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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:38 pm

Soup For The Soul - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 292

The pink-haired Shinigami kept a few feet back from Yuri as she followed her. Hono kept to her room when it came to training, with everything going on, she would cut back on sleep to get a few reps in. Being seated meant Hono had a lot of pressure on her, I mean she and J had already found someone with a bomb in her district of the Rukongai no less.

Walking into the training ground, Hono spotted one of the corners, where she did most of her training when this place was more active. It brought back some shaky memories, that was when she was new, a lot more... aggressive, she'd punch anyone she disagreed with. She was a bit of an infamous figure in the sixth, she needed to be a better role model for her siblings.

As Yuri spoke, Hono cracked a light smile and chuckled, why was she feeling... melancholy, I mean it wasn't like Yuri was leaving forever or anything. It took Hono a bit to figure out why.

With a nod, Hono would place her hand on her Zanpakuto, drawing the blade and holding it tightly. "And I hope you're stronger Yuri~ Last time you kicked my ass, but I'm gonna be a much better fight. Those words you told me? Get better at everything. Well, I'll show you everything I got!"

Hono herself would also release her pressure, showing Yuri how much it had changed since the last time. It was at this moment, that Hono figured out what was making her feel sad. It was the fact this was her last chance to show off to Yuri.

"Come at me..."
She took a deep breath, calming her nerves as she watched the woman carefully.

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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:04 am
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Yuri put on a lopsided smile as she watched Hono closely. She certainly remembered seeing how Hono had taken to her little spar before. though hearing what Hono's takeaway had been definitely caused her to raise a brow. "THAT'S what you took away from that? I rebuked you for neglecting your shinigami skills. I didn't say you had to be good at everything." She noted with a sigh and a smile, shaking her head slightly as she peeled her Zanpaku'to from her own waist and circled Hono in the training area.

Oh? Why was she putting off such an aura? Her head canted a bit to the side and she flashed a toothy little grin. "You look like you've got something on your mind Hono. That's the kind of thing that's going to distract you, you know." She pointed out with a hum. Raising the tip of her sword and moving the tip about in slow circles, as if searching for an opening in Hono's stance. Taking a casual, seemingly loose-gripped hold of her sword as she began closign in on the woman. Her eyes affixed to the weapon in Hono's hand. She'd been talking about Shikai. She wondered how long it would take for the woman to release. would she even bother trying to show off her other skills? Or would she go straight to shikai?

"Well come now. Don't keep me waiting~"

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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:22 pm

Soup For The Soul - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 221

Wait... Hono got the wrong message from Yuri. Shocking. Regardless it didn't matter, the fight was important. "If I'm not gonna be good at everything why even try? I have... some big people I gotta impress..." She wasn't going to name any names, but it would likely be obvious. "You know me~ I'm not gonna just half-ass it, all my skills have to be amazing~"

"Distracted? No. I'm more so focused on kicking your ass. Wouldn't be a good send-off if it's not a good match..." That comment from Yuri is what made Hono's brief moment of sadness, turn into a more serious one, she wasn't just gonna give Yuri a good fight, she was gonna win.

Yuri was circling her, and Hono didn't want to turn her back on Yuri, gripping her weapon, Hono made sure she faced Yuri, walking opposite to Yuri, keeping the same distance they started with. Hono knew Yuri was a strong opponent so she wasn't going to take her eye off of her.

As Yuri approached, she took note of her grip, which seemed loose, soon, Hono would chant, casting a Kido spell, the Shinigami shot a small shockwave towards Yuri, aiming at her hand. After her spell, Hono would rush forward, attempting to swing at Yuri, aiming for the left side of the woman.

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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:21 am
Soup For The Soul - Page 2 HEADE__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_virtu_al__sample-9c047315d5c38acc6cbe31f8916bc1f6

She rolled her eyes slightly at that and sighed. Well she supposed it was something that at least the GIST of her lesson had sunk in, if not what she'd actually been trying to teach the girl. Still, seeing the girl take on such an aggressive look brought a lopsided little smile to Yuri's face.

