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- LillianVeteran Member
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:37 pm
"Catherine Reed"
The harsh cough and sputter of the bike finally drew to a miserable close as the red-headed mistress rolled up to the parking in her rather grisly gear, a hollow mask and feather-adorned helmet hiding her features with only her bright flaming locks spilling from it's confines. She was tired from a day of "poaching", was it really poaching if it wasn't illegal? All she knew was that she had a fat bag of claws from one of those nasty things from the one foot she managed to get off the critter before it got away from her. Maybe she could make some knives out of them, they'd fetch a good price; they're so damn sharp she can't even poke a finger against them without feeling the sting. Could've gotten more, but it couldn't be helped.
Her thick jacket and clothing hid the myriad of injuries she had, deciding to stop at an inn rather than going straight back to the boat. She was tired and it felt like her body was burning up, even downing a capsule or two didn't make the pain ebb. She just wanted to get some alcohol in her system and collapse into someplace comfy, scrolling and scrolling through nearby places before she nailed a good looking yet unassuming place.
Tired figure hobbling inside, she'd grunt in frustration - apparently all the rooms were occupied, damn listing lied to her. Oh well, if she had to sleep on the damn bench she would... At least wanted to get something to warm her blood.
On her way to sitting, she swore she saw a familiar pale face, freezing for a moment as she tried to conjure if this was a troublesome recognition or.. Oh, no, it was just her. That Arrancar she saw around the City and chatted with a few times, she seemed fine every time they spoke... What was she doing here?
"Buenas Noches, this seat taken?" The masked rider would ask, tapping a cautious finger on the back of the seat she intended to take, "Had a long day."
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:51 pm
It was easy to imagine the shock for the living. Those without the experience of endless, eternal conflict. Even hollows succumbed to it, but they simply did not survive. Those that did were the ones who could endure such an existence. The humans here were in that very process of being selected by this new pressure. Ironic that she would take up a task that was so very commonplace in hueco mundo on earth. To cull these beasts. But perhaps, did the finer details hide the devil?
Was the fact that she was acting in the interest of these humans make the act distinct from the cold calculated task she'd undertaken in her past. The motions felt so very similar. Perhaps, if she had more of a heart, she'd be able to feel the difference. The gratitude from humans had been numerous.
Would she one day feel some sense of joy in response?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Catherine. Though her mind had been distracted, she had still registered the familiar taste in her pesquisa when they had come in on their vehicle. Dark green eyes slid toward the human. A familiar humans. Not particularly the friendly type. But that suited Ulquiorra just fine. They got along without her having to emulate.
"It is not." She replied calmly, before sliding one of several drinks infront of her toward Catherine.
"If you would be so kind. I have received a number of drinks. I've also determined that they are not drugged." The arrancar prompted. Humans certainly became more friendly in the wake of gratitude. She'd saved a group of hunters from an Adjuchas. This has resulted in a fair ammount of gratitude, both verbal and material.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:03 am
"Catherine Reed"
She'd plop down mid-confirmation, hands reaching up to pull the helmet from her head, unveiling her tired dusty face. Not having the stench of blood permeating her nostrils was nice, and not having company that was super eager to jump down her throat about what she was doing was even better. Her gaze looked guarded, confused as a drink was slid her way, but even with the woman's assurance of them not being tampered with she couldn't help but do her usual inspection routine; inspect, swirl, smell, swirl, taste. Seemed safe...
"..Were you just accepting drinks from guys and not actually drinking them?" She'd tiredly inquire before taking a bigger drink, softly chuckling, "..I say that like that's unusual of you."
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:17 am
She took a sip of her own drink. The effects of alcohol on her were reduced, but still present. Even, so, she paused her sip to glance at Catherine as the woman removed their helmet and tested the drink. Eventually deciding that it was safe. Of which she made no comment. She was hardly familiar with the practice.
"The Inn Keeper also attempted to supply my room without charge." She added, taking another steady sip of her drink before her attention turned toward the woman. She was getting better at looking at people when she talked to them. "They seem well meaning enough. These are 'thank you' drinks. IT would be rude to decline them." Her statement was tailed by another sip as she took a moment to shift her attention pointedly at the woman's spoils. And then the state of their outfit.
