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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:23 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Steaming water licked her flesh and cleansed her body of the muck that itched her brain, washing her face as the ugly sensation of heat crept down her body. A discomforting retch or two could be heard from the shower, but it came up dry, panting as she shut her eyes and finished the shower with a flush of comforting chill water. Every time she felt that, was another time she was reminded of what she lacked.

Soon that spray of bright orange hair was visible as she emerged from the shower, fresh ointment and bandages messily zigzagging her torso with proper cover for her wounds, downing a capsule of some red fluid with a disgusted expression, shuddering slightly from the taste. She'd be back in order by morning, she just had to relax for the night. Neglecting to put her change of shirt back on, she only went about with sweatpants on, her skin visible beneath bandages - a well toned body held multiple, far too many peculiar dark marks staining her pale flesh, almost hand-like in appearance with proper inspection, crisscrossing upon themselves. She had no other scars or peculiarities of the skin, oddly enough.

"You don't have to pretend to care about me," She'd speak with a purely casual air, as if she were telling a friend to cut a strange quirk, "If there's anybody you can be one-hundred with, it would be me. I don't need people talking all sweet to me if they don't really feel that way."

Lazily pouring herself a glass of that high alcohol content drink, she put no ice or anything to water it down, not even taking it as a shot as she'd drink the foul liquid.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:07 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0229-005

The sound of Catherine would have alerted her if her pesquisa hadn't already. The unsteady gait was evidence enough, but when she turned and made note of the woman's partial state of dress, this confirmed her suspicion as to the woman's state of mind.

Hm. She wondered how frequently this occurred.

She sat up and watched as Catherine produced her dismissive comment in regards to her behavior toward the woman. She accepted that comment with silent contemplation, before she stood up and walked her way over toward the human. Those dark green eyes met the drunkard's gaze and she was silent for several seconds. Gauging the dilation in the woman's pupils and the shift of her muscle groups. She was gone for the night.

"Intent is not something that I project. That my observations produce a perception that I care for you is a matter of your own interpretation. I will, on occasion, impress upon a human that I am interested in them, and that I care for them. However, it is not necessary for me to make such an effort in your presence. You seem to come to this conclusion fairly frequently." She noted, pausing as she looked over herself. Running her tingers along a few tears in her cargo pants, small little things. They were delightfully sturdy.

"However, as I have told you before. And as I will tell you numerous times in the future when you have imbibed sufficient alcohol to become so verbose. I probably do not care about you as a human would understand such an emotion. But, functionally, your well-being is in my best interest, Catherine. If it is easier for you to frame that as 'caring', you're welcome to it. But I have a feeling that it doesn't." She noted plainly, setting her folded-up outfit on the counter beside her leather jacket.

"If you were a bird, Catherine. What type of bird would you be?" A question she left with the woman just as she slipped into the bathroom.

This was not the first time that she had witnessed this behavior from the woman. She had recognized that fucntionally, Catherine was now a blank slate. A reflective surface warped with human perspective. Nothing that she saw, heard, or said for the rest of the evening would register in her long term memory. She could be direct without concern for the woman's defensiveness. And, most recently. She had taken to presenting Catherine with these strange little questions. She'd discovered a list of them on the worldwide web. Questions to ask your friends and family. They were inane. Generally without any proper reason or purpose behind them. Open ended questions that, ultimately, were merely to pick someone else's mind.

Not once had she posed the question to someone and been able to provide one of her own that seemed to satisfy the other person. She did not understand why one would ask such a question. And so, two blackouts ago. She had decided to pose these questions to Catherine in a state in which she would not remember doing so. And.....slowly. She had begun to see the appeal.

Sometimes, Catherine would give an entirely different answer. Sometimes she would give the exact same answer as she had given before. Sometimes she refused to answer the question and began talking about something else entirely.

It was...


Initially, she had performed this experiment in hopes of helping herself learn how to answer these questions. But, she would admit. She was also simply beginning to enjoy Catherine's answers. She was already looking forward to what would come out of Cat's mouth once she was finished washing up.
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Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:38 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Ugh, she felt warm in the head real quick, but the cool of the room reminded her bare shoulders as she rested her upper body atop the table, swirling the glass of clear liquid as she'd periodically drink. Her attention was lazily dragged back to Ulquiorra as she answered her, eyes not leaving their fixation out the window at the swimming darkness of the sky adorned with the twinkle of lights as she'd hear her answer out, "I don't need anybody to care. If that's how you are then that's that."

There was that feeling of disconnection with her surroundings, warm and cold ceased mattering as she rested her head and her thoughts dawdled, til she was given an actual question of substance to chew at - What kind of bird would she be?

"Oh," She'd murmur, eyes fixed on the neutral tone of the table, "Bird. Birds, I know a lot of birds. What kind of bird I would be? Maybe a secretarybird. I could crush vermin underneath my feet. I could fly alone. I wouldn't have to care. But anytime I saw myself I would want to tear my feathers out, too pretty. Can't be that. I'd tear myself apart. Maybe an Albatross. I could fly forever. I wouldn't have to worry about what looked back at me when I flew over the sea. But they live in colonies. I'd hate that, the chatter and crowd would drive me crazy. I'd want to throw myself into the sea."

