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Queen Of The Sands
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty When a Rose Withers (open)

Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:05 am
The sun had been shining over soul society for the past hour or two to brighten up everyones day. People got to work quickly where others stayed asleep to catch up on a much needed rest. However, one man out of his entire squad was awake and down the path to his barracks. A long corridor with dirt rows against the walls runs down for a good 100 yards before splitting at the end like a river into the sea. A single man stood there with some dead roses in his hands. He had dark skin with a black afro to match with his green jacket.

"poor things, i suppose i should plant some more to keep the place looking presentable" The man was on his knee shovelling more dead roses from the dirt. Reason was that he loved working on something be it paperwork or gardening. It gave him something to do. His voice was somewhat deep but it had a soft and kind feel to it that wouldnt stab you in the back. After a few minutes, he had pulled up the dead flowers and ran over them with a new set of seeds form a small pouch he was holding. Once he had finished, he sat up against the wall with his legs sprawled out in front of him.

"its a hot day today"
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:25 am
Nickcca was lookign for someone to trian with that know Bankai since he wants to start his sight away cuase he knows how u use his sinkai but he does how to start on his bankai training he tired asking Apirl. She did say yes while drunk but every he said he was ready she was drunk and Nickcca afirad of own health and safety because he knows what his captian like by now when she drunk and trsut went it ant pretty. He remnebered one time he trip over April kocked out body that she boozeing form the night before and hit his head on something and got kocked he still does not know what he was that his head hit into whatever it was it bloody hurts alot. With that his fellow sqaud menbers had curry him to 4th squad they shocked he did not die form it oh well he lreant never to ask his beloved drunk captian for such a task ever agian due what might happen to him.

ge qickly hread someone tlaking and trun his head he look at this person he wondered if this could hlep with his bankai trianing her came up to him and ask i npoiltle way. " Sorry sir you see mstoung eonght have got bankai i wish to Bankai trian i Nickcca 5th seat 9th sqaud."
Queen Of The Sands
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:36 pm
Rola had ignored most of what had just been said because he was very tired in this hot sun. However, he was a man that wanted to help because that is what he did best. Those in need would get the assistance they were after. So Rola stood up and looked at this shinigami.

"Well my new friend, I would be honoured to help out a fellow man with his powers. However, I would like to see your shikai state before I make any final decisions"

Rola had one thing on his mind. A sword can clash a sword and a gun can clash a gun. Could a sword possibly clash with a gun?
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:47 pm
Nickcca noded he more than happy to show him his shinkai even he keept it mostly a strect since he did want to show it untill he had Bankai but it can't not be helped he he stance and start to rise his spirtual pressure little but little. Nickcca need to make sure he had eongth he unlaesh his shinkai without riseing to to level where other sie Puppet could stiwch and but in into the training he pulled out his sorwds and tap the handles together. " Darkamori, Tiger stangle and hung show my enmies no mecry and give the sength to defend those he need it." His blade give a gorlous golw of black and withe the wind started to bolw and all the sudeen the flash of back and withe light apper eongth to blind anymore for a few seconds. As the light fades you his two small blade each one link to one of ying and yang sign that was sepatrted and father down linked by two hunread huge links of metal that make the chian linkng to the blade on each end.

Nickcca this started siwrling them around like a butifull wirlwind it was pefteced move with each siwng he made it full control and dispalne tought his handy work as well with control of moveing of folwing chian useing the natual wind at the same time his spirual pressue. atfer that he qickly and masterfully react the chian then on the yang side he siwrled the chian into the shilded tighting the grap together with spirtual prsusre and the yin side shighten into the shight spare agian useing his spirt pressure to shighten the chians. Nickcca had many more skills to do with this sinkai but there naerly master but not yet he still neeed to understand how his power of sinkai work evne he know full well the weakness when uses thier ture power. "This is eongth sir do want me to show you the ture power of my sinkai to faether you study to seeif think I am ready for bankai or not sir."
Queen Of The Sands
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:49 am

Rola was intrigued at this display. The shikai form was of no surprise to him as he had seen many shikai before this day. However, he was interested in the darker side to this man because that could prove a problem in later training. However, Rola wanted to make sure he lived up to his word.