"There is a medical tent just north of here as well. She added casually.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:06 am
"Catherine Reed"
Normally she'd meet comments like that with a roll of the eyes and intensive sarcasm, but she knew this one wasn't saying shit to elevate herself or being entirely socially blind; it was just facts being stated as plainly as facts could be, and even if she felt a brush of irate rise in her chest, she cooled it off quickly. Man this drink wasn't great, but it was similar enough to the cheap swill she normally drank; her only tastes of good alcohol were breaking into her vault of payments or gifts from clients she hadn't given to her old man when she ran out and felt like drinking. Not like she felt enthralled to keep drinking it, she'd be as bad as Isamu if she let herself get all caught up in gross worldly shit.
"Yeah but even if they haven't been touched, you gotta be careful who you're lettin' suck up to you," She'd say as the glass was downed, hardly looking up as she inspected the next, "Next thing ya know they think they're entitled to you because 'waah, I did so much for you, you owe me!'. Guys freakin' suck."
With a disgusted tch, her expression would relax with that offhanded direction to get fixed up, "I'm good. Don't need anybody but me treating my wounds. What does suck is that the inn's full, got any space for one more in that room, you think? Actually... Matter of fact, what are you doing here? I've never seen you too far from that city, much less so close to a danger zone. Never took you for a fighter."
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:05 pm
This One certainly was not one to pump herself up. Though she did attribute some value to the tokens. They were symbols of affection. An act that certainly was co-oped by individuals with nefarious purposes. But for the majority of these individuals, it was a genuine expression of thanks and connection. Recognition that she had changed their lives in the act of halting them from being suddenly ended. She felt nothing. But at the very least, she understood that hopefully someday she would.
"You did not strike me as the type of woman to allow herself to be emotionally coerced. The possibility has occurred to me. But consider yourself in their shoes. I imagine had someone saved you, you would wish to provide something so that you yourself do not feel indebted to them. With these.....offerings, they can feel in some small way as though they have repaid my coincidental kindness." She stated simply, taking another sip of her drink. "I've seen your handiwork." She noted, but did not offer an opinion along with the observation. She was fully sure that Catherine would be well aware of the quality of her own work, she was a big girl.
The passing venture in regards to the spaciousness of her room was not lost on her. "Oh? And to what will this act of kindness entitle me? Will it be you who next busy me a drink? The room is large enough, if you don't feel up to camping." Her question entirely serious. Curious if indeed, Catherine would find herself in the very same situation of feeling indebted.
"Then I am giving the intended impression. ."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:25 pm
"Catherine Reed"
Downing the next offered drink, her gaze would lift quizzically with Ulquiorra's assumption of character, "Sure, those on the more feeble or honorable side might think to pull their pockets out, but not me. If I didn't ask for help, i'm not gonna give anybody any compulsory reward - it was their choice to do something about whatever they were 'saving' me from; an unsolicited favor shouldn't require a reward."
Oh, she was starting to feel tipsy. Maybe lighten on the drinks til she was in a room or somewhere private, then she could take a hard bottle and black out for all she cared, empty belly be damned, "If they wanna feel complete so bad, their loss my gain."
Rubbing some sweaty locks of orange out of her face, how dirty she felt was really starting to sink in, like small itchings all over her body bothering her more than the throb of her bandages. Ugh, she wanted to bathe real bad, sickness was crawling in on her only to be distracted with Ulquiorra's comment of her 'handiwork'. She'd huff with a wrinkled nose, "Don't be smart. I wrapped myself good enough. I don't need a doctor."
Staring at Ulquiorra with a mystifying gaze for a moment, she'd blink, "Well the room ran free by you, so if you want somethin' back so bad I guess I can get you something from the harbor tomorrow or whatever. If it means i'm not sleeping outside tonight, I don't give a shit. Sec."
Getting up for a moment, she'd sway off to the counter to buy something, and was back in just a few minutes, "Hope you don't mind me heavy drinking, only way i'm sleeping tonight. Left my meds on the ship, so no all-nites for me."
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:21 pm
The woman's stances on such notions was noted, but otherwise she made no further comment. She had no particular 'skin in the game' as it were. It did not matter to her what motivations the humans had in their offerings. Her accepting them was for entirely selfish reasons after all. She had no feeling one way or the other of the reasoning varied from expectations. A glance to the side was given when Catherine halted and seemed to slow her drinking a little, whilst Ulquiorra had herself another measure sip.
