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Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:57 pm
ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Clear skies with heavy clouds. If one had to give a turn of phrase for the figurative mist surrounding the form of an ebony warrior. There was a bit less of a pep in his steps. A dimmer light shining in his presence. A twisted and uneasy wind that was normally the calming wind that followed behind his easy going nature. His head was down and although he was not saying anything the negativity made it appear as if he could be mumbling to himself. The soft sounds of his sandals slipping and slapping heard throughout the outer walls of the Second Division's halls. The man was a bit lost in thought as he turned a corner reaching closer to the kido division compound.

The…past several months had been hard for him after the situation in Africa. So many people failed to be protected. So many comrades lost. And…he failed to stop. So pitiful. So….weak. A failure in his duty as Shinigami and a member of the 4th division. He had a moment of thought of turning around. Going back to sulk in his room, or taking his frustration out on some wooden dummies again. Cracking a few open and seeing blood on his knuckles seemed to help a little. Frankly maybe that was what he needed. Some stress release.

But he had a personal aim in these trying times. Heck, it was something he had decided on even before the activity of hollows picked up in the human world. Tento wanted to explore other divisions, meet and befriend his fellow shinigami. Or at least compete in a healthy way to pass time and improve one another. If he met any hot ladies that wanted some attention that was only a bonus. And although it felt like he was dragging his feet and held hesitation in his heart, he wanted to go visit the 2nd division on this day. Thanks were in order for their healing after all.

Standing outside in the afternoon sun, light raya filtering through his clean chestnut brown skin. Tento found himself grasping at what he really wanted to do in the next few hours he had free.

Light in the Dark | End Post

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Tentos10
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:37 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] 6EdIfMt

Tento would bare witness to the rapid retreat of a 7th division member out of the Infirmary, trying his best to not looking absolutely terrified and not doing very well. There is the door, with a cold stare, was Hannah. Watching him go, she would then turn to Tento, and her face turned a lot softer.

"Tento. Good morning. How does the reading of Nine Yin Manual?" She would ask. Just because she hadn't personally been around to see him rip his legs up, didn't mean he didn't. He was here, after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:01 am
ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Any questions within his mind of what to do and how were given a seat in the back. Just when his mind really began to ponder and twist itself, a chaotic burst of an exit gave the man a jolt back to where he was. A shinigami dashed out of the infirmary while practically have an expression on his face that he had just had his soul stolen from his body. Kicking up a storm Tento lost sight of their figure before flicking his eyes towards to see the source.

The beautiful and slender one time teacher was what his eyes met. Giving…well, a profound look as she stood at the door of the infirmary as if she was a fierce guard to the gate of the underworld. The only look was that her look was, instead of a fiery head, it held a coldness that almost made his skin burn just from looking at her…

It was a strange stillness though that softened into a welcoming calmness. Giving a shift of eyes curiously to the path the man ran before fixing his gaze back to Hannah. “Morning Ms. Hannah”, he gave a pause a bit still in the mental mix of the exit stage right of a fellow Shinigami. “In a modest explanation. good but a whooping. The ideology within is extremely interesting and enlightening. It feels like I have only just begun to get into it. The other practices and lessons just in the beginning though are something I have had to reread a lot though. Using things within limits in practice has been a bit…of an experience”. He said with a soft laugh. “I would say how you are this morning buuuttt….”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:12 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] 6EdIfMt

"Mmm, she certainly doesn't hold back. It's quite amazing to think anyone can think like that, and still have a reputation of being an impulsive hothead to best any of the 7th" Hannah would reply, giving a gentle laugh and turning back into the infirmary, where she would take hold of a trolly and begin to wheel it around for the infirmed.

"As for me, I am doing alright. Today is a day as any other. Healing the hearts, minds, and souls of all beings that come here. A truly great existence for one like me. Do you require any assistance?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:53 am
ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

To say she does not hold back was putting it mildly. Tento was not sure what type of experience let alone what type of person took to be like that. It was curious. He wanted to meet such a person if that was possible. He titled his head at the end of Hannah's mention. “I take it you knew of her if you speak like that?” Tento asked in a curious voice. Impulsive hot head huh? Hmm, thinking about that, how many people in the 7th division were like that? He really needed to meet more people. But then again he was not sure how well it would go overall with that due to…recent events.

Either way. He was here now for a reason and with Hannah turning back into the infirmary he took it as an invitation back into the infirmary and continue their conversation. “Well. I am glad to hear that. Given the hectic state of things”, Tento said referencing the day to day life of a healer. “ much as anyone”, Tento said to Hannah's question. “but honestly I just came here to help out in any way requested today. I'm know basic healing kido and…first aid?”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Tentos10
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:04 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] 6EdIfMt

"When she was alive, everyone knew her. Like it or not. She was a large presence in the world, and stood at the apex of it. And then disappeared one day and has never returned. Many thing she has lost faith with us and disbelieves in the goals of unity. I think that's a load of shit. She's not that kind of woman. Something big must have happened, and she retreated to deal with it so others were not bothered by it"

Hannah would give a smile at the memory, and then look back to Tento.

