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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:57 pm
Saera looked over several of the unranked Shinigami of the fourth running through combat exercises. She could appreciate that the Captain actually instated mandatory trainings, but she felt a frown tugging her lips as she noticed something annoying. She kept going up and down the lines correcting stances, grips, focusing attentions, and generally trying to help as they went through their daily trainings as the Captain observed, bue she kept noticing a lack of conviction and focus that she'd never had to deal with when teaching the kids in the Rukongai. But then again those kids all knew just how dangerous life out there could be. These Shinigami were too comfortable in the ease of their lives, they didn't see these skills as the literal life and death matter that they were. Hell, she doubted many of them had even heard a whisper from their Zanpakutou.

These people needed a wakeup call, and Saera had an idea on what could be that alarm, but it was gonna hurt like hell and push her to absolute exhaustion and possibly up to the brink of death.

She was actually getting excited at the idea.

She looked around for her Captain, and when she caught sight of her strode over to the woman, giving her a bow of her head before speaking, "Captain. I've got something I want to run by you, something to make these-", she gestures at the practicing shinigami, "-actually take this seriously like they should be. I'm frankly more than a little pissed at they feel."
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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Left_bar_bleue0/0It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:52 pm
It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


The many dozens of unseated Fourth Squad members going through their kata in the division training grounds were steadily being shaped into more capable warriors. When Kanae had taken over the squad at the beginning of the year she sensed a bit of apprehension on their part, their unwillingness to go along with significant change apparent. Her predecessor, Arkin, was someone they looked up not just as their leader, but as a drinking buddy among other things. Kanae was no such thing to them. She was their leader, yes, but not their friend. However, it wasn't long before the squad's foot soldiers began to see her own qualities worth their admiration. Kanae was tough on them, but in their eyes it was because she wanted them to be their very best.

What they weren't aware of was how badly Kanae wanted to cleave through them by the hundreds. She had no love for her soldiers, nor anyone else; they were just a necessary responsibility. Her violet gaze swept across them, hatred filling her soul as she sat through another self-imposed torture that was their daily training. Her presence inspired them to work harder and longer than ever before, every day an opportunity to surpass the previous day's limitations. Though horrifically weak, at least by Kanae's standards, they really were improving.

When Saera ran over, Kanae kept her attention focused on the training Division members. She listened to the woman speak, sat in silence for a few moments, longer than most would be comfortable with, then questioned what she meant "Fifteenth Seat Saera Kirin, they are taking their training seriously. After all, none of them are running over to me begging for attention." Kanae could guess at what her subordinate wanted of her, and it was perhaps her boredom that led to the following question "If you have a request, speak it before I have you get in formation with the rest of the Division."

Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:47 pm
Saera resisted the urge to roll her eyes, whether or not she respected this woman personally she was the captain for a reason.

"With respect, I will leave that as a difference in opinion. Regardless what I wanted to request is a fight. It would do them good to see what it's like to be caught in a fight with an enemy that far outstrips them, seeing just how small of a fish someone really is tends to motivate them to train and prepare far harder and more diligently. To that end, I would like to fight you, as you've made your stance on being challenged clear. I can also admit I've been itching to see just how much damage I could take from you as I'm under no illusions about winning, though I'll still go at you as hard as I can and then some."

Ok, so maybe she was wanting to throw herself at the captain and that desire might have motivated her to do this more than anything else, but whatever. If she was lucky Saera would get a chance to stretch herself out a bit in addition to the feeling of a new wall to try and climb, and if she had to be beaten into a paste to get it...well she didn't necessarily dislike that option either.

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Left_bar_bleue0/0It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:15 am
It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


Saera's response and request brought a sigh to Kanae's lips. She had announced any Division member could challenge her during her "office hours", any time she was in the barracks, for a reason: To analyze and, eventually, document all of their strengths and weaknesses. She was intent on learning these attributes of every capable fighter in the Gotei as this information would be of vital importance when it comes time to implement her plans. Unfortunately for Kanae, every once in a while she was challenged by someone she didn't think would be worth the time necessary to send them to the hospital.

Kanae's violet eyes shifted to stare at Saera, sizing her up. She admittedly didn't know much about this woman. As a rule, anyone below the Tenth Seat was not usually worth her time. The last low ranked subordinate to challenge her was unceremoniously defeated in one move; what made this Saera think she would be any different? Perhaps, thought Kanae, she has the same tenacity as Moe Machihara. Wouldn't that be a surprise.

"You know of my open invitation to challenges" said Kanae as she raised a hand and waved off the nearby training soldiers, indicating they should make room for the impending battle "but are you also aware of the rules involved?" As Kanae questioned Saera, the inflection in her voice indicating she's being rhetorical, she turned and walked a handful of yards away from the Fifteenth Seat.

Then she turned again on her heel and stared down the younger woman, speaking loudly and clearly enough for all to hear "There are only two rules: One, you must fight as if this were a life or death situation. That means use every single tool at your disposal to kill me." Kanae reached down with her right hand and up with her left, then swiftly pulled out not one, but two Zanpakuto. "Second, don't be too upset if you lose a limb or two."

Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:42 pm
Saera felt her blood begin to pump harder as Kanae cleared the area. Her senses lit on fire and the anticipation of the coming fight filled her with the kind of energy that she could only get when facing a fight that would truly challenge her, whether or not she had any chance of victory.

This was going to be painful and she couldn't wait.

Saera gripped her own blade but didn't bother responding to the rhetorical question, instead drawing her own Zanpakutou with a single cry.

"Bankai, Toraware no Akumu!"

Chains shot out of her form, obscuring her before shattering and melting into a bubbling black pool of foul liquid erupted to spread across the ground as a Titanic statue of Toraware no Akumu herself erupted from the center. Chains began whipping across the surface of the liquid as Saera raised cast one arm out towards Kanae.

"Bakudo number 79 Kuyō Shibari!"

Saera didn't wait for the black holes to finish materializing, she didn't expect this to really catch her Captain but knew she'd be an idiot to not use any resources she had, and flash stepped towards her Captain into a momentum heavy spinning strike with the intent to grip her with the head of her mancatcher and slam her into the pool of whipping chains.

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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Left_bar_bleue0/0It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:38 am
It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] 1x3PJOh



Kanae was surprised to hear that release phrase leave her subordinate's mouth. She knows Bankai? What were they feeding Shinigami these days? Why did so many have immature Bankai? A thousand years ago it was a power only the mightiest possessed; the Thirteen Captains had it, a few of the Vice Captains, and fewer than five through the rest of Soul Society could use it, as far as Kanae knew. And now she had not one, not two, but [i]threees in her squad alone who could use Bankai.

Purple eyes analyzed Saera's Bankai. A massive construction came forth from the bubbling abyss, surrounded by writhing chains reaching for anything to grasp and drag down to Hell. An intimidating Bankai to any other, surmised Kanae. When the abyss crept forth and threatened to envelop her in its darkness, Kanae stood silent and strong. Then, with an exhalation, a wave of Spiritual Pressure crashed down on the ground around her, stopping the bubbling black in its tracks. It spread around the fifteen foot wide circle around her, unable to march past her suffocating Reiatsu.

Saera's spell would meet a similar fate to the black mass. As the orbs of pressure appeared around her body, Kanae forced more Reiatsu out then swung one of her swords in an arc, shattering them all. [color=#996699]"Not the worst strategy, but your magic lacks power."
Kanae's burning gaze followed Saera's Flash Step, though she still did not move. It was only when the two met face to face did the Captain spring into action. To prevent being grabbed by her subordinate's weapon, she caught it between her two Zanpakuto like a pencil in scissors; then she deftly tilted on one leg and brought her right up in a sideways blow to slam against Saera's side and send her flying away.

Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:27 pm
Saera knew that to have any chance at lasting in this fight at all she'd have to go all out from the get go, she didn't expect Kanae to be hindered by her spell or bankai much, but seeing them so casually brushed aside was...was...


A feral grin stretched across Saera's face as she fully slipped into a bloodlust she hadn't fully indulged in since the end of the last war, and couldn't help letting out an excited yell at seeing this new ceiling for her to work towards. This kind of power brought to bear in front of her was exactly what she was looking for! She didn't bother trying to dodge or block her captains attack, but she wasn't about to simply let herself be thrown around either. As the blow landed she felt her bones groan in protest, and knew her ribs were bruised at a minimum, if not fractured, but she took advantage of the opportunity to drop one of her arms to grip Kanae's leg to her torso and attempted to use the force meant to blow her away to add momentum to her own twist, attempting to wrench Kanae off balance as Saera's own leg came up to deal a blow to the side of her captain's knee.

"You wanna talk power?! Then fuckin' hurt me!"

In the same movement Saera attempted to use her free arm to pull her weapon from the grasp of Kanae's twin blades, preparing to use it as a fulcrum for her next moves.

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] Empty Re: It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae]

Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:33 pm
It's good to get humbled sometimes [Saera, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


"Hmph." uttered Kanae as she felt her subordinate grab at her leg to prevent herself from being sent flying like little more than a pebble across a lake. Saera's initial gambit would prove unsuccessful however, as Kanae's deftness and leg strength kept her standing. She had turned her left leg so that the front of her knee would take the full brunt of Saera's kick, and though she could feel the strike send a wave of force through her leg, she was certain the sensation wouldn't be too pleasant for the other woman either.

"Recklessness in the face of overwhelming power will only hasten your demise." said Kanae, unexpectedly nonchalantly given the circumstances. She noticed Saera attempting to pry away her Zanpakuto, the frown on her face deepening as a result. Does she believe me so easily overcome? thought Kanae. If she wants to be grievously injured so badly, I'll oblige.

A sudden torrent of pressure erupted from Kanae's twin Zanpakuto. The Captain had slowed her breathing and was focusing on the Rieryoku within Tosatsusha, concentrating and molding it...until...yes! Energy wrapped itself around the two swords like a cerulean wreath, before quickly transforming into flowing water that gave off an incredible pressure. "You can have your Zanpakuto back, Saera Kirin." An explosion of water came from both her swords meant to strike Saera's weapon and body with the crushing weight of deep sea pressure.

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