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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:40 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  MPftNxw


"What the hell does a lady have to do to find some real entertainment around here? I thought they said Japan was a lively place... or am I the wrong area? Shit... this doesn't look like Tokyo."

Those words echoed throughout the tiresomely quiet outskirts of a slightly uninspiring town in Japan. The current source of entertainment was striking down hollow foolish enough to attack her, and hunting down those who recognized her strength and attempted to escape purely to survive. A crushing blow of the fist here, a crushing blow of the fist there, her hands are slowly but surely covered in the familiar colors of pure crimson. Any passerby civilian likely recognized it as her keeping their town safe, but she wasn't so noble to humor the thought.

They weren't filling her pockets, but their compliments stroked her ego, occupying her attention as she continued sweeping by at immense speed, penetrating the remaining wave of hollows like a thunderous bullet, crushing each mask at the point of impact. Now, her selfish duty was fulfilled. Burning away the blood on her hand, she cracks her neck as she moves ahead to search for something else. Enter the city in search of entertainment or continue to her actual destination? Decisions, decisions...

"Where to next?"


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Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:18 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  LOkZBS2
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

That's another Hollow, dead and gone.

Not to make light of the situation, but the creatures that came her way were nothing but small fry. They stunk of a desperation that they rarely show, a sense of cowardly fear they taunt humanity over. She held no reservations executing them though. Whatever had sent them sprawling for their life is what it is, whether it be someone she should respect or another monster. She understood that little tidbit about them. They hunted one another just as frequently as anything else. It's funny how they're just a cracked mirror of humanity, almost enough to make you laugh.

But, she's not focused on the intricate details. Her blade soaked in blood, dripped with every step until she saw a town come into view. Her initial thoughts told her that she'd find what had caused the flood of Hollow to come her direction; part of her would rather not know. The bronze woman that appeared made her stop though. An Arrancar, huh? They're almost as bad as Hollow; creatures mimicking humanity, yet showing how they've not lost what made them vile. Red eyes, vacant of any friendliness asked one question of the woman.

Friend or foe?

She'd like to walk into town in peace, but you never know with anything these days, so her fingers tightened, satisfied by the leather around the handle of her blade.


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Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:54 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  MPftNxw


"What the hell are you looking at, redhead? Find anything on my face that appeals to ya?"

Observing the crimson woman evaluating her with red eyes, a playful grin dances across her sun-kissed features. Compared to the intensity of her gaze, her playful sapphires were far more relaxed. Nonchalantly approaching the woman closer, Amaranta dismissively waved her hand to dispel any worry. Nothing in her posture emanated a desire to fight, but there were always those who fought her anyway, regardless of intention and physical confirmation. What would this redhead be like? Much of the same? Or someone would actually listen with their ears and see with their eyes? One presents combat, the other presents conversation. What choice was she going to go with?

"Don't worry. I don't intend on causing any trouble for anyone here."


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Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:40 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  LOkZBS2
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

"...And I'm supposed to believe you?" She asked, her expression unchanging.

Though, she didn't leave a hint that she might attack, simply gauging the Arrancar. She's not like the people in the town who'd praise someone because they took the time to kill a bunch of rabid animals. For all she knows, it was simply sport for the Arrancar.

Maybe she'll turn her attention towards the people now. Maybe she'll ask for compensation beyond humane means. It's wrong to think that way, but Ryo's not in the mood for being stabbed in the back.


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Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:42 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  MPftNxw


"Whether you believe me or not is a you problem, redhead. Ain't my style to explain myself, either."

There was little use explaining herself here. After all, those with a "profound" sense of justice would oft strike, regardless of answers and physical proof. It therefore stood to reason that this crimson-haired swordswoman might not be all that different. Nothing in her stance spoke to attacking or harming anyone. Nothing in her aura exuded an intent to incite chaos in her current surroundings. The stranger standing before her can take her at her word or fight her. Either option was welcomed, truth be told. Altruism never was her strong suit.


