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Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:27 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Standing alone under the glow of the moon, Veralia began her descent into the kingdom that Sabriel ruled over. Curious as to how the woman maintained her subjects, the envious arrancar decided to follow her whims and set up a time for her to venture into this unknown territory of Hueco Mundo. She prepared to unleash her fiery prowess at any second, as this realm was fraught with danger at every turn and demanded vigilance and readiness to confront any threat. Despite that fact, such peril was part and parcel of her existence, another day's challenge in the vast, unpredictable expanse of their world.

So while waiting, she'd reflect on her previous encounter with Sabriel. Veralia wondered how things would go about in a more sober state of mind. While she had her booze to numb the thoughts of envy that go awry in her conscious and soul, that was not here today and it would be a test for herself to see where their relationship goes from here.

Lifting her gaze to the moon, Veralia's eyes, deep and red as blood, mirrored the complexity of her thoughts, a blend of determination and contemplation. The serene moment, however, was abruptly interrupted by the approach of another Arrancar, the sound of footsteps on the barren ground snapping her back to the present.

Stance still alert, Veralia tilted her body to meet the new person and waved out to whoever was stepping out of the darkness in a casual, lax tone.


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] WVMWLOu
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Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:49 pm
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] SsMLBbB


“Hello there, Newcomer, I welcome you to my Lady’s little vacation spot.” The woman cheerfully said, smiling at Veralia.

The speaker was a fairly tall Arrancar, with flowing red hair and a whimsical green eyed gaze. Her manner was fairly casual and one look at her would probably give the impression that she was familiar with Sabriel. There was a similar confidence in her movements and as she approached the petite Arrancar, she would look over her in the same way, a mischievous smile crossing her features. This woman was well known in Sabriel’s kingdom and most had come across her at least once.

“My name is Lirael and I guess you can think of me as Lady Sabriel’s second in command. I keep the place going while she is out recruiting or having fun. Do you have business with her?”
The redhead was curious as to the intentions of the dark haired Arrancar but her smile would fade a touch, noticing the other woman’s stance. “If you seek to conquer her little realm or wish her harm then I am afraid that we are not going to get along and you will have more than a few other of my ladies minions here soon enough. Otherwise, I will gladly show you to her.”


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Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:31 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia remained silent for a moment, opting to put her hands in her pocket after waving at the tall Arrancar before her. With the smaller arrancar reflecting a cool, calm demeanor; she had her lips curl into a smirk after hearing everything. Veralia appeared to nod her head along to the hum of Liarel's voice before her scarlet gaze locked with the devious emerald stare of the other hollow before her.

"The name's Veralia, pleasure to meet ya. And you can say I have business with Sabriel."

As she introduced herself, Veralia's voice carried the ease of someone who's navigated countless interactions, both friendly and fraught. Stepping closer to the other Arrancar, her scarlet gaze never wavered from the devious emerald stare that met hers.

"And nah, I ain't here to conquer shit. I came here see how she lived since we've met before. So I guess you can call it a bit of tourism."

Her words, delivered with a blend of bluntness and casual curiosity, framed her visit in a light devoid of malice or ambition. It was a simple desire to understand, perhaps to connect on a deeper level. With a chuckle that resonated with genuine amusement, Veralia let the sentiment linger in the air, watching the other Arrancar closely for any hint of reaction.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] WVMWLOu
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Wed Mar 27, 2024 8:55 am
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] SsMLBbB


A smirk crossed Lirael’s face as she listened to Veralia speak, a knowing one that gave the impression that she had heard such things before. She knew her Lady better than most and was well aware of her methods of communication and fun. The tall redhead could not help but look over the smaller Arrancar again but it was not meant in an intimidating fashion. No, it was exactly the same kind of look that Sabriel might have given herself. Lirael might not have shared the aspect of her Lady but she had spent enough time in her company to appreciate it.

“Shared a little quality time with her, did you?” Lirael replied with a pleasant chuckle. “I am sure she will be delighted to meet up with you again if that is the case.”

Pointing north from their position, she would add after a few moments. “We will find her lodgings over there. As far as I know, she is in attendance at the moment but Lady Sabriel does tend to just wander off if the fancy takes her. It can be a bit of a pain to keep track of her sometimes.”

