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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Soup For The Soul Empty Soup For The Soul

Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:25 pm

Soup For The Soul 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 196

“Are you fucking crazy?!”

7 months might not seem long for the older shinigami, but for Hono it was a while. She was still young after all. Hell, she would of called herself crazy not to long for what she was about to do.

Let’s just hope she isn’t a picky eater, that being said, Hono kept this recipe simple. Potato Soup. A nice pot could give her some dinner later, plus some to share with Elyss. It was an absolute win. It only took about 40 minutes to cook, so Hono got started. Onion and Potato was essentially all you needed.

Once the soup was finished, Hono took her ladle and scooped some into a plastic bowl, followed by a lid and a spoon. How… mother like.

So, if this bowl wasn’t for Hono, her girlfriend, or family. Who was it for?

As she walked through the sixth division she stopped at one door in particular, an officer’s office. Her right hand would knock, using her fingers to almost drum against the door, removing her hand from the door she waited, curious if they were even there…

Sixth Seat, Yuri Aiban

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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:13 am
Soup For The Soul HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

"Come in."

Yuri's voice was firm and terse as she called out from her desk. She was standing at her desk with a Map sprawled out over the surface. A number of reports in the process of being put away. She'd just finished reviewing incident reports connected to a string of murders in the sereitei. Just another nail driving itself into the Sixth division. A frown showed on her features as she let out a soft, annoyed sigh.

Why now of all times? She had been compiling the reports into a presentation that she'd be submitting to the Captain fro review. After all, withg everything going on, it wouldn't do to have Hakuyou poring through dozens of reports and doing all this himself. And so she was compiling the reports into a more concise presentation. All the essential information, as well as copies of the corresponding reports which were included in a packet should he want to review any bits of information more thoroughly.

It seemed she was having to do a lot of this shit as of late. Already her brows knit with in-laid stress. It seemed every facet of the soul society was under stress, and just when she herself had been ready to make a move toward a division transfer, something she'd intended to hold off, at least until things settled a little, what with the Hospital incident. But now things didn't seem like they'd ever fully intend to settle down. She'd have to figure something out.

Glancing up, she was briefly surprised, blinking a few times before she finally put on a calm smile, seeing who was visiting her.

"Well well, if it isn't Miss Kaen. To what do I owe the pleasure.. and" She let her gaze shift down to the container curiously.
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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:19 pm

Soup For The Soul 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 297

The door would slide open and soon the pink-haired Shinigami would enter looking at herself as she did, ensuring her uniform was clean and she had everything she needed. Her eyes glanced at Yuri for a second though the things on her desk caught Hono's attention. She figured she was busy, hell who wasn't? After all, so much was happening. She had some paperwork she needed, though one of the perks of being a lower seat is that, it was usually simple things, only taking a simple signature or being filed in the right place.

Hono was trying her best to help around, giving out some food and helping around the sixth any way she could. So why not give a little bit of food? Yuri wasn't someone Hono disliked, their relationship was a little more complicated than that. Hono found Yuri to be... well a bitch, that being said, Yuri still motivated Hono to get stronger, and after getting her ass kicked by her, she said something that stuck. She needed to be better at every aspect of being a Shinigami.

That was about seven months ago, and here was Hono with a promotion, a Shikai, and overall she was leagues stronger than she was back then. So weirdly, she was thankful for Yuri.

"Oh just wanted to peek in. Brought you some Potato Soup I made" With a simple answer, she placed the bowl down on Yuri's desk, along with a spoon. "Know everyone's been working their asses off, so it may help you unwind."

Hono had been putting a lot into her cooking lately, though she hadn't gotten an honest review. "How are things going...? Been a while since we last talked you know?" Unseated to Ninth seat since then.

"I've been training my ass off~"

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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:37 pm
Soup For The Soul HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri quirked a brow as her eyes were drawn to the bowl itself. Her head canted ever so slightly to the side as she surveyed the potato soup. How quaint. Still, the woman certainly seemed intent and friendly. "Tasty. I had no idea I was withint range of your Mothering No Jutsu. Very well." She hummed, using a finger to reel the bowl towards her. Shifting everything off to the side so as not to get anything dirty before taking a spoonful and taking a bite. Potatos after all. Her eyes shifted back up to Hono and she leaned back in her seat for a moment. "Things have been going. You're in our division, you should know things are busier than ever. Even more trying to keep our superiors from working themselves to death." She sighed, eyes drifting to a close before shrugging her shoulders.

"And in the interim, I've been looking at the other divisions at present. Here I was intending to switch squads. But well, the Sixth is ... in a bit of a squeeze. And so I can hardly dip at the moment." She shrugged, casually making note of her intention to change divisions. Something that may very well surprise Hono.

