Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:33 pm
Hiroshi looked up to her and said

"Nothing very strong but something that may hold it in place for the moment we need to sever it's head! Just hold on!"

Hiroshi nearly fearful for Meimu but believing in her quickly grabbed his zanpakuto up from the hollows tail and ran up it's body using his pointer and middle finger to create a red seal holding his hands in the same position as he ran up the hollow

"Disintegrate, Black Dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself and burn; tear away your own throat!

He jumped from it's head and turned in air with his front to the Hollow and he pointed both of his hands at the hollow

"Way of binding, #9 Geki!"

Red light rose from the ground engulfed the hollow paralyzing it's movements and keeping it in place though it held for the moment Hiroshi knew that the hollow would soon break from his bakudo and as loud as he could yell it he said

"Meimu now! Sever it's head I believe in you!"

He gripped his Zanpakuto with both hands and began a sprint at the hollow

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Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:41 am
    The girl heard Hiroshi-kun, and just smiled, her blade wavering, as she attempted to hold the beast down, as he ran up the thing. Of course, he was reciting an incantation, and Meimu could barely keep the beast she had pinned. So she knew he'd have to hurry : as she heard the final incantation and saw the red light, her blade moved, as she ran along side the hollow's body, as it thrashed, caught in the Kido. ''I might not make it Hiroshi!'' her voice yelled, as her body was speeding down the way, almost there. Her blade flickered in the light, as her eyes darkened : it was a strange thing, as she spun on her heel, now facing the hollow. But somehow, she hadn't been fast enough : the creature had already broken the kido.

    It seemed that time had begun to slow down suddenly : she could see the cracks and then the break, the hollow focusing on Hiroshi : it's over large paw striking towards him. In a flash, in less then a second, Meimu was moving : she didn't even have to think about it. When in a desperate situation, one's body often moved without one thinking about it : and with a large snap, a cracking sound was heard, as both Meimu and Hiroshi were projected away. However, the two was seperated.

    Meimu's body lay without movement, as there was some blood on both of them : should Hiroshi check, he held no injuries. The very second that the red headed girl had realized that the hollow meant to attack the male, and that she could not cut it's head off, she had sped to his rescue : she was a living shield. With that, the girl had taken the blow, cracking a rib, and sustaining a substantial injury along with it. There were claw marks right under her cleavage, and across her face, deep enough to draw blood. Her body was lying on it's side, as she was shakily breathing, before hissing in pain.

    But she was getting back on her feet, holding her blade. ''I don't have the strength to cut it's head off, Hiroshi : I'll distract you and you do it. Alright?'' she said, giving him a smile. Without waiting for him to answer, she ran back towards the hollow, flailing her sword in the light to reflect it into the creature's eyes, causing a howl, and some thrashing, as Meimu began to distract the thing away from Hiroshi.

    She'd have to apologize after, the girl thought.
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Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:37 pm
Hiroshi laying on his back was in awe, he didn't know what to think. He saw the pain that Meimu was in and saw the blood that was on him which wasn't his considering his lack of pain. He had a mix of emotions he was deeply disappointed in himself, he felt like a failure he felt like he had done nothing. All of a sudden he heard a voice, one that he had heard once before but not once sense then. He tried to listen harder and finally he made out three words which the voice was saying

"Protect and Honor"

Right before Hiroshi obtained his shinigami power's he followed those words to his zanpakuto. Those words burned into his skull as he remembered why he became a shinigami. He remembered his purpose, the reason why he got up everyday and trained as hard as he could. The reason he hated others pain. He was born as a shinigami to protect.

Hiroshi rose to his feet and walked behind Meimu. He picked up Meimu and with his left arm under her knees and his right arm under her shoulders he began to run around the area of the hollow and closer to the Seireitei. He knew she wouldn't come easily but he was going to protect her. With a kind but stern voice as he was carrying Meimu he said

"Meimu, Thank you. You've given me a friend, but now that you've protected me I will protect you!"

Arriving about 20 meters away from the hollow closer to the Seireitei he heard it's roar and it's blood thirst. He then looked down upon Meimu and laid her against a tree.

