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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:19 pm

Returning For More Than One Reason

In the human mythology, atop Mount Olympus sat some of their Gods. Chief among them was Zeus, Ruler of Olympus and God of Gods. It was here that Fuurinji found herself again, except this time for a much different reason than before. She was here to meditate, reflect and, most importantly of all, to recenter herself after decades upon decades of endless fighting. She no longer had Komamura Taicho to fallback on for this task, wherever he was didn't matter anymore. She knew not where to look nor if searching would ever turn up any results, so focusing her energy on it was pointless. Instead she'd focus herself on living without his active guidance, and reflect on the wisdom he'd imparted upon her when he was still around.

But it was difficult for her in truth, because the rage that burned within her was something she'd never learned to control... never attempted to control, at least not without outside help. Arianda wanted her to move on from her past, but the knowledge of what the Quincy's had done to her Mother wasn't something she could simply move on from... she doubted if she could ever move on from it. However much like the absence of Komamura was something she could do nothing about, her Mother's death was also something she could do nothing about. She knew not what Quincy were responsible for it, nor did she know how she would even go about fighting such an individual even if she could find them.

These were the conflicts she focused on for now, training herself to not forget them... but to move past them and let them guide her forward rather than control her.

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:48 pm
Srath was enjoying her latest foray into the living world. Even when the area wasn't particularly densely populated, souls weak and strong seemed drawn to significant mythological sites, making them prime hunting grounds. She'd already consumed several stronger hollows, and had sent even more to her lair for future use in her experiments or as bait, but she wasn't quite done. There was still daylight to burn, and she fully intended to use it.

And, perhaps, even she was not completely immune to the spiritual draw of such a sight of human worship as the famed Mount Olympus.

Luckily for her, her wanderings appeared to have brought her paydirt, a Shinigami, much like the specimen she'd run into before, but this one was alone. Was she arrogant, rogue, stupid? Srath didn't know, but was curious of her placement regardless. Unfortunately for her the Shinigami was perched on the very top of the mountain, and thus she didn't really have a good way to gain the element of surprise. So instead, she simply made her way up, not attempting to hide herself at all.

"Well hello little reaper."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

Kanji Man
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:37 am

Returning For More Than One Reason

Her meditation, while secluded from most, wasn't secluded enough it would seem, as it was interrupted by the rather foul smelling presence of a hollow and one that was at least more powerful in its Spiritual Pressure than hers. By the time it had made its way to the very top, Fuurinji had already stood, two Zanpakuto drawn and facing the creature. When it spoke, Fuurinji would give no immediate response, though it wouldn't be too long before she did. "And as always, they smell of foul and death." One Zanpakuto was held above her head, the blade facing outwards, while the second had its tip resting against the ground with the blade pointing inwards.

Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] FY7JpeA

Fuurinji knew better than to underestimate hollows, doing such was something that could easily get one killed. So as she spoke her release phrase, the wind around her whipped up into a violent whirlwind, and before it dispersed of its own accord a shockwave erupted from within as she clapped the newly formed two tri-taloned gauntlets together.

Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] XolUUMs

As the shockwave went out and the tornado of wind that surrounded her dispersed, it wasn't gone entirely. Instead the surrounding area began to warp and twist around them, distorting directions and making everything seem everywhere all at once. "This is where you die, Hollow."

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:10 pm
The strange Shinigami didn't even have the decency to respond, merely insulting her and releasing that pesky sword of hers before pronouncing her death. Typical, and frankly a bit pathetic, but she could take some time to have fun. Speaking of fun though...

She felt the winds around her shift, felt her perceptions begin to warp, and allowed herself to grin. How fun! But, based on what she'd felt from the being before all of this there was no way this was an ability that didn't have some kind of range, and unfortunately for the little reaper, Hollows were generally much better equipped for ranged battles than they were. And, given that based on what she was feeling the ability merely effected her perception of the space around her, and not herself...well.

"How cute, your little sword makes your enemies high! Too bad it won't be enough."

Srath merely crouched, and leapt, rocketing in the air and gaining a foothold on the spiritual energy of the area once she no longer felt the winds. And, as she thought, she now could register everything just fine. And, now that she could, she was going to take advantage of it!

She leveled a hand at the Shinigami, and coincidentally mount Olympus itself, and began to gather the energy for a Cero. Yes, she'd doubtless leave a large crater in the mountain, damaging a portion of a mountain that had been the focus of an entire culture's religious fervor, but the home of old, dead gods was a small price to pay for her own amusement.

She readied her other three arms to respond to any melee strike that came her way, and grinned widely behind her mask.

"Lets see if you can dodge like the wind you use. Cero!"
Kanji Man
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:46 pm

Returning For More Than One Reason

It was both surprising and annoying for Fuurinji that Srath seemed rather adept at avoiding the technique that captured so many Hollows, and the fact she managed to escape told her at least one thing she needed to know... This hollow was not of the standard breed, if not a uniquely powerful hollow, than an Adjuchas at best. This was a problem in and of itself, while sure she could defeat the standard hollow easily enough, and a Menos if she got really lucky... She'd admittedly never fought an Adjuchas before. Such hollows were typically dealt with by the Fukutaicho's of the Gotei due to their strength.

