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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:25 am
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] GdeYBvA

A bunch of rocks. Rocks, rocks, rocks. Tibet was rocky, indeed. A very obvious observation. Maybe, hanging around these cliffs and precipices, sleeping in huts by Tibetan villagers, and forgetting about the rest of the world until the occasional traveler with a G-Pro and a smartphone passed by. Such was Mura’s life after leaving the Shaolin temple behind, a wanderer in the steppes of western China…

Until he managed to reach a city again. First Qingpao, and then finally back to the eastern provinces! However, being a wanted man in the most inhabited parts of China meant that he’d have to be cautious, walk on foot, and avoid most interactions with other people… even though it was quite easy to distinguish him.

A greyed-out, orange shirt – tattered and torn in places, with a grey t-shirt underneath in a similar condition. His jeans were of a better condition, and his shoes had no details at this point in time. The stub of bandages covering his left… overarm, or what was left of it, was also a dead giveaway- WAIT!

He just realized… he became wanted when he had both arms! Maybe they wouldn’t recognize him anymore…

And upon returning to Beijing, they sure as hell did. What some civilians witnessed was several squads from China’s police force in the city, all heading for the western highways where Mura was sighted and still stood intently, awaiting them to relax a bit more. “… J-Japanese?! I can’t speak Chinese, but I can speak a little English, too… a-anyone?”

Being deafened by sirens and speakers demanding Mura to surrender the rusty jian and the sheath that he was carrying in his right hand… meant that Mura had made a terrible mistake of coming back here. Kyūken, ever observant with his Chain of Fate coiled around the sheath that was once his sword as he floated in the air next to Mura, glared at the cops in disgust. “Can’t you just cut through? It’s not like we’re going back to this damn place… I wanna go home, too. To Japan.”

“I don’t wanna become a global criminal, okay?!”

“But still…”
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:03 pm
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93



Akira had been rather quiet within the confines of China, a large nation with resources that could rival any other, yet their new technological advances saw high rises consume the sky near Beijing and the language wasn’t too difficult for a literate man like the Shinigami. He actually spoke a few languages, Chinese being one of them, so navigating them had been a breeze and concealing any issue through the gigai, yet it did come to his attention that his very reason for being in this country….

Had been stolen?!

There was a rare flare of anger that bubbled up from his core, shifting outward to search for this individual himself and had finally seen the blasting lights of blue and red, guns pointed at a man who looked like he was down on his luck both wealth wise and fashion wise. Mura might see a sudden manifestation of a white overcoat in a spot within the mass, a pair of striking golden hues staring out at the male, a left wrist resting on the midnight blue hilt of a zanpaktou whilst the right opened up with a single pettle.


The armed officers would glance at the new arrival, a surge of reiatsu moving into them all as they’d begun to become woozy, disorientated even before each of them fell around Akira, as the spell would knock them unconscious and drag the memory of them finding Mura away. Violet got…Weird…When he murdered that one individual, this one appeared to be human so killing local authorities might elicit a worst result.

."Pardon my intrusion, I can tell these gentleman could have been brought down by you with little issue and yet you chose to negotiate. Your language barrier doesn’t help, you’re the one who took the ancestral blade? The two style swordsman’s.


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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:42 am
Mura swiftly noticed something, a white object sharply hitting his retina… visually, of course. It was clear and obvious, so Mura quickly redirected his attention towards what turned out to have been an individual wearing an overcoat – a rather long one – staring him down from among the crowds near the highway.

The Chinese authorities shouted at Mura once more, but that was when they also noticed the individual draw nearer. Before any of them could warn the civilian to stand back, said person uttered one word, and the officers suddenly stumbled around as if in a dizzy haze. Wait, who’s he? How’s he making them drop like that? Mura pondered with a pearl of sweat falling off his face, witnessing each officer suddenly lose all will to be conscious and drop one after another. He’d known of supernatural forces, but… this was absurd. Beyond what Mura had ever gotten used to.

There was something terrifying about the man in the overcoat. As if the entire situation was under his control the moment he entered.

“Wait, wait, wait! I- you can speak Japanese?” Mura asked, waving his right hand from side to side to sort of express his awkward position, “I am, but please, listen… I didn’t take it for myself. That Niten swordsman you mention-“

“Well, technically, I do possess two styles… but Niten rolls off the tongue better.”

Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 2Yrhfpn

“Sir, can you see the individual next to this sheath?” Mura tried to ask, wondering if a man who could cast a literal sleeping spell over such a large group could also see ghosts. Raising the sheathed Harukami, Kyūken’s Chain of Fate clanged in response, rolled around the sheath and the blade and attached to the chest of the floating rōnin’s spirit.

“Who knows if he can… if not, you’ll probably fall asleep in a moment or two.”

