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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:51 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"Devious, huh? Well, that's just the hollow way, isn't it?"

The smaller Arrancar gave Liarel an intrigued raise her right eyebrow as she explained the origins of her hate and love for Sabriel. As she chuckled in amusement at her response, it wasn't a surprise that her attitude would be anything less than sly. They are all creatures of sin and to stand tall in a world of beasts your ego has to have some amount of shiftyness from her point of view.

These thoughts were affirmed further as her curious gaze observed the rows of men and women alike subdued under the miasma of Sabriel's influence. Despite the endless abyss of their hearts filled with sin, the lustful embrace of that woman's presence kept their souls from having a single care in this world. With her attention back on Liarel, she'd take a moment to be quiet, reflect, and close her eyes. The concepts of loneliness, isolation, and desiring to be whole were a constant theme that played over and over again in the lives of many hollows alike.

Placing her hand on the right shoulder of the tall guide, Veralia's eyes opened once more

"Is that what your heart truly wants? Loneliness is a bitch, but make sure it's your conscious decision."

There was a tone of somberness to it as Verlaia continued; taking parting glances at the people around them in the distance that were still in their addicted gaze of Sabriel's essence.

"I dig her vibe, sure. But what sets me apart from this lot is I've learned to thrive in my own company. I choose to seek her out 'cause I want to, not 'cause I need her magic to numb me even if it does feel wonderful."

Turning her gaze back to Liarel, a smile softened her features, a gesture of camaraderie and understanding.

"Get what I'm saying?"

Veralia'swords were edged with a sense of forthrightness; as her question sought not just to convey her own sense of independence but to bridge the gap between them, to connect on the fundamental level of choice and self-awareness that separated mere existence from true living.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:20 am
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The guide remained silent for a short period of time, pondering over what Veralia was saying. She could understand where the woman was coming from and for a few moments, Lirael focused inwards, onto her own wants and desires. Was what she was feeling genuine or just a fabrication that her Lady was planting in her mind? It was a question that she had not pondered before but the longer she thought about it, the more realised that it did not seem to be the case with her. The look that her Lady gave her was not of domination or lust, it was something else.

“I understand what you are saying but I think the fact that I am even talking to you like this is a sign that I have my own will. Not once have I ever found myself living in the same dream-like state as those around us and she does not treat me the same as the others. I am here because I care for her and when I am in her arms, I know that she feels the same for me. My Lady does not need to use her powers on me because I think deep down, what she truly wants are friends who she does not need to use them on. What she desires are true allies, a rare commodity in this world of ours and I consider myself to be one of those rare few in her eyes.”

Looking at Veralia, the redhead would chuckle. “I can see why she would be so fond of you. You are so honest and forthright, something which is so refreshing in this realm of ours.”

As the tour continued, the two would start to approach a rather large building, one which stood out from the rest of the locale. There was no doubt as to who this abode belonged to and the spiritual energy here would be rather more enticing still.

Nodding her head towards it, Lirael would go on to say.

“You will find her inside although what she might be doing is anyone’s guess. It would not be the first time that I have walked in on her entertaining someone.”


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:24 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Chuckling, Veralia's pointed ears twitched for a moment as she mused over what the guide said. If what she said was to be believed, it made all the more sense why they got along. It is easy to find an endless supply of yes-men in a world where power, influence, and strength are king. To find another willing to cut through the bullshit and meet you halfway is a rarity as rich as gold.

"Aye. I've got the freedom to be blunt and truthful when I feel like it. Guess that's why I'd see the value of having folks around who won' feed you bullshit"

Voice lax as can be, Veralia's eyes darted to the chest of Lirael. She lightly touched the spot over her heart with her right index finger, signaling a deeper, non-hostile intent before continuing to talk.

"I've come across worse scenes, but be sure to keep that heart of yours strong. Seems like Sabriel could use more people in her life who aren't mindless sex addicts."

Pointing her finger away, Veralia then waved her hand as she went toward the large building; walking without much care as her blood gaze turned around to Lirael.

"Thanks for the chat and the tour. I learned more than I expected coming here. Cheers.

With the soft rip of static trailing in her wake, Veralia vanished into the building using sonido, her presence marked by the sudden disturbance in the air. Prepared to find Sabriel in whatever state she may be, Veralia hoped she would have at least expected her arrival by this point with her energy poking and prodding into her kingdom.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:52 pm
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“You certainly chose a great moment to appear…” An amused and familiar voice would utter, lavender eyes looking up at her friend as she entered her rather lavish hall.

Sabriel was sitting or more accurately, lying on an array of plump cushions, a pleasant look in her eyes and a rather pretty Arrancar woman laying in her arms. It would be obvious that they had not actually performed anything vulgar, as both women were still fully clothed, with Sabriel in her usual choice of leotard. That being said, the other Arrancar blushed rather darkly at Veralia’s appearance and with a glance at Sabriel and receiving a nod in return, would swiftly leave the hall, disappearing behind a doorway that was at the very back.

“I was just introducing the latest addition to my flock to how things work around here.” The Lady explained simply, a chuckle escaping her lips. “It is good to see you again, Veralia, I trust that Lirael was the perfect guide. She is usually the one to do such things, a job that she has proven to be quite the expert at.”


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:26 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia glanced at the other smaller arrancar that started to walk away. She assumed her entrance more than likely intruded upon their meeting given the other's darkened blush. So, a casual wave of her right hand was given to the other girl as her blood gaze shifted back to Sabriel.

"You always keep good company it seems."

Chuckling, she put her hands back in her pockets before walking over to Sabriel and taking a hard drop on the cushions alongside the taller Arrancar. Moving one leg over the other, Veralia's body relaxed as she continued speaking.