That being said, she would start to walk off, beckoning Veralia to follow her as they started to enter Sabriel’s land. The one noticeable aspect of the place would be the vibe of it, with an atmosphere that was saturated in the spiritual energy of the dark haired Arrancar. It was a relaxing aura in a way, which did much to pacify the aggressive instincts of the Hollows that called the place home. That would be the most startling feature of all, with none of the locals even considering the idea of attacking another, as though they were all in a state of euphoria.

Or perhaps they were simply brainwashed.


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:22 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Not being one to miss physical cues, Veralia caught that knowing smirk from the redhead's gaze. In response, she chuckled and moved on to boop the nose of the taller Arrancar.

"You pick up on things quickly. I can see Sabriel's influence on ya."

The remarks coming from her voice carried a hint of respect and camaraderie. This simple act, from the perception of Veralia, served to lighten the moment, bridging any gaps with the ease of shared understanding.

As Liirael pointed towards the north, outlining the path Veralia needed to take, Veralia's gaze trailed in the direction indicated, absorbing the details with keen interest. Nodding her along in understanding, her movements reflected a sense of anticipation. She wasn't sure what to expect, but perhaps that's the spice of life when you walk into the unknown and indulge in a new experience.

"Makes no difference. You don't seem that bad of a girl yourself, so I'm sure you can lead the way and indulge in my tourism."

And with that, the smaller Arrancar laughed briefly before following Lirael. Taking in the immense aura of Sabriel's kingdom, Veralia could see how others could get drunk off the sensation of relaxation and care. Taking a glance at the tall hollow before her, she even pondered if she was brainwashed or following Sabriel of her own will.

"Got anything interesting tidbits to share about this kingdom of you alls? A lot of the people here seemed stoned out of their ass, so it's safe to say she wasn't kidding about her influence having a reach."

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] WVMWLOu
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Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:17 pm
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] SsMLBbB


The cheeks of the Arrancar turned briefly red when Veralia touched her face but the smile that grew wider was proof that Lirael was flattered. She quite liked this petite woman already and the redhead was getting a good idea as to why her Lady would be taken with her. There was a playful and mischievous side that Lirael could not help but appreciate and it reminded her of Sabriel. Yet, she was under no illusion regarding Veralia’s strength, not doubting for a moment that she was anything other than a tough customer if pushed.

The flattery continued when Veralia spoke about her company being acceptable and she would lower her head respectfully. “I shall do my utmost to be an acceptable guide for you.” It was not all that often that the second in command received such attention, other than from Sabriel and the red haired woman could not help but feel her head swell just a little. She would definitely bring Veralia’s praise up with her Lady later.

As she led the way over the sand in the direction of the main hub, she would turn to Veralia as she was asked a question, a chuckle escaping her lips. “Yes. Her spiritual energy pretty much floods this land, instilling a sense of contentment in what are usually incredibly restless beings. My lady’s powers are all aimed at capturing the hearts and minds of those she uses them on and this is the effect of it at its most basic form. These Hollows around us have probably never felt so content. It is not always instant though and when she finds someone new to convert, she sometimes has to take a more hands on approach to do so.”


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Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:09 am


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia was no fool and could tell the other woman was flattered. It made her curious as the gears in the little arrancar's head started to churn; briefly recalling words Sabriel spoke of getting what she desired through less blunt and violent means. The raw strength Veralia possessed was an asset, but perhaps using a bit of charm could save her headache and achieve the praise she desired.

"Well, you are doing a wonderful job at being a guide."

The Envious Arrancar chose to keep things casual despite the feelings she was dealing with internally. Liarel seemed like a nice woman, so there was no reason to be upset with her. Rather, there was more of an intrigued gaze behind Veralia as she listened in to her describing the kingdom and how it functioned.

For a moment, Veralia allowed her eyes to close and wrestled internally with a growing sense of envy. This wasn't just about her capabilities or her reliance on sheer power; it was about what she hadn't built, the relationships and alliances that seemed beyond her reach or interest. She couldn't help but feel a pang of envy towards Sabriel's intricate network, a complex web of loyalty and influence she had yet to weave for herself.

Opening her eyes, Veralia's gaze lingered on the shifting sands beneath them, the envy she felt tinged with an unusual hint of guilt. Despite her formidable strength, the realization that there were realms of power and connection she had neglected made her question her path. Yet, acknowledging the genuine kindness and respect Lirael showed, Veralia felt a twinge of remorse. Here was a world, a kingdom built on something other than fear and force, and the thought that she might not fully deserve their openness weighed on her more than she cared to admit.