The sudden burst of a shockwave with Kido caused Yuri to raise a brow and flare her spiritual pressure, bracing herself from the impact as it pushed her back ever so slightly, that rush of air roaring around her as her eyes darted back up toward the approaching Hono.

"Oho, you've gotten faster!" She grinned from ear to ear as she raised her weapon to meet Hono's own. A clash of steel as she pressed the clash, applying pressure to Hono's grip with a sudden steely hodl of her own weapon.. Bulling toward the other woman, she pushed her blade up towards Hono, forcing them to maintain their own hold to keep her weapon from sliding off her blade and slashing her face or shoulder. Not bad form, still a little simple, but this was just the start, and those eyes of hers watched expectantly towards her kouhai.

"Bakudo Number 13. Nehan Seisha 涅槃精舎" (Temple of Nirvana)

She raised her free hand up to her lips and held a finger over her lips as she cast the spell, a sly smile forming across her lips as she....tested Hono. It was a spell designed for fodder. Unleashing a fall of black feathers around the both of them, a soft, calming sound of chimes would strike Hono's ears. For weaker shinigami or even hollows, the aura of reiryoku would be enough to make them flat out drop asleep on the spot if the caster was strong enough. But of course, with Hono, she'd simply feel numbness trying to creep into her body and mind, making her struggle to maintain herself while in that little bubble of feathers, assuming she didn't escape beforehand.

If she didn't, then she'd find Yuri lunging forward to execute a vicious kick to the side of her head, intent on knocking Hono to the ground.
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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:29 am

Soup For The Soul - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 338

Honestly, Hono's blood was already flowing, the woman really missed the rush she got from fighting like this. After all, cooking didn't exactly get her going quite like this. The thoughts of the fight flowed through her head, pushing every other thought to the side.

Hono had put quite a bit of force into that swing, the Shinigami would press into the clash as well, wanting to show Yuri just how much stronger physically she had gotten since their last bout. The last thing she wanted was to lose a hold like this. Though common sense in a fight would mean Yuri was gonna use this hold to her advantage.

"You think I'm gonna let something like that stop me? Come on... I'm stubborn..." She was starting to feel a bit of numbness and weakness. Thankfully the woman had the willpower to stay up. The second she felt the numbness she would push forward, and take a leap backward, putting distance once again between her and Yuri, attempting to escape from the feathers.

"If you want me to use my Shikai... you're gonna have to try harder than that!~ I don't want the fight to end so quickly..." She taunted the woman, a devious smirk on her face. Hono extended her left hand forward, hoping she put enough distance between her and Yuri as she focused. She knew Yuri was more skilled in Kido than her, hell Hono still had to use incantations, but Hono was gonna use what she had.

If Yuri was able to close the distance, she'd easily be able to stop Hono from chanting, if not she'd finish her chanting.

"Mask of blood and flesh, inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō #31! Shakkahō!"

Hono would cast the highest level Kido she possibly could, one she was finally able to cast confidently with the help she got from Mizu. A small red ball of flames formed in Hono's hand before it manifested as a beam directed at Yuri.

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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:58 pm
Soup For The Soul - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

She slashed viciously as Hono pushed back, following as the woman tried to back up, and so as the woman made that leap, Yuri attempted to punish them for trying to back out of that pressure with a slice across the woman's shoulder, that smile widening all the more as the woman valiantly resisted the effects of her spell. "Oh? And who said I wanted you to use shikai? There's a few people here but we'd want to put up a barrier if I was to authorize the use of Zanpaku'to" She teased. Turning to the side and waving to a few nearby members of Second Division. The pair promptly saluted and encircled the fighting area. Promptly erecting a barrier as Yuri turned in time to see Hono chanting.

A casual smile on her lips as she watched the woman chant.


The release phrase for her shikai was unleashed, pale white blooming along the length of the sword as it became bone white. Raising her weapon to bear before she let out a slow, steady sigh. Eyes drifting to a shut as that full powered kido surged in her direction.