"Guess you can say we had a great conversation and tour of the kingdom. Learned more than I figured from here, so she's good people to have around."

Her voice carried a note of genuine appreciation for the insights gained from her encounter. Closing her eyes briefly, a contented smile played on her lips. It appeared as if she was momentarily contemplating something. Opening her eyes, she addressed Sabriel with a more pointed observation

"And from the looks of things, you look like you could use the company of a true ally, huh?"

The question was posed lightly as she waited and observed Sabriel's reaction.

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:46 am
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“Lirael knows more about my kingdom than anyone besides me and the very first Arrancar that I took under my wing. I appreciate her a great deal.” It was a perfectly genuine statement and the dark haired woman smiled as her thoughts briefly drifted towards her beloved second in command. She supposed that in the past, Fraccion would have probably been the right term but Sabriel had never been one for such titles. “I trust her more than any of the others.”

She watched with a smile as Veralia made herself at home, having no issue whatsoever with her friend doing so. Her home was Veralia’s and as she waited for her dark haired ally to speak, Sabriel could not help but notice the unusual smile on her face. For a moment, she mused that maybe something was wrong but the question posed to her seemed to prove that was not the case, much to the Arrancar of Desire’s pleasure.

It was a rather pointed question, causing Sabriel to tilt her head, pondering briefly before giving an answer. “I confess that it is nice to talk to people who do not just stare at me lovingly all the time. The pleasure I get from stimulating the Hollows in my kingdom brings me a constant feeling of joy but that pales in comparison to what we shared that night in the forest. Opening up to you brought a different type of joy to me.”


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:26 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Rubbing her chin, Veralia observed Sabriel and could tell how many would be content with just googling her like some sort of sex object. But such sentiments were dull in the mind of the envious Arrancar. Like sinful beings in this realm, carnal thoughts of lust come with being a flesh and blood creature; yet if that's the only thing, things grow painfully dull.

Keeping that sentiment in mind is what caused Veralia to chuckle once again as Sabriel expressed her thoughts about their encounter in the forest. She closed her eyes, having a moment of silence to gather her thoughts before she turned her blood gaze back to her friend.

"Yeah, from the journey over here, most people were drunk off their ass on your scent. Sure, your beautiful and everything, but to me it means less if your so drunk on lust you can't even see the person in front of you."

Her words cut through the superficial, highlighting a desire to recognize and connect with the individual behind the allure. With a playful bop on Sabriel's nose, Veralia's laughter lightened the atmosphere further.

"And, I've got to be honest, I'm a bit green over the empire you've built here. It's impressive. But, meeting you, that envy kind of faded to the background. I actually enjoyed our time, and I'm keen on dropping by more often and becoming a frequent face around here."

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:15 am
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


Smiling as she listened to Veralia speak, Sabriel could hardly argue with her friend’s blunt comments regarding the locals. It was true that the majority of her kingdom were little more than lust addicts and if the Arrancar was honest with herself, they were up to a point merely a form of nourishment for her. Not in the literal eating sense but in the way that she fed on their desire. They kept her going when she was not in the presence of someone more stimulating.

When Veralia mentioned her own enjoyment of their night together, Sabriel would place an affectionate hand on her friend's cheek in response. “My home is your home, Veralia and you may come and go as you wish. The locals around here certainly will not bother you and if you find yourself ever needing simply someone to be with, I will be here for you, to help soothe that envy of yours. Maybe just send a message first as I never know when I will be drawn away by someone else who needs my…presence.” Her tone was humorous, by now well aware of her role in the world, so to speak.

After a moment or two, she would pose a question. “Have you ever thought of taking a plot of Hueco Mundo for yourself? I imagine that you could easily do so if you wished.”


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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:02 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia had a low, laugh come from her as Sabriel placed her hand against her cheek. In return, she rubbed her hand as if enjoying the physical gesture while listening to her speak.

"Knowing you? Not calling ahead of time is a foregone conclusion. No sense in triggering my envy."

Teasing, yet truthful, she continued to unwind and speak her mind. Eventually, a more contemplative expression came when she mentioned the notion of having her own plot of Hueco Mundo. Of course, she had a small gathering of Arrancar and hollow that followed her lead, as with any creature of this realm that gains a modicum of power. But the thought of expanding her reach was something that got the noggin rolling.

"Hmm, that might not be a bad idea."

Her hand instinctively moved to her chin in contemplation. The thought of extending her territory, of carving out a larger niche in the harsh landscape of Hueco Mundo, was enticing.

"How'd you go about starting all this anyway? Perhaps some consulting is in order, ha."

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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin [Veralia/Sabriel]

Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:02 am
Through The Veil Of Envy And Sin  [Veralia/Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“I have always been pretty effective when it comes to turning others to my cause and I suppose that skill was what started it off. Both Lirael and I had been courting the previous occupier of this region, a rather gluttonous Arrancar who we were both trying to wrap around our little fingers in order to gain influence. He was not an overly intelligent being but he was strong enough to keep his opponents at bay, which in turn gave us the security we needed. Over time, we took a firmer grasp on his mind and by the time he finally realised what was happening, my desire powers had not only made him like putty in my hands but his Hollows had turned on him as well. They were all under my spell and to this day, you can still find them wandering around here, enthralled by my spiritual power.”

Sabriel spoke with such fondness, the memories coming back to her as she thought back, a chuckle escaping soon enough.

“Of course, Lirael and I ended up in a battle for complete control of the region, one that I won in the end. Ever since then, we have been a team, recruiting more and more Hollows over time. What you see now is the result of that.”


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