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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:44 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

As Veralia moved past the emerald flames of her fiery garganta, having the rays of the sun hit her milky skin was a welcomed gift from the gods. The heat was summer-like and she could do nothing less but have a smile on her face as she was in her element.

Not bothering to look back into the vortex that led back to Hueco Mundo, she would assume by this point that Alvah would have followed her. What the two of them would get up to here was a mystery to here, but she would wait with her hands in her pockets and a content expression across her face as she gazed around at some of the humans.

Observing the people around her, Veralia couldn't help but notice the diversity of beauty and wealth among them, each person embodying their own unique blend of sin. This observation stirred a familiar twinge of envy within her, a sentiment that was an intrinsic part of her very being. However, the recent exchange with Alvah had left her in high spirits, buffering her usual sensitivity to such feelings. For now, she chose to let that envy simmer quietly in the background, not allowing it to overshadow the pleasant mood she found herself in.

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] WVMWLOu
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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:13 am
Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] P7TCLSM

Avlah followed, taking note of the differences that Veralia's garganta showed. He wondered about her abilities, the green flames taking his interest for but a second until he found himself surrounded by people. His nose flared as he found his senses assaulted by the multitude of everything. So, this is Earth? This is where sin is born. How exciting.

He hasn't even done anything, and yet he felt the pressure holding his giddiness still. What is that? What is this? The clothes they wore. The food in their hands. The passing machinations of ingenuity. Ah... If he were not a sinner, he'd have found this place Heaven. Yet, as a creature of malignance, he felt nothing but cruel pain destroying the sanity of his mind.

Seemingly drunk from the overflow of life, his fangs bore themselves as he smiled at up the blue sky.

"Earth... A beautiful cruelty..."

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:00 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Sensing that Alvah followed her, Veralia turned back to him to see his fangs out as he gazed upward at the summer skies. So, in toe, she did the same and smirked. It sure in the hell beat looking at night all the friggin' time to her.

"Beautiful cruelty, huh? Elaborate."

Veralia had a picture in her mind of what he potentially meant by that, but she wanted things made clear. So, as her gaze moved away from the sunny skies above, the vast openness of the sea caught her attention as its endless blue depths were a gem of beauty to her. You don't often see something like that back in Hueco Mundo.

"But you aren't wrong, the earth is a work of art, huh?"

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] WVMWLOu
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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:47 pm
Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] P7TCLSM

"Why? Think of the chaos morality brings. They hunger, they need, they want. What is before us is calm on the surface, but each individual has a story. One may be a murderer, the other hungry. Someone's heart is broken, another's never known love. It's a symphony of contrasting music, all playing at once in a dissonant harmony."

He laughed as he found his interests pulling him to and fro, yet he steadied himself. He has a guest after all. He must entertain her to the best of his ability, singing scripture and psalms to his heart's content. However, as beautiful as his voice is, he mustn't tire it before the main dish.

"Where to first, my lovely demon? We have much to explore."

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:34 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia's blood gaze shifted toward the sight of an art gallery near the beach, she could see the many works of creative art on display as if it resonated with her and Alvah's talk of sin creating a rich dissonant harmony of chaos. Still taking in his words, her face seemed to be in a state of contemplation before turning back to Alvah.

"Let's see some of the works of art that sin can produce. Some say that without pain art can't be made, so let's put that to the test and see if we find anything good."

With a light chuckle, she would motion for him to follow; walking through the sand and back up to the boardwalk. Along the way, she took in the sights of children playing, people eating, others sitting down to enjoy the scenery, and people life.

"This could be the last day of someone's existence here, a life-changer for another, or maybe a shot at something big for someone else. It’s a crapshoot, really...kind of pisses you off when luck doesn’t swing your way, doesn’t it?"

Slipping her hands into her pockets, Veralia cast a glance up at Alvah, curiosity flickering in her eyes as they neared the art exhibits.

"Would you say you've had a rather fortunate un-life?"

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] WVMWLOu
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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:32 am
Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] P7TCLSM

She spoke of the intricate nature of life, its ups and downs. He could only ponder what all she has experienced to be so learned of the human world. However, it would not be impossible for him to come to the same assumptions and thoughts, even as a first time visitor. Hollow and Human are not entirely divorced. They all cannibalize one another in one form or another.

"I have long since given up on luck. If it comes, I am grateful. If it leaves, then I am also grateful. Experience, whether good or bad, shapes us. To hate when it harms is to hate learning, and I am always ready to learn. For that, I find my life fortunate and unfortunate. There is simply too much for a man like myself to see or do, and I know I will never have it all."

