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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Wed May 22, 2024 11:19 pm
Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Kasha-makeup
Koizumi Kasha

It had been going on for a while now. This state of alert, the longer that someone remained in this state meant it had greater strain on the system. The same could be applied to an organisation. He didn't work well with others though and had no interest in changing his division to the sixth division to entertain this venture. As far as Kasha was concerned this was just him fulfilling the role of an eighth division member; support the other divisions.

So he had made an appointment with the First Division with the request for a sanctioned independent investigation into the current state of the realm. He had filled out as much as he needed but in his fashion he told only that, withholding details, reasons, and other information related to his train of thought. He was an enigma in appearance and he wouldn't let how his mind worked be transparent either. It's how he remained ahead of others for so much of life and had become a defence mechanism.

He took the time to learn the people that would be evaluating his proposal though. Murasaki was related to him in some capacity but she was estranged, he should not consider her for any special favours but she was neutral in her attitude towards the Koizumi. He doubted he would encounter her or the prickly vice-captain though - an unseated shinigami didn't command that much attention.

Therefore he focused on the division members below them. Igen would be a fortunate pick due to their mutual relationship with Kyo and the alternative of Kei was one he had nothing but rumours to go off. Apparently she favoured the feminine qualities which suited him fine. With his choice of aesthetic and focus on make-up, there was no small amount of shinigami that still wondered whether he was a man or a woman. Apparently some of the eighth division members started gambling on it.

The short of it was, he would play to her weakness if he had to so that he could get what he wanted.

Flowing Flame-like Bird | END POST

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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Wed May 22, 2024 11:55 pm


Kei might be gay, flashy with her Kidō, and fashionable, but she was not flamboyant. There was a time and place for standing out just as there was a time and place for the droll and tedious. Today, it was the latter. It was the kind of day to handle things like requisition requests, inter-divisional complaints, and requests to see the Captain or Vice-Captain. It was a light day today, and the most interesting thing was an appointment from an unseated member of the... Kei looked back down at the note to remember the division. Right. Eighth.

Kei didn't necessarily dislike this duty as a 3rd Seat. She was kind-of the last stop before issues got serious and that kind of leverage was nice. Being able to go "Are you sure you want me to get Vice-Captain Masamune involved? Are you sure it's important enough?" was enough to get most things handled on her own level. What was different from most other requests was the subject matter. It was stepping on the toes of the 6th Division some. It might wrinkle some feathers—possibly even her brother's. But she had a duty to uphold that went before such personal trifles such as a bruised ego.

What Kei didn't like about these meetings was when the requestor was purposefully obtuse or tried to conceal information. If this "Kasha" person had filled out a bit more, Kei might have even been able to rubber-stamp this without even having to arrange an appointment. Ah well. It'd just be another person to meet, and Kei had at least heard that Kasha was attractive—though many would add "unconventionally." It did pique her curiosity if nothing else...

Kei noticed the time and proceeded to open the sliding door to her cramped office—it was big enough for her chair, a two-drawer desk, two small chairs (though it'd be a snug fit for two to actually get in), a filing cabinet, and a potted peace lily. She pulled out the minimally-filled-out paperwork for a last-minute glance through. After getting mostly through it, Kasha arrived almost exactly on time.

Kei's first thought was that the rumors were true. Kasha was attractive. Unfortunately not as well-endowed as Kei enjoyed but that was about the only downside she saw. She smiled, and gestured for her guest to sit. "Kei Saionji, provisional third seat and first daughter of the Saionji family. I presume you're my appointment this morning, Ms. Kasha?" Kei wasn't one to wait long before jumping into the meat of the conversation. "So you wish to conduct an independent investigation... but on the paperwork, you didn't specify on what. Can you elaborate on what you wish to investigate?"

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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Thu May 23, 2024 12:33 am
Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Kasha-makeup
Koizumi Kasha

"I am."

He responded, using a more feminine way of referring to himself in the process. She established it, not him, he would just follow along with what she had set-up. He had left that part out, hadn't he? Well, all in good fun, and Kasha felt more confident in his ability to persuade someone face to face than conveying it over paperwork. There was a benefit to having some things left off paper as well but that was another matter entirely.

"Yes. I am a member of the eighth division and it is our responsibility to support the other divisions in their respective duties. The situation in the Soul Society seems quite dire of late, we are currently undergoing a lockdown in wake of a bombing, the situation in Africa has taken a lot of resources, and recent murders are further testing our capabilities."

