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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:54 pm

All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Bleach_Sig___Renji_Abarai_by_Rosicrucian

The Baboon King

"I am really a tramp down to my bones. I hate myself. I bark at the moon, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it."


Renji grinned as he saw what Poliro did before the baboon king's head even touched him. His bankai flung upward as it realizes that it missed and starts to slither back toward Renji's side where Poliro appeared. Poliro has gotten strong, there was no doubt about that. Soon enough, Poliro might even surpass him in a great degree which is what Renji wouldn't allow. He decided that he would get stronger now, he's going to get through this bullshit and become one of the strongest there is. Poliro was getting closer to Ichigo, and that is something that Renji would NEVER allow! Renji was going to be the first one to surpass Ichigo soon so that they can fight equally.

When he saw what Poliro did; his bankai, Renji narrowed his eyes in seriousness. His bankai's head slowed down until it started to swirl around Renji for his ultimate defense where as Radioactive's punch would probably do nothing to. Even if the giant managed to crack it, it would be back into formation in an instant. One segment of the snake was lifted up so that Renji can see through what's going on outside. A dark blue fire ring surrounded them and it was like they're in such a demonic place. The heat still managed to get through Zabimaru's defense making him constantly sweat.

It looked as if Poliro was in the air suddenly then smashed down onto his defense. The bankai segments were pushed down a bit but didn't really crack, just on the verge of separating the segments. Renji had to shunpo around a lot even with his defense as the volcanic eruptions sprouted almost everywhere within the ring. Every two seconds, Renji got burned on one side of his body. He had a major burn on his left leg just now. But that wasn't going to stop him from moving around.

He knelt down at last as the burns were pretty severe. But, none of them got on his face. At least he was pretty protective of his dear face. His outfit was tattered and burnt like a fry. He looked up where he heard a buzz from Poliro about to fire a barrage of fireballs. He wrapped himself up in his bankai as fast as he can, one of the fireballs managed to infiltrate the defense due to the slowness of the wrapping. It exploded from within causing Renji's left arm to be immobile.

'Guess I have to use that, huh?'

The barrage was over after a short while and it looked as if Poliro stopped attacking. Renji barely stood up then chanted with his lips.


He said that as lowly and calmly as possible. The place was wrapped up in gushing winds once again like his bankai release and as the wind faded, three baboon heads were there along with three new bodies connected with one special segment that Renji was holding to control them. Before Poliro could do anything, Renji swung them down separately with his reiatsu divided between them. Two of the heads slithered while passing through the sides of Poliro so that he has no where to go on the sides. The two heads tilts their head toward Poliro as they charge up a red blast inside their mouth.

The third one just goes straight toward Poliro with its mouth open while charging up a red reiatsu blast. It shot out a concentrated Hikotsu Taiho first then the other two continued on with a Hihi-jetto Danmaku. It started to shoot out hundreds of bala equivalent concentrated red blasts. When these red blasts come in contact with a solid object, it'll explode in a large circular motion. One of the snake was shooting upward as well so that he doesn't jump to dodge them.



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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:12 am
Poliro Tensol

Poliro smirked and saw what Renjis injuries were. He knew he had hit him directly a few times, I mean who would be able to dodge all of those attacks? Not many people would be able to a Although he felt if it wasn't for his Bankais near enough absolute defense, he would of won the fight there and then. But its no fun without a bit of challenge, now is it? But a problem was on its way, the next attack Renji did was going to cause a lot of trouble for Poliro. He hadn't even heard of this move before.. what did it do, and how did it work? Poliro had to think fast on ways to counter a move that he hadn't even seen yet, but as soon as 3 snakes came out, Poliro was sort of awe struck. "I didn't know you had this... move. Its impressive.." he calmed down and spoke with that hollowifed voice as every Vizard would in that form. He saw what the snakes were doing, and it seemed pretty impossible to get out off. Was Poliro truly landlocked by the snakes..? He saw the 3rd one was charging Hikotsu Taiho and the other ones were doing a unknown move to him. "Fucks sake.... this is going to be a bitch to avoid.." They all fired. Poliro was simply going to try and dodge the fuck out of every single one.