"So, you've been training hm? Glad to hear that. I've even heard you unlocked Shikai. Congratulations." She added, eyes closed as she took another bite and sip of her soup.
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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:20 pm

Soup For The Soul 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 310

This wasn't something she should be worried about, though she was worried her cooking would be judged harshly. Guess that's just that aura Yuri gave off, it was... strange. Mothering... I guess word of that was getting around huh? Elyss, Kaito, Chihiro, and her siblings. Though being motherly was better than being known for punching random people...

"Always good to spread the love a little bit no? Besides, you're a-" She paused and carefully thought about her next words, not wanting to come across as hostile. "Honest- I'm sure you'll give me a fair critique of the food~" Hono looked downwards as Yuri took a bite, soon helping herself to a seat, sitting on the other side of the desk. "Busy is an understatement. J and I hunted down this guy in the Rukongai. I had to do some job shadowing with the academy. And the whole Cabbage Crew..." She mumbled, really hoping that gang didn't become a hallmark of her career. "And that's all before the recent promotion. I can imagine being ninth seat is gonna be busier than usual."

Switching? Well that surprised Hono, though it did make a lot of sense, Yuri did seem like the Shinigami that would want to spread her wings and try other things. "Oh yeah? What squad would be able to handle you~" She teased a bit, soon leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs, finally relaxing. "First? I don't see you as a second or third type of person..." Hono was trying to think of the division and what she though Yuri was deciding on.

"I really should probably thank you for that." She awkwardly chuckled thinking about it. "I wanted to rub it in and show you I could. I've been working on all my skills honestly. Next time I'll make sure I don't go down as easily~"

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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:49 pm
Soup For The Soul HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri raised a brow at that. "Hm? Yes what am I?" She ventures with a crooked little smirk. Hmph, an Honest eh? She took another sip and bite of the soup as she lightly bopped her foot. "It's alright. It's nice and warm. Good after a long day. Nothing that will win awards. But it's certainly good caring food." She made note, feeling a little generous as she took another sip of the broth to clear her throat. Certainly listening to the woman's antics, she was certainly......pleased they were enjoying themselves. As one of the unseated, she still would be put onto the more errant projects. She almost envied them, but she was an officer for a reason after all. There was more than just choice duties to be had.

"I was considering Seventh in fact." She noted lightly, drumming her fingers as she took another go at the soup, a few bites this time before looking off to the side. "As much as I've learned about things here in the sereitei. I really don't know anything about the world of the living. A lot of shinigami talk about it. Their little vacations and the like. That sort of thing isn't my style. At least... that's what I initially considered." She murmured and closed her eyes.

"If I'm being honest, There's also other things I want to do. I was also thinking of the Second Division. Getting in practice with Kido. Or even third Division, I've always fancied myself a smart woman, and that sort of research and explorative function would be suited for me. I admit I'm not entirely cut out for it. But even so...I'd like to learn more about it. Even if that means just doing grunt work for their division, if I can learn something that might be nice." She explained, slowly letting the tips of her fingers trace slow circles on the wood of the table.

"Honestly I didn't know how to pick. And so..I believe I'll be joining Eigth Division. I won't exactly always get to pick where I'm placed I imagine. But it is the best way to get what I'm looking for. And perhaps discover other things I wasn't looking for." She pointed out.

Of course...she gave an amused little smirk when Hono mentioned what she intended to do. "Is that right? Does that mean that this soup was a bribe? In exchange for a spar?" She ventured.
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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:11 am

Soup For The Soul 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 362

"Oh, nothing. You're just a lovely woman..." She would smirk playfully, of course, Yuri wasn't going to get Hono to call her a bitch, even though it was mostly true. "I was gonna make something with a little more pizzazz, but I dunno your tastes. I usually like more spicy stuff, though recently I've been baking a LOT. Elyss likes cake, so I'll try to bake them for her every so often. Plus my little sister is young, and what little girl doesn't like cake?" Hono let out a little chuckle. "But besides training, I've been practicing my cooking" With a quick snap, she pointed at Yuri. "Hell if you tell me your favorite dish, I can bring you it, to flex my skills~" A win-win, Yuri got food, and Hono got to cook a new dish.

"I've met many people for the 8th. They're... a strange bunch, but you'll fit right in." Hono didn't mean that negatively, I mean she respected Yuri. "I should visit the world of the living more. I've been once. Right after I graduated" Shaking her head, with a light chuckle. That peanut butter burger was something else... Though Hono respected Yuri not wanting to go on a long vacation. " Regardless of what I or others say about you. You care a lot about your job~" The pink-haired girl complimented Yuri, that was a trait more people could borrow from her and Yuri.