"Don't push yourself. There are those skilled with sword and spell in equal measure. Those who can heal just as much as they can damage. But these people are old and have taken a long time to get where they are. You are still young, and must solidify your capabilities in one venue before reaching out into another. Trying to do two things at once will just give you two failures, rather than one success"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Left_bar_bleue0/0ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:56 pm
ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The amount of names and faces left unknown due to Tento being such a young soul. Life felt so long when he was just still human. Living until one's late sixties or maybe even to a hundred years old if one was lucky was crazy. So much life happened in just one hundred. And now there was this, existence, as a God of death. A shinigami, who could live for hundreds or even thousands of years. And with that there was still so much he did not know, historical faces in the edges of history! It was so cool and daunting at times. In this case, it was a bit sad to see that the person in question was no longer alive. But this statement by Hannah made Tento raise his eyebrow slightly.

“Just….disappeared?”, he said in a bit of a child-like relaxed wonder. “Well…no one just disappears. Either she went somewhere or something happened to her like you said. Maybe both”, while Tento said this he had to wonder. If such a large presence and valued person of the Gotei left. Why…wouldn't they be tracked down? It was not like a person could just abandon their duties or go awol. Being fired, retiring. Even being locked up. That all had a record or at least SOMEONE knowing about the details.

Continuing to walk behind Hannah, Tento smiled back at Hannah. A natural reaction to a pleasant conversation but one weird. She was just giving out such a vibe after all only seconds ago. “Right right I gotcha. I will continue to take it nice and slow. It is the only way I can truly go in my knowledge and skill in a healthy way after all”, Tento said back in a rare moment of seriousness. All before going back to that light hearted playful flirtatious tone. “As beautiful you are. I do not think I wanna have an angry you as a nurse~”, Tento said in an attempt of friendly jest.

“Ah…the only true question is what fits me. I don't really have anything that I feel special in. And I can only guess the love I have for learning and refining techniques. Strategies to use my body and weapons against my match up. A leftover of my old life I suppose”. After Tento finished saying this. He would take a quick look around. Trying to get an understanding of the infirmary while walking behind Hannah.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:51 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] 6EdIfMt

"Well, obviously she is somewhere. But what do you call it when suddenly a person can not be found anymore and nobody knows where they are?" Hannah would ask, a sardonic tone that would probably accompany a sardonic stare if it meant anything from her.

The infirmary was for the infirm, and so there was nothing special. Sick and injured Shinigami milled around, some in beds and others standing. It was clean and orderly, though had nothing special about it other than that.

"So you went through all six years of Shin'o without discovering anything that might be considered a talent? Were you too busy doodling and flirting to pay attention to the lessons?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:19 pm
ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“Well with that Hannah. I am not sure. No one knows where she is or isn't. No one knows how she got there or the state. For all I or anyone could guess, she could be dead and a new person in the cycle of life. Or not. I can only call her missing because she can't be located nor information about her”, he said in a calm voice art with a shrug. Obviously it was a sarcastic question he was given but what else could he give back to it? Rather he wondered how much it mattered. Or would it in the future? Be it a secret mission. Or running away. Or a tragedy. This woman had no connection to Tento. And the system of the Gotei United stayed all the same in the end. At least he wanted to think that. But inside he knew it mattered. It mattered to the bonds and memories made with her.

As this conversation continued as well as the spicy sarcasm by the grand witch. Tento took note of the infirmary. The feeble and injured sat and laid. Perhaps from the aftermath of the previous invasive wave, perhaps from prior or other missions. Although thankfully everyone was clean and good. Nothing terrible or too concerning. Their care was in safe hands.

“No. I would not say that. I can say I have a talent for discipline and hardwork. And I suppose kido and how to wield weapons came easier to me. I got a head start on Zanjutsu in advanced classes but. When you always see the awesome things everyone can do, such as you madam. It humble and makes you wonder when you are a baby soul”, he said with a bit of honesty and seriousness.

“and noooo”, he said with a side eye, a bit of a serious voice agitated at the thought of not taking his classes seriously. “Play came after all my hard work was done for the day. If I got lucky and drew interest that is. Mostly hanging with friends and bonding. If not trained until my body went to sleep. Helping in troubled areas and that small stuff”, he said once again in a rather relaxed tone. He then would make a rather silly voice at the end trying to play down and not come off as if his time at Shino was so…adventurous.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] Empty Re: ill spirits [ Hannah | Tento ]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:33 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

ill spirits [ Hannah  | Tento ] 6EdIfMt

Hannah would exhale in a sigh, and shake her head at Tento's words.

"Is it pride or impatience that everyone seems to be gauging themselves against Urahara, Unohana, and Ibiki? Don't look at me, I graduated Shin'o two hundred years ago. Look to your own peers. To Hana and Fuu and my knowledge of the new generation ends there but I am sure you can find others if you look. Take your time, develop your talents in the fields that you are good in. Meet new people, become ingrained within the structure you will spend your years in.

The peak of the mountain looks good, but don't let it distract you from the slope you need to climb to get there"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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