Setting the scene, Kasha began to fill in the outline that he had painted for her with what she wanted to hear.

"Therefore, I would like to assist by conducting my own investigation into the matter of the bombing. Being sanctioned by the First would do a lot to assist me with information in that regard. Such as access to records and information across multiple divisions rather than inconveniencing the Sixth for this, in light of the current situation and the stepping down of their vice-captain."

The argument was considerate, compassionate even, but it was selfishly motivated. The sixth division didn't have the resources that he wanted. If they did he would've utilised his connection to Shishiyuki and her relationship to the former vice-captain of the division for it. They did not have the means to let him peek into other divisions' business, not like the one that oversaw all other divisions.

"I should clarify that I do not promise the answer that everyone is seeking but I spent time in the fifth division before I took up my position in the eighth division. I focused on forensic analysis and investigative work during my time there. So, the aim is to assess and eliminate leads that have no substance and allow for a more focused investigation."

He made sure to tie it back to his position in the eighth division. The purpose was to fulfil the supportive role of his division rather than take the reigns of the situation.

Flowing Flame-like Bird | END POST

Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Gamma_Signature
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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Thu May 23, 2024 11:08 am


Kei nodded along as Kasha explained why he should be allowed such authority. It felt a bit boilerplate-y, but to be fair, so did the authorization letter. It seemed a little impersonal—almost as if someone else might have been requesting this and using Kasha as a means to get the authorization. And yet something in Kasha's reasoning caught her attention. "Pre-United Fifth or United Fifth?" That was Kei's first question.

It was an inconsequential question to most. But Kei didn't necessarily trust the covert operations branch of the Gotei. She barely tolerated the Onmitsukidō back in the day, but she didn't have to deal with them. This branch was nothing more than the arm that did the dirty work the Gotei was too proud to do out in the open. She'd be more willing to bet on the 5th planting evidence than finding it.

"You do seem to have some qualifications to undertake such an investigation..." Kei leaned back and stared at a spot above Kasha's head. "But I do have a few concerns. First is your authority. If you were a seated member, I don't think it'd be much of an issue, but the other Divisions may not take kindly to an unseated officer poking around. I presume that's the main reason you're wanting First Division authorization. And also..." Kei focused her attention back on Kasha. "What answer are you promising?"

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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Thu May 30, 2024 9:46 am
Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Kasha-makeup
Koizumi Kasha

"The current fifth but the environment didn't suit me, so I changed."

It wasn't important but he would satisfy her curiosity. A happy superior was more likely to give him what he wanted than a malcontent one. Nevertheless she wanted to know what exactly he was promising so he would give it an apt breakdown for her.

"You're correct. The divisions enjoy a deal of agency but it can make it difficult when they have different duties to collaborate effectively which is where I intend to serve as that thread. As for the fruit of my work, let's say you have three large haystacks and one of them has the needle - the needle being your culprit. It is a lot to search every haystack. The accuracy becomes less effective the more the task drags out as well so you may need to keep searching every haystack. What if you could eliminate one or two of those haystacks though? Then you wouldn't need to search them. Closer to the answer and allow for a better use of resources."

Kasha kept it simple for her. The analogy could be drawn out longer so that he explained breaking that remaining haystack into multiple smaller ones and then repeating the process until eventually the needle was found but she should understand the logic behind it.

"My answer is the haystack that we should be looking in."

He already had some theories and narrowed down some of his suspects but accusations had no merit without any evidence to support them. Grown as he was, there was still a hint of boyishness that liked games. Shogi was a pleasant game but while everyone saw this situation, Kasha saw a board for Taikyoku Shogi laid out before him.

Flowing Flame-like Bird | END POST

Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Gamma_Signature
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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:18 am


Kei felt people who were roundabout were, in some ways, a relief. J was a blunt, if naive, instrument. He'd say the quiet part out loud and then ask "Did I say something wrong?" when she gave him a horrified look. On the other hand, she didn't like people being too abstract when they wanted something. Kasha was lucky he wasn't one of those or Kei would approve him for farm duty with all this talk of haystacks.