Shizumeru 静める - Hush

A clean twisting slash of the blade, not using her zanpaku'to's innate abilities, but rather a simple zanjutsu technique to unleash a burst of wind amidst the slash with the flat of the blade, batting into the incoming kido spell with a swell of her own spiritual pressure and physical strength. Causing that Shakkoho beam to detonate upward, that force shoving the explosive burst of flames upward and outwards, cascading into the inside of the barrier and raining as embers around the woman. Though of course, she'd expected a ball rather than a beam, and so some of that attack had still gotten through, singing the woman's shoulder as she tisked softly.

"My goodness. Not bad." She hummed, glancing at her singed arm as thin white roots spread over her skin. Smoothing over the skin as pale white flowers grew where those burns were, no less than four blossoms blooming along her skin as the roots mended her flesh. "Awfully innovative." She chimed before vanishing with a shunpo. Her speed amplified by the strength of her release as she closed the distance between herself and hono and promptly slashed clean down from shoulder to hip, aiming to cleanly slice through core muscles. But of course, Hono would almost instantly feel the pain assuaged if hit hit. As roots and flowers would spread and grow through her flesh, flowers sprouting as they'd close the wound immediately.

This was the ability of her zanpaku'to of course.
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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:16 am

Soup For The Soul - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 474

Yuri's slash connected with Hono's shoulder, causing her to let out a yelp, Hono exhaled, as she tried not to stagger too much. A barrier? Man that made Hono feel pretty powerful, though her Zanpakuto wouldn't cause any large area damage, regardless she couldn't object.

The words that came from Yuri, were familiar. Yuri's Shikai, not even that long ago she was beaten down by. She remembered the flowers, assuming Yuri hadn't had any changes in its ability since then. The thorns were nasty. Though Hono had the element of surprise, Yuri wouldn't know what her Shikai did, so Hono would keep it secret for as long as possible. Her spell launched while she was casting that.

Would Hono get in trouble if she used her Shikai? She wouldn't have a chance to think about it much more. Her spell was stopped by some of Yuri's wind. Hono would stand, watching the flowers cure her wound, during this brief respite, Hono strategized what she was gonna do.

Yuri's release made it a lot harder for Hono to react to her sudden Shunpo. Yuri easily widened the gap between the two women, Hono would go to parry but was just too slow, causing her to let out a loud painful squeal as she felt her. Thankfully she managed to step back before her hip was sliced, only causing her shoulder to be sliced as the flowers made root, it was definitely painful...

"Fuckkkkk that still hurts like a bitch..." She didn't squeeze her arm, not wanting to be taken out with just one hit. Hono would attempt to Shunpo backward, wanting to recreate the gap that was there just a moment ago.

If Hono was able to get her distance, she would grip her Zanapkuto, quickly as she began grinding it against the ground. She wasn't going to be able to win this battle if she didn't use her Shikai to close the gap.

"Breakthrough..." As Hono spoke, the blade of her Zanpakuto seemed to break and begin to rapidly rust. "Kazagumowari." Her Shikai was a black cleaver-like weapon, a smaller weapon that appeared rusted, with several cracks and chips in the blade.

"You were eager to use your Shikai huh~? My shoulder may be hurting like a bitch right now... but I'm gonna make sure this hurts!" The thought that she could hurt Yuri completely escaped her mind, I mean these flowers hurt like a bitch. Hono would attempt a feint, raising her blade to slash to the left, aiming for the arms. Going for another Shunpo, though she aimed a bit to the right, moving to the right of Yuri as opposed to her front.

Should Hono's attack land, Yuri would feel nothing, but probably some discomfort in the area attacked, and small fragments of Hono's blade would be put inside the wound.

