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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:16 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

Ugh, pulling blood and organs out of these things never got easier, even with manipulating the container's shape a bit to funnel everything in and close it up, a calm twirl of the finger asking the container full of blood and organs to circle shut, like a retracting flower, cleanly forming a dome. Least she was getting better at that.

"Uh. I sure do live here, and haven't seen anywhere else." Was her only meaningful response to a question that felt so obtuse and nonspecific to her. That was like getting excited about clouds, or water, or dirt.. Earth was Earth, it's whatever...

"I.. Guess? That's sure how perception works." She brought another jar beneath the crevice of it's opened underbelly, the last one she was willing to fill up - these hollows were huge and she wasn't eager to stick around long enough for another of it's kind to come down snacking on it's corpse. But as she worked, she realized he was staring at her, nose wrinkling and looking up at him,

"What are you, five?" A gentle sneer was given with her question, "Is gawking at me gutting an animal that fun?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:26 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 P7TCLSM

"Yes. You said it yourself, Hueco Mundo must be boring. Would this event before me not stroke my curiosity, considering I know nothing else but endless deserts?"

Countering her obvious distaste in his actions with subtle badgering about her own statements, he smiled gently. He means no harm, but he cannot help but feel he's being regarded as an enemy. This woman is wise, but who would show any less before a stranger, especially a strange Arrancar?

"Earth is Earth so you think nothing of it, but Earth is an entirely foreign beast to me. Everything and anything is interesting enough to warrant close inspection. I do hope I never grow bored of Earth as I have Hueco Mundo."

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:21 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

Hm. Guess even guys who went about gutting these things wouldn't have witnessed an intentional, methodical dissection like what she was doing, so she guessed he had a point there. Not that she felt too eager to correct herself out loud apart from a passive 'mhmm' as she carefully severed the innards in her gloved hands, "Guess all I can say is be careful of the brainless hordes lurking around here, worshiping some Asher guy. I'm being for real when I say brainless, they act like a bunch of overzealous zombies; they'd probably swallow you right up just for having a 'curious glance'."

She thought for a moment, if she should bother telling him the bundle of things going on her head, but given her intent to ask him some things it was safe to say she could just give a broad warning in exchange, "Watch out for the Americas, absolutely crawling with Vandenreich guys in the North, if you go down south you're safe enough from them, dunno about if you'd be safe from what's there - heard some thing or two about hollows and arrancar going there for something, but I don't have anything deeper nor have I intentionally gone down there for anything; just seemed like trouble. Careful out east, too - that's where most Shinigami are; most of them do their "busywork", but some of those idiots might be extra stupid, go against their job description, and try to kill you."

With a final turn of the finger and the sealing of glass, she carefully popped a container open next to all of her things, putting the blooded coverings inside before cautiously closing the container. Eugh, she didn't want extra shit to clean off of herself. As she went about stacking the containers, she'd think for a moment,

"Hmm, you could check out a few places in Europe. Denmark's beautiful this time of year if you're interested in flowers. Italy's pretty alright too, if it didn't have so many people.. Spain too. Just don't fuck with people and you can see a whole lot, I guess."

Getting her things together after counting them at least three times, she'd look his way again, "So... Alvah, was it? You mind telling me a bit about yourself? Particularly abilities or unique physical traits.."

With how quickly she got a pen and pad in her hands, one would swore she spawned them from nothing.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:12 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 P7TCLSM

Hmm? Well, well, well... This is a rather sudden exposition of information from this lovely lady. He did not expect her to open up as she did, but he must say; rather impressive and appreciated. Of course, he already knew of this Asher individual, not through meeting the man, but the grape vine extends far when a potential world ending crisis emerges.

There were rumors that he had means of controlling Hollow from first hand experiences, so he had held his curiosity at bay, and Catherine pretty much made superstition fact. Regardless of that though, the rest of her knowledge stuck. The many areas of Earth sounded interesting enough, but he's sure that mere words aren't enough to capture their splendor. He will surely visit each area as he can.

But, of course, there's always a catch. Her many words came with a price, and their price is but a simple explanation of his character. Well, that is not what one would call costly.

"Why, thank you for the information. How do I put this? It is hard to explain my ability outside of a battle, but I am not keen on senseless violence. In the lightest way, let me expound that it takes a person's breath away."

A bit trollish with his wording, he smiled before a light chuckle broke his visage.

"You will get more from me in an actual battle than from notes, so if I may ask, let us journey for a bit together, and once we are in a suitable spot, I will show you everything you wish as thanks for your assistance."

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:53 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

Already was she furiously writing away at the pad in her hand, surface level information and potential questions to be answered, but of course a demonstration was needed - all of the, admittedly few, instances she got to nail an Arrancar down for research, some manner of showing or fighting them herself was needed to get information out. Not like she minded, it was just another opportunity to grow her knowledge on them.

"Yeah, i'm about done here. Just gotta get this shit all locked up in my trailer and hide my bike. Would be better to go someplace clear on foot."