Poliro began to at his breakneck speeds to dodge Hikotsu Tahio, and now he was rapidly using Sonido all in the sky to dodge the blasts, but then he slipped up in his dodging and let one hit him, it exploded. It hit him in the back. He was blown away but then resumed the Sonido dodging. His back had been burned from the explosion and he coughed a bit of blood up, but he carried on. Then most likely the explosions had to be dodged, so he leaped up high to dodge the explosions. After this attack finished, Poliro suffered some damage. Psychically, his back wasn't in good shape and he was exhuasted from having to sustain the speeds he went at. Also, half of his hollow mask had broken off due to the explosion. The right side of his face was now fully visible, and his right eye could clearly be seen with a red glint in it. "I'm not finished." He used Sonido behind Renji and he was going to go for a stronger attack. "Bakudo 79, Kuyō Shibari." Eight black holes appeared around Renji, emitting reaitsu, in the space around renji. A ninth one appeared in Renjis chest. This would severely immoblize him. "Poliro then walked infront of him. "You may be thinking I might use a big Hado now.. and your going to use Danku to block it, but no.. This won't a high level Hado.

"This is one of the highest." Poliro used Sonido into the air, beginning a Hado. " Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky." Poliro began to summon 9 pink spears of light as he recited this Hado Incantation. "The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired! Hado 91, Senjū Kōten Taihō!"

And all the spears of light fired at the Renji trapped in the Kido. This was strong enough to break Danku and the likes. Upon reaching Renji this would cause a overwhelming sized explosion, causing the area to really be destroyed, and a crater in the area of the ring of flame, most likely. Poliro even had to sonido away from the force. He reached a area far away from his ring of flame, which roared on regardless. He crouched to one knee to regain his breath.. and his hollow mask fully crumbled after that. The ring went orange again as Poliros hollow powers went away for the time being. "Urgh... Will Renji come for more!?" Poliro wouldn't be able to really use another Kido like that again for the rest of the fight.

And thats why you don't fear the Flame Reapers shadow, but his presence.
神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:04 pm

All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Bleach_Sig___Renji_Abarai_by_Rosicrucian

The Baboon King

"I am really a tramp down to my bones. I hate myself. I bark at the moon, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it."


Renji grinned widely revealing his fangs from teeth. They weren't necessarily what you would call fangs such as those that come from the stereotypical vampires and werewolves, but they did resemble them. He was grinning for only one reason; the fact that at least one of bolts have got onto him during his air maneuver. Poliro was a fast one, especially in his bankai. He was so fast that Renji would barely be able to keep up with him with just his eye movements. Even if he used his good reiatsu sensory, finding Poliro in an exact spot would be one of the toughest things to do in this spot.

Right now, Renji had used the strategy that he came up with about two hundred years ago when he developed this technique. It was a good tactic planning combined with the intelligence of the records hidden inside the knowledge based in the Onmitsukido. It was a strategy based on immobilization to limit his repositioning and attack him with a concentrated devastating attack that people would find hard to dodge. He was proud of this technique, and he was glad that at least a fraction of it has worked on Poliro considering he's one of the fastest captains around the Gotei 13; not Renji, just Poliro. Renji wasn't necessarily bad at Shunpo as he relies on it a lot due to his zanpakuto drawbacks which is why he got good at it to be considered mastered in that technique. Combining the huge strength with his zanpakuto maneuvering along with hoho and some kido tastes in it, he could create the best attack strategy if he wanted.

Now, this was sort of getting out of control. Poliro got hurt and his back was severely burnt by one of the blasts. It caused an explosion huge enough to be noticeable by nearby people. Slowly, people started to gather up behind Poliro's fire circle. They were spectating this match! Some of them were easily known as shinigamis and the rest were some other nobility who lives in Sereitei. Luckily, they were behind the shinigamis so the chance of them getting hurt was very low even with the devastating attack that Poliro was planning to do.

Poliro has appeared at the back of Renji and in surprise, he swung down a returning snake head toward him. He was twirling and swinging down his arm a lot causing the snakes to get a bit slower. Poliro has already casted a mid-high level kido to bind Renji's body in these dark glowing aura emitting from parts of his body. He couldn't move! He tried to break free, but it was only restraining down the soul he had left within his body. He was glad that the god of physics was still on his side though. The snake dashed through Poliro who was gone already then lifted its way up to wrap up Renji coming from the kido he was murmuring with the incantation about. It was one of the highest ones that Renji wouldn't even dare cast. With this attack, it's even possible that the whole Gotei 13 can be destroyed.

