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Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:01 am
Honestly, Nanaly felt as if all she ever dealt with was small-time Hollow, not that she was complaining, it was easy target practice. It did make sense though, Japan had a lot of Shinigami and other Quincy that were dealing with the big threats.

Roughly ten minutes outside of Tokyo was where Nanaly lived, she, her brother, or her father would typically take out any Hollow that appeared nearby.

Currently, the Quincy was in a rather rural area, a shrine surrounded by forest. A more rural forest area of Tokyo

Nanaly was roughly twenty feet in the air, sitting upon her spirit weapon. Below her was a roaring Crab Hollow. It was large, with a massive right claw. However, it lacked the reach to actually attack the Quincy. It threw rocks, but it was easy to avoid. After launching some arrows from the broom, the Hollow was slain.

Once that was done, the broom lowered, hovering about a foot off the ground, which allowed Nanaly to place her feet on the ground. That being said, she still felt some kind of spiritual pressure around, keeping her guard up, gripping onto the spiritual weapon. Seems there was another Hollow…
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Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:29 pm
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The spiritual pressure in question didn’t actually belong to a Hollow and instead a pink haired Quincy soon came into view, surfing through the air using her Steigen abilities, heading straight for the other woman. Naturally concerned, Meninas had headed for the location as soon as she’d picked up on the Hollow signature but due to her bad habit of getting lost, the tall Sternritter had been a little late. The fact that she was even in Tokyo at all was more due to the fact she didn’t know where she was going half the time rather than where she was supposed to be. Still, her lack of punctuality hadn’t seemed to have caused any harm, something she was thankful for.

Noticing the fact that the girl was wielding a spirit weapon of her own, Meninas slowed her approach a tad, not wanting to make herself look as though she was going to do something rash. Her hands would twitch a little and if needed, she could summon her gauntlets pretty quick but for the time being, she didn’t see the point. The girl was no Hollow or at least she didn’t appear to be.

Speaking to strangers had never been Meninas’s strongest suit but she tried her best, sounding a little awkward to put it mildly. “Erm, did you happen to slay the Hollow that was around here?”


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Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:38 am
Some of the nerves Nanaly had vanished as she saw the Quincy, with an exhale she would once again sit upon her spiritual relaxing her tense body. She took note of the Steigen, which was a technique Nanaly didn’t really know, after all she just used her spirit weapon to fly around. The shorter Quincy was only eye level with Meninas due to her floating a few feet off the ground as she sat on her broom.

Meninas didn’t seem like much of a threat, Nanaly was a pretty trusting person much to her detriment, being so frail could be danger if she let someone dangerous close. She listened to the woman speak. Nanaly would direct her broom backwards, putting a bit of distance between her and the other Quincy. Roughly 8 feet. “Mhm. I took care of it” she said with a rather warm smile, Meninas would notice that Nanaly always had some kind of smile on her face, not letting it fade. “You’re… like me right? A Quincy? I’ve only met a few…” being sheltered your whole life would do that. “My dad and my brother mainly…” after a moment of thought. She would move forward with her broom. Extending a hand to Meninas.

“Nanaly Fischer.” A brief introduction. “If I can be honest, I’ve only started this whole hollow hunting thing recently
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Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:25 pm
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“Meninas McAllon.” The pink haired woman replied, extending her hand as well and shaking the other woman’s. Despite her rather large and muscular frame, Meninas’s grip was gentle enough, not wanting to accidently hurt Nanaly or anything like that. “You seem to have picked it up pretty quickly if you can already dispatch them with ease.” The Sternritter didn’t think that the Hollow had been overly strong but still, it could have caused problems for a rookie.

“Mmm, I’m A Quincy, just like you. Been training for a long time but only recently started travelling around. Never been to Japan before now, I come from Europe.” Her accent would make it rather clear that she wasn’t a local, her Scottish accent fairly strong. She was proud of it though and wouldn’t change it for the world. “I take it that you live nearby then if you’re able to get here so quickly?”

She assumed that the woman wasn’t in the Vandenreich, judging from what she said about her lack of contact with other Quincy. Meninas could understand that, not having met any other than her own family until she started travelling.


