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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:19 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Drawing the phone away from her company, she'd flicker through a few apps awkwardly before she opened her notes, even a small peek at the screen would present nothing more than a cacophony of stray thoughts and ideas; if she were sober she wouldn't have bothered with the questioning without pencil and paper, but she always instinctively pulled out a note app when she was intoxicated and something pinged in her mind to put it down. It was up to sober her to figure out what she meant.

Distinctly focused on jotting down whatever amount of information listening to Ulquiorra, she'd only stop when her body came down with a plop on the bed's edge, opposite of Ulquiorra. She wasn't interested in sleeping in it, it was just the most convenient spot to sit for the moment. A trail of thoughts was muttered until she finished, turning the screen off and sloppily placing the device on the bed with a soft thud.

"I hate em. I hate em with every fiber of me. I hate em so much I love em. I want to crush their skulls in, but I also wanna look at their gorey contents.. Pick them apart..." Her drunken figure leaned leftwards, until she finally sunk into a lay down, her expression some twist between joy and exhausted misery, "Guess you could call it a fetish. Or maybe my blood's talking to me. I dunno. I hate em, but I might be one, one day."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:32 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 HEADER_0229-005

She had seen the little note pad before. A mess in most cases. But all the same, she watched as they tossed their phone aside and ultimately laid out across the bed as she provided information. Information that, ultimately, she had been able to derive from their past interactions. Perhaps not this exact clear thought. But the topic had come up before.

"It's possible. A hollow will be produced in the event that a human is not capable of allowing themselves to pass on from the world when they die. If a shinigami is not able to cleanse them, they become a hollow." She stated, looking off toward the window for a moment before glancing back to the woman sprawled out across the bed. "I did not take you for someone particularly attached to this world." Words she had said to the woman before. Perhaps in different contexts, about different subjects, but the words would be familiar on her lips all the same.

"You could always wind up in soul society. Perhaps incarnate into one of the nicer, more peaceful districts."
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Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:39 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

A curling mess of orange followed her head as she rolled to the side, "I don't wanna."

She was silent for a moment or two, collecting thoughts as she didn't quite elaborate on that thought until her voice picked up again, "I hate them worse, those shinigami guys... The Gotei. I'd rather be a hollow then under their '''care'''. Fuck them, hope they burn to the ground screaming their lungs up."

Quite a hefty dose of hatred and vitriol was in her lazy tone, a far more distinct level of disregard than how she spoke of hollows. Hands tightened into fists, she'd huff, "Yeah Im attached to here. I'm gonna live as long and spitefully as I can, they don't get to touch me. I want that old bastard's shit anyway, so I gotta at least outlive his rotten ass."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:54 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 HEADER_0229-005

"Hm. Is that right?" Perhaps she might have been concerned. But this was merely how Catherine felt. How a human spoke and expressed themselves did not necessarily reflect the truth. Even in her inhebriated state, depending on the circumstances of her death, she might, ironically enough, swiftly pass peacefully into the soul society without any chance for something to happen otherwise. She might not even remember that hatred she so firmly clung to in these moments.

And yet, the thought did not sit well with her. She had .... an opinion. Strangely, perhaps feebly and not quite concrete. But some part of her was more comfortable with the notion that Catherine would at least have some choice in the matter. That seemed more ideal. An insipid thing to think.

Amused by this intrusive thought, her lips shifted by the smallest amount. The faintest hint of a smile for just a brief moment.

"You may need to become more comfortable with medical assistance, if you are so intent on living long."
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:16 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

"If it came to it, i'd claw the chain out of my chest before a Shinigami could ever accidentally bumble into me. I'd kill myself on the spot if I ended up where ever they send you... What.. Soul Society..? That. Yeah. Not like they'd give enough of a shit to stop me."

Her partially nude figure curled up on itself, as if she was trying to be in a comfortable position even with her bandaged wounds making that a challenge. It wasn't a conscious effort, but she was trying not to open them up again, marred skin laid bare as even in her current state she was hearing and understanding Ulquiorra,

"I don't need those crooked scam artists," She'd pull herself back up straight, glazed eyes staring down as her head lightly swayed, "They'd... Sooner poison me than fix me. I don't need their help. I don't want their help. I don't want them touching me. I wanna get more to drink."