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Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:18 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  LOkZBS2
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

"It can be an us problem if you want it to be," Ryo shot back, her deadpan expression seemingly worsening, but after a few seconds, she sighed and closed her eyes.

She took another deep breath and opened her eyes, the edge they had earlier toned down by a small degree. She stopped gripping her sword so hard and let it slip down from her grip, its bloody sheen cascading to the ground as the weapon dematerialized.

"I've had too many of your kind take advantage of me."

Yet she still lowers her guard and gives this one the benefit of the doubt. Despite knowing she could die from her actions, she still couldn't help but pray that this one isn't going to take advantage of her reasonable guise. Hopefully, her guarded stance wards off any attempt to actually start something. She doesn't read as prey after all.

"But, I'm guessing you're the reason the others were scampering."


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Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:49 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  MPftNxw


"Oho? Can it now? Someone's got a little spunk to her. I like it."

Delivering those words with her characteristic brashness, Amaranta observed the woman as she let her guard down down, her sword dematerializing in a flourish of crimson. Currently, there was no reason to take advantage of anyone or anything here - let alone this crimson-haired swordswoman with a stoic expression. Confirming her presence here as welcoming, Amaranta marched further upward as she regarded the crimson woman with curious sapphires. What was she exactly? A defender of this town? A traveling hero of justice?

"Exactly that, yeah. Hollows love gravitating toward a nice source of spiritual energy they think they can take advantage of and devour, but the moment you show those bastards you know how to fight? They go running off like a pack of hyenas. Anyway, name's Amaranta. What's your name, redhead?"


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Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:50 am
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  LOkZBS2
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

She hummed, folding her arms over her chest. Closing her eyes, she tilted her weight to her left, slowly rocking her head side to side. She may not be entirely sure if she should trust this Arrancar, but she's wasting time being indecisive. She did come here for a reason after all.

"The name's Ryo," She started, opening her eyes. "If you're not here to cause any trouble, than I'm going to go get something to eat."

Yep. Ryo's here for something to eat and to restock her supply. The Hollow are just nuances that are around every now and then. If she doesn't have to worry about anything happening thanks to the woman across from her, than that's that.

Dropping her arms, she started walking towards the town's entrance.


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Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:42 pm
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  MPftNxw


"Where's a good place to grab a bite to eat?"

Voicing that curious thought to the woman ahead, following along, the bronze woman cut her travel time in half with a simple flash of Sonido to accompany her stride. Entering the town was her intended course of action until the redhead went into defender mode, so it wasn't as if she was following her out of any profound desire. Even so, she was quite entertaining so far. The only source of entertainment currently in a quiet place like this, truth be told. She won't impede on her time, but she is curious if this woman is a resident of the current location or merely a passerby like herself.

"Where are you from, anyway, Ryo? Resident to this place or a passerby like yours truly?"

Questions to pass the time. Idle chit-chat to learn more about the crimson-haired lady navigating the town for a meal.


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Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:56 pm
What's New Pussycat?[Amaranta, Ryo ]  LOkZBS2
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Ryo doesn't remember inviting Amaranta to lunch, but with the Arrancar's earlier behavior, it only made sense that the woman would intrude like this. Much to Ryo's dismay, being snippy probably wouldn't get her the peace and quiet she'd rather have, so that means being nice for now. At least then she'll not have to worry about any annoying back and forth or arguing.

"Don't worry about where I'm from, but I'm just passing by."

It probably wasn't stated before because it wasn't important, but Ryo does have a backpack on. For a traveler, some might think it a bit small, but it's actually perfect. It's unassuming nature helps with keeping people disinterested, and no one's clued in on the capabilities of a Fullbringer to know her secrets around it.

"What do you want to eat?"

At least, while they're here, she oughta make sure they go someplace that's actually nice. Ryo's used to walking aimlessly until something looks good, but when with others, she usually tries to accommodate their tastes. Besides, as her eyes bounced here and there, if she's not going to be too open to answering questions, a good atmosphere should cover up her unfriendliness.


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