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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:51 am
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Mid-to-high 70s… yeah, Ranma wasn’t casting any Kidō over- what was it, 32? 33? Yeah, around that number was his limit up until now. You’d have to really specialize in Kidō in order to cast higher-leveled spells, whether Hadō or Bakudō. He made sure to pay attention in classes. He wasn’t an idiot!

A little phrenetic, maybe, but not a lost cause.

“I-I-I mean, if I tried hard enough, maybe… I could… squeeze out between the bars?” he uttered in disbelief of even himself, certainly obvious by his tone and body language. It was a really neat spell, either way, but this Incantation Abandonment sounded even cooler and covered a wider range. Therefore, he’d have to focus on that first, before he stepped foot into completely new spells. He was already stuck on mastering Morikawa-sensei’s new armor spell, and that sucker took a WHILE now. He was still unable to make the armor cover his entire body or even last longer than 10 seconds, and that was when he was able to completely focus without interruption. Totally useless in fatal combat.

Oh, but if he could get better at Incantation Abandonment… would that make it easier to learn higher-leveled Kidō? Or… would that make it harder to learn higher-leveled Kidō? He’d have to ask about that later – focusing on more than one thing at a time could screw him over.

Based on her explanation, he’d do well starting from scratch – abandoning chants for lower-ranked spells and just go from there. He was able to do it before, so he should be able to do it again, and if he started from the first spell, then… arguably, that should be smooth! “Mhm, just like back then…” Ranma uttered in remembrance, praying that this wouldn’t take nearly as long as learning Morikawa-sensei’s spell.

Wait, shit, that spell could end up backfiring hard if he was both in a haste and tried to abandon chants. He should be mindful of that, even if being mindful wasn’t common. He didn’t want to invoke Morikawa-sensei’s anger any more, for despite her petite exterior, she was really passionate with Kidō… and something made him feel like she was wary of his antics, or maybe a bit annoyed by him. Honestly, lately, it’d been a bit awkward to meet up at Squad 2 – hopefully, that’d change soon.

Hinamori-sensei quickly grabbed his attention away when she performed a quick, chant-less Hadō spell – the very first one, Shō – to lift the wheel of a cart up from a divot in the road. “Bet, lemme try,” he confidently replied, throwing his gaze around the road again to find a target… but it wasn’t just every hour that a cart got stuck in the road, and he didn’t want to shoot some random person!

It took him a few minutes to lose hope and light on his face. “I-I’ll just wait ‘till we get to your place…”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:11 pm
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 1295340

They’d reach her comfortable home soon enough and Momo wasted no time in leading her new student through the house towards the garden, where her training area was set up. Her home was pleasant and quaint rather than overly expensive but the brown eyed woman did her best to make it look and feel homely. She wanted her guests to be comfortable, after all and wanted a vibe that was completely different from the regimented feel of the academy. The less like that, the better.

The garden was well maintained too with a large number of flower beds all around, revealing a lovely combination of plant life. It was a representation of its owner in truth although she was far too humble to admit such a thing. She spent many hours out here, either training or tending her plants and it would be fair to say that it’d probably saved her. In her time of need, she’d always had this little spot to retreat to, something to keep her occupied.

The other half was rather more business-like, with plenty of targets placed up against the fence for her to test her kido spells out on. Some targets were still but others were constantly on the move, powered by what seemed to be an unknown force. That wasn’t true of course but the dark haired woman liked to keep her guests guessing when it came to the how’s and why’s. Some of the targets were even shaped in the forms of Hollows although the two most damaged ones looked awfully similar to former Captains of the Gotei…

Turning to face Ranma, she’d say with a smile. “I hope my little training area will be sufficient for your needs. We shouldn’t be disturbed here and you can go all out if you like. I’ll be here to make sure that things don’t get out of hand.”