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Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:45 pm
Thankfully Meninas was gentle, it wouldn’t take a lot to hurt her. Though upon shaking hands Meninas would likely be able to feel how weak and small the sickly Quincy’s hand really was. “Oh thank you! I’ve practiced with my father! He’s an old fashion Quincy! He taught me pretty much everything I know” she explained. “Well. Minus the broom, I kinda learned that on my own~” she chuckled. “Flying helps a lot when the hollow can’t but yah in the air”

Nanaly almost instantly recognized the accent’s origin. She also had family ties from Europe. “Oh! Ich komme aus Deutschland!” (I’m from Germany). She spoke in German, despite her thick Japanese accent. “Well my dad is, Fischer is a German family! And my mom was Japanese. My dad has that thick accent!”

“Training? Did you lift an elephant? You’re huge…” she said in awe. “You’re like. Those superhero girls my brother finds in those comic books…” Nanaly laughed. “My dad is a professor at a nearby university. So yeah. We live close, just the 3 of us!”

Last edited by Waffles on Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:11 am
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“My father taught me how to fight like a Quincy too.” Meninas replied with a small smile, remembering her early lessons with him. He’d taught her everything she knew although sadly he hadn’t been able to teach everything that he knew, as much as she would’ve liked him too. All she could do now was keep in her thoughts and do her best to make him proud, hoping that he was looking down upon her fondly. “Built like a bull and seven foot tall, he was even more of a giant than me.”

She was able to pick up a few words that Nanaly spoke although German wasn’t a language she knew much about. “German, hmm? I’m from Scotland, a little further north and quite a bit colder in the winter. My family lived there for generations but it’s only me now and I thought it best to move along." There was a story there to be told but one that was rather painful for the six footer to speak of. It was still rather raw for her.

Meninas chuckled a little as Nanaly mentioned her size. “Like I said, my father was pretty tall and most of my family were. I was lifting cars from quite an early age. Strength was always something that I had in spades and I’ve always loved training.”

She couldn’t help but notice that Nanaly seemed to be quite the opposite in that regard and while Meninas didn’t say anything about it, the Sternritter wondered if her new friend was alright. Nanaly looked a little under the weather in the eyes of the tall Quincy.


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Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:12 am
Man, So Meninas and Nanaly were very similar in many different ways. Nanaly's father was quite a powerful Quincy, though after the death of her mother he took a backseat, focusing more on his job than his own training, focusing more on Nanaly than himself. "Damn. Your mom must be like... six foot tall and built like a..." Shit, she tried to think of more animals. "A bear!" She laughed, cracking a little bit of a joke. Was her entire family built like tanks?

"Mhm! I've never been, but I'd love to visit it sometime!" The Quincy chuckled lightly. "Long way from Scotland... Why Japan...?" She tilted her eyes, moving her broom forward a bit, so that she could lean forward closer to Meninas.

"C-c-CARS?!" That caused Nanaly to stop, Nanaly herself didn't have any lifting strength due to her body, but she couldn't imagine seeing another Quincy like her father lifting a car. This Menias lady was on a whole different level. "That's... crazy, like I said, Superhero..." Nanaly's tapped her chin before snapping her finger. "Yeah, that one lady in my brother's comic books, he would love you!"

With her broom, Nanaly would begin flying around Minias, circling her slowly, studying the woman. She definitely was pretty, and obviously huge. "Meninas, you're definitely the strongest Quincy I've ever met, what's your secret?" Once she was done circling Meninas, she would return to the front of the woman, a few feet apart, her broom slowly lowering as she touched the ground with her feet, this made the height difference MUCH more apparent between the two of them.
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Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:10 am
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Meninas had to chuckle as Nanaly theorised about her mother and while there was a hint of pain in her mind as she again thought back, the pink haired Sternritter knew that she couldn’t just avoid the past. She had to think of the good times rather than the bad. “You’re not far off. All of my family have been six footers at least and my mum was almost as tall as me. She had to be tough with both me and my brothers to bring up and they were a pain to begin with. Pretty sure I heard her growl at them once or twice.” She replied, carrying the joke onwards.

