Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
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- LillianVeteran Member
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Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:18 pm
"Catherine Reed"
"...And don't you EVER put your grimy perv fingers NEAR my hair again, you sleezy old fart!" To some effect was yelled in Japanese as she jabbed a finger at the drunkard to scare him away from her, the older man having gotten a little too friendly and over complimenting of her bright, long hair. Thankfully, that was enough to spook the weirdo.
Fixing the frazzled locks, she walked off with quite a huff; sure, sometimes the people here got a good long stare in or even asked to take a picture, but it made her skin crawl with the occasional creep bold enough to think touching her was a good idea, she damn near full-body threw the guy into the nearest alleyway on instinct.
Ugh, now she was just in a bad mood. Maybe she should just get something cold to eat, like sea salt ice cream or something... Were ice cream joints even open at this hour? Probably, this wasn't some nowhere city.
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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:40 pm
Elyss Kishimoto | Red
Hollows have been running amok lately. Some of them have just been fighting a bunch out in the wastelands, but a few have become keen on disturbing the peace. The ordeal in Africa's making them restless, and with the death of so many people, the rising amount of Hollow on Earth is but a consequence of their slack.
These populated areas usually have a Hollow or two hiding somewhere. That's why Elyss has made it her business to travel around a lot while Earth is a hotspot. Her strength allows her to handle a rampant Hollow with efficiency and reduce risk of collateral damage. It's pretty hard to fight a Hollow without environmental damage because of how little they care about their surroundings.
However, forgetting her Gigai probably makes her current survey impossible. Everyone knows she's a Shinigami. They can't tell how strong she is because she has a bit of control, but she knows she reeks. Maybe a Hollow will think her an easy snack and follow after her as she goes on her way. Wishful thinking, but she's not daft to scratch out the possibility.
Though, for right now, all she sees around her is an average Japanese city. Some guy just got yelled at by some chick, but that's not her problem right now. Things look like they're not going to escalate, so she kept on her way, hands in pockets. Maybe she should get something to eat. Earth food isn't as fulfilling without a Gigai, but she still likes the taste.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:39 pm
"Catherine Reed"
Her eyes scanned the place with keen awareness before she proceeded, but the sensation of a spiritual pressure higher than what a typical person felt like caught her senses, there was the sense of it coming closer and then moving further away in... That direction. Her eyes caught a figure moving away, distinct red hair even under artificial lighting.
A scowl marked her light features; a Shinigami in Japan was as natural as fish in a pond, there was no shock, just annoyance. She needed something to let off some steam on, anyway - some low ranking mook was the perfect target to get picked at. An unassuming expression, she'd walk up and after the red head with enough of a casual air to look natural and unintentional, hands in pocket as she'd pull out her phone to pretend to fiddle with it, her greyed eyes looking up occasionally.
What the hell was she even doing, anyway? Doesn't she have ghosts to pluck away to their crummy castle in the sky, or hollows to kill? Who was she kidding, it wasn't like Shinigami were all too eager to do their supposed sworn in jobs. She wondered if this one liked playing pretend hero, too. Maybe, probably, looked too much like a sadsack to have that massive an ego though, maybe she just followed along with what her buddies did.
Not that she could detect any nearby except her...
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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:24 am
Elyss Kishimoto | Red
It doesn't feel like she's being followed by anything, but if she was, it's not like they'd stick out. She's an outlier after all. The best way to see if something's on her tail is to take a few scenic routes. It helps that she doesn't actually know how to get around, so taking a wrong turn into a quieter street wasn't hard. Then, her eyes began dancing here and there, her head swiveling some as if trying to see which way she should go. Forcing each step to seem uncertain, she stopped to look down an alley, seeing a possible shortcut to where she thinks she needs to go. With a shrug, she'd go down it, probably seeming a bit cocky about her ability to fend off any attacker if one dared.
This game of cat and mouse isn't new to her, and even with the possibility that nothing happens, she'd have done her rounds and can proceed to the next area. However, the wall soon bumped into as the city's awful infrastructure enclosed her actually peeved her a bit. Well, it's a small park though, probably for the children of the complexes around her to play at and be in seeing view of their parents. That doesn't mean she's any less annoyed that she has to backtrack.
Before that, she walked onto the playground and ran her fingers along the slide, tilting her head as she remembered her youth. It's been a while since she's played any games. Unfortunately, she's way too big to be messing with this stuff. Maybe after everything's calmed down, she could take the squad to an amusement park to unwind. There's no harm in a day of fun, yeah?