Nodding towards one of the still targets, she’d then say. “Let’s try without skipping the incantation first. Take a strong stance and use whatever spell you consider to be your best. We’ll try skipping it afterwards.”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:40 pm
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


”’Scuse me, house-chan,” Ranma mumbled before entering Hinamori-sensei’s abode, already triggered by the fragrant smell of flowers nearby. He almost thought that Erica was here, too- wait, fuck, he should’ve invited Erica!!! She would’ve loved to see all these new spells too, he couldn’t just hog all the teachings and nuggets to himself! Bad Ranma!

S-Sorry, sorry, sorryyyyyyyyyy, Erica! I promise, I’ll take you with me next time!

Looking at the garden he was led to further made it clear how much he fumbled not taking Erica with him. She would’ve loved this place… yup, it’s a promise! He kinda just wanted to take a bottle and relax, lay on the grass and let the pleasant breeze carry his thoughts away… but he came here for a little bit of training, didn’t he?! So he could further expand his competences, right?! Just like Morikawa-sensei and Erica practiced day and night, he too needed much more… what could you call it, discipline?

At least, he needed much more than what he had escaped the Academy with. One step at a time, Ranma… just like Morikawa-sensei taught you.

“Oh, you got other gue- those aren’t guests,” Ranma commented, swiftly correcting himself once he realized that some of the practice targets on the fence were moving around as if alive! “H-How… wait, is that some Bakudō spell going on there? But… you’re not even- how- was it moving all this time? Did you just cast it? But I didn’t see you…”

He had to grab his head before it’d fall off his shoulders from overheating. Hinamori-sensei did something devious to make these targets move, and he hadn’t the patience to figure out here and now, neither did he have the deductive capabilities to hit the nail anyway.

“… Some funny-looking Hollows ya got here,” he joked about, poking some of the still targets that seemed to resemble the masked soul-eaters. He could’ve sworn that one of them looked like a floating eyeball, but he must’ve been fooling himself. Not to mention the two most charred ones… looked like Shinigami with Captain outfits. “… These aren’t real Captains, right? Who even are they?” he felt the need to ask, poking the small guy’s dumb face first, “Even I’m taller than this dude. Imagine that… and who’s the nerd with the glasses? Actually, you know what, nevermind…”

Almost ousted himself for forgetting what felt like history… of some sorts. Argh, listen, who cared?!?!?!!?

Okay, she gave the green lights to go all out, firstly demonstrating his best spell – with incantation. That… was a brainwrecker, for while Ranma liked Bakudō, he didn’t know that many spells in that category. Not nearly enough to justify calling himself a Bakudō specialist, not one bit. He’d tried out Enkōsen before, and… Sekienton, and Seki too. Ah, that sounded more like stuff for another day – let’s just stick to Hadō today, shall we?

“… Alrighto,” he finally signaled, lifting both hands up to his chest in order to channel his Reishi to the space between them. From there, a crimson light emerged, turning bright in the center and heating up until flares manifested. Now that I think about it, Shura kept launching these in our fight like it was nothing…

"Ye Lord, Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south," he chanted deeply, his chant visibly increasing the intensity of the flares amidst his palms that grew into an orb large enough to press against his hands, licking blood-red flames trickling between his fingers. Once the orb was the size of a cantaloupe, he declared: “Hadō #31: Shakkahō!”

The orb was fired forward towards the charred dummy with the glasses, nailing it right on the face and spreading a wave of fire out on impact. “Holy shit! That might just be my best Shakkahō yet…” he patted himself on his own shoulder, rubbing his nose in a little sense of pride. “So, whatcha think?”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Wed May 01, 2024 10:49 am
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 1295340

“Well done. That was a great effort.” Momo replied with a smile, nodding with approval. He was pretty good with the spell and the ex Lieutenant was sure that he could move on to chant skipping. It would be tougher but she had faith in her new student.

The target had taken quite the battering but if Ranma was paying close attention, he might just notice that it would eventually glow with energy, before regenerating back to the way it was before. An unusual use of kido but after all her years experimenting, the dark haired woman had come to understand that it truly was a matter of imagination and creativity, as far as using it were concerned. Honestly, she thought the academy might just be a little old fashioned. Still, it had its uses.