Hono was silent as she listened to Yuri explain the other divisions she was interested in. Though listening to her and what she knew about Yuri, the eighth division seemed like a good fit for her. "As soon as I become seated you leave me~? How rude!" Shaking her head, she leaned forward in her chair, looking at Yuri closer. "Don't forget about me when you move to the eight. Kay?" She winked.

"A spar? My Zanpakuto isn't made for that. But hey, if you REALLY wanna see it and you really wanna spar... I wouldn't be against it~" Hono would stand up, and tap her Zanpakuto. "Kido, and Hakuda this time..." She thought back to what Yuri said the last time they fought.

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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:12 pm
Soup For The Soul HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri quirked a brow slightly as she listened to the explanation from Hono. She wasn't really bothered by these insinuations. That said, the part about what food she liked was fair enough. Not like she was someone who ate lunch out with the rest of the officers. She mostly did that in her office.

Hmph. An amused little breath at being told she'd fit into the Eigth Division. "The platitude is appreciated. And well. As for leaving? That has nothing to do with you. You're hardly on my mind often enough to educate my career choices." A sly little jab as she stood up and took a sip of her water. The notion of 'Forgetting' Hono certainly was an amusing one. She doubted many would go forgetting Hono. She was pretty distinct. One of those ...cutesy pink girls. With a little bit of lunatic sprinkled in there. Not to mention she was fucking a Captain. One tended to remember.

"Oh? Seems you've still got some overconfidence issues. I suppose I could humor you in exchange for the lunch." She hummed, giving a slow stretch of her arms up into the air as she walked around her desk. "But We'll have to make it quick. I have a few people I need to check up on this evening."
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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:21 pm

Soup For The Soul 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 252

Maybe once Hono knew what Yuri liked she'd make her some more personalized dishes. Aw who am I kidding, Yuri wasn't THAT special to her. However, the people she cooked for, mainly her two siblings, didn't allow her to experiment with different foods. Kids weren't gonna eat that kinda of stuff, hell even Yuri was inspiring her to become a better chef

"I'm only kidding~ Plus, I'm so great I'm sure you'll come to visit when you start missin' me~" Hono had a stupid little smirk on her face, seems she got amusement out of the stupidest little things she could find. Though that was pretty much Hono, anyone who knew her could have told you that. It was just one of the things that made her such a lunatic. "But I'm sure the eighth will be good for you" That being said, poking fun at Yuri wasn't gonna be nearly as fun, now that she was gonna be gone. Oh no... was Hono gonna... miss her?

"Oh~ Of course, I'll make sure to go all out so things end quickly ~," Hono said confidently standing up. Realistically she wasn't sure how she'd do in a fight against Yuri, but it would be better than last time. Regardless, Hono needed to hype herself up, and act confident to make yourself stronger! "Lead the way~ Let's make it fun!" She would also stretch with a light yawn, allowing Yuri the go-ahead, following the woman to wherever she decided would be appropriate for their spar.

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Soup For The Soul Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:02 pm
Soup For The Soul HEAD600__ishtar_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_jaws_okdol0928__sample-14bb8e3c69d4eeb2cd3ea815e9297955

A slow little smirk flashed across Yuri's features as Hono backed down. Yea that's right. She thought to herself, no shortage of confidence in herself as she walked out of her office, expecting Hono to follow along as she stretched her arms up into the air, a soft sigh escaping her as she then let her hands drop to her sides. Amused by the woman's inane commentary. It was rather adorable to say the least, but she kept that to herself as she led them out to the training courtyard. And some small part of her felt a hint of lament.

The place saw far less use ever since the whole bombing incident, she wondered how many of her coworkers were starting to slip up because of shit like this. Between no longer training regularly, not to mention working themselves ragged. Hmph. Whatever. Not like many of them were going to listen to her.

She came to a stop in the middle of the sandy clearing, a slow, and steady sigh escaping her. And she wondered.

How rusty had SHE become? When was the last time she'd ACTUALLY put her all into a spar? Aside from just.... messing around with students. Even before things had been so busy. How much had she actually been applying herself? She found her nails biting into her own palm as she felt a hint of shame at that. But no, she wasn't going to go getting mad at herself. These years in this division had been productive. Learning a lot about how the sereitei was managed. Don't focus on your shortcomings. Focus on the path forward. Lady Yui's advice rang in her ears as she turned and faced Hono.

"Kaen. I certainly hope that you've been improving. For all intents and purposes. This will probably be the last time that I'm at this training ground, representing the Sixth Division." She stated softly, a slow, rippling crackle sounding as she clenched her hands into fists, popping her knuckles in the process as her spiritual pressure swelled around her.

"I don't intend on losing."
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