Rather than dwell on these thoughts, Veralia's blood gaze turned to her guide through this kingdom of lust and decided to ask a more intricate question.

"I'm learning a lot more about this place, thank you for that. But tell me, what brought you to Sabriel's side? Was it the power, attraction, or something more?"

Her question was pointed, a direct probe into the nature of Lirael's allegiance to Sabriel. It was more than mere curiosity; it was an attempt to understand the fabric of connections that wove this society together, to see beyond the surface of power dynamics and explore the personal stories that bound these beings to one another.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] WVMWLOu
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Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:12 pm
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] SsMLBbB


A chuckle would escape the lips of the redheaded woman as the question was asked. She remembered the encounter that had brought them together well and while it had not been the first time she had met Sabriel, it was where the connection between them had truly been formed. Lirael would ponder for a short time, pondering whether she should be quite so open with the woman beside her but when the Arrancar mused about whether her Lady would, the answer soon came.

“We were rivals once as we both used similar methods in order to climb the ranks. Neither of us were overly strong back then and so we used our charm to garner favour with those who were. Naturally, that brought us into conflict with one another and eventually, we both realised that the only way we were ever going to solve the situation was by battling one another. That was precisely what happened and while I fought to the best of my ability, I could not handle her. The abilities she possessed were able to gnaw inside my mind, ensnare my senses and before I knew where I was, she was on top of me, looking down with such immense lust in her eyes. It was then that my anger towards her fell away and it was the same with her. We made love right there in the sand and I have been with her ever since.”

Smiling at the pleasant memory, she would add after a moment's thought. “It was then that she decided to start building her little kingdom and her lodgings are built right on top of the place where our connection was forged. So like her.”

The redhead would then turn to Veralia. “I cannot speak for the others who reside here but for me at least, she is able to fill the emptiness that I feel when I am with her. She cares and that is what differentiates her from many who walk these sands.”


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Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:45 am


Enter Veralia's Post

Enemies to lovers, huh? Well, sometimes your greatest lover can be the person you hate the most. Hate can be as potent as love after all.

When Lirael had finished the initial part of her story of how she and Sabriel had met, Veralia rubbed her chin; lost in thought as the gears were turning in her head regarding their connection. She then recognized the redhead was now staring at her, so her gaze turned back to the woman as the last bits of her sentence talking about the emptiness within her resonated with Veralia.

"Turning your rival into your lover isn't an easy feat."

Veralia's words floated between them, tinged with humor and a relaxed ease that belied the depth of the conversation they were veering into. Her chuckle, light and seemingly carefree, served as a prelude to the more serious questions she wished to explore.

"But tell me, what was the source of that emptiness before you came across Sabriel? Given we are hollows, don't you think it's rather poetic we deal with such empty feelings?"

Although the subject was more morbid, Veralia seemed amused by the bit of dark humor. The morbidity of the subject didn't dampen her spirits; instead, it sparked a genuine curiosity within her. She was intrigued, eager to peel back the layers of Lirael's past, to understand the genesis of the void that had once plagued her.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] WVMWLOu
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Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:41 pm
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] SsMLBbB


A laugh escaped the red headed Arrancar as Veralia commented on the effort it took for her to become a favourite of her Lady. “Believe me. I made it incredibly hard for her and the fight we had lasted quite some time. The tension between us was so thick and while she was her playful self, I hated her guts. That cheerfulness, that sense of superiority, that look which made me feel as though she wanted to ravish me whenever we were in each other’s presence. Before we became better acquainted, I despised her with all my being but once her lips touched mine and I gave in to her, everything I hated simply became reasons to love her. She is more devious than she seems.”

As they walked on, the pair would start to come across a more varied assortment of Hollow and Arrancar although they all had the same expressions across their faces. They were all indulging in the taste of Sabriel’ energy, so to speak and they did indeed look as though they were addicts of a sort. Some would give the dark haired woman a once over but none ever tried to make an issue of the fact that Veralia was a stranger. If the order was given to attack? Then perhaps it would be different but as it was, they did nothing but feast upon their neverending lust.

The question was not an easy one for Lirael to answer and it took her a minute or two to think of an answer. “I do not know for certain but I believe that at my core, I am a creature who longs to be with another. My Lady believes that my aspect has something with isolation and that I constantly desire to be in the presence of another. It makes sense, I suppose and that fear of being alone has all but disappeared since I joined her.”

Pausing for a second, she would add. “As long as I am within her sphere of influence, anyway.”


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