Giving him a few moments to recover, Momo would then continue with the lesson. “Now, I want you to repeat the same process but this time don’t utter the chant. Remember how the spell feels during casting and if it helps, visualise it in your mind as well. When you are ready, try with just the number and the name. Like this.”

Turning to the target, shaped like a white haired young Captain, Momo would simply raise a hand and point at it. “Hadō #31: Shakkahō!” The ball of flame would burst from her hand and soar towards the target, striking it directly and obliterating it completely, leaving nothing more than a charred remains behind. Again though, what was left would start to glow and soon enough, it would be ready for us again.

With that, she’d smirk up at Ranma and say. “All right. Your turn now.”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Thu May 02, 2024 2:48 pm
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Why was it reverting back to its previous form?! What sorcery was this?! Ranma’s bulging eyes were fixated on that damn dummy now, intent to unveil Hinamori-sensei’s secret Kidō- fuck, was it Hadō or Bakudō- whatever she was using! But he saw nothing out of the ordinary – just waves of Spiritual Energy outlining the dummy until it was sufficiently repaired!

No fair! It was like Kaidō, but on an inanimate object! Like reversing time on a thing… wait, shit, maybe Ranma could do that with Hōkamaru… no, it only slows down things. Maybe its Bankai would be able to? Aww, he couldn’t wait to convince Hōkamaru to manifest in the outer world for him… a glorious day to behold.

So now… he was going to cast the same spell without the chant. Should be entirely possible, since he knew how it felt to cast Shakkahō, and… it was simple to imagine. It was a red flare, a ball of energy that manifested as red fire. He wasn’t an artist, but he was imaginative. “Got it. Shouldn’t take so loooooooooooooooo-“ Ranma spoke up cockily, his confidence taking a blow to the groin when the dummy was obliterated by Hinamori-sensei’s own, chant-less Shakkahō.

“… Fuck…”

Ah yes, classic profanity in the garden – Ranma could feel his soul getting heavier with guilt and karma. Better try this out before Hinamori-sensei would pinch him or anything. Red flare, red ball, red blast. Red, red, red, red, red, red, red- his brain began repeating that image over and over again. Such a linear spell. “Hadō #31: Shakkahō!”

And from his palm, an orb half the size of a cantaloupe shot out, notably dealing way less damage to the dummy than he was able to prior. “… Oh, wait, maybe I got to use both hands,” he corrected himself before trying again, balling his hands up, “Hadō #31: Shakkahō!” Thrusting both palms forward, he released another red ball of Spiritual Energy flaring up like a foxfire, but… it did the exact same thing-

Even he could see that it was weaker than before! “… Am… am I not using it enough?”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Fri May 03, 2024 8:49 am
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 1295340

“It just means that you need to keep practising with it and continue to work on your skills.” Momo replied with a comforting smile. “It’s natural that you’d lose a lot of power when chant skipping at the moment but don’t lose heart. It was exactly the same with me when I started to abandon it but over time, I lost less and less power. You did well though and definitely have the potential to become skilled with kido.”

Pausing for a second to think, she’d then add. “You can also use chant skipping for Bakudo as well and I’d like for you to have a try with one of those as well if you would. As you can probably imagine, being able to fire off a quick and silent binding spell is incredibly useful in the field and can potentially end a fight before it starts. Have a go at one of the moving Hollow targets and see how it goes. Of course, if you’d like to try using the chant first to see the difference then that is fine as well. Go at your own pace.”

Curious about his other skills, she’d pose a question to him as well. “How are your other Shinigami skills, by the way? We’re all built differently after all and are better in some arts than others?"


