Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:18 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 JDM0KOS

"Catherine Reed"

Hair was a mess, her top and pants were cut, she was covered in dirt.. Yeah, that was the end of this little exercise. Well, at least he didn't seem bothered by her little mental breakdown, so she'd carry on like it didn't happen, slowly walking toward him while holding her sliced hip. Sighing fully, she'd take a look at the wound on his shoulder. He seemed pretty out of it himself, and definitely wasn't the healing kind - not like she met many of those, they were on the rarer side.

"..I'll get you patched up." It wasn't like she expected him to know how to wrap a wound, besides it was simply a transaction for going off the edge for a while; she didn't feel bad or anything.

"Wait here, nothing should be close enough to cause problems." With that, she'd disappear with a step, heading to where she had hidden her bike and belongings, hastily pulling a medical kit from one of the saddlebags before making her way back, minutes upon minutes later.

"Kay. Doesn't seem dislocated..." Popping open the case, she'd put gloves on and pull a jar of off-white ointment out, unscrewing the cap, "Hold still. It'll sting."

She gave little further warning before she began treating him.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:15 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 P7TCLSM

He knows perfectly well it'll sting. This sort of treatment may be new to him, but covering any wound left a satisfying ache that lasted for quite a while. This is not his first rodeo after all, the lingering darkened lines of scarred skin littering his person, but he did find it interesting that she was caring for him, not because she had a desire to do so, but because it was the fair thing to do. Catherine is a woman that could only be equated to a messy painting that only adept scholars could decipher.

"You worry for nothing. If your rampage was not enough to dull my mood, then a silly paste will- Ah!"

Well, the sting did come, and he was not ready for it bite as it did. The sensation is far from being cut into, but it did make him wince. However, he took that time to investigate her, seeing how she acted to help him before herself. She may speak of simply paying a favor and whatnot, but her silent kindness is not something he'll simply pretend doesn't exist. His slightly smug grin's enough to showcase his understanding.


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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:50 am
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 JDM0KOS

"Catherine Reed"

Yep, shit hurt like a bitch to put on but it definitely worked to keep it clean and help with healing. Her grandfather was usually a good-for-nothing jackass, but when it came to remedies or food he was usually quite on point. What an annoying thing to concede on, but credit's where credit's due. Peeling bloodied layers of clothing up far enough just to access the wound, she'd carefully dab the stuff on herself. Just because she had faster healing didn't mean she was safe from germs, and having an infection was not something she had any time for.

As she wrapped his shoulder, a stinking glare was thrown to his expression, only growing fouler with remark, "Yeah? What's so interesting? Don't tell me you're so sheltered that you don't know about basic medical care."

With a pin in it, she'd consider the wrapping done and secure. Anything else was just bruises, and she didn't have anything for that with her. It was a several hour journey back to the port.. Probably should hit a syringe so the pain doesn't distract her after the adrenaline wears off, could sleep it off with alcohol once she was back home. Busy hands searched the case for her little supply.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:07 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 P7TCLSM

"Sheltered? I'd call it quite the opposite. It is rare to see, ah, as you'd say, modern medicine, in Hueco Mundo," He explained finding her scowl entertaining.

"However, I must say, I'm more interested in you. I did not expect any assistance with my wound whatsoever, and your knack for violence is marvelous."

He chuckled to himself before staring at his left arm. He remembers that it was what triggered her and turned their battle extra spicy. Though, he'd not waste time ruminating over it as he produced his own bandages, his Reiryoku evident in them before he began to wrap his demonic appendage.

"Where do you plan to go from here?" He asked while securing his arm, looking up at her, his eyes a simple yellow of a curious nature. She had given him other areas to investigate, so he would probably head to one of them after they've parted. There are questions he would like answer, but he would not be pushy about them after she had given him a fun evening. Maybe, if they meet again, he will inquire on what occurred today. Well, not maybe... He's definitely going to ask.

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:07 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 JDM0KOS

"Catherine Reed"

Of course the horrible desert place cloaked in eternal night doesn't have even primitive healthcare, that wasn't surprising to her; nothing even grew there, so there wouldn't be much of a way to get to basic medicine. Cruel twist of fate, being stuck with the one world that never sees the sun. A rather nasty theory or two were in her head, but there was no point talking about that. Though when he brought up his surprise in her treating his wound, she'd roll her eyes quite obviously while gently shaking her head, getting a small case out.

"I do whatever the hell I want, and you not bleeding out in a wasteland aligns with what I want," There was no troubling to make herself even sound like she cared, "But sure, I guess if that was meant to be a compliment, i'll take it."

She really didn't want to lift her shirt in front of him, just hoping the ointment and healing factor from drinking his blood would be enough - as long as she didn't do any crazy maneuvers that would rip her wound back open. Interesting how the bandaging of that hand seemed to wrap itself, though there was some sense of unease with looking at those digits.

Finishing with a careful injection of a small needle, she was surprised by his whole still being here thing, asking her where she was to next. Looking to the side in thought, she wasn't particularly eager to tell... But honestly, if he was intent on killing her, he would have just kept using that arm. He wouldn't be asking so many questions. Staring at him in silent hesitance, she'd close her eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh,

"Americas, but that's nobody's business so don't go sharing that around. Do you need a lift?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:42 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 P7TCLSM

His life is what she wants? He wonders why that is, but he'll not search for some deep meaning to a potential surface level interaction. Basic decency probably demands she show some care for his wellbeing after putting him in his current state. However, what came next clearly added further proof that there is something a bit deeper here.

He perked up at the mention of America. That's where he's heard of other Hollow gathering at. It is a major reason why he has come to Earth. The culture is already so vastly different. Alvah wondered if the Hollow in South America lived completely different than the ones he know. In these outlands, things felt too similar.

"Thank you, Catherine," He mused, that same grin she despises making itself evident again. "There is much in the Americas that I wish to see."

It's pretty obvious what he's after on that side of the Earth, but all the same, Catherine's help is appreciated. She had seemed wary of helping him out, but color him surprised that she offered. For what it's worth, his curiosity about her is far from disingenuous. The desire to pluck at her strings and unravel her complex webbing has dulled, but he knows that bad habits will eventually rise.

For now, he'll stay on her good side. If nothing comes that is enough to create a rift between, then he'd rather keep her as an ally than an enemy.

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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:05 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 JDM0KOS

"Catherine Reed"

Her eyes were practically slits with how strongly she narrowed them at his smarmy little smile. He was lucky he proved himself to be an interesting topic of study or else she would've kicked his teeth in and stormed off. Her arm tensed from the injection, sighing softly as she would then move to pack everything up as the venom took it's moment.

"They're all fucked up from the recent war, but they're fine to visit, I guess." With a shrug, "One more sec."

Vanishing in an instant, she'd only appear after a few minutes, that unique helmet donned and her sitting atop a growling bike.

"Hop on, we're leaving."

He was annoying as fuck but at least he was proper and had something worth studying to him.
END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 Empty Re: A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah]

Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:57 pm
A Cut Too Deep [Catherine, Alvah] - Page 5 P7TCLSM

She cannot stand him. Fabulous.

He jumped up as she returned with her strange form of transportation. Its growl is similar to the monsters under Hueco Mundo. He will have to study it later. There's a lot of things he must study. She has brought to his attention an assortment of commodities.


Though, he was not entirely sure how to get on. Sure, there seemed to be space behind her, but would she want him there? Taking a chance, he dared to sit and pondered on what he should do next. What will happen next?

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