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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:58 pm
Soup For The Soul - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

Oh? The struggle that Hono was having had her canting her head a bit to the side. "It seems you haven't quite improved as much as I expected. Some of my other students have grown almost alarmingly. But I suppose it's not fair making such a comparison." She smiled nice and slow. The sudden look of agony showing on Hono's face was more than enough proof that the girl still wasn't taking well to the growing of her roots through their body. Of course, in terms of those agonizing thorns, she didn't use those. She wasn't here to torture Hono. But even so, just the normal roots were still an intense experience.

That said, the release of the girl's Shikai had her perking up slightly. "Oh?" She ventured, eyeing the cleaver and offering a slight chuckle at the sight of it. The thing seemed to be falling apart. "To think that your zanpaku'to would really take such a shape. what do you think that says about you hono? HAs your resolve and determination really deteriorated so much? Or are you simply breaking yourself with all of these notions of ambition you have? She ventured, promptly flipping her zanpaku'to and sinking the blade into the ground as she raised her chin and looked down her nose at the woman.


The sharp hiss of a blade striking sounded as Hono aimed to strike at Yuri's arm, and instead connected. A loud crack as Yuri's hand flattened and chopped at the incoming blade with enough force that the metal sang, her skin hardened by reiryoku through a hakuda technique as she struck the blade head on. But even then, a very shallow cut formed. One that was rapidly overgrown by roots, thorns crawling along her flesh to form a serrated chainsaw-like edge. And so with the Shunpo, Hono would not feel flesh, but hard, iron-;like thorns slammiong into the edge of her blade as Yuri's hand chopped into her incoming blade, the gnarled teeth of those thorns clenching, locking the weapon in place as roots grew up from her sliced flesh. barely hurt. And Yuri promptly narrowed her eyes.

There was a sudden gush as flesh, roots, and thorns were ripped clean from her hand. Having grabbed the parts of her shikai embedded in her hand, she tore it all out in one fresh go, a sudden spray of blood splashing across the ground as she tore the wound back open and then some, a soft clatter as the thorns dropped to the ground along with the flesh that had been wounded. As new roots spilled in and filled in the fresh wound, now rid of the spot that had been struck. "I wonder. Some sort of poison? Does your weapon give tetanus? Well, I don't quite expect to find out." She murmured, sliding back from Hono as she took up a defensive stance, her Zanpaku'to still on the ground, seeming entirely focused on fighting Hono with her bare hands. Already new thorns and vine was slithering along the wound, closing it back up, those gnarled thorns growing, along with a pale white flower in contrast to that bright crimson-stained vines and roots.

"So. What DOEs your Zanpaku'to do hm? It barely seemed to cut. Looking to poison me? Damage my Reiryoku network? I confess, Kaen. If you fuck up my training I have planned later. I'm going to have to make you pay for it." She muttered with a slow, growing menace to her voice. That calm, graceful visage slowly begoming a bit more intense as she recognized Hono's zanpaku'to might have some nefarious ability. Tch, well at least this would be an excuse to get some extra sleep later.
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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:14 pm

Soup For The Soul - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 463

"You're a bitch. You know that..." She retorted back. Hono couldn't come up with a snappy comeback, so she defaulted to that. The pain wasn't helping her through the processes. Though as she thought about it, maybe this was Yuri's plan. Yuri knew that Hono could be a hothead. Maybe she was trying to cause Hono to choke? A soft exhale as Hono calmed herself. Letting her Zanpakuto do the talking. Hono took a soft breath, as Yuri analyzed her Zanapkuto. Yuri talked down on the appearance of the blade, once again these words would simply be ignored, at least right now.

Hono was fully expecting to strike Yuri with her blade, though Yuri's hand stopped it?! Hono was fully expecting Yuri to use something else to block. Despite that, Hono would push into Yuri harder, finally managing to slice through Yuri's flesh, which was all she needed! Yuri likely felt lots of pressure, Hono was pushing her blade harder trying to cut deeper.

Yuri moved back, though as Hono watched the wound close up on her. This was where Hono decided to respond to all the comments Yuri had made. "Oh come on. Determination deteriorating? Do you think I'm that weak-willed? Your Zanpakuto is about thorns huh?" She smirked. "Is that supposed to mean you're a thorny bitch?" She spoke, holding up her cleaver as she rubbed her finger against the flat part of the blade.