"I know you wont like this but I beg of you stay here. You have the skills to temporarily heal yourself do so. I will take care of it and then we'll take you to your division."

Hiroshi turned around looked back one more time and then ran as quick as he possibly could at the hollow he arrived with the Hollow staring at him getting ready to charge. He pointed his zanpakuto at the ground, he held it with his left hand and thought to himself

Help me protect everyone now!

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:27 am
    In mid swipe, she dodged it, flipping backwards. Landing she winced, and went down to a knee, as suddenly, it seemed like Hiroshi was finally waking up. Grabbing her and running, the girl felt her face frown, as she was carried about twenty meters away, closer to the Seireitei. His words echoed on her ears, but before she could protest, he was gone. ''Goddammit, stupid male!'' she finally let out, her eyes swirling and shifting, almost darkening, as she just tightened her uniform, keeping her body from falling apart under her very control. There was no way she would sit quietly : if ever that would to happen, she would die first. Protecting life : that's what was precious to her, as she ran right after Hiroshi.

    Seeing him face to face with the hollow, the girl swung her blade, throwing it : if anything, she was decent at distracting, as the creature found itself impaled. ''Hiroshi, you're a dumbass if you think I'm going to sit down and act like the damsel in distress!'' she said, having ran, and taken out her blade, landing right beside him. ''Besides : you're a good guy. So letting you die, alone, is not an option.'' she said, flashing him a wide grin. The girl twirled, and struck with her blade : another slash. It was distracting the hollow : like she was meant to do. ''Whatever you're gonna do Hiroshi, do it now!'' she said, yelling as loud as she could, as she danced away from the hollow. For a barely graduated student, she was doing quite well.

    A hiss of pain brought her to her knees, as once again, the tail caught her : but this time, in the injured rib. Although Meimu was tough, she had survived a lot, and gone through a lot, not even she could help the sudden scream that escaped her, as she landed to the side again, shaking as the pain raced through her body. If anything, maybe that would motivate Hiroshi, as the girl struggled to keep her thoughts together, the hollow screaming out in bloody thirst. It wanted her : it needed to devour her pure, light soul, as a large thump echoed, the creature moving. ''I.. I'm fine Hiroshi! Finish it!'' she said, as she got to her knees, using her blade like a crutch for the moment. she would not fail.. not yet.

    Until this thing was defeated, she would keep fighting.
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Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:21 pm
"Meimu quit being so reckless!"

Hiroshi closed his eyes for a moment and listened for the voice he had heard and then that same voice which he heard the day he became a shinigami appeared and said

"Do you wish protect the people you care for? If so I will give you the power you need only ask."

His eyes opened with clear intent blazing from his eyes. He flipped his zanpakuto with the tip pointing to the ground and the hilt with the engraved cross on the bottom facing up. He released his right hand only holding it with his left hand and in passionate tone he said

"Protect All, Soudai!"

A small blue lit from the engraving on the bottom of Soudai. He took his right hand and slammed his palm onto the flame engulfing all of Soudai from the bottom all the way to the tip of the blade. Hiroshi quickly grabbed it's hilt with his right hand and held it up to his left shoulder and in one slash took it down to his right hip extinguishing the flame showing my shikai!

The hilt of my Shikai was black and circular also a bit thicker with a short blue flame continuously coming from the engraving. The blade became a foot wide and a little over a inch thick and about a half a foot longer. The back of the blade is straight and squared off at the bottom of the back and at the top pointed. The edge of the blade is straight then at the top makes aabrupt angle a few inches before the point and the edge joins at the angle. At the back and to the bottom of the blade there are four holes. The blade is a faint powder blue everywhere except a half an inch from the edge that is where it becomes dark blue which follows the exact curvature of the edge.(similar to the sword in the picture below)

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Hiroshi held Soudai with both of his hands and went head on with the hollow. The hollow let out a loud screach and charged straight at him with all the courage and power he had he held Soudai with his right hand and hit the flame on the bottom of it's hilt causing the dark blue part of Soudai to glow.

Hiroshi charged straight at the monster and jumped straight at the Hollow's head raising Soudai above his head and with both hands came down as hard as he could with his Zanpakuto yelling

"Searing Slash!"

