Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] - Page 3 Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:53 pm
A notepad? Fair enough, why not? Mura accepted the notepad, grabbing it with the only hand he had and glancing on its side for a few seconds as Akira explained what it was. Huh… maybe there are some notes that Head Master didn’t get to teach me before my travel… he pondered, stuffing away the notepad into his back pocket, “Sounds simpler said than done. I’m not afraid to try it out, tho- u-uh…”

He looked like he was in deeply annoyed pains. Healing his own injuries like that looked so fantastical, but it definitely didn’t come without its own regulatory drawbacks. Maybe it hurt like hell to regenerate stuff and wounds.

“In Japan? I…” Damn, dilemma ensued – Mura did want to run back to Japan now, but he had a damn bounty and everything on his head here in China that he wanted to clear, and going back to Japan with that kind of baggage sounded like inviting all sorts of trouble and dangers to his fucking household. He couldn’t do that to his parents… but…

“Tch, I’ve learned plenty from him already,” Mura protested rather recklessly, throwing Kyūken a side-eye, “If anything, he just doesn’t want to go away from his sword. And… well… I’d be an asshole if I abandoned him. He wanted for centuries for this sword, after all.”

Mura felt very insincere; he felt a great need to help Kyūken out, but he also… feared the consequences of going away from him. Kyūken had shown signs of mental degradation during that one time he wanted to just leave, not wanting to bother himself with stealing a national treasure – that degradation appeared as a visible force, almost dark in color and with the air getting heaver, and a constant, loud clinging of that chain tied to his heart… that was the most terrifying part of all. Whatever that chain was supposed to be, Mura almost shat his pants at the thought of it breaking, and he had no clue why.

“I… really want to go back to Japan – problem is, my record is tainted here,” he confessed, “I could really need a place to stay… y’know, for the duration. At least, until I finally clear my name. My mum must be beside herself right now…”
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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] - Page 3 Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:14 pm
Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] - Page 3 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira let out a soft exhale as he’d move his hand into the inner breast pocket a cut overcoat, finding his phone and unlocking it with a few thumb pressed against the circular digits. Then did he hand it to Mura, matching it with a swift.

."Call your mother. We’ll depart now. I have colleagues who can assist regarding this misunderstanding though it is best we don’t stick about for the time being. The dispatch called will have others coming shortly, it won’t be beneficial for either.

Once that was handed over, Akira carried on with his Kaido healing of the cuts across his body. It wasn’t much but enough, assisting Mura and teaching him some basics of being underground so to speak. Use cheap motels. Assure to use cash in bulk and only use an online presence if necessary. The number handed to him would be useful, though during the Airport, Mura noticed Akira throwing it into the depths of a bin after snapping the Sim card.

If any were watching or aiming to catch Mura’s engagement with his mother, it wouldn’t be too effective now. Eventually on their way to the land of the rising sun and by extension the rise of the one armed swordsman..


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Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura] - Page 3 Empty Re: Pilot Episode [Akira, Mura]

Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:27 pm

”Heh… you sound a bit older now… uhm… it… it’s me, Mum. Mum, it’s Mura.”

“…” Mura was visibly astonished by the realization – it had been quite a damn decade, a decade, since he’d heard his mother’s voice. She panicked, had a full-blown moment and needed the support of her husband, his father, to keep her conscious. A lot of commotion was happening through the speaker.

“I’m in China, still… but I’m coming back to Japan soon. Uh…” His mother and father were understandably ecstatic to hear the voice of their MIA son all of a sudden, but they had so many questions – why’d he just suddenly stop calling them? What happened to his own phone, and why couldn’t they contact him? Why did he just go invisible all of a sudden? They didn’t know whether he was dead or alive… and these were emotional parents.

“I’m so… so sorry… a lot happened. I’ll tell you the full story when we meet, but… I-I know, Mum, I love you too. I miss you too, I’ll see you as soon as possible. You might… not even believe half the shit I’ve gotten myself into… n-no, I’m not in that kind of trou-“

Damn it… his criminal record in China… did they know? Did they know the context? He’d have to tell them everything. They deserved to know.

“I was injured… I recovered now, I’m alright. No, no, Mum, don’t cry, I swear I’m fine! Healthier than a yak! Please… D-Dad?”

His heart kept tugging at his soul. They were both worried sick for him. Mura tried to keep them in the back of his head and focus on what was in front of him at all times, but he had such devoted parents tormenting themselves with the lack of knowing his whereabouts and safety. He just turned 18 when he left them to travel to China for what was supposed to be just an exchange course.

“I-I’m on my way. Just wait… just a little longer. I love you.”


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