"ok then my new friend, i would like to test your skills first before I do anything drastic" He looked rather serious about what he was saying as he drew a very small dagger from his jacket. It looked like a combat knife with a kunai ring at the end where he placed his middle finger and span it around. "I am going to attack you all out without releasing just to gauge how well you can fight. Use all your powers at your disposal if you have to. Why use it all? Well to keep yourself from going sour, im gonna hit you with everything I got behind my fist, with as much killing intent as i would to an enemy of soul society. Only then will you realise that fighting isn't a game and you will be that much closer to succeeding."

Rola took a fighting stance with his right leg facing towards his target and his left horizontal to his right. He was in somewhat of a slouched back position with his shoulder covering half of his face. His knife was raised above his head with its edge pointing towards the shinigami.

"Now show me your power. ALL of it, don't hold back"
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:38 am
Nickcca wacth this stance and found qiute odd he said he was going to attack him but he standing there all laid back it this some kind of test so he must hold his graud up and maybe ge be celver and not wait for him. Nickcca tiwsted his chains into a fulll huge round shild and and flash step towrds him going left to rgiht start like a sway movements towards him trying to make him think he just being flashing him he wont take him sisoraly to put his graud down. But as he reach a few feet away from him he jump int othe air and face his shild down he threw himslef down with the chian made shild below him to kocked down Rola's sorwd arm to lower his zanpoktu with wigth of the shild he hopes Rola blade would hit the gound and make hard to move or giveing him no chioce but to let go of his blade. As of if Rola blade will hit the ground with shild and Nickcca on top he wolud attack by going of round house kick for Rolas head giveing Rola olny a spit second between his the shild loweing Rola badle and the kick to doge or react to Nickcca tatics.

Nickcca may seem to act shy and maybe be known as the child of soul reapers but as he see Nickcca seem more cuning and skilled than he makes himslef out to be since he got a spilt persoantily he knew full well that sometime apraince can hlep trun the tides of battle it maybe naive in most apcets when comes to battle most of fomers soul reaper shcool buddy say he great tractian in battle in sorwdman ship and hand to hand skill. But there was riseing his full spirtual pressure like he afiead that other side would come out if rised it to much which is ture even his tablets would not work at spirt power rate if went maxium he need a neddle. Nickcca tought that best way to star the fight then eve nhe dodge wit hhis badles he giveing time and this hlep get to know how fast he is and work his next move in this fight from there he will reach bankai no matter what.
Queen Of The Sands
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:33 am

This guy certainly didn't like losing. The way he attacked without any pause was a baffling sight to behold. However, Rola didn't become a captain for nothing. There are two things he became a master of: Daggers and Guns. As a chain-like weapon slammed down onto his dagger arm, he used the force as a trampoline. He only had a mere cm to do this but he ignored the pain and shot downwards himself as it struck. By slamming it into the ground, he gave enough force for his arm to immediately shoot back upwards with the blade facing downwards. This was to just cancel out any other kind of attack that was incoming and throw Nick back into the air instead of taking a nasty hit to his arm.

So Rola brought the blade up hard and flipped himself around into the air before landing on his feet a few yards behind him. Then, he dashed straight forwards with his back facing his target. His left elbow shot out to slam followed by a swift spin to finish the combo. Rola had learned a decent amount of defensive combat and knew that taking his eye off the opponent could also be a benefit.
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Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:59 pm
Nickcca got kock off blance for one second and went flying int othe air within that he lost his forcous and his shild of chian became lose link of chians agian he girp hard as he can onto the chians so he won,t lose them. He still airborn as Rola start his combo he see comeign he no time to make a shiled agian he going qick that he never tired before he start to swaig the chian around himslef and mummyfiled himslef in the chian. His Zanpukto ture power is if the chians warp around his arm or legs anytihng he pucnhed or kicking anytihng to make five times damgae than his normaly puchies and kick which wolud hurt alot. He came up with a thoery that if he warp his whole body up wit hthe chian he might damage Rola resvuse the blow back to him make hopefully five times damage or the worst case nothing Happens and Nickcca well olny get hurt a little but this olny thoery yet to tested.