Kei made a thinking noise. Kasha made a good argument, and Kei couldn't argue against his qualifications... And yet Kei couldn't shake the feeling of being played. That might be her own paranoia slipping in though. She had been around J a lot. "That would allow our more qualified individuals to redouble their efforts. I'll need to assign someone to be your liaison with the Sixth—someone more qualified on investigative matters than I am to check your work before it's turned in, as well as to provide assistance with Sixth Division resources if need be. And, frankly, they'd be there to smooth things over with them having to share the investigative spotlight. That Division can be a bit wound-up." Kei found the rolodex that had the seated officers of the Sixth listed while she awaited any rebuttals from Kasha.

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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:13 pm
Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Kasha-makeup
Koizumi Kasha

"I couldn't agree more, ma'am. The Sixth Division has some very distinguished seated officers, I was thinking of Fourth Seat Saionji myself, but Hinamori has quite a reputation for investigative work. What do you think?"

While it could be assumed to be a devilish jab at Kei by insinuating the obvious choice of her brother, Kasha also made sure that he specifically isolated two of the more attractive men that served in the division to throw off whether it was a playful jab or "she" just picked the pretty ones.

It made no difference to Kasha who he worked with, though if the vice-captain had not stepped down it would be all too easy to use Shishiyuki's relationship to his advantage, but it was not to be. The ideal option he saw among the seated officers was Zendan as a partner, but he just couldn't imagine Kei recommending her.

"However, all that aside, it is not the sixth division that I must begin at. It's the seventh but they would certainly be next. The first haystack is to determine whether the attack was initiated externally or internally."

He said with a cute girlish giggle like "she" was very attached to her haystack analogy. No harm in trying to be charming, right? Especially if it loosened her up a bit and gave him more freedom.

Flowing Flame-like Bird | END POST

Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Gamma_Signature
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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:50 pm


Kei couldn't help but to hear the praise for her brother. Good. Other people needed to know how great he was. If J had not told her about his date, she might have tried to set the two of them up. J seemed to want delicate, and that was at least the facade Kasha had fooled Kei with. However, Toki Hinamori was someone worth considering as well. Many of the younger women who didn't know about the incident a century ago had commented on how good he looked.

And yet Kei had trouble separating son from father. She may not have been involved in that conflict directly, but she had lost more than one friend in the chaos that resulted from that. It was just good that Kei only had to consider him in a professional sense. He had too much in one department and not enough in another for her tastes.

Kasha's switch to what would have been her next question was needed. Kei didn't like digging up her own old memories. She made another thinking noise. She had made her decision on at least one more part of this now. "I hadn't considered the possibility of it being internal..." Kei sighed, then giggled herself. "But that's why I'm here and not the Sixth, right?" That and the fact that this Division has a higher ratio of cuties. "By focusing on the internal angle, you'd be subject to people getting their pride hurt. If you make people even think that you're accusing them of harming one of their own, it might push them into being defensive. I presume you can handle that?" Kei pulled out an inkpen as she asked that question. She was getting ready to deny or approve the request. It all depended on the question that'd be asked next...

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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:46 am
Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Kasha-makeup
Koizumi Kasha

"Naturally, but I'm sure that the current state of alert and lockdown is ruffling more feathers than some inquiries. I will endeavour to be discreet with that in mind though if it please."

Kasha asserted with a gesture of his hands to emphasise his sincerity. Actions spoke louder than words, no? Regardless, he was not a fool, discretion was always going to be in play for this little investigation of the situation. It was in his nature despite what the flamboyant actions said otherwise, a hypocrite every which way.

But she had not signed her approval and it did not go unnoticed from his peripheral sight. They were not done here and his guard remained up. It could either be a very serious question, or maybe it could be something trivial. Kasha did know the woman's reputation but he didn't think too hard about the impression his looks might give off.

Flowing Flame-like Bird | END POST

Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Gamma_Signature
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Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei] Empty Re: Tedious Obstacles [Kasha, Kei]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:03 pm


Kasha seemed to have all his ducks in a row. This investigation, if it proved fruitful, would save much-needed time. The Sixth Division had resources, but there was only so much its resources could do in a day. She had seen J come home with bags under his eyes—something she never thought she'd witness. She just needed Kasha to answer a question that had been building from the start.

"And lastly... Are you prepared for the consequences of failure? If you are allowed to perform this investigation, and you come to the wrong conclusion, and action is taken as a result—are you ready to shoulder such responsibility?" There were wrong answers and there were right answers. But there was only one answer Kei was looking for. From the little she gathered of Kasha in their conversation, she thought she knew his answer. Time to prove her right.

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