“B-But maybe…”

“Look, if push comes to shove, we should just slay him before he can put you to sleep as well… no… he carries a blade, too.”
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:37 pm
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira perked a brow as the Sight of Sanctuary, that of which granted him such core insight into Kido, granting him insight into spiritual energy as a form of vision rather than just the usual spectrums a person can acquire. A tilt of the head following before a chuckle followed, a soft smile across gentle lips yet his posture always exuded an element of confidence, though this location was less than ideal. Unfortunate. To make a decision based on idle talk would be the foundation of error and could erode everything he is trying to build, deciding in that brief moment to dangle a lure.

"You’re a spiritually awakened human being whose seemingly locked himself intwine with the blade in question. Some form of connection has been forged, by sub-concious or active decision. These things are…Delicate…To say the least, if that is indeed what has transpired.

It was then he offered an idle gesture with the left hand.

"Pardon my rudeness, I am Akira Tairitsu. If you’d follow me, the response time of those around is efficient to say the least ever since their upgrades and should anymore come to us, I may be forced to act with the intent to harm.

He didn’t leave room for protest really, despite the warmth of his voice, an element of command was assuredly moving into position as Akira’s boot hit on the side of the highway and gestured with a single head tilt to the ground below, aiming to take them to a more secluded area underneath the consistent and busy intersections that were the highways of China.


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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:41 am
Spiritually awakened… was he talking about his Reiryoku? The Head Master did inform Mura long ago that many people wandered the world with similar, spiritual powers – this was clearly a confirmation of that notion. But whether or not he was locked to Kyūken’s sword was unclear to him… perhaps Mura’s Spiritual Awareness was different from the other lad’s. Mura glanced at his sheathed jian, kind of left speechless for a moment or two.

He could see the Chain of Fate coil around it, subsequently tied to Kyūken’s chest. Kyūken loved his jian quite a lot.

The lad introduced himself as Akira Tairitsu, a name very Japanese which Mura caught onto. He hadn’t met another Japanese in quite a while, now – maybe China wasn’t a popular tourist attraction, or maybe it was something else.

Akira suggested that he follow him, and since this Akira guy wasn’t a police officer… okay, before anything else, Mura still remembered that he put everyone to sleep here. Then again, he could’ve easily put Mura to sleep as well… but what was his deal, now? Did he know about Mura? Maybe he thought that Mura was a criminal- argh, what the hell! “Argh, alright, fine! Just- I really hope to clear any doubt with the authorities later…” Mura caved in, gathering energy in his leg muscles – in the blink of an eye, his foothold from earlier was exchanged with a crater, and he now stood in front of Akira with his feet dug into the ground a couple inches. Fa Jin was a handy method of ‘point A to point B’ transportation.

“…” Up close, Mura’s facial expression was confused, frowning, distrusting Akira a bit, but… no signs of cunning nor a sense of control. A rather reactionary face, he had.

"Wait, so are you going to help us clear things here, or do you have something else in mind? Mind you, we have killed people befo- well, I have."

"I haven't, but if you try anything with my-"


"-His jian, I'll defend myself."
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:18 am
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


This situation could be considered a little complicated, evidence suggesting that this man didn’t have a clue what his current predicament was. That was dangerous. Akira began to confidently stride across the area with a soft hum, contemplating the options ahead of him, considering the actions he had seen already before exhaling softly, eventually halting at an area away from the larger highways and providing them privacy. It was then that he would respond softly, a smile of warmth across his lips before each hand gestured around, Akira knew too well the anchorage of confusion and uncertainty of newfound abilities.

That was constantly dangerous.

"The authorities won’t acknowledge your circumstance as fair, I am afraid. The most I can offer you is a safe haven away from China, of which I could assure your safety and teach you about your current powers. These things are dangerous, most will harm someone they care for or innocent life before understanding their capabilities.

He stated as fact more than anything, deciding to move the right palm over to caress his zanpaktou, digits fumbling with the darker hue of blue’s wrapping before moving to unsheathe it slowly. During this movement, Akira spoke in a less soft but assured voice.

"If such a weapon has chosen you, then I must be assured that you not only have a baseline understanding of this gift but by extension, able to act in tandem with it. Consider this a test. Warriors often grant the other their name before combat, forgive me for I never inquired to yours.


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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:57 am
Walking away from all the others made Mura a little iffy. This Akira guy… what was this guy’s deal, now? Mura still had his doubts about how this lad could just help him out like this out of nowhere, but… being a swordsman too, maybe it was a sense of camaraderie bound by that common interest?

“Hmh…?” Mr. Tairitsu thought the Chinese police wouldn’t reason with Mura, apparently. That his only option was to seek a safe haven, which the lad offered himself – as well as an opportunity to teach him about his current… wait, was this guy a friend of the Head Master? That explained everything! His Japanese name, his willingness to help Mura out of nowhere, and his words right now! “I-I see… I do need to learn how to draw more from my power,” he admitted with a hand behind his head, suddenly a lot more accommodating to Akira, which might’ve come off as odd – a result of a misunderstanding.

