo, combat was never in short supply. Opponents of varying sizes picked fights and killed each other off every day. Hollows. Arrancar. It was an entertaining cycle, but at some point... she wanted more. She found that Earth was nothing like Hueco Mundo.

An expected conclusion, to be sure, but... there were complications along the way. Khaana. Kanako. Sola. Santa. Various others stood out on that list, but there was something that amused her about all of them in their own way. The combat, the sense of connection, individuals that were nothing like what she found in Hueco Mundo. Each was special in their own way. Exhaling softly, Amaranta settled on an answer she found comfort in.

"When I was a mere hollow cub, strength meant everything to me. It was the law of the land in Hueco Mundo, after all. If you fell behind, you were fodder for some bigger bastard to devour and grow. If you grew, others were less compelled to attack, and some even followed you lookin' for protection. Being the strongest, to me, meant an easier life, a life where I didn't have to rely on anyone. I couldn't call it anything unique back then. It was always the classic case of survival of the fittest, but... I wonder about it now that I've tasted what being strong feels like."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:34 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 HEADER_82-16

Verdada raised a brow, listening as she did her work. Continuing to gently smooth out the woman's muscles and gently inserting one feather after the other. Slowly driving them into those special points as she listened to Amaranta's explanation. Hmph, well that pretty much tracked. "Hm, simpler than I thought. But I'm sure you've probably noticed by now that getting stronger doesn't always mean that. If I had been some big strong opponent, do you think we'd be talking right now? Nah~ You, and plenty of others like you woulda attacked me on sight if I was obviously strong. and there will always be someone stronger than you, ya know." She hummed, slowly pushing another feather into the woman's back.

"And you've already felt it yea? Those people who are so much weaker than you. I'm sure you've had your fair share of fights that just felt pretty poor eh?~ Weakness. Cowardess. Or any number of things probably spoil your fun." She hummed causally as she finally scooted back and admired her handiwork, the array of feathers she'd painstakingly placed. And with a soft whistle, there would be a sudden rush of sensation through Amaranta's frame as she began singing quietly, gentle wordless harmonization that made those feathers resonate, and Amaranta would feel her own internal reiryoku stir and twist. It was hardly perfect, but it was intended to shock her reiryoku system to the point where, at least for just a brief moment, she'd be completely helpless.

"But ya know~ I know just what you need for a little bit of context. You're a little too strong and so I needed a little prep. But this should stun you for just long enough to get what you need outta this." She hummed, a lopsided smile forming on her lips as she promptly grabbed Amaranta by the back of her neck, turned her around and then dunked her head straight into the water.

And held her there.
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Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Empty Re: Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:18 pm
Farewell to Days of Peace [Verdada, Amaranta] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Wait a goddamn minute What the fuck did you just do-----"

What the hell!? Moments ago she was listening to the woman discuss her opinions on the matter. What followed next was the temporary compromise of energy being twisted back and forth. Unfamiliar. Terrifying. Fight or flight was the first emotion that kicked in. Her arms desperately tried to grab onto Verdada's to pull her off, but she found that her strength, at this moment, was a non-factor. The sole attribute she had placed so much stock in was currently of no use to her. She was being drowned. Through sheer force of will, she wondered if she could break through and force her away. For the first time, Amaranta didn't find anything pleasant about being overpowered... at least not to the extent she'd face actual death.

Where was up? Where was down? What the hell was going on here?! Of all the places to die, was she really going to bow out of the dance because she gave herself over to an Arrancar chick with glasses!? Frustrated screams followed for moments on end until she paused... and then her consciousness went to an unfamiliar realm of thought. As if several images were flooding into her mind.

The miserable struggles of her years as a mere cub. The determination to overcome that lot in life. The taste of glory. From hollow to Arrancar, until now... but were these the only images? No. As if her mind were playing tricks on her, the images of everyone she had met up until now appeared before her. Apparitions? Visions of things before she died?

Damn... am I really going to go out like this? I still have a lot to do... don't I?

There was a vision of Khaana, the first woman she met when she came here. There was a vision of Kanako, the overgrown woman who followed her simply because she thought she was cool. There was a vision of Santa. Ah, she was a pleasant lady. She hardly knew her, but she was probably unlike any arrancar she'd met. And then there was Sola. The goddamn prick who pulled one over on her. How was he progressing? Had he gotten any stronger? She'd whip him into shape if he didn't. And then... something else followed. A vision of a future that had not come to pass. A future where she was fostering stupid idiots who couldn't recognize their own potential. There were probably others that were missing, but proper thought was difficult right now. It was so hard... to breathe.

What does any of this even mean...?

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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