This wrapped up Renji would get protected by the snake but barely. The other two snake heads outside of it would still be at their place. Renji couldn't move so he wasn't able to even move the other two snake heads too much. A voice rang through his head;

'Oi! Renji! Are you going to stay there like a pathetic moron watching yourself get killed by this kido?! C'mon, Renji! We're here for you! We'll supply you with most of our own reiatsu!"

That voice... was similar; it was Chimpette!

'Yeah, you idiot! We're here for you! All the way to the end! Giving you most of our reiatsu will be risky for you and the state we are in right now. It's gonna be a either live or die situation! Right?!

That voice... was Snakey! The kid part of the zanpakuto! He had only realized that he wasn't in this fight alone. He had them with him! He was so stupid until all of this time!

'We'll risk it all then, Zabimaru! We'll rule this battle like a King!'

Renji said back in his mind even with the black reiatsu covering his movements.


Chimpette and Snakey yelled out; or should we say... Zabimaru as one?



And then, he decided to risk all of it. His reishi within his body started to get consumed smaller and he broke out of the black kido. He was panting like a crazy man who had been running for over millions of years through space possibly because he almost risked a life for this. He curled up his hand tight on the grip of his zanpakuto. And moved it to the right then to the left, upward then downward causing the two other snake heads outside to tilt their heads toward Poliro who had just finished his incantation. Without hesitation, the two head blasted a Hikotsu Taiho toward Poliro in a huge accuracy while Renji still covered himself with his one snake head. These blasts went through the kido blast that Poliro has casted so seeing through them wouldn't be easy as it seems.

However, the Hikotsu Taiho this time were 1/2 weaker than the actual one. With the help of two, it will only cause the damage that one normal Hikotsu Taiho would do. Even that alone would be able to severely get Poliro into a fatal state if done right and hit directly onto the body. Renji was exhausted, his reiatsu was almost diminished. If Poliro survived that blast without a scratch. It would be over...

The Hado ninety-one caught Renji's position and exploded in a huge radius. Parts of his defense was getting chipped off from the beginning until it actually just managed to break it into pieces. Renji yelled as the pain had got to him for few seconds. He got onto his knees as the broken Zabimaru started to fix its state again. By the time he got up, the Hikotsu Taiho must've reached Poliro's range by now. Renji got up with his willpower then swung his snake downward then jumped on it to used it for his fast movement.

If Poliro managed to dodge the two blasts or ended up with a snitch on his body, the snake head that Renji was on would be dashing right toward him with its hair glowing. Then hair started to shoot out thousands of needles charged with reiatsu each second. They were strong as an average captain-level quincy arrow. And that would've been fatal as well equal to his Hikotsu Taiho.


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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:01 am
Poliro Tensol

Poliro wasn't exactly in the best of states. His b ack was quite burned, but due to his natural fire resistance, he was able to take it. As he came down after using Hado 91, he took a lot of deep breaths, as he, as stated lost his hollow mask, so right now Poliro was at 50% of his total power. During the Explosion, he still felt Renjis reaitsu, and he thought to himself one thing. "Here he comes..." he raised his fists taking a street figher Ryu stance. Poliro saw the Shinigami gathering as this was a more tremendous battle than the last, by far. Poliro could see the noblity sort of guarding the other Shinigami from the mass explosion of Hado 91. Poliro wasn't expecting a crowd. He felt like he was becoming more and more known through the Seireitei for his powers. This was good, as Poliro was probably becoming one of the strongest captains in the Gotei 13, aswell as probably being one of the fastest in his Bankai stages. Poliro was glad that his hollow mask had disappeared before the crowd came though, due to the fact... he didn't want anyone to know about this.