"Feel the wound..." Hono paused giving Yuri a moment. "I'm not just gonna give away what it does, but those pieces of my sword you should feel in your skin isn't good for you"

"Though, I dunno if I can show you what it does, I'd rather not get in trouble." Hono would flourish her cleaver before pointing the weapon towards Yuri. "Make me pay? How are you going to that~?"

With a breath, Hono decided to show Yuri what her Zanpakuto could do. Hono did another Shunpo, aiming for the opposite of Yuri. Attempting to simply slice her arm yet again. Hono would wait for Yuri's retaliation. Regardless of what happened, Hono would shout.


After that, (should the fragments of her blade still be present inside), Yuri would feel her body heat up, a burning feeling underneath her skin. The fragments would quickly attempt to meet in the center of the impact(s), slicing through the inside of Yuri, as they attempted to meet in the middle, burning up after their attack. To Yuri, it would feel like an attack from the front and back of the impacted areas. This would be where Hono finally explained her ability.

"Kazagumowari leaves behind fragments in whoever I cut. I can cause these fragments to rend, making them meet in the middle and cut things clean in half..."

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Last edited by Waffles on Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Soup For The Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Soup For The Soul

Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:59 am
Soup For The Soul - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

Yuri's smile only widened at the reply as the two of them clashed. The Aggressive shoving of the woman's weapon certainly seemed to try and get in deeper. The pressure from Yuri's spiritual energy and the growing thorns certainly was sufficient enough to keep up against it for the time being. Though as the two of them separated, Hono's question caused a smile on Yuri's lips, one wider than the passive smirk she'd had before.

"Hmmmm~ Many flowers have thorns. It just means you have to handle them delicately. " She stated simply, gently running her fingers along the flower that was growing from some of those burns from that initial Shakkaho. Though it wasn't long begore Hono attempted to attack again. Her eyes darting toward the woman as they slipped in behind her. Her own weapon lancing into the path of that blade. But not to intercept. The cleaver would slam into the throrns in Yuri's palm as she caught the weapon itself, the blade grinding against those hard thorns, sparking as the little chips of fragments would clink off, simply falling to the ground rather than being left inside Yuri as was likely intended.

The Command however caused a shift in Yuri's expression. The sudden spiking burst of heat all around her as she noticed all those little flecks on the ground burning viciously, and the roots of the thorns she'd ripped out of her hand before suddenly were slashed, sliced clean in half, as a cut tore across her wrist. A fragment that had been left behind when she'd pulled it up by it's roots before.

But she did not falter in her intentions. In the same breath that she sucked in a hiss of breath from the pain, her own zanpaku'to tore across Hono's chest as her hand kept the woman's zanpaku'to at bay with the grip of her thorn-armored palm, clanching her fingers to lock that blade in place, forcing Hono to take the slash or abandon her weapon so long as everything went well. But rather than those soft, kind roots, Hono would also feel thorns digging through the wound if Yuri managed to land the hit, thorns that would pry and tear at the flesh as they grew through the fresh-made gaps.

A dry smirk played across her lips.

"My my my, How menacing. But I suppose thats only a concern if there are fragments on two sides. Or...." She gritted her teeth as those thorns in her wrist twisted and grew further, before a soft clatter sounded, the sound of those fragments being pushed out of her body, clacking to the gloor. "They haven't been removed." She noted with a pleased hum despite the pain. "But I suppose I can hardly say much of anything. My Zanpaku'to leaves things behind when it cuts things as well." She grinned, as the wounds, be it just that first wound she'd inflected, or the new wound if she'd managed that hit against Hono's chest, she'd feel thorns aggressively spreading from the flesh, pushing deeper into the woman's body and biting into the surrounding flesh, causing them to bleed again.

" So....what else can you do with the fragments, hmm? Or is this as much as you can currently manage with your zanpaku'to?" She ventured with a slow, smug smile.
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