The sound of his sword escaping its scabbard instantly triggered Mura to grab the hilt of Harukami. A test… of course. Niten practitioners yearned for every next test in their lives, and Mura still lived by that code, didn’t he?

“… Mura,” he replied with an introduction, “Ekashiba Mura. My apologies, I can’t perform a proper drawing without… y’know.” Pointing attention towards his missing left arm, Mura instead flung out Harukami with his right hand and pointed its rusty tip towards Akira. “Even if I can’t clash with your blade… I’ve learned a new trick that’ll compensate for that. Prepare yourself!”

A solid, sword-raised stance with Harukami high up in the air was immediately followed with an overhead strike, causing a gust of Reiatsu to release from his blade and travel as a vertical wind scythe straight towards Akira, digging up the earth that it dug through on its way with debris flying to each side.

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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:54 pm
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


There was a slight, briefest of moments, veil of tension that occurred between a pair of fighters before they engaged in conflict. This was that moment. Mura displaying a natural affinity for unsheathing his weapon, a respectful nod occuring after.

Then it begun.

Akira’s stance was one of an unorthodox style, a single hand grasping the midnight blue cloth wrapped hilt of Rivu, arm extended entirely from the chest as two middle fingers from the left hand gently placed against the meeting point between moist blade and silver guard. It was then Mura burst into action, raising his weapon high, golden hues in taking unseen reiatsu energy and noticed the build up as a sudden flux of violent energy carved at the Shinigami. Well. That was notable. He seemed to mimic some form of swordsmanship through reiatsu.

His body twisted, left side trying to dodge the point blank technique though a good portion of the lower overcoat fluttered and was severed rather drastically, left arm barely out the way as a cut of decent size sputtered in vermilion. It was then Akira’s retort, trying to exploit the overhead stance and moving rapidly into Mura, trying to seize this opportunity to drag the edged weapon against the left side, though not in a genuine motion to slash, carve. To tear clothing. Maybe indicating a level of surgical control.

He had hoped that if such was successful that Akira could twist to face Mura once again, having your back exposed was a way to die in these situations.


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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:24 pm
Evaded… but his fancy coat had some of its lower part cut off! Yeah… take that, strange weird man.

However, Mura wasn’t ready for that type of counterattack – even if he’d anticipated that this Akira guy was another… what was the term, spiritually powered individual or whatever the Head Master labeled them, to have their distance closed in as quickly as that was terrifying. Knowing the state of his rusty blade, Mura had no choice but to try and step away from an incoming slash that still… cut his shirt up on its left side.

He immediately stepped away, but… Mura was wide open there. Had Akira intended to deal lethal damage, Mura would’ve likely been missing a kidney then and there. “…” He watched Akira twist around to face him once more, unable to capitalize on the opening that he used to recollect himself – and Kyūken noticed that. “You idiot – you almost got yourself killed.”

“Wha- he’s way faster than I thought…”

“Then be faster. You got skills and my techniques – use them!”

Ever as stern and rude in his lectures, Mura’s Reiatsu began leaking out again, just like when he was about to release a wind scythe. Instead of launching a single, small wave, Mura gathered power in his legs and launched himself towards Akira at high speed, almost emulating a sort of phantom-stepping method… and beginning to circle around the swordsman, with cutting winds forming a large sphere overtime that was closing in.

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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:53 pm
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira watched Mura with keen interest, taking into account the wind based slash and ongoing reiatsu usage. He knew how to manipulate it on a basic level, good. There was a sense of relaxation that rested over his form, that strike would have most certainly caused a semi lethal amount of damage atleast, good. It would have been awkward to have found out that his own skills had rusted into sand. These thoughts though broke, shattering across the mindscape as Mura focused himself.

"Good. Using reiatsu is like a muscle, one can actively train it but the goal is to have it reflexively be used. Instinctively acting before even you do, so your mind doesn’t need to divert attention.

It was then that Mura darted forward, shifting around Akira rapidly as air began to pick up viciously, a violent sudden occurence of slashes forged by reiatsu and ingrained into the very wind that he moved. This was a situation. They began to come closer, without Bakudo this was most definitely not a good situation, raising the zanpaktou and taking a sharp inhale, focusing on the way each wind strike and the static movement it was coming toward him.

Then did Akira move, whilst he held no real strength of his own, a step to the left on the weakest point thanks to seeing the reiatsu would have to be his mark, activating a shun’po and dragging the blade in a vertical stance across his chest! It would mitigate most of the damage to vital organs though it was like blasting through a shredder, clothing and flesh alike got torn, vermillion staining the area as he aimed to reaffirm himself a little and slide across the ground, though such a movement forced him unable to react.

Still not the worst he has ever endured but it hurt, like a thousand papercuts except less and wider went around the upper forearms and legs. Mura was more than dangerous to the average person.


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