They collided and Hiroshi cut clean through the hollow's head as it's head burned with a blue gleam the hollow was destroyed. Hiroshi landed on the ground and dropped to his knee panting from the use of all of that power he stabbed his zanpakuto into the ground as a turned into blue flame again and reverted into it's sealed state*


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Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:03 pm
    His shout made her smile. Quit being reckless, eh? was her thought. Such an easy thing to judge : she didn't have control of her own body anymore. But she couldn't tell him that : he wouldn't believe her. No one did. Her eyes darkened, as she remembered all the times that people would ask why she did such a thing : no one believed that her body just moved on it's own, that it just shifted and attacked. No one cared to figure out why either : and thus, she was shunned for being clumsy and stupid. That was during the academy, as Meimu was now on her feet, watching Hiroshi. He seemed to have unlocked Shikai : good, she felt proud of him, as he beat the hollow in a decisive hit. It was neat, as the girl waded towards the male, dropping to her knees again, as she leaned onto him.

    ''Hey, Hiroshi, don't die on me, alright?'' she said, laughing slightly as she said it. Those eyes of hers were light once more, as she was shaking, still suffering from the pain. ''You know.. I thought I should.. apologize... sorry.'' she said, her breaths short and wheezing, as the girl slipped off him, falling face first on the ground. Her eyes were blank : the world was so blurred, that Meimu thought maybe she was going to die. Again. This was such a tragic thing : dying twice in so short of a time. A light laugh was stuck in her throat, as the air seemed to freeze, slipping into black. At least, she died protecting Hiroshi : he got stronger too. She was happy : this was a good way to day, at least, she thought so. Meimu wasn't too picky : she was just happy. Her world faded to black, as did her awareness.

    ''Save her Hiroshi.'' spoke the voice, slipping into the air around the two. ''I beg of thee. Save her.''
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Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:53 am
As Meimu fell foward Hiroshi's eye's widened. His grip upon his Zanpakuto immediately released and ever inch that Meimu fell his heart dropped the same. Hiroshi had finally gained someone who he enjoyed and she hurt because of his arrogance and her passion to protect others.

As she landed on the ground he heard this Phantom voice at first for a moment he was bewildered by the happening, but it immediately registered to him what he didn't want to suspect. Meimu was dying.

"Meimu do not die on me! You are not going to die I promise you that I will do whatever is possible to save you!!!"

He was not going to let her die at any cost to him he would save Meimu. He turned Meimu to her back and observed the damage. At every mark ever gash, bruise and claw mark his heart took a beating this was all because he wasn't able to protect her.

Hiroshi Quickly grabbed his Zanpakuto with his right hand and fiercely ripped it from the ground sheathing it right after. He then put his arms under Meimu and lifted her up alike to how he did earlier. With a passion and determination to save Meimu he mustered all the strength left in his body and ran as hard as he could to save her. He knew he was to far away on the outskirts to run through the Seireitei to find some help so he decided to take a direct approach. He gingerly put Meimu over his left shoulder and as he approached the walls of the Seireitei he jumped onto a branch and launched himself into the air onto one of the walls and began to run along them going towards the area which he knew the 4th division barracks to be. He continued to sprint even shunpoing from wall to wall. He knew this would attract attention but he needed to attract more he needed someone to notice him. As he was running he rose his right hand into the air pointing at 10 o clock in front of him. He pointed his pointer and middle finger out into the air and his only thought was

"She will not die"

He concentrated and mustered what strength he could as he continued to run. He may not be able to himself going after this but he would not stop until they were found.

"Hado # 4 Byakurai!

A bolt of blue lightning shot over above the 4th division barracks. He kept his arm up strongly and mustered another one and another and another. Each time the length which the bolt shot got to was decreasing along with his speed. He took Meimu off of his shoulder and held her with his left arm to his chest. He knew what he must do. He gathered his final strength pulling his hand next to his head he concentrated all of it into his fingers and in one loud passionate roar he yelled

" Notice me dammit! Hado # 4 Byakurai!