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Sun May 05, 2024 11:23 am
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


”Say wh- oh- reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-”

Ranma’s cracked impatience kicked in again – how long would he have to practice this, then?! A year? Two? Ten? A hundred? He could never tell with their lifespans, and he knew people who just learned shit on the fly! It wasn’t fair…

“… Okay,” he answered diligently. She didn’t want him to give up so quickly, and he couldn’t make his sensei worry now, could he? If anything, she gave him a genius suggestion – try out one of his trusty Bakudō spells with this method! He was good with a few Bakudō spells already, so…

“Oh, say no less, sensei! Okay… chant first, I can’t keep up with all these details,” Ranma expressed, already drawing in the air with a red blitz escaping his fingers. Since the moving Hollow targets were… well, moving, he decided he didn’t want them to do that anymore. The dummies wouldn’t fight back, so this spell could actually work pretty well this time – only the Soul King would know how many times Ranma had gotten his spell broken by Hollows before.

“Disintegrate, you black dog! Look upon yourself with horror and claw out your own throat!”

Red energy surrounded Ranma’s form and further emitted around the dummy’s frame, slowing it down in its tracks. “Bakudō #9: Geki!” As the entire spell’s name was ushered, its full power was exerted, and the dummy braked in its tracks, only nudging a bit to the direction it was going. So this was the extent of a full-force Bakudō… so how would it look without Incantations?

“Zanjutsu’s my thing, sensei,” Ranma revealed to her, suddenly pulling a grimace at remembering the process of… strengthening his bond with Hōkamaru, “My Zanpakutō’s… fuck, I wanna say weird, grumpy, overall just a troll, but something tells me I’d be talking about myself in the end…” I mean, he and his Zanpakutō… weren’t they the same? Both intolerant of certain people in life, not even giving them the time of day or night. Both fiending for the easy and the peace that ease brought. Both… internally distrusting of people.

But Ranma had changed! So wouldn’t Hōkamaru change, too?! If only the damn spirit would talk more with him… all he gave was his name. And with that, a Shikai was born.

“It’s as if he still doesn’t trust me… but he gave me his name. Hōkamaru. He should trust me to some extent, right? So why won’t he talk to me? Is this supposed to tell me something about… myself? I don’t even fucking know, it’s bothered me for years!”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Mon May 06, 2024 8:08 am
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 1295340

Nodding again as he performed his Bakudo, impressed by the skill with which he cast it, Momo was convinced that he’d be able to handle the incantation skip for any spell of that level. Sure, the spell he had chosen was on the lower end but it made little difference when it came to the theory. It simply took a cool head, a steady arm and the ability to visualise the spell. With those three things and a little talent, any Shinigami could become skilled with the idea. Of course, he’d have to work hard if he wanted to reach the upper echelons of Kido, where she would humbly have to admit that she’d reached. It had taken a great deal of time though. Decades.

She listened as he opened up about the issues he was having with his Zanpakuto, pondering about just what to say in response. It hadn’t been the same for her and Tobiume and at this stage, the two had come to an understanding. Momo would never reach the upper tier when it came to swordcraft but that was something that she was all right with. Yet, the two were incredibly close and in those darkest moments, it’d been her sword who she’d been able to confide in.

“It’s all about understanding. In order to truly master your sword, you must discover why he acts as he does. Don’t treat him as though he is just a pain in the backside who is making life hard for you. He’s trying to teach you something and it’s your job to figure out what. Without that understanding, your Zanjutsu abilities will not improve and you’ll remain at the level you are.” She replied, only having her own experiences to fall back on. “Tobiume has been of great comfort to me and I trust her with my life. I think of her as one of my closest friends and I know that when I have to fight, she’ll be there to support me, as she always has. Communication is so important, so keep after your spirit until he finally opens up to you. It’s not meant to be easy.”

Taking a moment to think about her own relationship with Tobiume, she’d smile and then return to the matter at hand. “All right then. When you’re ready, you can have a go at using your Bakudo without the chant to see the difference it makes.”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Mon May 06, 2024 12:09 pm
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Understanding… hmh, but it was difficult to understand quiet spirits, though! And Ranma was never a people-person… it took a great deal to get along with others. He hadn’t been the most cooperative in the beginning. And it was considered a world wonder how he got together with Erica… but he’d changed.