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:13 am
"Catherine Reed"
"Shouldn't you be caving hollow's heads in or something?"
The voice would come from the top of a swingset, the deserted playground lit only by harsh overhead lights, making her figure standing atop the play structure all the more stark. Hands in pockets, chewing gum, she'd hop down to face the stranger on even ground, an unimpressed look in her dark greying eyes.
"Didn't know playground maintenance was in your guy's handbook, unless you're goofing off from your chores. Isn't there people dying as you walk around like some tourist?"
A slight taunting smile crossed her features, brows knit with some sort of underlying frustration.
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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:10 am
Elyss Kishimoto | Red
She blinked, turning her head to look over at the swing set. Someone's standing on it? Were they always there or had she been followed? They don't look like a Hollow, but Elyss isn't going to assume anything on appearances alone.
"Well, I'm not omnipotent, so..."
She'll not bother with filler details. She can't be everywhere, and she can't handle something she can't see. Her job is more reactionary than proactive sometimes.
"You a Hollow?" She'd then ask.
Elyss would raise a brow, not showing much in terms of expression. Never one for theatrics, she hopes this lady isn't here to put on a show. She might not fight her partner good at duets.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:15 pm
"Catherine Reed"
With that lackluster response, she'd lean against the swingset's foundational bar with crossed arms and rolling eyes, muttering under her breath, "Yeah, sure, omnipotent til it's the most inconvenient for anybody but you."
But then she asked if she was a hollow. Damn were they getting stupider? She swore they were getting dumber, it wasn't like she ever came across one with anything smart to say so maybe her standard of expectation was a notch or two higher from rock bottom than she expected. A raised brow and hand on her shoulder would be the most immediate response to that,
"Let's say I am a hollow," She'd put that theoretical out into the world, shrugging her shoulders, "What're you gonna do about it, convince me, a dumb animal, not to eat people or something? Or are you gonna cause a huge public disruption with that otherwise illegal weapon trying to cut me down?"
An expectant look was on her face, she really was wondering what this mook's response would be.
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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:56 pm
Elyss Kishimoto | Red
"I assure you, if you're a Hollow threatening the civilians here..."
Elyss didn't make a show of it, but her head had tilted as she stared at the woman that could be hiding her true form behind a pretty bland face.
"I'll kill you without a trace you even existed."
However, since Elyss isn't sure of whether or not this woman's a threat, she returned to being curious. Elyss isn't sure why this woman's coming off so rude, but it's bugging her. She doesn't even know who this gal is, so this beef must be with the Gotei in general. That's fair. Elyss knows that the Gotei has a bad rep, but she's just trying her best to do right by everyone. Luckily, she's good at taking criticism.
"Now, tell me what'cha want, so I can go back on my patrol."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:46 pm
"Catherine Reed"
"Ohh, a real scary one we got here," She'd speak with a bored, unimpressed tone, light brows turned up into a scrunch as she gently shook her head, "I'm really shaking in my boots here, really." From the sarcasm her voice oozed and her relaxed posture occasionally flicking through her phone as she leaned against the playset, she was definitely unimpressed.
"Oh, what I want?" She'd state with the flattest 'what, me?' gesture conceivable, "Didn't know the wants and needs of soppy little mortals even crossed your minds, well if you're really that curious: i'm in a pretty bad mood, fresh off a shitty day of work, and I saw something deserving of my ire in my way."
Once again, she'd give a taunting grin, "So again, let's play chance that i'm a Hollow - one that hunts down Shinigami. Or could I just be a plain ol human calling out your fake bullshit. Whatcha doin' about it?"
END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Sticking Out [Catherine, Elyss]
Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:14 pm
Elyss Kishimoto | Red
Elyss blinked. Her eyes then flicked left and right, searching for someone else in the area. This has to be a joke, right? Elyss is used to critics, but this is the first time someone's gone out of their way to be an ass.
"Uh... Well... If your day's not going too well, you'd probably have more fun getting a smoothie or something. I don't go harassing Quincy because they're Quincy, ya know? You don't know me, so making presumptions to validate shitty behavior is problematic."
Elyss huffed, being strangely sensible with this lady. Her temper's not usually this tamed, but she also doesn't want to cause a commotion in a playground. Kids come here to play, and she'd hate if something was broken because of a fight.
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