"Then you had best be sure to clean up and redress your wounds to ensure an infection doesn't undo your hard work." Another statement before pausing as Catherine promptly seemed to him and haw about the situation. "Not in the slightest. But you're free to offer a compulsory reward if you wish." She took another steady sup before setting her glass down and closing her eyes. Hm. Three and a Half more drinks would be sufficient for a buzz. Six would mean partial intoxication. Thankfully, Cath seemed intent on making up the difference.
"If you make yourself sick you'll be sleeping on the floor." She warned, but otherwise made no attempt to dissuage the woman. A pause as she pulled out her phone and took a moment to glance over her messages. No notifications of work for her. Hm. She supposed she was being made to rest. She'd informed the supervisors she only needed sleep once every 72 hours. But it seemed they did not intend to encroach upon such a limit. It seemed she would not be called on for another few days, until she was 'back on rotation'. she glanced toward her associate, and then toward their belongings. Hollow remains. Well, at least she was keeping herself busy.
"I'll make sure to remember your preferred method of sleep aid."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:45 pm
"Catherine Reed"
She'd make a grumpy grunt as she collapsed back into the seat with that wayward bit of advice, grabbing another drink, "Yeah yeah. Y'say that like I haven't minded worse. I feel like shit anyway, i'd wanna take a bath soon."
Really riding the limits of her own patience to her state of cleanliness, she'd lounge in the seat in a manner one would call someplace between stiff and relaxed, it was a strange uncomfortable-looking way for someone to languish in a chair, that was for certain. Oh, so she didn't expect anything, figured - wasn't like she owed her nothin'... But she did ask for this... Fine, maybe she'll get her something from some harbor-side store and call it even there tomorrow.
Tonight, she just wanted to forget it all, "Way ahead of you. I don't gotta be sick to sleep on the floor."
Whenever the two were done with the bar, Catherine's swaying figure would make it assuredly to the room with little help, the bottle and two glasses placed on the nearest surface as she stepped into the small side bathroom to get undressed, slowly peeling off her bandages and rummaging through her pack to get a fresh roll plus a container of clearly homemade ointment ready for when she was out of the shower.
"Showering." She'd speak in a lazy tone as she vanished behind the steaming sheets.
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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]
Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:38 pm
"The rooms are equipped with bathrooms and showers. I would advise a shower given your plans to be drunk." She paced out the rest of her little sips, listening as Catherine griped and slowly sank deeper into the warm welcome of her inebriation. She would make sure that they didn't get themselves in trouble, her concern was mostly feigned, intent on softening the woman's inevitable crash than anything else. Less vomit on the floor.
It wasn't that far along that Catherine would clearly be ready to collapse soon enough and the two women retired to the suite that Ulquiorra had secured for herself. Catherine's announcement was taken note of and she briefly had a glimpe of a shirtless redhead stepping into the bathroom in order to clean herself. Leaving Ulquiorra in the main area of the room itself. It seemed more akin to an apartment now that she looked at it. It was a nicer Inn. This seemed to be part of an extension, one that perhaps would have eventually had this place set on eventually becomming some sort of miniature hotel.
Is was sufficiently spacious.
She glanced down at her own outfit and pondered washing herself. Simple and durable more than anything, she was wearing cargo pants and a leather jacket over a cropped top. With how long her hair was these days, it was almost perpetually in a ponytail for ease of handling. And finally, a little red bandana tied around her neck. A far cry from not only her uniform of old, but also a bit more practical than what she'd been used to in the city of lights. Killing hollows hadn't been particularly kind to it. Peeling off her jacket, she meticulously folded it and set it on the counter, glancing toward the nearby window, inspecting her reflection.
And those piercing green eyes stared right back at her.
She looked more human. But.....was she? She supposed in the objective sense, she had accumulated human tendencies. Accepting gifts. Protecting humans. Slaying hollows. Attempting to make friends. And in some cases, succeeding.
Did she feel different? She had expected her change of heart to be a shock. Something sudden and revealing as had been that moment where she had held her 'heart' in the fading grains of her hand in her once final moments.
But all the same. It was progress. She had all of the patience in the world. Slipping out of her boots, she promptly made her way to the couch and laid out across it's length. A light sigh escaping her as she stared up at the ceiling.
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