However that was then, and this was now... She had no other options. As the hollow began to move its arm into position for its Cero, Fuurnji's ears twitched slightly and readjusted themselves to point towards her. As the Cero began to charge itself, her stance dropped low, almost crouching as if in anticipation. The moment it was released, Fuurinji was on the move almost immediately. Moving both upwards and to the left of where she was previously standing, though she said nothing as she focused her attention. When her Shunpo ended she was standing level with the hollow and only about forty-feet away from them. The speed at which the Cero had come out demanded her complete attention, any hesitation and any attempt she made to dodge would cost her dearly.

In truth her dodge had only barely gotten her out of the way in time, as was evident from the missing piece of her Shihakasho and the scorch marks that covered the side of her arm and leg. "Dangerous..." She muttered to herself. Fuurinji knew two things from that attack now, the first being any attempt at Kido would be shut down rather quickly due to how long it'd take for her to use them, and the second being that her speed would likely be her only possible saving grace.

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:26 pm
Srath watched as the Shinigami barely dodged her Cero, a small sadistic grin hidden behind her mask. This little kitten was far out of her league, and apparently only just now realizing it. She was also more than a little pleased with the size of the crater she had punched into the mountain.

"Impressive attempt little cat. Perhaps even impressive enough to earn my name, after all, it's only polite to tell ones prey who they will fall to. I am Srath."

Srath allowed five balls of glowing red energy, not as intense as her Cero but much faster, to form on the tips of her fingers on one hand, and lazily waved it towards the Shinigami. It seemed to have taken her quite a bit of effort to dodge the Cero, she wondered what the reaper would do with the much faster, if weaker, Bala.

Even as the little balls rocketed towards her prey she couldn't help but laugh, "Now, don't you think it's only fair you introduce yourself as well? Or shall I continue to merely call you Prey."
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:41 pm

Returning For More Than One Reason

Whether they meant too sound impressed or not, Fuurinji truthfully didn't care if they were impressed or not. Such things were not something that she cared for, and her focus stayed on the movements of the creature before her. When she raised her hand once more she noted the lack of size the newly formed energy was taking, though overall she was unfamiliar with the technique that was about to be used.

The noise that was made by them as they were fired was... similar to a Cero, yet deeper in their pitch, and though Fuurinji yet again moved as she 'saw' them fired, it was only the first that she managed to dodge successfully and without injury. The second she couldn't really say she dodged so much as lucked out, with the second movement of her Shunpo only managing to get the Bala to hit her arm rather than her sternum to which she let out a sharp shriek before the last three pelted her and sent her careening back into the mountain top below.

With gritted teeth she slammed into the rock, though she was quick to begin trying to pry herself free from where she'd landed it was clear from the slow and staggered movements that she was not expecting the impact from those bala's to have such a profound effect on her. Truth be told the words that the Adjuchas spoke were lost on Fuurinji, and it was now that she was understanding why it was Fukutaicho's that were sent to deal with these creatures. Yet even so she pulled herself back to her staggering feet, defiant to the end though... clearly outmatched.

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:08 pm
Four hits, disappointing that it wasn't five, but four hits was acceptable she supposed. Especially when the shinigami was sent careening down into the rock, very obviously injured. Srath was curious though, why hadn't the reaper tried to run? Why hadn't she attempted to reach for reinforcements like that one she fought in the city had? More importantly, what was a Shinigami doing alone?

The opportunity to have fun batting this little reaper around was quickly dwindling, much more and she would be dead, worth nothing more to Srath than a particularly un-filling meal. It was time to end this, and who knows, maybe the Shinigami would be useful in her experiments.

Srath gathered all her spiritual power around her, doubtless causing the surrounding spiritualy aware beings to struggle a bit, and slammed down towards the Shingami, her own caustic Reiatsu effortlessly shredding the Reiatsu infused into the winds surrounding her prey, leaving her utterly unbothered now that she had no reason to play along with the fight. She raised one leg and swept it down as she fell, carefully moderating the force as she aimed to knock the Shinigami unconscious and pin her body to the rock at the same time.

"So rude, not even returning the courtesy of your name, but don't worry. You'll be making it up to me."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:31 pm

Returning For More Than One Reason

Even as the Reiatsu bore down on her, Fuurinji didn't completely fall to the ground. Instead she fell to one knee, gritting her teeth as she struggled to keep herself even on that one knee. However in spite of this, as Srath came down to deliver that knockout blow, Fuurinji's right hand became coated in a white hue'd Reiatsu, before surging upwards to meet with Srath's leg in a single hard clash, a last ditch effort from the Shinigami that lasted for naught but a singular moment.

When at last the dust settled, Fuurinji's body was laid out on the ground unconscious.

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath] Empty Re: Returning For More Than One Reason [Fuurinji/Srath]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:05 pm
The Shinigami made one last attempt to defend herself, but predictably it wasn't worth the effort it took to even try. When the dust cleared the Shinigami was unconscious under Srath's leg. She couldn't help but sneer disdainfully at the woman underneath her, she was hardly even worth the minor effort it had taken to subdue her, but Srath was still hopeful that she'd be able to eke some decent power out of her, or at least entertainment. She couldn't help but wonder what it would do to a Shinigami's essence to devour a hollow or a pure soul...

As plans and ideas began to form in her head Srath flexed the part of her soul responsible for opening a tear between the living realm and Hueco mundo and picked the woman up, taking her little sword from her and wrapping it in a thick bundle of her strongest webbing before doing the same to the Shinigami before stepping through the Garganta, allowing it to close behind them, leaving an empty, if scarred, mountain top behind.


Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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