Atfer the bolw is made Nickcca would in relase himslef in the chians and then thorw this chian at him to grapple to any part of them then he yank Rola towrd himslef in a high so he hopefully have no time ot react since Nickcca is very strong muslce wise to able to do that. But he will not undermasite him he keep his gruad up as h pull Rolas in as become close eongt he give an dricet punch to the face Nickcca not just a good sorwdman he greati nhand to hand combat. Ever since he was a child a soul reaper shcool he was no good at kiduo since he made sure he make up for something else had to hand combat this mean he still sirprizes his ememine with a good mix of sorwdman ship and hand to hand teqiunces. " Have to amit ot myslef i never battle a captian before imust say you petty dam good if anyhope to be cpatian one day i better step up right Friend."
Queen Of The Sands
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Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:52 pm

At this point, Rola wasn't really paying attention as he was a pretty lazy fighter. As he slammed Nickcca into the air, he quickly realised his fist was now aimed at a massive trap of chains. As quickly as he started, his fist slammed against a number of chains covering his body. This, made Rola jump slightly as he didn't see such a defensive skill coming from this opponent. Quickly, he threw himself back but was caught by chains that threw him into Nickcca before a hefty punch slammed into his face.

After Roal regained his footing, he pushed off Nickcca and slid across the floor rubbing his chin with a now bloody hand. "aah... nice one mate, i may have to step things up a bit" Rola then stood up with a grin on his face and his dagger in hand. The dagger quickly began to shine red then combust into flames. "Burn, Brethendil!"

His dagger exploded into flames all around him before reforming into two handguns in holsters on his knees. Each one had three magazines within holding an infinite number of reitsu charging bullets and combustion gears. Rola grabbed these guns and span his body around before stopping in a cool pose before his target. One hand was over his head where the other was just facing forwards. His right leg was pointed at Nickcca where his left was horizontal to the right.

"Lets see how you handle burning bullets of this speed" Just then, the sound of a match slamming against a bullet sent a small shard of metal covered in flames towards Nickcca. This, was followed by a literal storm of blazing bullets from the rapid firing barrels of his guns.
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When a Rose Withers (open) Empty Re: When a Rose Withers (open)

Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:03 pm
Nickcca face looked shocked as saw the gun fireing at him with bullets on fire it brought back bakc a triamic menory of loseing his eyes as the bullets naer him heuse the time he had to warp his face in chians. As that happen you can see a tiwcth from his body ad his then all the sudden his sipirtual pressure rised to even higher than ever he has been this might a bad sign meaning he might of flip due to panic as some of bullet hit the body make cuts. In cut where set on fgire but ther an effect to it Nickcca body start reacting to start flash steping left and right use his other seinces to feel his way to try to dodge more bullets but the bullet are fast he getting more deeper cuts he got closer to Rola. He was on fire more and more was more a worryign sign cuase he care not of the pian it cuaseing him like he almost inogering aother sign that he might of fliped and lost control.

Now he is close to Rola he ucase the feel where the bullets were comeing from to pin point Rolas place, Nickcca was on fire he un warp his chian that cover his face the look on eye comfiead his other side as out and he wanted to play. " that was nothing I feel in little hot wannna feel Puppets heat right now come it brun ............much." With that he swag his cian to warp around Rola body and then atfer that he warp the other lose end of chians around his arm to let his sinkai's power come to play he will hotrw a punch if it will hit the damge he can inclet doubles so the punch would feel like being hit by a huge trian. " Come on die die die dieeeeeee but no t ofast the fight still younf i wanna play."

He said with a twicth his piupl are small as made his move his needle medince dorp by mistake next to Rola this med was most of tiem liek these when Nickcca flips and attacked with full power it all up t orola now it seem to cilam him down.
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