Poliro then saw the two Hikotsu Taiho coming his way, barely. He antipicated such a attack due to being prepared for it. Right now, Poliros shingami uniform was quite the mess. Some of it was ripped due to the speeds he was at, the back part of it was totally destroyed and burned, and he certainly looked like he had been in a fight. They were rather close to him as he finished the cast, he knew he couldn't move fast enough to dodge it now. He moved as fastly as he could, skimming the edge of it, causing damage to his left arm, and managing to dodge the second. Poliro let out a yelp of pain as his left arm was now quite hurt from that. He wasn't as fast as he was due to the fact he had lost his hollow mask, he wouldn't able to use it again for this fight, and then Poliro saw another snake head coming at him, shouting out thousand of needles. He sighed in exhuastion as he jumped up in the air, then jump down to cause Eruption, shielding him from most of the arrows as the volanic blast upwards caused most of them to melt. After that, he began to run at a fast speed back to the ring, since he was out of it. He managed to avoid most of the needles, but a few got stuck in them, and they hurt. Walking slowly over to Renji after making his way into the ring. "Are you finished... or are you going for more?!" Poliro took a stance again as he awaited the decision..
神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:14 pm

All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Bleach_Sig___Renji_Abarai_by_Rosicrucian

The Baboon King

"I am really a tramp down to my bones. I hate myself. I bark at the moon, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it."


The wind gushing around the area from the explosion. Renji was already far away from the huge recoil the kido casted by Poliro had made in the area. He was on his third snake's head flying toward Poliro at great speed and strength ready to snatch him up as fast as he can. From far away, he was able to sense that Poliro's reaitsu was more calmed down in its behavior. He even noticed that the mask was gone, so that probably will make this fight a lot more easier than it was awhile ago. Poliro's clothes were mostly ripped off from the top and his back was burnt severely from the blast that Renji used few minutes or seconds ago, he wasn't really keeping time right now from the fun he was having at the moment. This was the best fight he has ever done after since the fight with Poliro long ago before this one happened. The Baboon King, never fails.

It looked like Poliro was able to dodge Renji's two other snake head's Hikotsu Taiho but barely as noticed by the skim he took on his left arm. He dashed forward toward the Flame Reaper and before he was able to land an attack with that, Renji jumped off and landed on the flaming circle without hardship. When the needles were thrown at Poliro's direction, the guy managed to jump up and caused the volcanic eruption as he flew downward away from it. He ran back inside the circle but barely since the needles that the snake head shot was pretty present. Although, there wasn't too much needles stuck on Poliro, but they should've still managed to hurt him a bit including the skimming he got on his arm.

"Are you finished... or are you going for more?!"

Renji smiled at his question; of course he was ready for more! He was almost tired out from the fight but there was no where he would get out right now. That was like throwing away his honor. He took a grip on his three snake heads that slithered their way back behind Renji's back. Then, he took a stance that would immediately throw them off when Poliro makes a move.

"Ready as I'll ever be, Poliro! You should know that I'm not leaving until I win this time!"

He was speaking the fact.


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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:14 am
Poliro Tensol

Poliro smirked upon his answer, knowing what this meant. "Well then! I know how to finish this fight..." the ring of fire disappeared and Poliros sealed Zanpakuto came back into his hands, he sheathed it. "A FIST FIGHT! Thats right, no Kido or Zanpakuto or any of that bollocks, just a punch out to finish this fight!" Poliro then took a stance to ready himself for the oncoming fist fight. Poliro gave Renji some time to prepare himself by letting him seal the Zanpakuto and take his own stance. "Right then.. lets finish this off.. only one rule here. Whoever falls to the ground first is the loser of this fight." With that said, the final phase of the battle had begun. It was simply going to be a brawl to the fall. The crowd were kind of awe struck by the powerful captains going at it, and now it was going to prove who was the better man in the arts of Hakuda. Poliro's bankai revolved around fist combat, so he seemed like he would be strong in this area, and Renji was the Squad 2 Captain. It seemed sort of even.

Poliro attempted to make the first attack. He sent a simple jab forward for Renjis stomach, trying to wind him. He then, with his other arm send a hook to his face, simply trying to wear him down. He didn't expect these attacks to really hit him, since he knew he was better than that. Poliro then backed off after this simple combo and waited for Renji to make a attack, keeping his guard up. He was hoping to lure Renji into a reversal which would give Poliro the upper hand. Poliro could feel the twitching pain of all his injuries still, but he was going to press on regardless of his injuries. He was a tough captain to say the least, he wouldn't be beaten so easily. He defeated Renji before when he was weaker... so Poliro thought he'd be able to beat him now. This might be the case for this battle..
神 Glorious Asian
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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:53 pm

All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Bleach_Sig___Renji_Abarai_by_Rosicrucian


"I am really a tramp down to my bones. I hate myself. I bark at the moon, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it."