His face twisted with fake discomfort and sadness at his own musings. Oh, what a dreadful existence. He is eternally happy and eternally damned. Yin and yang pull and push him like spinning torrent.

"As of right now, I can't help but be relieved I have one like yourself to be sinful with. Your nectar is delicious, but imagine the mental torment that will come once your presence is no more."

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:31 am


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia placed her hands behind her back, remaining lock in step with Alvah as they ventured deeper into the boardwalk. As rows of different paintings, sculptures, music, and other forms of creation surrounded them; her blood gaze remained on Alvah as he explained himself. It seems he was an Arrancar to go more with the flow of things and savor the pain and pleasure of this life; so it made her ponder what his aspect of sin even was as her curiosity slowly increased.

"Guess I might just be petty-minded then. That's a good way to view things. Certainly, it is less exhausting than cursing the gods and fate. I roll with the punches, adapt, and learn from them when I can; but I'm usually bitter about it, ha."

Blunt and unshy about her thoughts, she didn't seem to care much about sharing her feelings with a stranger. After all, this guy was a weird one; blabbing about being tormented by the thought of her disappearance as if they were already a couple. He was certainly a sentimental one alright.

"Can't say I'm not flattered, as that's one way to appease a girl."

Veralia tapped her chin thoughtfully, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"After all, you just met me and are already picturing your life without me? That's pretty soft-hearted, don't you think?."

Snorting, her tone reflected one of jest as she looked around and took in the sights around them; trying to remain present-minded as there wasn't a need to drown herself in her sin. Compliments went far enough to ease the flame of her bitter envy flame.

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] WVMWLOu
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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:11 pm
Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] P7TCLSM

"Entertainment is entertainment. As you continue to bless me with your visage, I comply with my own. Why not sap from a woman's bosom until it is left empty and dry, used and discarded to the winds for another's sloppy seconds?"

Suddenly, his gaze turned predatory, the black around his eyes prominent as his yellow orbs sharpened. A smile that showed the fangs that hid behind pretty words refracted the sun's glow. His nature as a Hollow made itself known.

"Why, if I could, I would leave you a bitter mural of my own transgressions, your life now unrecognizable without my touch, but you've not left it necessary for my intervention. Not yet, anyway."

A threat? A promise? It's impossible to truly understand the meaning of his words without a proper explanation, but Alvah looked keen on living in his own fantasies and possible worlds. To him, the future is infinite, a multiplying incalculable equation that every action and inaction manipulates. Why share the fact he may turn against her? Why? It's fun. He knows now how she'll react, and the possibility of repercussion dripped like nectar on his tongue.

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:05 am


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia remained quiet, seemingly not taking in the words as her eyes were present, yet distant in emotion. As she closed her eyes, a gentle exhale of breath left her lips before eventually leaning into Alvah and looking up at him. When her eyes opened again, nothing but her emerald flames could be seen in her gaze as she kept her voice low.

"If that's supposed to be some form of a threat, I have no issue reducing you and everyone around us to ashes."

As the air around them grew in heat, a dry hissing sound left her lips as her energy gradually swelled and increased.

"I don't know what game you are playing or who you think I am, but if you wanted me to smash your head in, we never had to leave Hueco Mundo for that. Make it clear what you want, now."

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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] WVMWLOu
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Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] Empty Re: Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah]

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:29 pm
Envious Resolve [Veralia/Alvah] P7TCLSM

"But then we would not be here, body to body, enjoying life and death as one."

His smile only widened, his partner's harrowing gaze fuel for the madness that leaves his soul a broken script. He feels fear. He feels love. He feels so many wonderful things, and it's thanks to her. Should he recoil, take back his words to save his own life? Now, what kinda tale would he share with others if things ended just like that, a whimper after the bang?

"Aren't we fickle beings, you and I and them? I would love nothing more than to dance, even if our movements destroy our audience. But-"

"Ah~ To be young again?" Came an elderly woman's frail voice, Alvah's eyes flicking to the decaying sack of flash who's wrinkled skin proved its own delicious tale to pick apart.

"But I believe we'll enjoy ourselves more with a little less anarchy. I have no reason to elicit violence from anyone, for the time being."

He chortled, taking a step back with his hand raised, flashing his toothy grin as before, but with a bit less intrusive thoughts to it.

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