Her monotonous rambling kept going on and on, thinking of bird after bird after bird with clinical amounts of detail, until she sighed and shut her eyes for a moment, "Maybe being a bird would suck. I don't know. All of em have stuff going on that I don't like. Maybe a crow."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:00 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0229-005

She certainly thought these things through. The thought crossed her mind as she relaxed in the shower. lathering her hair and listening through the patter of the shower water as, without any further prompting, Catherine provided a steady stream of thought on the subject of what she felt about birds. An almost endless deluge of her own conceptions and thoughts. a menagerie of ....interesting little projected tidbits. That she hated being around others. That she hated the idea of being beautiful and might pull out her own feathers.

This continued even as she finished washing herself thoroughly. Emerging from the bathroom after having wrung out her hair, only to pause and glance toward Catherine as they continued to ponder the question that had been presented to her. "Perhaps a hawk. They are solitary and humble looking creatures." She interjected. A simple capitulation to the impressions that the woman had put in, and an injection of a potential answer. Something she could watch her work with as she sat herself on the edge of the bed and let her chin rest on her palm as she watched the woman's mind wind around itself.

"I suppose it very well may. They don't live particularly long."
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Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:11 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

She still kept going on and on about birds and birds upon birds under her breath, as if her mind was entirely stuck on the topic of birds in relation to her, she never seemed to settle on an answer, having resorted to pacing about the room in a defined line as she drank the rest of her cup. Her verbalized thoughts sounded increasingly compressed and meandering, nearly unintelligible at points as it sounded like she thought of a bird and sorted it into some form of mental venn diagram between 'too pretty' 'too social' and 'too weak'. It was unusual for her to answer such a simple question at such an incredible duration, but it was just one of those questions that made her brain endlessly branch.

"Vulture," She abruptly sat on a bird, "Probably a vulture. That sounds right. Even if what they do's important to the ecosystem, nobody would love something with such filthy hands."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:44 pm
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0229-005

She listened as the murmurings continued. In the meantime, Ulquiorra waited to dry, with Catherine properly distracted she could do as she pleased, and once she was no longer dripping, she made her way to her bag and started to get dressed again, crouching by her bag and looking for her pajamas as it seemed the woman had settled on a bird.

"I did notice the claws you had earlier. I suppose that's fitting." She added in her own two cents as she slipped a t-shirt in over her head. It was oversized, practically a little dress, which was the point with casual pajamas. Given the temperatures, it was similar to the city of Lights and so she settled with just the shirt.

"And what sort of bird do you imagine I would be?" She introduced a new subject. Now that she was dressed, she put forth a subject which would put Catherine's attention on her surroundings, as her own inner musings had so conveniently turned her mental eye inward, now it could be directed,m namely to Ulquiorra herself. Now in her 'pajamas', The Arrancar took a seat at the edge of the bed, and waited patiently for the deluge of words. Or perhaps, would there be one this time?
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Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:03 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

That glazed expression went Ulquiorra's way several times, barely reactive to her progressive state of dress as she muttered all manner of little ugly things about vultures being likened to herself, as if she were confirming to herself that it was her true answer. It only stopped when she heard a diverting question; what bird she thought her company as, freezing her in place as her dully colored eyes rested on her for a few moments, just a little too long.

"Snowy Owl. You have their piercing gaze. But you're also quiet and withheld. And you're pretty."

She'd sit back down with quite a lurch, pouring another drink with little issue as her gaze drew out the window, "Have you ever... Ever... I lost it."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:26 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0229-005

A Snowy Owl. She wasn't fully familiar with the details of that particular species, but she was familiar with what an Owl was. So an arctic owl, probably because it was white. Quaint. "'Specifically snowy? And why might that be?" She ventured, pushing the girl a bit further as she settled back against the headboard of the bed itself. Watching the human as their attention moved at odds with the alcohol flowing through them. No doubt their concentration was something difficult to grasp.

And of course, that compliment came along as well. But more than that, came a question, which wasn't too irregular, just a bit rarer.

Lost it?

"Some might argue I've never had it. But yes. Once." She stated softly.
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:07 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

With that prompting, the swaying lady would pull her phone out with a squint to the glare of the screen, taking far too long to put in what should have been a momentary typing to yield a result, before showing the screen to Ulquiorra; both with a horrific bastardization of Snowy Owl's spelling, and a gallery of pictures of the black-and-white creature staring back with a strong yellow gaze.

"See they're all... Black and white and hidey... Like you." Her bumbling tone got out, a huff of a laugh coming from her, "I meaant.. I meant I didn't remember what I wanted to ask... Umm... Oh, I guess I would wanna know if you like Hollows, I guess.."

It was a question she'd asked in some way shape or form previously, but here she was again asking it, "Does.. Being one hurt? Did... Becoming an Arrancar hurt?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:06 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0229-005

"Hidey. I suppose I may seem that way." She ntoed softly, eyeing the representation of the animal on the little screen as it was presented to her. Pronounced eyes. She imagined that her eyes were very striking for most, so it was an apt comparison so far as she was concerned. Though the following question certainly was an amusing one. Did she like hollows?

"I don't feel any partiuclar way about them as a whole. There are examples of both pleasant and unpleasant members of the group. As there are with any broad stroke of a group." She observed openly, considering if at any point she might find some way to 'feel' about them. She imagined humans did. They would likely fear or hate them.

"The process is especially unpleasant. From what I've been able to observe, it is agony. Arrancarization is ...intense. But it is a liberty to those who have been suffering for as long as they can remember. Though this too, is in some cases subjective. At the time that I was a hollow, I did not feel anything until my mask broke. But I don't believe that to be the norm."
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