[ HOWL ]

Renji took a shot of glance at his bankai behind him. The original head was brutally damaged and barely any reiatsu was left to support reconstructing the whole part. The only two lively ones are the two artificial heads created from the original one and they weren't that good in shape compared to the original one.

"Oi, Renji! What are you doing?! Dash in for the fray, moron!"

Renji smirked at Chimpette's request and let out a small snicker. That was when Poliro resealed his zanpakuto, and the squad two captain already determined on what the squad seven captain wanted from this fight in the end. "Chimpette, he seems to want a fist fight." A 'hmph' was let out from Chimpette with a whimper from Snakey. They were still talking so that was good which meant that Zabimaru was still usable. But he took a guess that the guy wanted a fist fight so he simply obliged. The three-headed snake bankai slowly resealed itself into a katana of red hilt with a square shaped guard as Poliro requested a hand-to-hand combat, just what Renji thought he was going to say by his actions and the gesture he made.

He looked at Poliro with a wide grin even though his body was damaged big time, but he doubted that Poliro was undamaged from the whole fighting sequence. "I'm ready, man! Let's blow this place up." He commented.

The battle restarted as a fist fight with Poliro making the first attempt. The British guy managed to take a straight jab at Renji's stomach, which the pineapple head just blocked with his right hand palm. The other arm of Poliro went for a square hit on his face but Renji just caught it then took a sharp grip on it so that the guy won't escape from it that easily. Then, with skills he shifted his legs against the ground and faced the opposite way where Poliro was attempted to be thrown with the help of his arm, with the other one accompanying him as he was lifted. The force of his toss would make him fly a pretty long way to a nearby large boulder unless Poliro managed to get himself out of that situation.

A sharp pain engulfed his stomach but without hesitation, this just caused him some adrenaline and he was running the way Poliro was thrown at. If the guy managed to get out of the fatal throw's situation, Renji would quickly attempt to quickly give him an uppercut on the jaw then spin around to use his other hand's palm and push hard against the man's stomach. The wind was starting to shift as the sun was covered by the cloud. Then, a drop fell on Renji's nose. It was raining.

This battle is going to be a tough one, but Renji was going to win this time. No doubt about that. Actually... he and Zabimaru are going to gain their victories. They are working together, after all.


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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:09 pm
Poliro Tensol

It seems these two had their fight with Zanpakutos and Kido, but there was more to the art of fighting. Hand to hand was also a important one, and Poliro had quite some talent in the arts of Hakuda, having a lot of exprience with his bankai and such. But he was going up against the Squad 2 captain, someone who would be obviously a master in this, but Poliro wasn't going to care much, he was still going to kick Renjis arsehole hard. Poliro's facepalm attack didn't work as his hand was tightly grabbed. He couldn't brake the grip and Poliro felt his body being tossed back. He felt sudden aches in his body. He just felt a bit stiff, probably from over doing it in this battle. He was then tossed towards a nearby large boulder. One thing he was able to do was regain his posture in the air. When he landed against the rock, he was landing feet first. He managed to actally then propel himself off the rock, back at Renji.

He landed infront of him and then was attacked again. He moved back, avoiding the uppercut that Renji threw at him. He then stepped to the side avoiding the palm to the stomach. Poliro was feeling the aches more and more he moved his body. HE didn't want this to last longer. He then used Shunpo after avoiding his attacks to move to his back and launch a double fisted strike to his back, with the force to send him quite some distance and cause some good damage. If this were to fail, Poliro would instead move to Renjis current position and wait for a attack. If Renji attacked him. Poliro would attempt to counter attack and he would make sure it was worth it. Poliro's skills weren't to be underestimated. If Poliro struck him, he'd stand back and keep his stance, knowing Renji wasn't exactly to be fucked with, as Poliro knew at this stage, he'd lose if he made a mistake. This was going to be one hell of a ending..
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All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2) - Page 2 Empty Re: All Over Again (Poliro v Renji R2)

Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:03 pm
Ach'd. Its a shame.... (no)

>why.jpg ~@ Taichou
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Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:44 pm

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