With little fanfare, she'd get back up and dawdle back to the table, pouring another glass for herself.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 6:32 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 HEADER_0229-005

Ulquiorra watched as the woman coiled up on herself only to sit back up and start to head toward the kitchen once again. Having voiced her intent, there was no reason to guess. Of course there wouldn't be much there, probably just enough to get a few sips. Ulquiorra wasn't concerned. Or rather, it wasn't her place to express concern. If nothing else, Catherine seemed to despise the notion of needing help. Despite the fact that she so very dearly could use it. From her own solitary practices to the habits revolving around treating her own wounds for lack of trust in a proper physician.

Like so many other humans, Catherine was, in her desperate endeavor to live longer, likely killing herself faster than most other humans. Drugs. Crime. Poor medical care. There was, perhaps something beautiful about such a fleeting thing. This flash of red hair and anger that so pointedly twisted itself into pieces. And there was, ultimately nothing she was likely to be able to do about it. Catherine hated companionship, and correction was an implicated level of care and intimacy that woul, no doubt, annoy the woman.

And so, she allowed Catherine to vent her frustrations. And to go have herself a drink. It wouldn't be long until the woman passed out. She would simply insure it wasn't on her back and that she reduced the mess that occurred as a result if necessary.
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:21 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

The bottle was nearly empty through drunken ramblings that gradually grew quieter, Catherine lounging with an empty cup in her hand. It felt really cold, although the bright red on her face would indicate otherwise. Properly shitfaced, her gaze would draw to Ulquiorra in the bed, lingering for a moment before she finally made her way back over to the bed. Thankfully, she had zero signs of illness, but her coordination was completely gone, rather than getting on top of the bed she merely hung off the edge like a sobbing child that just had a nightmare.

"Hey Ulqui?" Her first words uttered in a good few minutes, glazed eyes resting on the pale figure that somehow looked prettier to her in this inebriated state, "What... Kinda bird didya think I am? I know I said a' vulture but.. Is that how ya see me too?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:42 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 HEADER_0229-005

She'd likely be unconscious soon. If she wasn't partially already. Though honestly she was almost certain that this particular state could likely be considered a state of subconscious more than anything. Hm. Still, that Catherine was still capable of forming words was an interesting little surprise as Ulquiorra's gaze shifted down to the woman whom was now pointedly staring at her. And presenting a question as well. Her eyes shifted to the drink. Be it in Caths hand, or strewn across the floor, before turning her attention back to the woman herself. Slung over the edge of the bed.

She stood up and walked over, gently reaching down and scooping the girl up under her arms as if she were a cat before laying them onto the bed properly, setting them on their side incase they got sick, before promptly returning to her own spot, still within Catherine's field of view and with a comfortable distance to avoid potential vomit.

"A Barn Owl."

An answer without further explanation.
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:06 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

The young lady didn't fight against the manner she was being picked up and moved, remaining rather relaxed and heavy in Ulquiorra's arms as she was shifted over to lie in the bed. Her eyes were surprisingly still reasonably alert for how much alcohol was in her system, still expecting an answer to her question, but when she finally got it she'd loose a brief laugh, "Oh. Those're pretty."

A silence was held that would give the impression she'd finally fallen asleep, but any glance over would have witnessed her lightly amused expression lower into a saddened one. No god or man could properly decipher what was going through her mind, until she spoke up,

"I don't wanna die, Ulqi. M'scared of it. I dunno what to do.."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:51 am
Sea's Greetings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] - Page 3 HEADER_0229-005

Catherine was easy enough to handle at least. Something no doubt impossible to replicate in a sober state. But that suited her just fine, she was used to dealing with this by now. And as the silence settled in, she sat back against the headboard of the bed and looked out the window for the time being, only glancing back toward Catherine when that soft admission emerged from the human.

"It's fine to be afraid of death. Most humans are. If it is any comfort, I'll make sure to intervene if it seems like you'll die." A promise that she was fine with making in the woman's state. something to ease her addled mind as she fell asleep.
"You don't have to do anything, Catherine." Another assurance. In truth, there was not much Catherine would be willing to do. Could? Most Certainly. But the woman's path was, for all intents and purposes, cemented. And so, this subconscious portion of the woman was...ultimately, trapped with a destructive conscious mind.

If nothing else. She supposed her words might provide some small, meaningless comfort to the girl's drunk mind.
Comfort that would be neither remembered or forgotten, for it simply passed through the woman's intoxicated brain like water over oil.

It was, perhaps, a meaningless effort.

But she made it all the same.
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