Containers were carefully placed atop each other on the back of the small hitch, covered up as the ginger hopped on the bike and put on her rather unique looking helmet, the face of it clearly that of a Hollow's mask.

"Be a few minutes," A gloved hand waved as a growling engine started, orange locks flying behind her as she vanished into an enclosure of fallen buildings, a few minutes indeed passing before she suddenly appeared by him with a flicker and a momentary pulse of green energies at her feet, "Alright, let's go."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:08 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 P7TCLSM

He is not an unforgiving creature, finding enjoyment through meandering about than searching out confrontation. Though, he is adept at bothering someone, life goes by smoother when you do not have to exist in a weary state. Maybe Earth will provide him with an alternate form of entertainment that quells the dull desire for conflict. Time will tell, but for now, he must perform for the lovely lady before him.

He allowed her the time to pack her things and return. He will ask about the vehicle she used later. He has never seen anything of the sort. Her helmet, for what it is, to him, was a bit of a cute accessory. It had enough morbid meaning that only someone like him would find it amusing.

"Yes, my lady," He nodded as she appeared again, using a technique he knows nothing of to return to his side.

She may have his questions, but with every new action taken, he finds himself back at ground zero. Already, he's been met with things not even his imagination could fathom. Hopefully they will have enough time to go through every detail of each other, for he is not afraid to share if it means his understanding of the world grow just as vast.

Regardless, he began walking, leaving behind the carcass that will soon feed some other creature for the perfect area to quench Catherine's thirst.

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:27 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

"Okay, this is a good enough spot; not too close where there's a whole lot nastier things hanging out, but not too far out as to hit any Vandy patrols." Closed eyes and focus spread, Catherine got to scouting the area with her Signal. It only took a moment or two for her to have a scope of what was here, pointing in directions,

"From closest to farthest; smallfry a few meters southwest, caught some inkling of a bigger guy a little to the north, or, if you're feelin' spiteful there's a Gotei patrol, quite the whopper of three shmucks."

A wide grin placed on her face, particularly with that last one, but it dropped back down in a moment, "Or, we could fight. Choice is yours, big guy."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:49 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 P7TCLSM

Ah. She has her own form of Pesquisa? What is she exactly? Alvah wondered if her interaction with Hollow-kind extends further than he first thought. It will be interesting to see her in action, but that leaves the question of testing.

She pointed out three different targets, but Alvah, for what it's worth, would like to avoid any Gotei interaction. He is new to Earth so instigating a force that he is incapable of handling would be ill-advised, but he did make note of Catherine's heightened enjoyment after she had finished with a raised brow. She has issue with Shinigami? He has only heard of them through others, but he understands that they are a force to not take lightly.

"Hmm... My abilities are not suited for fighting multiple enemies," He mused, which isn't an exact lie but somewhat untruthful due to the nature of how his ability works, but this isn't supposed to be a tiresome endeavor. He is simply showcasing himself for her, but he did take a moment to ponder, folding his arms with a finger on his chin.

"We may participate against the larger Hollow or take on one another, lady's choice."

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:11 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

"Really fixated on all this 'old values' way of thought, huh? How old even are you?"

It was kind of funny, the way the arrancar spoke and carried himself. Unless it was all a big madman's act, he seemed to care a whole damn lot about this gentlemanly behavior, which was a first for her to see in an Arrancar. Normally they were on the swing between ferocious and vying for power, or quiet and tucked away with very little in-between. From what she heard about Hueco Mundo, it sure did encourage either of those behaviors - either you were out swinging it or you were hiding from the guys swinging it, or you were too strong to care about the swingers and just wanted to be left alone. How much of that was nurture, she wondered? Were they like that because of how rough it was being in that desert, or did they shape the place to be that way? Either way, she was likely engaging with an interesting outlier to this pattern she discovered.

Deep in thought for a moment, and perhaps a little disappointed, it'd only be ceased with a snap of her fingers, "Guess taking you head-on should work for now. Don't have my weapons, but I fare just fine hand-to-hand, so don't be too worried about offing me by accident. We're far enough away that the commotion shouldn't draw anything in."

Making a few strides away from him, she'd cross her arms and await his decision, "Lady says you get the first move. So move it, unless you want me to kick you in the dick."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:47 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 2 P7TCLSM

"Where I'm from, being kind is a lost trait..." Is all he had to offer her for her inquiry for now.

She quickly made her move, so he prepared himself. It has been a while since he's had a proper brawl, so he hopes Catherine provides him with ample exercise. Though, he smirked, amused by her comment about her privates.

"Let us enjoy ourselves, Catherine."

Since she has no weapon, he will wait and see her capability before drawing his Zanpakuto, but he's also an ample hand-to-hand fighter. His one arm that he kept hidden stayed that way for now. Even with only one arm though, pulled back as he parted his legs and bent his knees, he's not going to let her think him lame.

Sonido used, he blinked as he launched himself forward, appearing before her. Whether she's ready or not, he pushed his arm forward, his palm out as he went to press his strength against her defense, a rudimentary sumo slap to open things for their bout.

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