He let off an amazingly strong bolt of lightning, but as he did he quickly slowed to a stop and with no strength in him he held Meimu to his chest with both arms and lacking the strength to stand he feel backwards with Meimu and landed onto the ground cushioning her impact.

Just as he was fading he tried using all of his will power to rise and to bring Meimu to safety but as he reached out to the ground all he could do was scrape the dirt up. As his eye's began to close he heard the faintest sound that became louder as a short time went by. The last glimpse he had before he became unconscious was a group of shinigami was green sashes across their chests. He looked down at Meimu and as he right before he went unconscious he mustered the words

"Thank... you Meimu....

Hiroshi then slipped into unconsciousness

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Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:29 am
    Unconsciousness was such a strange thing : time drifting in it was odd, if anything, as Meimu let out a faint smile, at least she thought so. She was warm : she felt safe, and happy. Was this what true death was like? She couldn't remember so much, her memories scattered to the winds : probably never to be recovered, as her fingers curled into the white sheet, gripping. It was unconscious, as her body was reacting, the thoughts speeding across her head in a flurry, as with a jolt, her body jerked up, that red and silver hair flying as she did so. Her squad members backed up, as they saw something they weren't sure of : Meimu's gaze was deadly, and then her eyes closed, as they opened, a light questioning sigh from her. ''Where's Hiroshi, the guy that brought me here?'' she said, asked of them. The girl had to check something, as she slipped out of the bed, wincing and almost falling. She could hear their murmurs.

    ''Where is he.'' she said, her voice full of force, sudden and brutal strength in her posture. They scattered like flies, and the one supporting her helped her to the male's room. He was still out of it, but relatively fine. With a snatch, the girl grabbed his chart, reading over, and asking for clarification on things she did not understand. With a nod, the girl let go of her support, and hobbled to the male, before sitting on a chair, leaning on the bed. And classically, she fell asleep as such, probably just as he was to wake. But to be honest, just going from one place to the other had been exhausting : but her fingers had been left just above his hand, almost as if assuring herself that he was there, and wasn't gone. It was a comforting gesture to both of them : to he that may be struggling with the pain, and she that struggled watching it. In the end, the girl was quite peaceful, letting a nap snooze her away, as she felt relatively safe.

    He was a friend, no longer a stranger : that classification fell like marbles, as she sighed gently in her sleep.
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Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:54 pm
Hiroshi woke from a deep sleep and felt as if his body had been weighted down by cushions with endless weight. He blinked his eyes a few times and tried to understand what situation he was in and like a flood upon a canyon he remembered the fight he fought and what he earned but most importantly and urgently he remembered Meimu. At that moment he quickly rose and yelled with fear and agency in his voice


He quickly looked to his right then as he looked to his left he slapped his hand to his mouth covering it as fast as he possibly could. He smiled as he looked at Meimu and then sat up and his novel from his robe which hung on a chair next to him. It had been beat up but it was in overall good condition on the outside. He finally opened his novel and once he reached the page he left off at the he pulled the page and it ripped while being stuck to the leaf. He squinted his eyed threw his novel out the window laid back down and placed his han on top.of Meimu`s

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:36 am
    Noises should have bothered her, but not really. The girl was rather deep in her sleep, at least for a few more hours : the nurse came bustling in, as the girl groaned, and stirred, finding herself staring at a friend. ''Hiroshi.'' she said, her tone sleepy, but content at the same time. The girl yawned widely, before stretching her form, hearing some of her joints pop, and making a sound between a groan and a sigh. It felt good, as she rubbed her cheeks, and her eyes, before smiling widely at the man before her. The nurse just left the tray of food and tip toed out as, Meimu felt almost shy. ''You okay?'' she said softly, twinges of pain running through her whole body, but she ignored them. After all, what did she care? Better for her to be hurt then for her lovely new actual friend.

    She still wasn't quite sure what to do, but she felt confident that she had no worries, to say the least. The girl just kept smiling, not that it was hard : she felt content, almost happy to keep smi8ling towards her friend. She just wasn't sure where to go from here. Maybe crawl into his bed for more sleep, and slow recovery : or maybe they'd have more conversation. She wasn't sure, but there was just one little hitch in all of it. Not that she cared.

    She was simply content.
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