“If you like a cooler climate and lovely scenery then you might just like it. I inherited the family estate so I still have the family home. Leasing it out to the local farmers at the moment to help them out.”
She continued, happy that she was able to repay those who had spent their lives helping her family with the farmwork. “As for why here. Well, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about really. I’d heard a lot about it and I was curious. I haven't gone to one of the big cities just yet though, they kind of make me nervous.”

She smiled as Nanaly commented on her strength, as well as her brother's love for comic books. Meninas had always been taught to be humble for the most part and tried not to boast about her own power. There was only so much that raw strength could do anyway, as Ehefra had shown her during the spar between them although Meninas still believed that the Administrator had fought dirty. “Maybe one day I can meet him.”

When Nanaly finally landed and stood before her, the difference in size became rather stark. The pink haired woman could see in the girl’s face and form that she was rather delicate. She didn’t comment on it out of respect for her fellow Quincy but she noticed. “There’s no real secret or at least I don’t think so. You just have to work hard and put everything you have into your training. I worked in the fields during the day and trained during the evenings, which is why I’m built the way I am. It’s all about just having the willpower to succeed, as without it, you’ll never get anywhere. Most Quincy aren’t built like I am and I honestly feel like a giant walking among them but there are definitely lots of them who are more powerful in the Quincy arts than I am. I’ve got a lot of work to do to match them.”

“I take it you’re not in the Vandenreich then?” She’d then ask.


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Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:33 pm
A very light yawn escaped from Nanaly's mouth as she kept speaking with Meninas, she was enjoying their conversation, but there was just a lot to take in, at least for her. "Your family is crazy then..."Thinking about it herself, Nanaly, her brother, and her mother were all short, but their father was pretty tall, It's weird how that worked out. "Man. That's pretty cool~ My dad talks to me in German when he's mad" She could think about the... color words she knew.

"Oh! An Estate? So it must be a pretty big? Japan has a lot of weird people I can admit, we have a lot of Hollow and all of that"

Though when Meninas mentioned meeting her brother, it would no doubt be strange, he was... a lot different. "Sure. I could introduce you sometime! He doesn't live at home, but I can always text him!"

"I'd love for you to help me with my physical strength!" She flexed, showing off her almost paper-thin arms. "I... have horrible stamina, I'm super sickly so I can't physically exert myself..." Nanaly would explain, that this was why she was so frail and small.

"Vanden what now-" She rubbed her head a little confused. Outside of her own family a few others, she didn't know much about the Quincy.
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Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:57 am
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A smile crossed the face of the Quincy as she listened to Nanaly talk about her family. She could understand all too well about fathers losing their temper. More often than not, Meninas tended not to be the one being shouted at but she was still able to hear him giving her brothers an earful from a mile away. With his deep Scottish tone, it sounded frightening but honestly, her kin always seemed to deserve it.

“It’s pretty large, yeah, passed down over the generations as far as I know. My family have been farmers for ages and we’ve just kept remodelling it over the years. Not very modern though.” She answered with a short laugh. “Hollow activity isn’t that bad there although we sometimes had a few. Good practice, I guess.”

“Like I said, I’ll be glad to meet your brother when he’s around. I’m not sure how often I’ll be around here but I’ll try to visit from time to time.” Meninas then said, unsure about how her life in the Vandenreich would affect her free time.

Glancing at Nanaly’s rather frail state, Meninas wasn’t sure if pushing her into trying to become physically stronger was a good idea. She did look awfully frail but the pink haired Sternritter admired her determination to get stronger. “I’ll be happy to help you with any training you want to do but we’ll take things slowly. I don’t want to see you overexerting yourself if you’ve been struggling with your health. Small steps at first.”

Nanaly’s last comment caused Meninas to blink and her expression to turn blank, usual signs that she’d been caught off guard. Still though, she probably shouldn’t have been as she didn’t know much about the Vandenreich either until after she’d left home. “The Vandenreich are a group who protect the living world. A lot of us are Quincy but there are some members who aren’t.”


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