Hōkamaru, too, could change! Right? It wasn’t just all up to him, this was a two-man effort! So why…

Hinamori-sensei insisted that he shouldn’t treat Hōkamaru as a pain in the ass – fixed that for you – which Ranma had done for quite a while now. It was moreso a coping mechanism, so he wouldn’t keep beating himself around the bush for not having the best relations with his Zanpakutō. But this… her words gave him courage. I mean, Hōkamaru must’ve had a reason to give him his name, after all. There had to be some sort of lesson to learn. Maybe Hōkamaru did expect something from him…

And until he realized that, he’d be stuck.

“Hmmmmmmh, I’m tryiiiiiiiiing… it’s like a murder mystery,” he groaned, drilling his fingers into his head in order to think better, “Even if he doesn’t like to talk to me… Hōkamaru’s saved my butt so many times. But I’m not a detective – I’m not really a big fan of big brain mysteries like these! I should’ve read more of those novels instead of the ones C- y-you know what, forget you heard that last part…”

Alright, back to today’s training! Great! He could move on smoothly, immediately, without Hinamori-sensei asking any further questions regarding the part he was so close to uttering. He needed to cast Geki again... Geki simply halted a target’s movement. It did so with his Spiritual Energy. Like a Spiritual Energy straightjacket. He could imagine that in his head, clearly. A reddish, Spiritual Energy straightjacket that locked itself around the dummy.

“Bakudō #9: Geki,” he casted, one palm thrusted forward towards the target’s location. His Spiritual Energy emitted the same aura and effect as before, grabbing hold of the dummy and braking its movement around the fence. It looked like a horse being towed by a dude whose feet were sliding off the ground. Like a car whose motor was breaking down mid-drive.

C’moooooon… n-no, what am I doing? This is enough! Enough![/i] he alerted himself, simply lessening the strain he was putting on the spell, It’s just a straightjacket… can’t lose my shit over something so simpl- huh?

He starkly imagined a straightjacket wrapping itself around the target at all times, so once he lessened his strain, he noticed that the target was slowing down a bit before breaking off his grab fully. Such a small effect, but-

“D-Did you see that?! Process! Not much, but process! I’m thirsty…”

Time for a break. He’d fling up his gourd, spin it around, flick the prop open, and… nothing was falling to his tongue and mouth. What the fuck? “But… you’re always full, what shittery is this…?”


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Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Mon May 06, 2024 1:29 pm
Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 1295340

“Maybe it’s telling you to focus on your training and not to get drunk right now.” Momo answered with a smirk, chuckling at his plight. “If you’d like to take a break then I’ll happily make a cup of tea for you but if you want something stronger then it’ll have to wait until after our lesson is done. Alcohol and Kido don't mix, Ranma, you could end up setting fire to my flowers or something, which I wouldn’t be happy about.” She was teasing him for the most part but there was just the tiniest bit of seriousness too.

While she waited to hear if he wanted a drink, Momo would go on to remark about his latest attempt. “You did pretty well with the chantless Bakudo and I can definitely see why you prefer those kinds of spells. You have a knack for using them and I wouldn’t mind seeing you try a slightly higher ranked one to see how you get along with that. If you don’t know one, I’ll happily teach you one if you like, as I’m sure we could find one that will be beneficial to you.” She didn’t like to toot her own horn but her knowledge of just spells was pretty good.

Momo had to admit that he was a rather fun character to teach and the Ex Lieutenant was rather enjoying herself. Perhaps she should try and grow her influence a bit by teaching on a wider scale one day? No, she’d never work at the academy but maybe she could just create her own little Kido school, for those who maybe wanted a little extra practice. Whether the Gotei would like it was another story but honestly? Momo didn’t care too much. She’d spent too much time worrying about what they thought.


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